I had t post a quick picture of Apple verses Android.
a Cute moment.
Do you see it?
Tech Tips and Reviews
This is a follow up to the original review of the Sanyo Zio that I did when I first traded in my T-Mobile phone. I switched from T-mobile to Cricket.
After two months of using this device, I have to say that I am sure sick of shutting down programs so I can save the battery. Advanced task killer is a great program for shutting programs down. but there is no application that turns other applications off to stay off. So all of the apps on the Zio keep restarting just seconds after turning them off. The best way I know that seems to work. is go into the settings area of the phone, under Applications/ Running Services. Find the Application that keeps restarting and turn the thing off there. Why do they not make the programs any more with menu options to turn the apps off and conserve battery?
The touch screen is all over the place. Typing a message has become the longest, daunting task.
I have no resorted to getting a program called “Hey Tell”. Lets me record a short message and send it through internet. Works great on my wifi system. because I sure don’t get enough signal at home with this thing, to send a voice message.
Search opens everytime I do something that takes a lot of focus.
Sometimes it’s the web browser that opens. I have so much as held the thing with 4 fingers between both hands, so I knew I wasn’t accidentally bumping any buttons.
Everytime I pull down the top menu to get the short cut items of preloaded processes, the top slider gets stuck. The fix is to swipe again as if I hadn’t yet. Frustrating. Now I look like I have a scratch and sniff phone.
some useless apps that run all the time, you have to “root” your Zio just to disable them. and what I mean by disable, you have to remove the apps. Hope android market has the same apps, if i ever want to sell this.
Zio in no way compares to the G1. Google’s G1 blew the Zio out of the water, with older firmware and all.
I sure wish Google would pay more attention to Cricket and make something of them. Just a bit of a nudge with a handful of phones just for Cricket, would be nice. Like the G3 ??????
Review score:
6/10 useability
6/10 signal
9/10 appearance
4/10 battery life
3/10 ease of use
Full score is 5/10
Have you found it yet? Have you found the magic pot full of magic money that you can’t get anywhere except if you build it yourself using your computer?
Have you found your GUIMINER or have you found bitcoin plus?
With bitcoin plus, you log into the website and you just click on “Start Generating” and it starts. You are instantly generating money. tiny minuit fragments of a penny. every hour you get paid 0.00002728 bitcoin. So, what ever the current trade value of a bitcoin is, divide that by 0.00002728 and you will see what the value of an hour is to you. not a whole fricken lot.
So you search for alternatives or someone comes along and tell you how you can get more bitcoins faster, by explaining how it works. Your friend tells you that you can get a program that lets you generate the bitcoins for yourself at a much faster rate. Since bitcoinplus uses Java to run, and we all know how dead goat fast that can be. So it sounds plausible and you are now intrigued.
Your friend tells you the name of a program that you can use to do mining with. For me, it was Guiminer (Graphical user interface miner). With Guiminer you have to get the bitcoin wallet. So you can store your bitcoins in.
So now you installed the wallet and you have the guiminer on your desktop. Now what? You open the guiminer and click on the first thing you see “start mining’ nope, jack squat. So you go to the menu area to try and figure out what in the settings is set at a default what ever. Nope, again, jack squat. So now you Google how to start this stupid thing and you find some post saying ‘ I am new to this so be kind” you are thinking “ding ding found one”. Go in to read it, nope jack squat. First line out of that dudes question is ” ok I am running a Linux network that is coded to BLAH BLAH BLAH” Lost me. you are thinking ” Ok now I just want the dang thing to run once. Three days go by of refining your Google search and finally you get the jest of it. open the mining program tell it to open the wallet as a server (dude I have no idea why) tell the mining program to look locally for a server. now it works, you are cranking about a cool 30 Mhash per second. You leave your machine running all night and wake up like a 7 year old on Christmas morning only to find. Jack Squat. So now you start looking for some math to see if you will make money. Sure you will. In 111478 months. You will make a whole 50 bitcoins.
So now you find that you have to join a gang, or what ever they call them, and have yourself a bitcoin lan party because someone realized that if you run a mining pool, you can mine faster and get more bitcoins. The system is supposed to be more organized that way. But after a few days, you get back to the same spot and see that you just made the guy hosting the pool, quite a bit of money. but you. you are making. Yep you guessed it. Jack squat.
So. Again you hunt for other reasons to hope this thing is useful. You find pictures upon pictures of people who make their own mining pool. Like some guy who has like 20 computers, each computer has 4 video cards on them to help mine faster using each graphics card GPU. and you think to yourself ” well heck yeah, eventually that will start to pay off’ and then you remember that 111478 months thing and try and divide that by each video card you see in the picture and shake your head at the insanity of the whole thing. Or you totally ignore any logic and continue to tell yourself there’s money in it somehow.
Oh, I assume the reason the bitcoin value dropped so much, is the early 6 months it’s value was cranked up stupid high, by the powers that started it, to get more people to help them with what ever in the heck they are doing. not because the stock market crashed. Just simply because no one wants anything to do with it. To much work, to much effort for very little pay out.
I have got to say that bit coin mining is useless.
If you do the math of the money wasted on electricity running what ever material it takes to generate bitcoin, you will be at a loss.
It’s not for broke people, to come into money with. It’s a toy for rich kids. and they validate it with an end result of 5 months later saying “see? I got $20 so it isn’t worthless”.
