Social Media and Sharing with Your Friends

No one will call you a liar or call you out if you like and share a friend’s website, article or event page. You are not too good to help a friend and your other friends are not too good to see you share that post. Facebook and Twitter are not just for posting funny memes, inspirational pictures or helpful quotes. Your friends will not analyze your likes and shares. They will look to see if it is worth them sharing and liking too. Who knows, maybe you don’t think much of it, but one of your other friends might like the post and share it too, or even purchase the content.

If you see a friend posting from their website or personal company page, share that stuff for them. If you like what your friend is sharing then, by all means, share that stuff. If you don’t like it but you see your friend struggling to get the word out about what they have to offer, share that stuff. If you see a friend post an event, even if it’s an event about watching paint dry, share it. If your friend shares something and you don’t share it or comment on it or click the like button, but within the next day or…well, in any day after that for the rest of your friendship, you share that same exact content, but from the page of someone famous – you are not a thoughtful friend. You are someone helping promote the content of someone who does not need help and will not appreciate it.

If you think one of your friends might like the content your other friend is promoting then share it. Help.

When your friend shares content on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn, they are getting the maximum amount of visibility they can from their limited amount of friends. If 10% of their friends would share the same content, the visibility of that content would increase ten fold.

See, there is another article on the sister site talking about band promotions and how so many people will post on the event page saying why they can not come; and, no one sharing the article. It’s the “Invite Etiquette” post. This was the inspiration of this article. I wrote that article a couple of years back and I tagged all of the musicians I saw who I know have posted events and the page was full of people saying, “Sorry, working Kool-Aid stand with senile neighbor’s cousin’s favorite teacher”. I prefer to say nothing if too busy to comment or, “Bad ass. Hell yeah,” then private message my excuse. “Sorry…rectal exam that day because I’m an a$&ho1e”. Blah. blah, blah.

The issue I have here is, never has a musician shared that post. The best I got was one comment and maybe a like or two. Sure it might come off rude if a musician shared that link. That would only happen if the musician didn’t add a funny quip like, “HAHAHA – Someone is fed up,” etc.

Share your friend’s stuff. Don’t leave this type of exposure for just the scammers and spammers. Help your friend get exposure. It costs you one maybe two clicks. That’s it *click click*, then end. Done. You are now a friend that cares.

This goes for Twitter and LinkedIn. How does your broke friend with, what they think is a great idea, get seen or have half a chance if you, a “friend”, won’t even like, share or at least comment on what they have to expose to the world. Tweet that stuff on Twitter. Like and share that on Facebook and LinkedIn. Help your friend before your friend has to see someone else with a bigger, tighter group of friends steal his idea, which you will likely share at that point.

Is Reddit a Scam?

Someone found something happening on Reddit where mystery accounts make posts and then disappear, and top voted commenter accounts where created the same day that the original post was created.

Is reddit a scam?

This is Clearly an issue of a dude who wanted to get his video seen. The video could very well be fake. Maybe? bu the trick was to create a few accounts, upvote his video, get it viral. Make a few comments he came up with while he was editing the video and making the accounts. Made those comments for legitimacy reasons and then. Poof … instant money from Google adsense, via reddit.

The same issue used to come up on where only certain content could make it to the top and be seen by everyone, and all of the good stuff was getting buried


Is Rigged?


Facebook Donations Hoaxes

Update 8/20/2014
Since these are making their rounds again, seemingly with the same people who shared them last year and the year before.
The people sharing the images saying that Facebook will donate if you hit like or share on a picture of someone suffering
They do it to get likes counts up and followers. so they can sell the accounts to spammers or use them for publicity and spam.
They are the scum of the earth and everything that is wrong.

They leave no link to the donation site so that you can donate in Facebook’s place. They tell nothing of the child’s well being at the current time or what country even this person may be in.
These are garbage and should be labeled as spam.
End Update

Facebook Donations Hoaxes are really getting out of hand.
The latest “share and like to save a life” picture I have seen:

A 14 years old boy got beaten half dead by his stepfather. His only fault was this that he tried to protect his little sister from being raped. Now he’s struggling for his life, but doctors say he won’t make it without a surgery. His mother doesn’t have money to pay it. Facebook donates 45cents for every sharing or reposing.
How well do these share donations work on Facebook? Do they even work at all? Nope.
Please help.
like, share and spread the message!
Share if you care

And then there’s the burned baby we have been seeing for about 2 years now.



There are a few variations to the story but this is the only one I can find right now since I just saw it today.

This one says

For each share and like, her parents will get 3 cents. Please help them and share or like this post. Help Alexandria have a bright future.

