Ok, I need your help,spamming my sites.

I have been very busy with my social sites.
I will index them all in google and yahoo very soon. When I am done after I get a few people on each of them and get a few complaints and requests so
I can tweak the site. The launches will all be at the same time. So yeah I will get very drunk and and celebrate my efforts on that day.
Thanks to those who have helped and believed in my efforts and knew that I could do this.
I will take  two shots for each of ya.

This is what I have been wasting my time with.







I am sure atleast one pertains to your interests in some shape or fashion.

Do me favor, Sign up to one and make a post for me.
I need to see how well the sites handle stuff before I go full
release with this stuff.  Also let me know what you think and what you
might want to suggest.

Musicians site, ready for launch

I like music with no label. I love the idea of being independant with your distribution.

I like the way social networks work. I love the idea of free stuff with no backlash. Just express your feelings and share. Not record what you think people want to hear you sing and sell it for 99 cents a song to millions of people. A million people will not buy it.

but what ever. I created a site   iworkwithmusic.com

You go there , you creat an account, you create a profile, you make your own calendar, on your calendar you list you events so people know what and when . We all get our own links in the iworkwithmusic site. but you have to be a member for a while and show activity. I mean it isn’t a super hassle but i do allot of the back end work manually. Meaning at firsat your profile-calandar will be something like http://iworkwithmusic.com/user/view.php?id=2&course=1 . After some time it will be changed to http://truxter.iworkwithmusic.com

I have not made that link yet , so… I know it does not work. Really my profile at the moment is pointless. It’s about getting you guys a place to put your stuff and let people listen to it. If you have a website where you sell your music, it’s ok if you link to that place. Just don’t turn the place into a link farm. I have the site set up with alot of pinging services, so everytime you make an update, the world knows about it instantly.

Sign up and make a mark on the calendar, Let’s give the people stuff to listen to.

Job search Forum

Great idea came. iworkwithpeople.com  a social employment site.

Create a forum for people to use to post jobs.

and people can reply to those posts if needed.

Main thing is to control the spammers with “work at home” job crap, that sends you emailing 4000000000000 people to only get one response so you earn 25 cents.

So now you can respond to scammers and their posts, basicly flame them out to oblivion.

Call moderator and get the adds removed.. who knows, if you are there long enough looking for a job, you may even make a few friends. I myself am always looking for a better job.

It is made for the career minded people who just do not fit in any catagory in any of the job searches. Like say if you want to be a manager of a gas station, look on monster or career builder and search manager you find head ceo manager of Exxon.  yeah right , you know you aren’t qualified for that. .. hopefully  iworkwithpeople.com will do this right for the regular people.

Cool feture is, your profile is your resume`. Join now creat your profile and just change it every week.

How does one get traffic to their forum?

Man I spent 2 days setting up m forum and chatroom. I have done all i can to get traffic to them and I do get traffic, but none fricken signs up.  They just show up and look around and then bail. It’s like they don’t want to be the only person posting on a vacant forum. But man, someone has to be the first to go there and post. I am tempted to make fake accounts. but I can’t see how to make posts and not feel like a dillweed.

Heck the forum is the same age as the chatroom. One month.  There is no irc relation at all. My site hosts the full weight of the bandwidth. Heck I have tons of bandwidth and tons of storage . I started a contest and posted the link  while trying to not be spammy.

How in the hell do I get people to post ?