Low Cost Website Host

I Use Powweb Domain and Website hosting. ( in that link, Scroll to the bottom and see what the cost is. [$95 bucks two years].)
Simply because the cost is very low, and the storage is UNLIMITED . When they say unlimited, they mean it. I have well over 40 gigs worth of work online. My friends and other web designers who share tips and ideas with me, download and upload files files from my servers ftp channels, all of the time, at no extra cost to me or to them.
When you first register, the cost is half of their regular low price. I recommend you sign up for two years of the web host service from powweb. One year of service is very low, but after that year is gone, you back to the regular price of (not specific or 100% correct) just under $130 a year. So you register for two years and you come out dirt cheap for two years. and won’t have to mess with your domain updating for another year. Plus, search engines love websites that look like they will be around a while. Click the Low Cost Webhost link and just look at the cost.
It’s near impossible to beat that price. Unlimited emails,unlimited php scripts, Ftp logins you can build as big of a website as you want, with no limitations. You can build your website or have someone build your website for you, and never once be told that you can’t do something. You are fully unlimited on powweb.
This isn’t any Go-whatever Website with spammy banners. Don’t want banners? Fine, don’t make them.

If you have any questions of how to build your website Feel free to see my Webmaster tools Use that and come back as often as you need. I have many tips for website building.


Sopa Bill in Route

Sopa Censored

Sopa Censored

A bill is being passed to change the way you are allowed to use the internet. this bill,law will prevent you from being able to warn people of what you witness.
Stop Online Piracy Act (sopa) bill is in route to be passed or dismissed. This bill will allow companies to make claim that another company’s website has items on their site that infringes their copyright. In turn, the accused site is required to remove said items, and the time frame to do so, is not much at all. Also to be shoved through at the same time is the bill for Net neutrality’s debate.
People are calling this a Censorship sweep. Internet communism, the beginning of NWO.
There are hacker groups talking about going on a huge hissy fit in the real world, while others are already digging up personal information of the people backing the bill. They want to see how they are connected to other events going on, and how involved they are in this passing of confinement laws.
If that is the case, I think I would quit working for those companies, or lead a group going on strike, just to prove I am not worth ruining the life of.

I myself am on a rickity fence. I see what some are trying to pass this sopa bill for, but I also see that the backers of the Sopa are near sited and not looking at the big picture of what the full potential outcome will be. They just see “ok good stuff for me, must mean success” but the end is one more confining scam that will silence people who need to speak.
I myself run a couple review sites. This one in fact. If I write about a company that seems to be doing people wrong, I should have legal open rights to warn others of what I had happen to , and let them test it out and see if it happens to them also. but by mentioning said company’s name I have stepped on their copyright and could face time in prison if the issue does not get resolved in a short time.
I know you are thinking that it should be slander, libel and many other regular laws. but you are missing out on YOUR side as the consumer. You are being a defeatist and saying that a company should have more rights than you. A company should be allowed to sell you items that are known to break easily, at a price that is regular with it’s competitors who might be of better quality.

We deserve the right to speak.

SOPA is a scam and will lead you into a consumer concentration camp of “tell me what I can enjoy next” maybe you are too near sited to see your lifetime that way. and probably don’t care for your children’s future. But someone needs to.

4 Chan Goes Down

Internet bad boys of 4 chan are looking for a new place to go while their home site keeps popping off of the internet.
Many claim it is the act of rumored different hacker groups. Yet no one has come forward and claimed responsibility for the activity. Most likely no one will take the credit for it, and just leave the internet’s largest number of frustrated teens, to be frustrated. Downside is, this will probably lead to lots of different groups getting blamed and E-lynch mob

Moot, the creator of 4chan claims there is a ddos attack going on, and says it is coming from 1… yep 1 single user. This was posted across all pages of the site yesterday, in between crashes.

Most likely place to house the 4chan users, will most likely end up being Reddit. but count on the illegal conversations, ceasing.

Let’s see how creative the users of 4chan can be and how instinctive they are to realize if they are being duped into slaughtering each other, other groups who have similar activity, or end up congregating in a temporary spot that turns out to be a trap/sting. I believe the wise ones will not accumulate anywhere that saves data of the users. Not many places like that on the web though.

