There isn’t much you can do but this.
Pure gold.
Posted onAuthorTruXter
We are trying to find the connection in all of these text messages that everyone seems to be getting. So we are checking to see if certain phone companies are either compromised or selling our phone numbers out to the next bidder.
[poll id=”28″]
No need for any personal information. Just who is the carrier you are using when you get the spam invites to bogus contests?
Posted onAuthorTruXter is the latest spam to go around. This one came to me later in teh day than normal. No idea who is handing my cell phone number out to cell phone text message scammers/spammers : Please enter 8939 here to claim your prize from last week’s entry
and this image is what I got when I tried to leave, While using Firefox browser.
When I selected “Leave page” I got redirected to a penny bid/auction site. When I clicked “leave page” again, it finally let me go. but I had a background pop up that was on “”
It was a bit scarier on Internet Explorer. So I left fast and didn’t get screen shot. but that dang “blink doink” sound Explorer makes when you get pop ups startled me.
From what I can guess, they get your email address by having you put this information in on their site, and they sell your email address off to some advertising company willing to spam you for the rest of your life. Of course, since you confirmed it’s a real email address . Do nothing with that website other than warn others of’s risk to you and your privacy. does not have a prize and does not have a winner.
do not go to . they will give you nothing.
Notice the other messages about scam text messages on here and You will see that nothing changes between all of the sites this guy puts up. redirects you to
Poll trying to see if certain phone companies are selling our data
Posted onAuthorTruXter
Have you received a text message from Getting XmasTarget.Com? Are you wondering if this Getting XmasTarget.Com is a cam?
The message reads:
My name is Justin. You contact is on the third place, Your X-mas code for is (and then some random 4 digit number)
The people who send these text messages are just expecting you to type in your special code and it will tell you that your code is valid, then the website will redirect you to a page to type in your email. your email address will then be sold to hundreds and hundreds of spam websites. Bad news.. no prize no gift. Read the message again, you won nothing. They do not say you won. They do not owe you anything, you willingly gave your email address to a spam broker (I shall coin that phrase!!!). The poor broken English should be the first clue. In his earlier scam text messages, he said less and it was easier to fall for. but now… Now he said a whole sentence.. Sorta.
The like button at the bottom of the page, the count never changes across all of the sites they use this thing on. It’s complete utter crap. best use of this is to share it with someone you hate and let them spam themselves to death. Also notice at the bottom of their page it says ” clicking continue you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy”. Which of course is written in some almost unnoticeable text color.
Highlights of User Agreement
1.These businesses may include providers of direct marketing services and applications, including lookup and reference, data enhancement, suppression and validation and email marketing. For example, if you express interest in a particular product or service, you may be contacted by telephone regarding that particular product or service. collects minimal demographic and personally identifiable information from many users. This information is aggregated and analyzed to help us tailor future offers and to help our marketing partners and advertising agencies understand the demographics of our customers in order to evaluate the potential effectiveness and profitability of doing business with us. Part of our business model involves sharing personally identifiable information, such as name and address, with third-party marketing concerns.
2.All information provided to by the users of this site may be used to support our suppression, validation and enhancement services to other marketing companies, advertising agencies, compilers and data companies.
Notice the other messages about scam text messages on here and You will see that nothing changes between all of the sites this guy puts up.
I am sorry to inform you but your cell phone number has been compromised and this dude has it and will continue to send you text messages. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
These messages break out between Thanksgiving and New Year, every year. This is the time when you are most likely to be gullible enough to think you have some special Christmas/New Year luck. And you might want to win back your expenses of the holiday season, in one hit.
Do not share that website on facebook. or we will have an epidemic of spam. and uncontrollable fury of 1996-1999 spam.
Hopefully after the holidays are over, this will subside.
On the plus side, there is an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of their page. On the downside, that link leads to a dead a page.
Poll trying to see if certain phone companies are selling our data
Posted onAuthorTruXter4 Comments
Have you received a text message from or are you wondering if this and are scams?
The message reads:
Best Buy is giving away 50 One Thousand Dollar Gift Cards for the Holidays. Only 12 have been claimed. Enter 6384 here to get one!
It’s the same message to everyone. This message is sent to millions of people, and I will guarantee you that at least 400 people will fall for it, and the messages will continue to roll out like this saying only 12 have claimed the prize.
Again, this scam does not say you won or what you won.
If this is the first text message scam you have received in the past week with the same format, and the text messages stop, consider yourself lucky. Everyone else is sick of these. It’s everyday the exact same way.
For no reason should you ever text back to these people. For no reason should you ever Click a link to the page they suggest you to go to. If for some mistaken reason you find yourself on their page, do not click any of the links on their page. If for some reason you find yourself on their page and clicking links with in their page that take you to some page that is supposed to be good, please say that you will not type in any confirmation codes or your phone number. Even/Especially if it is to remove you from a list. Because these are pump and dump sites. They are bought on stolen credit cards, they are not traceable and they will get you for everything they can. These people are practiced at doing this.
Just for your comfort, I took me a trip to that page on 4 different junk computers here at the office. Typed in random numbers. 8886, 8887,8889,5309.
All were accepted and listed as “valid” . This dude is going to sell your phone number, and the email address you put in after it redirects you. oh and to make it totally funny is there was a 5minute timer when you get to the page saying that’s how much time I had left to enter the code. Hit refresh button, and the 5 minute timer restarted. If it was valid and there was any reason for the timer other than anxiety, the timer wouldn’t start over. The scammer didn’t work out all of his bugs.
Please don’t tell me that people are hitting the share button on this crap. If so, then facebook people need to be warned also. The share count is fake. Notice in this previous scam from the same people, the likes count is the exact same. I guess it counter acts on it’s self. I mean if you share the link (and let’s say it could be winnable thing) Wouldn’t you be reducing your chances?
This text message is a scam is the same thing and takes you to the exact same page.
Poll trying to see if certain phone companies are selling our data
Posted onAuthorTruXter
I got my text message from, and decided to google the word “,‘ and found exactly what I expected.
The owners of, just registered their website today and are text messaging millions of people at the same time with unique links telling them they just won a prize.
The common message says
Your number last minute WON! Click, (XXXX), enter your code XXXX to get card in 24hrs.
Maybe one, maybe both sets of numbers I blocked out are phone number confirmation codes. I do not know. I do know that when you Google that link you will see that today, hundreds upon hundreds of people are checking by the phone numbers to see if is legit. The phone number and the website are not legit.
It seems that winnergift is spoofing every confirmed phone number, so they can send out more text messages.
don’t click that link, do not confirm the last 4 digits and do not confirm the 4 digit code after the link.
This is a scam.
and now today’s version is
Question is, what have we all signed to that is the same? is it phone carrier? facebook? twitter? someone is selling our numbers out right?
Poll trying to see if certain phone companies are selling our data