When is GTA 5 Release Date ?



The question everyone is asking right now, is “When will Grand Theft Auto five be released”.

There is a method to answering this question. Experience. but that is only useful if there are no hitches or hold ups in Grand Theft Auto five’s production before GTA5 intended release.

The ideal release date for console version of Grand Theft Auto 5 would be mid November, and then pc version April 2013.

but seeing that Rockstar has already made it clear that GTA5 will be released on PS3,Xbox360 and PC, and fully known, there is chance of a simultaneous release. If that is the case then expect to see one released in October, one in November and the final released in January.

Let’s look at the first week of September before we see the first advertisement for GTA5 on television. We will not get a confirmed release date until that time.

Comparing San Andreas Locations

Basically Going on nothing but experience of the past few Grand Theft Auto games and knowing the way that Rockstar launches the Grand Theft Auto screenshots, I am trying to map out the locations of each image of GTAV as it comes. but the mission with this post is to compare the GTAV locations to the same images or closely similar images in San Andreas from the previous Grand Theft Auto gaming engine (GTAIIIengine).

The Bridge in GTA five picture

How often does Rockstar put a bridge going over a body of water, and you are still in the same city when you get to the other side of the bridge ?





The Real Location

The Real Location

Oram Bridge is found to the far south on the west side of the map of san andreas (gtaiii) engine

Just a few hundred meters/yards South East from Mount Chilliad

Oram Bridge on map for gta san andreas

Oram Bridge on map for GTA San Andreas

According to San Andreas on GTA IIIĀ  engine, we are looking at two land masses that you have to cross to get to this bridge. Rockstar tells us that we only get one city. Los Santos. but we can see this is not so true . Right?

Mountain in GTA 5 picture

chilliad gtav

chilliad gtav



Mullholland area







Mullholland area is hard to tell but if anyone has a screenshot tha is similar to the tennis court, please post a link to it below.

My assumption is if you are 1 block from the Vinewood sign in gta san andreas (gtaii engine) facing the sign (presumably north) from 1 block away from the base of the hill, look to your left (presumably west). and travel about 4 blocks and then stopĀ  and turn back to the north.. somewhere within a 4 block radius is the similar location as the spot found in gta v with the tennis court.

show me some love, Give me a like on Facebook button or something .?..

GTA V News – Max pain 3 players can be reused in GTA V

Grand Theft Auto five announced that Rockstar lets you import your Max Paine 3 Character into GTA V
On Rockstar’s site

And more here on Xbox Live site

A feature debuting in Max Payne 3 and carrying over to Grand Theft Auto V and future appropriate titles, Crews go beyond traditional online clans by allowing players to join large public Crews or simply create a private Crew that members can customize. In this way, Crews help players keep the fight alive from match to match – and even across titles – through the Rockstar Games Social Club, which will keep track of Crew stats, including Feuds

Of course seeing the Xbox live link.
Let’s me know that the pc version will most likely be Games for windows live again.

Discuss more on The GTA CLans Forums

Name these games

Just cleaned out my closet, and pulled out a box of games, and just wondering if people can identify any of these games or all of these games.
Let’s see how many of these video games you can identify and if you have ever played any of these games.

How many games in these pictures can you name?

Yes I know it’s the same games twice. One picture is blurry at bottom and the other is blurry at the top.
Makes identifying the video games nearly impossible. So I made it easier to identify each video game.
Does anyone remember playing these games?
Are any of these games hard to name ?

If you can say anything you remember from any of these games below, please do so.


Need For Speed World is Briliant

Need For Speed world is just brilliant.
EA the makers of Need For Speed games, have put together probably the biggest gaming idea, EVER!.A totally free version of NFS. On a cable connection, you download and install NFS world in under 10 minutes. You play just as you did in the previous games (the epic ones, not the lame ones) you do races to level up and you make points, As you level up, things begin to unlock for you. Good things. and your car gets faster as you buy (with the money you earned while playing) the things that have recently unlocked for you. “But how does the EA team make money?” You ask. You can purchase super duper awesome stuff, if you buy Credits, or “Boosts”. You can only buy certain things at certain levels. So you don’t have a bunch of weirdos in the game doing unbelievable stuff while still being a level on. So they balance it pretty well. Downside is.. I think you can only buy one car with earned points (not referring to purchased boosts) and that’s when you first create your account.If you can buy more, please tell me how.
Something weird I could do without. The menu area as you bring your mouse over stuff, there is a spark thing they do. Looks cool, but really does make it look like my video card is about to give up on me.

nfs buy cars

nfs buy cars

First thing I did when I realized they were actually using previous cities. Was drive around looking for the hide outs.
The game is flawless. I left everything at default settings, except I did turn the music down. A bit loud at start.
With the video at default settings, the game has no lag no hesitation no hiccups. But it really feels like you are playing the first Need for speed.

Default Video Settings for need for speed World

Default Video Settings

At first when I adjusted the video settings to the maximum I could , I didn’t see any issues. I drove for about an hour. Did one race and drove around town seeing what my top end looks like with all of the shadows and reflections I now see.

Max Video Settings for Need For Speed World

Max Video Settings

While driving around, I found locations that looked the same but different, as if ten or so years have gone by and the place has changed. Updated and upgraded.

Found an Error while driving

Found an Error while driving

Now I search to see if I can find someone explaining “servererror_fatal_errorcode_7”.

