Social Media and Sharing with Your Friends

No one will call you a liar or call you out if you like and share a friend’s website, article or event page. You are not too good to help a friend and your other friends are not too good to see you share that post. Facebook and Twitter are not just for posting funny memes, inspirational pictures or helpful quotes. Your friends will not analyze your likes and shares. They will look to see if it is worth them sharing and liking too. Who knows, maybe you don’t think much of it, but one of your other friends might like the post and share it too, or even purchase the content.

If you see a friend posting from their website or personal company page, share that stuff for them. If you like what your friend is sharing then, by all means, share that stuff. If you don’t like it but you see your friend struggling to get the word out about what they have to offer, share that stuff. If you see a friend post an event, even if it’s an event about watching paint dry, share it. If your friend shares something and you don’t share it or comment on it or click the like button, but within the next day or…well, in any day after that for the rest of your friendship, you share that same exact content, but from the page of someone famous – you are not a thoughtful friend. You are someone helping promote the content of someone who does not need help and will not appreciate it.

If you think one of your friends might like the content your other friend is promoting then share it. Help.

When your friend shares content on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn, they are getting the maximum amount of visibility they can from their limited amount of friends. If 10% of their friends would share the same content, the visibility of that content would increase ten fold.

See, there is another article on the sister site talking about band promotions and how so many people will post on the event page saying why they can not come; and, no one sharing the article. It’s the “Invite Etiquette” post. This was the inspiration of this article. I wrote that article a couple of years back and I tagged all of the musicians I saw who I know have posted events and the page was full of people saying, “Sorry, working Kool-Aid stand with senile neighbor’s cousin’s favorite teacher”. I prefer to say nothing if too busy to comment or, “Bad ass. Hell yeah,” then private message my excuse. “Sorry…rectal exam that day because I’m an a$&ho1e”. Blah. blah, blah.

The issue I have here is, never has a musician shared that post. The best I got was one comment and maybe a like or two. Sure it might come off rude if a musician shared that link. That would only happen if the musician didn’t add a funny quip like, “HAHAHA – Someone is fed up,” etc.

Share your friend’s stuff. Don’t leave this type of exposure for just the scammers and spammers. Help your friend get exposure. It costs you one maybe two clicks. That’s it *click click*, then end. Done. You are now a friend that cares.

This goes for Twitter and LinkedIn. How does your broke friend with, what they think is a great idea, get seen or have half a chance if you, a “friend”, won’t even like, share or at least comment on what they have to expose to the world. Tweet that stuff on Twitter. Like and share that on Facebook and LinkedIn. Help your friend before your friend has to see someone else with a bigger, tighter group of friends steal his idea, which you will likely share at that point.

Something that Adsense needs

I have been wishing and wishing that Adsense would tell us a few things so we know how to better target our readers. If a reader of one of my websites clicks an advertisement I would like to know what page they were on and what their search was when they found my page. I could find that information myself but it would end up taking a very long time of sifting through the list of site readers who have been to my site to see one that matches the click of an adsense link. If I had this information I would better know how to bring more readers to my site because I would know what ad they clicked and what their search was. Why would this information from adsense do me some good? because well, they where looking for something and they found something, it just was not in my content. If there is a repeated search that leads people to my site and the repeated click of a link, and the item is not on my site but similar, I could then better target that search so more people could find what they are looking for and the ads themself would be better suited for the search.
I could better optimize my post to give th reader what they need and better optimize my SEO for the content I am trying to pass out.

MySpace and Media Content Upgrade

What was leaked… became. But no one got excited.

I assume the excitement was killed from overanticipation.

Well they are creating a music service from 4 record labels and maybe more.

[CNET: As expected, MySpace unveils new music service]

Executives from MySpace officially announced the creation of MySpace Music, a service that will be jointly operated by News Corp.’s MySpace and, at least initially, three out of the four top record labels.

[Podcast: Buzz Out Loud 696: So Say We All]