Do People post Comments on your site?



I get these posts on my site that are questionably spam. Meaning they seem like manual spam comments. Where someone does a specific search for sites they can post to, to link back to their site, they are 75% on topic to the post .  and I of course follow the link to their site just to see what’s going on. Their site is about 3 months old and has 3-10 comments to every single post, and they are all positive posts, No simi disagreement, nothing. TruXter Tech Review is almost 6 years old, and maybe 1/4 of the posts here have real comments on them. Positive,Negative, just 1/4. I don’t see half the comments that other sites see. and don’t understand why these sites that seem to talk about nothing (much like this specific post) yet every single post on their site is full of comments.
what’s the deal ?

I have always known that comments are a direct reflection of number of readers. And well if this site is 6 years old and has so few comments and thousands of pageviews a day, while that other site is 3 months old and has no page rank or any usable Alexa rank, I can only assume they are making their own comments on their website under hundreds of user names. What would be the best outcome? Is it a sales scam? Are they making it look like everyone is agreeing with them so much they comment? If you search Google for any product, the typical person to actually comment, are upset. Which kind of backs my theory.

I don’t know.

Something that Adsense needs

I have been wishing and wishing that Adsense would tell us a few things so we know how to better target our readers. If a reader of one of my websites clicks an advertisement I would like to know what page they were on and what their search was when they found my page. I could find that information myself but it would end up taking a very long time of sifting through the list of site readers who have been to my site to see one that matches the click of an adsense link. If I had this information I would better know how to bring more readers to my site because I would know what ad they clicked and what their search was. Why would this information from adsense do me some good? because well, they where looking for something and they found something, it just was not in my content. If there is a repeated search that leads people to my site and the repeated click of a link, and the item is not on my site but similar, I could then better target that search so more people could find what they are looking for and the ads themself would be better suited for the search.
I could better optimize my post to give th reader what they need and better optimize my SEO for the content I am trying to pass out.

php Killls me

Sorry off topic.

I have a migraine. I think I mess with the computer waay to much.

People have told me I do. Now I am feeling it.

Time for a break.

So if you guys want to sign up and write tech news and video game news, come on and write.

I get a huge load of readers all by myself.

I have been working on 6 sites and learning php tricks and ins and outs of many things… basicly php is just html code hidden in some un identifiable program with the php extension.. when you open it in notepad, yeah it’s mostly html. mostly

starting friday, I am on break and will come back when I am ready.