The Splatter Of Tech Podcast

The tech podcast world is down to just Leo Laporte and TWIT.TV. 100s of tech podcasts done in audio only, have fallen to the side and called it quits. When we were all hoping for a new change in media, a tech Media news outlet like no other media outlet. We have a cry of failure.
it seems we are losing out on Audio podcasts. No more days dredging at work with your headphones on drowning out the world, unless you have to try and re-hip yourself on today’s music.

I’m ready to pay a monthly fee for good quality podcasts.
New media is dead.

if you know of any I mean any podcast that still exists and is worth listening to, please send the link here.

April 2010 In Tech News

That was a very busy month for tech news. Lots of great things came, some not so great but that is almost unnoticeable. Looks like good news for the gaming world all the way around. Bad news for the business phones. Then again, no one really used palm anymore anyway.

Apple Released the IPAD

Steve Jobs Says ” No Adobe

Smart-phone maker Palm For Sale Would have done Motorola some good to buy out.

Hewlett Packard Buys out Palm

Free Android Phones for Adobe Employees

Nvidia, Intel vie for lead role at Apple

AMD Talks To Apple

Nvidia Launches 400 Series cards

Rockstar Games  releases patch 6 for Grand Theft Auto gtaiv

Droid Incredible  Released.

Hackers On Planet Earth (Hope)

New York City July 16-18, 2010.

The Next Hope

Creativity and freedom, the ability to learn what you want to learn and use what you want to use to get what you want to get as you need what you need, Keep h.o.p.e. alive. Be there.
If it was not for someone saying ” hey this needs a a button to make this better” we would have never technically evolved so much.
So it’s groups like this that keep creativity alive. Hope you go.

Android Tablet Rumors

It seems as if people want Android to compete with Apple Ipad Tablet. As if there is this big battle waiting to happen. The problem is, the Ipad is a useless accessory that serves no other purpose than to do and be what Apple wants. That is, for the future to be planned and predetermined. Google makes their hardware and software with rules and laws protecting them to say ” this is what we are selling, this is what you can do with it. It is a Horse bit and Blinders future if you let the product manufacturers tell you what is good, as apposed to produce what you request.
There is no use in that tablet, otherwise people would have bought the many Microsoft tablets through the years. It’s not a question of quality, it’s a question of convenience and capabilities. If it is an E-book reader with app abilities Neat, so is a $200 laptop. I mean if sun glare is not a problem to you, Otherwise a Kendal migt be the better, lighter and cheaper rout.

You must always have the option of a mouse and keyboard. You should not force people to have only one interface option.

My only hope is everyone who makes gadgets, just ignores the Ipad and moves on in computer and telephone direction. That would prevent us from being forced into a touch screen only type of interface. That junk would get old fast. I would hate to write to the Tech News site on a touch screen. After about an hour, my finger tips would get sore. Imagen if it was your job. I actually freak out when people touch my monitor. Imagen if all we had was touchscreen. I would be forced to sit in teh corner chewing on the collar of my shirt staring off into space mumbling “amonia glass cleaners and key action, We used to be able to do what was called ‘over clocking’ and we could tweak our machines and linux was a real, it’s not a myth, it’s not a myth”.
Hopefully we get an Android system that competes with the Ipad, but is nothing like the Ipad at all. That would be our best hope and safest bet.

Apple Ipad Sketch

Well I saw the video of the Apple Ipad Sketching.

I was quite impressed. In fact I was amazed. I was actually thinking about my old psp and how that Ipad totally destroys everything my psp could do. Then I realized I was aiming to low.

Focal Point Device

(pdf about Focal Point)

I realized that Microsoft’s 8 year old operating system is used on a thing called focal point. It is a full blown Windows XP. We have installed Autodesk Autocad, Photoshop, Gimp and even grand theft auto iii on that device. It runs on Tmobile network .

I know it is worthless argument of it’s portability and durability, against apple’s really nice looks. It would seem they are of two separate classifications. Can’t wait for the Android version of the mix of the two :-)

We can be certain the Linux group will put this thing down by the end of the month and have  (most likely) Kubuntu or something on it. Innovation comes when  the Windows freaks to reverse engineer Windows 7 Mobile (if it actually comes out) and seeing them slap that onto one of these Ipads and make something actually useful of it. Strange enough, there are groups who like to put windows on everything, but Microsoft sues them or sends a cease notice as soon as they do it. That is why linux is the better choice .. The pure simple freedom to learn and be creative. Microsoft needs that. Apple needs that. Micorosft most of all. it says ” our software is so strong and versatile it can be installed on anything that can hold an o/s, and it might actually even work.”  for now it’s the linux group doing all the work.

