New Domain

I looked around at hosts today and did a search to check up on them.

I find the easiest way to find out if a host is good or not is type the host’s name, and then “sucks” right after it.

Well I found one with the least amount of what I would call “valid complaints” such as major downtime and such.

Look at me rambling without giving my sites a plug. <—– My new domain name.

I forwarded to the same location, so they are both going to be the same for a little while until I get done splitting them into two . I do have plans. Other wise I wouldn’t have pitched out money like that.

as I was looking at hosting sites. I noticed a lot of the sites like blue host, you you know , the ones that claim unlimited storage space and bandwidth for like 7 dollars a month. They all had tons of complaints. I stopped on the one I got when I saw realistic numbers.. Well to me they are unbelievable, considering I’m a bit old school.

15,000 Gigs/Month
(500+ Gigs/Day!)

Disk Space (Raid Storage) 1,500 GB

Can you tell I copied and pasted that from the site?

well 49 bucks a year for that , not so bad.

PHP capable. That alone stomps all over my old out dated host

I can’t believe the crap I was accepting. 75 a year for 1 gig storage no scripting no ht access, nothing. Each thing I would want turned on like “security and registration privacy” add 3 dollars a month for each upgrade. on top of that, their name server is “” WTF!!!!!!? you can’t register that crap with anyone, no one takes that junk serious. freewebs, come on man.

Well I went on with powweb . I am happier with this move over where I was. So if you have any input such as “oh man you should have gone to…” blah blah blah. Don’t bother responding. The bill has been paid, I’m gonna camp a little while.

Online Banking: Not What You Hoped For

If you have a checking account that allows you to look at your balance online you probably have come into the same situations as what I have.

I logged into my bank account and was happy that Washington mutual allowed me to move money from my checking account to my savings account without any fees or waiting time. That was great, I didn’t have to deal with showing my nappy driver’s license to some snotty kid who thinks it’s not worth her time to move 20 bucks to my savings. I can kind of see how they get that way, especially after they see hundreds of people who are a mess-load wealthier than I am moving huge sums of money all around.

All week long I logged into my checking and savings account and looked at the money and had huge plans of saving money for a future. After about seven lunch transactions and a check to car note, I noticed that no transactions where showing up. Three days later the car note check went through, and then came the seven from before. The first one to go through was a the big one, and then the next six went through and bam, I messed up and went overdraft. Five charges to over draft, at $35 a charge, $175 + lunch totals. 5 lunches of $3 at Wendy’s. Then came my income tax check to save me and pull me out of the hole.

I go up there to talk to teller at Washington Mutual. The man says ” I see that you signed up online, I’m very sorry but I can not help you. You will have to contact the reps online”. So I contact the online help via “contact us” .. that was miserable. The final verdict was ” We are very sorry but our online balance is not a perfect program”. IT’S A FRICKIN’ ONLINE BANK ACCOUNT WHERE YOU CANNOT TALK TO REAL LIFE TELLERS! How in the blue hell is it that the service is not better? I can assume they do it on purpose. Lack of perfection is just an excuse. I know, nothing is perfect, but for god sakes we can do better than what they are giving us.

See I am not blaming them for my poor accounting skills. I do how ever blame them for making me believe that online = online. nowhere on the site does it tell you that the small transactions will be held until the big one goes through. No where on the site does it say “hey our software and online account is pointless but we make it available to you” .

I mean really, if you buy a car that doesn’t actually drive to places you want to go…. Then you didn’t actually get the car they advertised. You actually didn’t get what you were looking for.

Ok I took the bullet on that and accepted the fact that I suck at accounting, I knew it when I signed up. I really thought they could help, They did not. Here is what gets me the funniest. It frickin’ happened again, right before the Stimulus check. It’s almost like they are saying ” Hey look extra money is coming, shut the servers down and slow the cache down and don’t update the website until next month, except when people go over their limit.” It really feels that way. Call me pathetic, call me what you will, but I have since then opened a new checking account elsewhere. I am letting what ever overdraft is in there or about to pile up, in there, when the direct deposit of the stimulus check goes through, I will let it pay off what it can. If there is anything left over I will yank it out. If there is anything left that I owe to the bank, I will pay it next week.

i see how it’s my fault for trusting them to be more reliable with their service, Yet I still feel violated.