Game play 10/10
graphics 9/10
fun 10/10
cost FREE

Need for speed World, is a must download. It’s everything that the Facebook games are, plus an actual game to play.

Need for Speed World can be downloaded from the Need for Speed servers HERE And finally free. a game that pays for it’s self.

GTA V On Xbox 360 PS3 and PC

(This post was written in 2011, so Rockstar has made a couple changes)
Go to GTA5.com
you will be redirected to
Is where you find GTA5 on pc, 360 and ps3.
(That link is what the GTA5.com link redirects you to.)
The domain name gta5.com is registered to rockstar games The domain name has been registered for ten years.
As seen here you can see that GTA5.COM is registered to Rockstar games

This says that Grand Theft Auto five v has a chance of being produced for the pc. We all pretty much already know that gta v will come out for the xbox 360 and the PS3. Without a doubt. We can also assume that we will not be seeing gta v on the Nintendo Wii or the Wii U.

So.. The question is kind of answered. Will GTA V come out for the pc? I want want GTA v on the pc. You be the judge by just looking at the facts.

Comparison Video San Andreas vs GTA V

In this Comparison Video San Andreas vs GTA V, the guy who put this video together, did lots of work and must have gone through plenty of edits, and mods or something to get this video just right.
You will see that he compares buildings, locations, scenes, signs and textures.
Excellent video.

So, compare for yourself. What do you think? big changes? not enough?

Who do you think is the Protagonist in GTA V

[poll id=”14″]
Many say Carl Johnson CJ from GTAIII version of San Andreas
Some Are saying Tommy Vercetti From GTAIII Vice City
Some people Say it’s Claude from GTAIII

Many say it’s a brand new guy and we all just need to get over it and some say they recognize this guy as someone from GTAIV and bogt and tlatd.

is it claude from gtaiii?

is it claude from gtaiii?

is that what the v stands for ?

Tommy V ?

Who do you think the main guy,character from GTA V San Andreas is ?

Grand Theft Auto Five San Andreas – Screenshots

San AndreasPlates

)Here are some videos of GTA V Photoshopped. All for fun)

Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather,
Or the, I don’t know that thing, that magic,
You see it in the movies,
I wanted to retire from what I was doing,
You know, from that, that line of work,
Be a good guy for once, a family man,
So, I bought a big house, came here, put my feet up,
Thought I’d be a dad like all the other dad’s,
My kids, will be like the kids on TV, we play ball and sit in the sun,
But, well, you know how it is.

Reminds me of This

Grand Theft Auto Five Is In San Andreas
Sure sounds like the voice of Tommy Vercetti.
Says he wants a place to chill and not be such a bad guy (not a direct quote just my take) so it would fit.
The game engine for GTA V is clearly a tweaked GTAIV engine
You can see the textures are about the same but a bit better handled. This is good. Not as much bloat … maybe?
Will there be a Las Venturas in this installment of Grand Theft Auto? or do we have to wait for an expansion pack?
Watch the video
For Android and Other Phones
here here’s a gift

So… What in the heck did the V stand for ?

Now the proper question is …. What platforms?
PC IS the one I want to know about.

IGN has Confirmed that Ray Liotta is not doing the voice of Tommy Vercetti. Does not mean that Tommy is not going to be in GTAV but it also does not rule out Claude. As he says in the video, he came her for the weather… and it was always rainy in GTAIII. SO heading to San Andreas to retire, would be a move.

but I thought everyone retired to Florida, unless already in Florida.

[poll id=”14″]


Want to watch the GTA V Trailer in Slow Motion?

Without an Official release date or cover. Walmart says June

What Gaming Platforms Will See GTA V

We have all seen that gaming consoles have gotten pretty powerful, and we all know that Rockstar games can take an old engine and make it better, run faster, smoother and have less glitches . We saw this with GTAIII and Grand Theft Auto Vice City, and then again with San Andreas when Rockstar started putting the wanted items into the game. Like swimming, ability to climb walls and ride a bicycle. So do the guys at Rockstar games have a big one up their sleeve? are they about to give the largest multiplatform launch simultaneously? What gaming Platform do you think they will launch on?
[poll id=”13″]
What Gaming platform do you think will see Grand Theft Auto Five
Xbox 360
Nintendo Wii (wii U)
Windows Computer (PC)
hand held only
Are the options. For clear obvious reasons.
Here is a link from Walmart showing that currently there is only Xbox360 and Playstation 3 versions of GTA V ready to sell for June on release.
There are rumors that GTAV is coming out for Mac computers and some people are actually hoping that the release date will be near the release of the Nintendo Wii u. Some say that the regular Wii might be able to handle grand theft auto 5 if the game is optimized properly. There are a few people saying that GTA v stands a chance of being made just for hand held gaming systems. To me that is just nuts but i may as well leave it as an option. Others say it will be across all platforms and some some say just for the high end gaming consoles like the ps3 and the 360.
I am glad that none of this is confirmed right now because last Grand Theft Auto (that would be gtaiv)release nearly stressed me out. I am a pc gamer, so not seeing the game until about a year after initial release, was not cool at all. That’s even after the initial release was held back for almost a year already.
So please do not freak out and post hatred because I listed some strange ones. It’s just stuff I have been seeing on the internet. and they have a small chance of being correct. Nothing is confirmed yet so let’s speculate :-)

But feel free to explain your answer, and reason and logic behind your answer.