GTA V On Xbox 360 PS3 and PC

(This post was written in 2011, so Rockstar has made a couple changes)
Go to GTA5.com
you will be redirected to
Is where you find GTA5 on pc, 360 and ps3.
(That link is what the GTA5.com link redirects you to.)
The domain name gta5.com is registered to rockstar games The domain name has been registered for ten years.
As seen here you can see that GTA5.COM is registered to Rockstar games

This says that Grand Theft Auto five v has a chance of being produced for the pc. We all pretty much already know that gta v will come out for the xbox 360 and the PS3. Without a doubt. We can also assume that we will not be seeing gta v on the Nintendo Wii or the Wii U.

So.. The question is kind of answered. Will GTA V come out for the pc? I want want GTA v on the pc. You be the judge by just looking at the facts.

Comparison Video San Andreas vs GTA V

In this Comparison Video San Andreas vs GTA V, the guy who put this video together, did lots of work and must have gone through plenty of edits, and mods or something to get this video just right.
You will see that he compares buildings, locations, scenes, signs and textures.
Excellent video.

So, compare for yourself. What do you think? big changes? not enough?

Fun With Photoshop GTA V

Fun With Photoshop GTA V
The gang at the GTA Forums have put together a compilation of GTAV screenshots that are Photoshopped. Thanks to oysterbarron and his efforts to get all of the images into multiple videos for our enjoyment.
Watch for the Credits :-) I hit the credits I think twice.

GTA5 Funny Pictures Video 1

GTA5 Funny Pictures Video 2

GTA5 Funny Pictures Video 3

GTA5 Funny Pictures Video 4

The fifth video

There are a lot of pictures that did not make the list, so I do advise you go see the GTA Forums thread first hand and see the rest of the pictures. Some lead to other picture ideas and you won’t get the whole joke unless you visit the site. but the videos are still funny anyway :-).

netsession_win.exe Uninstall

popped up on thousands of firewalls yesterday.
I am not sure but I assume it is all people who do not have a router with a built in fire wall.
found a post of how to uninstall netsession_win.exe

To remove it, this is the file path. Enter it into Search on the Start menu and there is an Uninstall.exe file in the folder.

C:usersUSERNAME HEREappdatalocalakamai

It prompts that the uninstall will possibly cause problems with downloads or streams and that you may be prompted to re-install at a later date.

Not sure what it will effect, but that is the method I found to uninstall netsession_win.exe.
So do it at your own risk

Many people saw that their firewall blocked it while playing video games. or doing something that is streaming. Could be part of Netflix so if your netflix goes down from this, Remember I said “at your own risk”. Some say it might be iTunes. Currently there is no confirmation as to where this comes from. As many people say they haven’t recently installed anything on their computer. Some suspect netsession_win.exe is an automatic update.

Others think that netsession_win.exe is a virus or malware. Some weirdo said something about a conspiracy.
I have uninstalled it and I am running fine. Haven’t found any programs unable to function just yet. but I am on a computer at the office. So…. Can’t really do much. I don’t have any media streaming software nor do I have any games installed.
Here is the site claiming responsibility of the netsession win.exe
Check with akamai site and see if the software is being used by someone who knows it’s exploits, and see if you have anything on their list, that might be installed on your computer. I suggest you read it carefully.


Here is a Quote from the akamai site:


The Akamai NetSession Interface DOES:

  • provide client networking technology to enable applications to enhance their video and file download capabilities.
  • enable secure, closed peer-to-peer networking so that websites can deliver files to their users economically and with faster downloads.
  • provide in-depth information about what the Akamai NetSession Interface does and how it works.
  • provide simple ways for the user to turn the netsession interface off
  • provide a simple uninstall process
  • provide an AdminTool for the user to see utilization system resources and client activity


  • monitor your browsing or other Internet activity
  • pop-up ads
  • interrupt your web viewing experience with prompts or other annoying software tactics
  • interfere with other applications on your machine
  • hide itself on your system
  • take over your computer, nor monopolize your computer’s resources

Is there any way to see the Akamai NetSession Interface’s networking activity and other settings?
The Akamai NetSession Interface has an advanced settings interface. Most users can access the administrative tool in C:Program FilesCommon FilesAkamaiAdminTool.exe

  • Launch AdminTool from the command line
  • AdminTool supports information about cached files, network activity, and other applications utilizing the client library
  • AdminTool also provides ability to uninstall and turn the client off