It used to just say “When this picture gets 1000 likes”. That low of a number, tells you it was a child who had no idea how many people actually use the internet.
I’m paraphrasing, but it used to say something along the lines of “an anonymous donor will pay all medical bills in full when this receives 1000 likes” at that time it was at about 200,000 likes.
I assume they realized that was a low number and had to really crank it up to see how many people they could get to like and share the picture.
It is quite sick, because if anything came along using an even remotely similar method, no one will take it serious, or even, be so sick enough as being burned out and sick of sharing and liking, they won’t bother to help.

but the fact still stands. Anyone who says “Yeah, sorry kid, I am not going to pay your bill because you have no friends” would deserve to be outed by their town/city/village or what ever. because that is cruel and gross.
So don’t share these, and don’t like them. You will not be putting a life in danger. It’s just Facebook.

The person who is starting these is a sick individual and needs a real good kicking.

Surprised this isn’t used on twitter. Would spread fast. guess there’s no way to keep track of it on twitter.

Share it or the baby gets it.

Click Share to save the baby

Google Adsense Goes Social

Google adsense will be rolling out new features. They will be adding a +1 for adsense for content Here is a letter from the adsense team.


In the next month, we’ll introduce the +1 button and personal recommendations to display ads. The +1 button will begin to appear on AdSense for Content and AdSense for Mobile Content display ad formats — image, animated gif, and Flash. +1s will be one additional signal to help determine an ad’s relevance and we’ll continue to show the ads that will generate the most revenue for you.

We previously launched the +1 button on Google search and for publisher sites to make it easier for people to share and discover content across the web. Soon, your users will be able to endorse specific ads and make the ads more likely to appear to their social connections. We believe that these recommendations could help your readers notice ads on your site more, leading to higher returns for you over time.

If you prefer not to show the +1 buttons on display ads on your pages, you can opt out in your account. For more information please visit the Inside AdSense blog.


The Google AdSense team

Will this be in the ads? will this be in the menu area? are they incorporating the affiliate network to the adsense? (I kind of hope so) . If not will they be adding the +1 button to the affiliate network so we the site owners have an easier selection of ads?
Will the adsense team knock penalties to content owners who +1 their own products?
Not much to tell from that one email but are great things to consider.
Great idea to a point then it falls short when you realize how people can be.
I hope it goes well.

Google Plus is Open to the public

Google Plus is Open To Public

Google Plus is Open To Public

After 20 Email Invites to Google Plus, it still says i have 150 G+ invites available, so, that pretty well means it’s wide open. Right?
Anyone who has been wondering what Google Plus was about, can go now and log in. Or create an account if you do not already have some sort of Google account.
G+ Seems like Facebook to me but with a a Google skin and Google twist.
Already Google+ has games on it. so….. we can already anticipate the zillion and one game invites and notices and updates for the first year.

Google home page has this annoying arrow on it that shows you the Google plus is active. I hope it stops soon.

google Plus Arrow

google Plus Arrow

Google+ seems to be a lot better than Facebook, Considering Facebook can’t keep your friends timeline straight wit hthe way everyone needs it. Facebook is doing this popularity thing. This means any post on Facebook that would be in your timeline that has lots of people liking or posting to it, then it is at the top of the list. Which leads to a potential for a lot of good posts going by being totally unseen. But then again, Google+ kind of does that also. but at least Google+ isn’t Facebook. I was getting to where I was considering going back to Myspace. I wonder what all of the tv shows and channels are going to do now that they have to add Google+ to their list of websites to talk about so they sound hip. Like Newsfix, they will be jumping on that bandwagon once they see people on their facebook account talk good about Google+. Hopefully Google plus is a bit less snobby.

Again there is very little “Social” to the current networks so just stumbling into someone you can strike up a conversation, is pretty much like we have been seeing . Can we get a chat and a forum added to this???
Sorry but my Google+ buttons on my site still need a bit of development so the links come out raw on Google+ showing an adverts image instead of the site’s image, but that should fix in time.

On a rating I have to give Google+

minus two only because not many people there yest and development is kind of a mimic of what is already existing in other platforms. only less advert focused right now.

Myspace On The Bidding Block

The Largest most popular website ever is now up for sale. Yep the one that didn’t have a movie tell you it was the most popular site. The one that didn’t have a million movie stars tell you it was popular. It just was popular. It is now up for sale.

Could we now see a take over from Zuckerberg?