Web Page Creator

Ok So I was sent to office depot 5 minutes before lunch started. I decided to swing by the burger place and get some lunch before I go in, and just waste an hour and 15 minutes for lunch instead of my regular hour lunch. I went in to Office depot and gathered all the things I needed into a buggy (office supply junk, paper pens toner ink) and walk in circles for a few minutes. While walking in circles and getting followed around by the depot snipers ( not sure they thought I was shop lifting, so i picked up stuff and would misplace it like crazy) I stumbled on the $9 software bin. While rooting around I saw a “buy one get one free” sign. So I decided to dig around and make sure I find something. Well I found a web page design thingy disk. I pretty much knew it would be crap because it’s price and the fact that the makers say nothing about it’s form or style. Like css,html javascript. Nothing just says something about templates.
The product is made by a company named Cosmi, the product name is “WEB PAGE CREATOR”. there is a circle stamp on the front with a symbol that says “#1” and some stuff in tiny freaking print though I can make out the work “productivity” . Well I scanned it with asquared,, norton anti vir and found no reason to freak out.
So today I finally install the software. The actual software they are selling is all of about 10 megs of software, the rest, well, the rest is a 2002 version of open office.
The software they created (I think they created or just downloaded from some poor joke’s website) is just a shell script hand full of short cut links to open office items but named differently in the program. Don’t worry, when the open office items open up they do show their names at the top of the program’s window.
Well My True honest opinion, as far as web design goes, you can do everything this software bundle can do, Simply by using netscape navigator 7.2 suite edition. ns 7.2 suite comes with a program called “composer” and well, you can do the whole “what you see is what you get” web design part of using a program just like you can with cosmi’s erm, uh, java sun system’s? open office program.
plus netscape 7.2 s does not come with netzero crapware like this program does..

My call?
Walk past this thing, sure waste of ten bucks.

TruXter Toolbar With Radio And feeds

Domain Split Sorrows

Well i got the new domain name, and my current domain name has been looking a bit a.d.d. for a couple years now. Well I decided to make the all about just work careers and employment. If you know me you have to be wondering ” How the hell are you gonna restrain and prevent yourself from talking tech there?” Well my friends or just that random dude that ran through here and read this article…… I bought a new domain name, :-D tell me that does not fit ?

Ok now comes the issues… I have to split that. i have no idea where to begin with it. I mean I have so much stuff already indexed in the search engines, Like my busiest page on the iworkwithpeople section, is a grand theft auto on linux . I mean if you search in google this exact phrase ” gta on linux” if I am not still right there on top, I am on the first page.. The way I have things set up now you can get to the exact same pages by replacing the word “people” with the word “tech” and vice versa. My main plain is to jjust stop linking to the popular/tech pages through the work site. I am pretty sure that I ran off alot of people looking for a work related site, because when they got there, it was full of tech tips.

You see I fought for a while trying to get that freaking site noticed and well, now that it’s noticed I am redefining it. I know bold/stupid move. I really have to though because those are two totally different sites and topics. I want them to look exactly the same at all times, because I want it known to those who always go to the “people” domain, that I am still the same dude on the tech domain.

I really love talking tech . I really love it when people listen to me and enjoy my help. I hope you see why I had to do this. Now I have to figure out how to make google and yahoo and msn see me without repeated linking and looking like I am gaming the systems.


Owner and writer of :  and 

Working on website

Well everyone, I am not going to take all day explaining because I really have a bunch to do.

I revamped my website and went with css.  well the index is css only. The rest of the site is still html, until I get around to that section. I do have a few pages mostly converted but they are stored in a folder on my desktop labeled “wired”. The issue is I have less link for my site than what I really want.

I like the bubbly look of it right now. Won’t be but four or five months and I will make another change. I really do have an awesome plan in mind (I mean come on listen to the web address) but i also have a job and am not ready for the commitment of  all the services just yet. is down

They host my stuff and for two days now I can not log into my account or even see

which is hosted at .. heck i can’t even go to 50 megs. . this is killing my visit count.

You know, I am starting to think  comcast is blocking my host’s i.p. address.

No one can go there that I know of, who are on comcast.

I mean my buddy in another city on dsl can go there

I can go there from my job just 4 miles up the road, and my job uses a whole nother service.

if you can go to or   please leave a notice as to what service you use and which of the two sites you can access.