3d Mapping your WiFi

wifiHave you ever wondered why you get a super strong signal from your WiFi then suddenly what seems like nearly no signal at all, out of nowhere?
Well there is a guy who posted a Youtube video showing you why. but for the most part, he is trying to understand it too. So no he doesn’t tell you why, but gives you a good look at the signal loss in action.
What the guy does is he holds a wifi device up and watches as it picks up and drops signal as he moves about in a small area and shows how dramatic the difference is in each spot.
The guy then saves this data and has it mapped out into a picture. color intensity to show where the signal is the strongest and where the signal is the weakest. Blue being the strongest signal.
The guy then realizes that this is not complete enout of data so he decides to not just move left and right and up and down, he now moves the WiFi devices front and back to give you a complete three dimension representation of the signal’s loss and strength.

Here is the the 3d image so you can see for yourself. and look at what is being done in the video above.

If the page does not load here is the link.

In sum:
since the guy is measuring such a small amount of space to test the WiFi signal loss, if you lose signal suddenly with your laptop, it would’t hurt if you move it just an inch and see what happens.

It looks as if the signal does not spread evenly and dissipate as you get further away, it more just broadcasts and only hits small spaces around an area.

Wireless Wars

wifi_warsSo.. I found that one of my neighbors (not sure which one) finds it funny to get into my wifi and reboot it randomly.
oh boy, so you can hack a wifi. You smart little wifi hacker you.


I turned off the wifi broadcast for about an hour and headed to the garage.
Brought in my box full of wireless routers.

logged into each one, and gave them the name my wireless connection had.
and ran through them all turning wifi back on. then placing them around the house at all walls and corners I could.

Log back into my actual wifi, and turn off ssid broadcasting and changed password. ad changed the actual ssid.

So.. basically I gave my neighbor a hand full of routers that don’t have an internet connection at all, to my neighbor to pointlessly play with.
Takes one down, there’s 7 others.

stupid little twit.

I will if I have to, run to fry’s and load up on a bunch of 14 dollar routers and name each one after each of the signals I see broadcasting.