Either way, Facebook crushed Myspace two years ago with a heavy campaign “try me everyone else has” or ” love us because famous people love us” or the ever so funny one that makes me laugh when I see it ” I’m too cool for you to join my site, only cool funny people come here” tactics bombarded television and radio. and with every one of those came ” Stupid myspace, it’s so gay” meanwhile facebook is everything you hated about Myspace. Friends with 1000000001 requests to join their game, tons of spam, “here install this (virus) to see who is looking at your facebook account”. It’s all there . Everything that was on myspace is on facebook. But so many people got sold to the advertisements, they actually believed it was their opinion. And then News Cop (owners of Myspace) made a bonehead move and totally and completely bloated the website with some stupid top and bottom menu. Now there is no reason to stay there, you can not navigate that site.

So all we have now is the least Social Network, facbook.


More on this at Zd Net

Facebook Pictures Goes Myspace

As of today, your Facebook pictures are now bloated and crummy like Myspace pictures became.

Facebook gets more and more like Myspace every time Facebook does an update. Except Facebook gives away your personal information every time they update.

Facebook Pictures

Myspace Pictures

So what can we do to put our pictures back to the way they were before the update ?

So what do we do when Facebook loads as crappy as Myspace ?

Facebook Trend Slaughters Search Engines

Looking on’s “What’s hot” page you see what the current internet trends are.

if you are a Facebook user, you know that right now everyone is complying with the latest trend of changing your Facebook photo to a cartoon character of your choice. The object of this is to not pick the same cartoon character anyone else uses. So people are searching for images steadily and contsantly.

Here is the current most searched.

Alexa What's hot because of Facebook

And here is a brief explanation of how to play along. facebook end of the year photo.

I have not yet seen a Voltron or a superman, nor a HeMan for that matter.
But hey, a facebook Cartoon Doesn’t have to be the coolest.

I am personalizing my Facebook Cartoon Profile picture.

Superman Over Houston

Facebook Email Coming soon

Facebook Email Coming soon

Is the latest rumor of Facebook.

Facebook Now owns FB.COM. FB.Com is said now be the server of Facebook email. So soon you can your email delivered to

Some people call this the Gmail Killer. Right now as it stands, redirects you to and if you type your browser will direct you to your account profile on Great work on the Facebook team’s part covering that base.

Right now the whole Facebook email is just speculation and theory. To me it looks like the Facebook team is saying ” Screw you” to Google because they are large enough to not care if Google frowns upon multiple domains pointing to the same website. I really do not see the whole Facebook email thing happening. I would more suspect they will create their own search engine and go after Google that way. I don’t see that being very effect just as I don’t see Bing being very effective, unless they create an affiliate program so people can embed the search into their personal websites, I mean who would be so goofy as to want to put a search on their personal website, for free? Especially when Google pays you for that same act ? Google has it right.

But again, for now, all it looks like is that Facebook is making it even easier for people to use Facebook. And it could reduce the number of people who open a browser, click in the search bar (yes search bar, not the address bar) and type then click the top link in their search. but again, that is only speculation.

We will see what comes of this.

New Myspace is Released in Beta

Myspace now has a bit of a better looking code, up andĀ  working. You can still decorate your background, but in all, the interface per user is 100 times better than before. Myspace still has the media players we all loved and wished that facebook would start. Myspace has now added a “Like” button that everyone loved from, and all of the techies know that facebook completely ripped off from . Myspace now has a “Discover” button . And that my friend if you don’t try that button and you still think that facebook is better and a better social network, then you my friend do not understand the word “social”. Myspace lets you discover people. Facebook allows you to add people, who were already your friend.
Myspace is doing it right this time, they just need a mess load of popular actors and singers saying how cool it is, before the trendies even begin to consider it.
Their EULA is there for everyone to read so you know what your privacy is.
What would be nice for Myspace about this time is give everyone on facebook what they have been wanting. Give everyone a dislike button . *1

Let’s see what I do not like.

I don’t like how I can’t ignore bulletin posts from games. This needs to be fixed. The site feels a bit clunky and bloated, so they need to see what does not get used much and yank that out, so the pages load a bit quicker. I would love to see apps like news ticker on end user side, not profile side. I mean that can strike up conversations. Notifications are hard to find, but it’s the flag at the top.

All fair play I gotta giveĀ  Myspace a fair score while it’s in it’s first release state.

page load 7/10

looks 8/10

usability 9/10

interface 10/10

creativity 8/10

Final Score 8/10

and that’s pretty dang good for a beta on day one.


(Ignore) so you can vote stuff down from it’s glorified position of a perfect score. See people on facebook create these pages and live by the fantasy that they are making a point because 2000000 people like their cause, but what if we could “dislike” their cause and show a full on democracy with this thing? so those who create a cause and preach it all day long until the veins in their neck collapses, can see that more people dislike their cause. That’s what Myspace needs. Get a full on vote system and let the Hipsters see why it is good to allow people to vote. You sure won’t see politicians getting on there. Even better if Causes could be categorized. ok enough about what should be.