What is Traitorware? | Electronic Frontier Foundation


Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the bread stuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.

Andrew Jackson


Mac Shuns More Flash

Apple Bans Flash Compilers?
I know this is about APPS. but what backlash can it cause?… well you see it goes like this……..

So Apple takes another stab at adobe. I myself hate the pdf reader. Other than that. I am ok with Adobe. Question is, what will Apple do next ? Drop the partnership with photoshop? Will they upset adobe enough that adobe decides to forget apple exists all together? If that happens then apple will have to do something that would make mac users cringe. Insert an opensource software…! YIKES!!! Completely unheard of.  Just kidding with the sarcasm. Mac has bought many opensource and Linux patents. Linux users say it keeps Linux alive. I think it limits Linux software and makes developers have to start over.

So, Let’s cross our fingers and hope mac goes corel.

Will this kill youtube? or will youtube and other flash sites (or lack of) be the reason people stop buying mac products? I am certain there are more users of youtube than there are of mac users.

AMD New Six Core CPU

Ok, dur. This thing will go from it’s normal everyday regular processes to run another process that is self focused? are you kidding me? why add more work to your work horse? are they that dang impressed by dodges Himi that drops from 8 Cylinders down to six when in highway gear?? IT’S NOT THE SAME THING!!!!!! STOP IT . AMD has been on a downward spiral for a couple years. Now they have put the nail in the coffin. They really should have left it at six cores and then release the information that you yourself can adjust it closer to what they state on Zdnet. I mean AMD has always be the DIY processor anyway…. Right? Well they need to give the users what they want.. and for that matter, Nvidia freaks….. bring coolbits back! (I know AMD and ATI yadda yadda it’s my post let me vent)

IBM breaks OSS patent promise


Free and Open Source Software doesn’t mean you can trap and walk through the Casablanca Lily’s and Petunias at the local park! Just like IBM said “claiming that the antitrust motion is unfounded and that a software emulation business is just like selling cheap knock-offs of brand-name clothing.”
Come out with a free clothing line called Polo-Z with a pixelated Polo horse and see how fast Ralph Lauren hits you with a law suit without a letter with out the nine pages of world recognized registered patents! Just because software isn’t quite exactly a manufactured tangible product doesn’t mean its not an infringed product!

Wired – No Such Thing As Cyber SPace


BUZZZZZZZ!! Sorry, You lose! Cyberspace does exist and is alive and well in the IT/IS Realm of professionals …not GEEKS!!

Cyberspace. A metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems. Online systems, for example, create a cyberspace within which people can communicate with one another. Like physical space, cyberspace contains objects  (files, mail messages, graphics, etc.) and different modes of transportation and delivery. Unlike real space, though, exploring cyberspace does not require any physical movement other than pressing keys on a keyboard or moving a mouse; cyberspace is the transportation realm of vital data once it has left physical space on the sending side and has not yet reached physical space on the receiving side of transition destination. Cyberspace relatively speaking is the equivalent of Internet processing ( aka.. Parsing)