My work week’s favorite podcasts

Jobacle – Helps relaxe you in your job, but helps you keep a level on head on self respect, no more working on your knees for little pay. you don’t have to take it. Jobacle can help.. oh yeah and the occassional favorite song from indies, excelent. MAKE WORK BETTER

Slashdot review – This week was a bit messed up though. The feed died out and showed the same stuff as last week.  On the spot steady fire of tech news. Usually informative enough to be plenty for you, but you can always google it and read about it when you get home. by then it will be out in the main wild. you will hear stuff here a day ahead, sometimes a month.

The linux action show – These dudes are fun to listen to. I have some of the people in the office saying  “ON THE LINUX ACTIiioON   SHOWWWWWW” just like the dudes on the podcast, as they walk past me. Funny stuff.

The tech guy – Excelent show, nothing could make it better than just leo sittingthere breaking news to the main stream tech community and helping by answering their questions or giving them a usefull link to somewhere usefull.

See every day I listen to these guys, some times I mix it up and listen to a whole other batch of rss feeds. but these guys I have at the top of my list of feeds. I have to hear them as soon as they come out. It beat sitting around listening to the same  15 songs all week on public radio. I hate when I listen to a fricken song  that I do not like, and find myself singing along like 2 months later. Feel like I’m being brained.

So I come to talk internet media  AKA “NEW Media”. This stuf is really good talent and great media..

If you have a work computer with speakers, you might want to look into rss feed media. wild how you get graduated into a higher level of apreciation.

Scam sites close after owner name posted


Brothers Caught scamming people into buying stuff that was easily free and available on the internet. Some of the stuff they were caught selling was movies that you could get at any illegal download site, same quality, but not free. This leaves the purchaser comfortable in the assurance they are not breaking the law.

The brothers have been running site scams for a while according to .

From What is said at ARS Technica the websites they ran where taken down shortly after having thier information posted on the internet.

Here are people claiming to have been scammed by websites that are allegedly owned by the brothers.

Amas Veritas

Writers are welcome

Send me an email address  either in a private message or an email in my contact area on main page.

I will assigne you a default password associated with your screen name.

You can change it as you wish from there.

Lets be nice and write respectfully .

Let’s not link to anything we would not show our parents or children or a police officer

or your loved one.

TruXter Tech News Just Grew

I have now created a “TruXter Tech News” page on my personal site.

I will be working to get the places some rank  and notoriaty.

The location is

For now I am using the “Nebula”  Template, wich I must say, looks very very good. Maybe I am dated a bit but I lik ethe glossy look that you used to could only get when using flash. This is all css and html from what I see.

Give me an honest opinion please.

The Grand Theft Auto Hating Bandwagon Rolls Out

Looks like another fat face is trying to get his “old people points” up higher by bashing GTA as soon as he can.

Remember, You have a choice in how you play the game. The game does not force you to be with hooker or kill innocent people or steal random stuff. All of that stuff you do on your own. So if they did sick stuff when they played. lol. Then maybe it’s their sick twisted minds that made them do it.

Link Video 1
Link video 2

I got this from here I have no idea what these people are saying, so here is what I have to say.

This guy makes my stomach turn, you can see it in his face that he is milking the attention and couldn’t give two squirts what your kid or his own kid do or does. His eyes glisten with excitement each time he says gta. You can almost hear his heart beating faster and louder each time he thinks he sounds like he is meaning what he is saying. Something about how he had to brag about d.o.s. ing a server by excessive bandwidth due to him putting Miley Ray Cyrus on a server somewhere. Did he not know that he is showing off a minor?

at 45 seconds into the video he says ” We are training our kids to be Killers” . Um who is we? Does this guy have kids? he just said that he is one of a group of people who are training their kids to be killers. He then goes on to say ” and we are training our sons to treat women like whores” I dunno about this guy’s kid, but my son loves women, women love him, what ever he is doing, works. The guy goes on to say “and here’s how I got there.” See? he just said that he does all that and this is how HE achieved this emotional goal to corrupt his kid(s). Maybe it is by deceptive methods of persuasion . Maybe it’s by force. I don’t know.

I didn’t listen to it anymore I was sickened by his twisted mentality, and he seaped of demonic deviance I had to turn it off.

Some how he reminds me of Robert Tilton the evangelist who tells people they need to donate money so they can get into heaven.

If you know who this guy is or what network he is on, can you bother to have him interviewed unskitted unscripted?

Something freaks me out about this guy.

Social networks and the people within

Ok, I have been on digg since it came out.

I kinda enjoyed it, but it always left an empty feeling.

I really think that type of social networking is very unsocial.

I mean, you really can’t interact with other people. Now, I just go there to help rate my friends and stuff they produce. I truly believe that the ability to argue opinions is how people actually communicate and create group minds that solve issues. If I can’t tell someone how they are screwing up, then I’m not talking to them, and vice versa. I want to know where and how I messed up.

So, I am at that type of place to give a big “how do” to my buds and their work, but I go to lockergnome and to to really talk and hear other opinions.

where do you go?


Owner and writer of : and

is rigged?

Have you ever noticed that the same people keep getting the highest diggs?

Have you wondered why? or how they always do? have you wondered why your submissions never even get noticed? I know that I have. On a few occasions I have submitted stuff beforeanyone else and only got like one digg, then flamed to hell and noticed that someone else submitted the same story after me and pulled well over 1000 diggs. Why is that? Do you do follow up later to see what is going on?

See I go to the photos sections.

And, well, I notice something. That only certain people get butt loads of diggs. Is it that people will only digg something from someone if they see they already have a bunch of diggs? is it that people will only digg something if they know that everyone else already thinks it is cool? I mean is that what it takes to be cooler? is to be cool already?

I just wonder if this is a simple advertisement scam. I mean not all of it has to be a direct advertisement, but I would bet that more than 90% are in some shape or form, just a scam to advertise either the content directly mentioned in the post, or something within the page that is linked from the digg post. If a post is dugg 2000+ times, do you know everyone that has dugg that post? do any of the names look familiar? Have you read the responses in there? Are the posts automated? What percentage of the voted actually posts?