Crazy deal is, no one has wanted the touch tablets. but apple puts out a tablet and the sells are crazy. could be an early adapter thing, could be just for claiming greatness before anyone then in five months when everyone else has one saying ” yeah I bought one, they suck” could just be a hipster thing. I am hoping it is for the techies. the real techies who will break that thing down, format it and see what they can load on it.

Let’s hope the best.. I just hope computers don’t all go touch screen. I want my keyboard … spread sheet would suck after about 300 words, your fingers would hurt.

If anyone has anything cool to show about their Ipad, please post.. I want to see it. The world wants to see it.

Wired – No Such Thing As Cyber SPace

BUZZZZZZZ!! Sorry, You lose! Cyberspace does exist and is alive and well in the IT/IS Realm of professionals …not GEEKS!!

Cyberspace. A metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems. Online systems, for example, create a cyberspace within which people can communicate with one another. Like physical space, cyberspace contains objects  (files, mail messages, graphics, etc.) and different modes of transportation and delivery. Unlike real space, though, exploring cyberspace does not require any physical movement other than pressing keys on a keyboard or moving a mouse; cyberspace is the transportation realm of vital data once it has left physical space on the sending side and has not yet reached physical space on the receiving side of transition destination. Cyberspace relatively speaking is the equivalent of Internet processing ( aka.. Parsing)

Selling Playdom Mobsters Account

Let’s say you have a level 61, this level 61 has a 4,945,412,000 bounty on it’s head and well over 20,000 Energy. It has greater than 100 billion in it’s possession, tons of godfather prizes and playdom prizes. Let’s say you have spent the last two years with that account as your “ace in the hole”. What I mean by ace in the hole is, it’s a small account, but not so small that you have no property you can buy for a fair price. In fact you have tons of choices of land and buildings. Well you have this account just sitting there. You log in daily to return energy, but never really do anything with it. That is of course until you get into trouble in the battlefield.

Once you get cornered, your level 400+ is getting slapped around with two level 100s. You can not retaliate. So you log into the level 61 and hitlist each of the two, ten times straight back to back.  Occasionally you attack them after you hitlist them, this leaves you to collect your bounty and get a kill under your belt. The account has faced many of rivals, there is no mark to show the endless numbers of people hitlisted with this account. Because it is just there to put them on the list

Health 286/286 Cash $165,618,353,979 Favor Points 1
Energy 25,198/20 Cash Flow $491,923,955 Skill Points 0
Stamina 28/28 Bank $23,048,780,000
Level 61
Class Soldato
Mob Size 86
Experience 14352
Experience to Next Level 248
Fights Won 326
Fights Lost 1093
Death 208
Mobsters Whacked 18

There are other accounts that I am not willing to upkeep anymore such as .

Health 184/184 Cash $200,848,661,802 Favor Points 15
Energy 18,284/15 Cash Flow $381,670,835 Skill Points 3
Stamina 39/39 Bank $22,648,039,750
Level 56
Class Mogul
Mob Size 82
Experience 12810
Experience to Next Level 290
Fights Won 155
Fights Lost 489
Death 86
Mobsters Whacked 6


Health 164/164 Cash $94,384,239,215 Favor Points 7
Energy 20,214/12 Cash Flow $246,418,685 Skill Points 0
Stamina 32/32 Bank $21,474,160,713
Level 44
Class Mogul
Mob Size 81
Experience 9228
Experience to Next Level 272
Fights Won 159
Fights Lost 739
Death 257
Mobsters Whacked 7

My little demon in the making

Health 100/100 Cash $30,404,761,600 Favor Points 9
Energy 1,185/10 Cash Flow $196,469,100 Skill Points 0
Stamina 9/9 Bank $4,071,979,366
Level 5
Class Renegade
Mob Size 4
Experience 94
Experience to Next Level 6
Fights Won 3
Fights Lost 25
Death 4
Mobsters Whacked 0

If I let go of something like these accounts, I would have to just say take the whole bunch for $300. I would be crippled without one.

These accounts are purely 100% legit. I never used a bot, I never used any kind of cheat other than an occasional trip to sumob so I could buy land on the property calculator.

Not sure what I would do with my level 400+

That one of course would go for no less than $200 it’s self.

I am not so sure I actually want to sell them. I have never had an offer. Nor am I requesting an offer. Simple truth I don’t know if playdom or myspace allow that kind of stuff. I would consider it if someone could show me that it is legal and probably placed an offer.

I dunno maybe this is just a rant of being tired of keeping up with the accounts.