Tech and Video Game Help Forum Launched

Tech and Video Game Help Forum Launched

If you are in search of a community to help with a tech or video game question, head over to

The first member to give 100 posts will be given administrator position. Second Member to give 100 Posts will be given Moderator Position. You must notify one of the administrators when you achieve 100 non spammy posts. All posts must be relevant to their section and helpful to other users.

The community is created to be helpful for people in search of  answers, so if you are a geek like myself, feel free to join and  creat a few posts answering the questions you are sick of answering, that way when you get the questions again, you can just send the link to that person, and be done with the redundancy of it.

As the owner of I found many questions coming to pages from people who just have a bad problem they need fixed. I do not have all of the answers, So many of the questions had to go unanswered. I decided to create a place for those with questions to go and post their questions with the chance of someone answering them for them. Since I had the domain name iworkwithtech, just laying around looking dead, I made this place.

There is a page to help people locate the latest bots tips tricks and cheats for myspace and facebook games. Game like  Mafia wars, Mobsters, street racer and the such. so it would be very helpful if you could post any links to anything you know of, because I get questions here about that stuff all the time. and well, I just do not know all of that yet. I will check all links for popups and spam and any malware that might be bundled in the downloads. So please use virscan to check all downloads first. I do not want to have to ban someone for being thoughtless.

I hope you join me in this quest to save the world from their hardware/software and stupid video game.. (lol)

Special Note for those interested.

First person to make 500 posts will get Administrator position and will be given space to post advertisements and receive 50%  of the p0rofits of the traffic to the site

Myspace Mobsters Tips list

Weapons list

Mobsters Cliche

Prizes for Completing missions Platinum

How to get 200 more Energy

How to make a Hitlister

Full screen Mobsters

How to get your Hitlist Value up

Effective Accounts on Mobsters

I created a forum on one of my other websites and started to just blot down all the stuff I notice as I go along

Weapons list reflects typical weapons as you are at my level . Cliche is just a list of crap I am sick of hearing, and well when you are a pro at the game, anything you say from that last, will just irritate someone who is not as new as you… really saying something you have seen said so many times, does not qualify you as something greater.

How to get 200 energy, well it tells you how without installing crap or giving your password out.  When you read it and find out, you are going to kick yourself for not seeing it. lol   it is litterally under your nose.

full screen mobbies, just takes you to the mobsters flash ap circumventing the myspace iframe. I use it because that stupid messenger is poorly coded and uses some of my screen relestate. I bought a large screen so I can see more, force me to block my screen a bit and you really upset me.

How to get your hitlist value up,  well if your value goes up, you get more people adding you to top mobbies, giving you more energy for missions. and you are more costly to HL.

Effective accounts on the game?? WEll simply stated, you can create all the accounts you want, meaning you can create some accounts for specific tasks while in battle.

And yes I link to my other website, because I want you people to add stuff, so sign up and add to the stuff in my list, or heck argue with me.

Myspace Mobster Tricks

Level up fast.

One simple trick, is refresh the hitlist and attack as fast as you can. Get a few bounties under your belt. you will get a few losses though, because there are allot of people on there above your rank.

Have a friend hitlist you, and tell you exactly when. Before that friend lists you, have your “hospital” open and yourself healed. as soon as your buddy says you are listed, hit the heal button repeatedly. Some times it’s buggy so you have to hit refresh repeatedly and heal repeatedly. If it isn’t being buggy, you just sit there and heal yourself until you are out of money. You will lose a few fights, but you will knock out about 50 fights a minute. Much faster than picking them from the fight list. You might even level up two or three levels this way. hold out till you die. Don’t give up. you will see that you might have killed a couple people along the way.

To gain money.

Go to the fight list and fight people lower than you in friends count, attack. If they drop money hit em again.. That is if it’s enough money. If they drop no money, move on. You are not trying to level up. Leveling up is bad. (kinda). When you run out of stamina, save that persons numeric code, and make them the first person you attack when you get more stamina until they are in the hospital. This will upset a few people and they will hitlist you. Good refer back to the “have a friend” . really though it’s much harder this way. They don’t tell you when . It’s usually when you are watching tv or eating or on the pooh. So when you are done, make sure your health is either all the way down in the single digits, or full. if you are in the hospital long enough, most people just move on.

What to do when your buddies post the numeric code.

Highlight and copy that code. Drag your mouse over the number in the “parenthesis” left click and drag from one end to the other till it is highlighted. hold control button and press the letter C. Now click on the link of your buddie’s name when the new page opens, look at the web address, at the end is a numeric code. Highlight that code and press control V that will paste in the code over your buddy’s. Press enter. The new page should open. If it gives you a bad page go to the beginning of that numeric code you just pasted in, if there is a 22 at the beginning , delete the first two digits, but only if they are the numbers 22. If there is no number 22, put one there and press enter. That should fix it. dunno why some people have a 22 and others do not. who cares.

Distribute your power well.

What that title means is:

You have to focus on your head count. If you have  10 people in your mob (yeah low number but easier to play with when I am describing stuff) you have to think of what weapon defends your mob the best and buy ten of it. Next think of what weapon is best to attack with. Buy ten of that one. So now you have 20 weapons for 10 men. Sounds like over kill but really, It’s for the highest defense highest assault. When you are attacked, you will, by default defend with the highest ranking defense material you have. When you attack, the game by default will attack with the weapon of the highest attack stats. I know, you would assume  5/5  by default. WRONG That is why I keep beating you.

Become bait.

Sell all of your weapons ( preferably when your health is way to low to be attacked) and just buy only one type of weapon. Try and get a weapon that has a good defense and good attack. Buy one for each of your mobsters. This will increase your strength. This will increase your defense. You will only show one picture of a weapon in your list, so these freaks will think you have squat for weapons. There now you level up easy while at work minding your own business.

The fill in.

Once you have all of your mobsters accounted for weapon wise, you have to  distribute your power well with all the fill ins. 10 of the car with highest attack, ten of the car with the highest defense. and so on with all other fill ins.

Organize your attacks.

With the use of punches and badges, your clan can get vengeance  evenly and fairly.  If your mob buddies scream about needing help here’s what you do:

You ask your mob buddy if he has a badge. If he does .. good, don’t use yours. Have your buddy who is under attack request an all out assault on the culprit. If his group is organized enough, they will attack him till he is in the hospital. I would like to think you  put him there yourself. As soon as the guy is well rested in his gurney, you tell your buddy to “finish him now!” your mob buddy whips out the badge and punches him till he is dead.

That is a well executed assault that should make a point.

Perfectly executed clan battle.

You being the one who is under attack should be in charge of the vengeance attack.  as you get threatened and assaulted, get the numeric code that identifies (Read Earlier Paragraph) and save it in notepad. Now repeat every step in the “Organize Your Attack”, with each person from the Fight starter to every single one of his clowns that follow.  but before you  do that , do a count of your clan members who have badges and how many each of them are holding. Because face it, you will run out, and so will your friends.

If you or anyone in your clan is greedy, your clan is worthless. you have to be there for each other and work on following each others clan.  No one is constant leader, you all lead your attacks one at a time.

Good luck have fun.