Don’t fall for that.
in the end you were better off staying on the bitcoin plus website and just letting it run in the background and not cause any trouble on your computer. No you will never get rich with that, but at least it feels like you are doing something with a computer that is already on anyway.
Bitcoin review
for people with addictive nature.
***update so I don’t seem like a jerk, just explaining logic behind my post***
if the money of pooling is split up amongst everyone, it would seem less profitable for the guy with 900 computers running the app, than the guy with one computer running the app.
one thing I have learned with these android phones, the more stuff you run, the faster your battery dies. This would lead me to believe that the apps are causing usage of electricity.
Means the phone that when all items are stripped and I am running a basic install of android, the battery lasts between 8-14 hours. With all average running apps the battery is between 3-6 hours, depending on what you call average apps.
note the power connector at the back of your video card, it is not there for luck. It is there for a reason. one can assume the electric bill is slightly effected by someone who upgrades to that. Especially if their computer runs all hours of the day and night, with no down time. add an app that runs that card, you can assume (from the android reference) that you will be using more electricity than just having the machine on. Run an app like guiminer, where your card is running at 50% higher temps. Mine got up to just under 180, normal temp is 105. you can surely assume that the ap is using a lot more power, along with the video card it’s self using a lot more power.
Now chunk in a second video card, and run at higher speeds (I Did this, but I didn’t see much performance increase), and re-math your power consumption.
I keep my computer turned off as much as I can.
I keep my electric bill under $50 a month (except last month, Texas weather at 100+ degrees got me to $75ish)
I wouldn’t want to see the slightest increase to my power bill for something so complicated and barely explained. I would not see the profit of it. Especially if you only see less than $100 a month in profits.
Something close to the topic with nearly no actual answer to teh original question. How much electricity am I consuming as I generate bitcoin
Funny video about wising he had a portal gun. Tons of things the dude would do with a portal gun. I think it would be hilarious and quite useful to have one. As long as it’s the only portal gun.
I wish I had a portal gun
I left T-Mobile.
Yep, I jumped ship. I went back to Cricket.
The phone that I traded my blackberry 8100 in for is a Sanyo/Kyocera zio. AKA KYOCERA M6000.
Since Cricket was giving away the Sanyo Zio if you trade in your working cell phone from your current carrier, I assumed I should.
This phone is not a brand new technology, at all. This phone was originally with Sprint back in early 2010 brought to Cricket in late 2010.
I was on a plan that gave me 300 minutes of talk time at a cost of $49 a month and I still had fave fives. To now, an unlimited everything for $55 a month.
The first thing was to call T-mobile and request my account number. The guy who answered the phone put on a sincere voice and Acknowledge that he knows that typically when people ask for their account number, they are about to leave the company. The guy asked me if there was anything i was in need of, to keep me from leaving. i let the guy know that I was not happy with how I have been treated so i am looking around, and my first step is to get my account number and that I may or may not leave T-mobile. Really, that was exactly true. I could have backed out of getting my phone number ported over to Cricket, at any time. The guy kept asking questions and hesitating, So i had to get stern with him ‘ look, I am considering leaving and you holding out like this is making me want to leave even more, i just need my number and will consider all option”. He said just about everything he could think of just short of “please don’t talk to other people, you will see how good things could be”, what ever he said. I just hung up because I got my account number. and that’s all I needed.
I gave the teller my account number, in less than 3 minutes the phone was in my hand with a temporary number on it. I got a text message and it said for me to text back with a code and my old number will be moved to cricket. I tried and it did not work. After I called the help line, I realized i wasn’t pressing they ‘*’ key first. My bad. Phone number was switched over to T-mobile just like that. Whole deal took less than 20 minutes to complete.
Ok. Time to grade the phone.
The Sanyo Kyocera ZIO from Cricket, by feel, is a lot like my blackberry, smooth.
Nice and thin, slick,no buttons to interface, touch Screen, except volume and camera. I have few complaints about
the camera button. Sensitive when I am not trying to touch the camera button, but doesn’t do squat when I hit that button on purpose. Volume buttons are excellent.
there is a data/charging connection on the lower left edge.
Headphone jack on the upper left edge, and an SD card slot on the mid right. All have caps.
Large speaker at the upper back
Pin hole mic on bottom edge.
Screen feels like plastic over glass. I could be wrong as to whether it actually is, it’s just the way the Zio feels to me.
Initial Storage space 180MB
Yes this an Android 2.2.1 system on the sanyo ZIO.
The pinch zoom feature, does not happen with this phone. Tap and zoom, yes.
Scroll ball, is a bit sticky and sluggish.
Huge Screen Perfect fit for downsized (not re-sized) hd movies
Watched Diggnation, Tekzilla and life Hacker from the revision 3 website and was impressed with the resolution and quality of the images and video, Nearly never a buffer time. sometimes The revision 3 server hiccups.
Camera takes a very high resolution video, even in room lighting. (never great to have just room lighting)
Every application I tried, all work fine.
There is some bloat ware that I had to root the phone to remove. Some bowling game demo and an “uno” game.
Many applications load constantly, you can not go into settings and turn them off like you could with the g1 on android 1.6. So battery life isn’t what it could be.
Nice fade when opening and closing apps. but again, sometimes sluggish. Keyboard seems to be miss calibrated, When you press the Letter ‘o’ you get the letter ‘p’ and so on… If you are a fast texting person, you will get frustrated. Just find the letter that the Zio mistakes you typing, and hit the far corner of the button you intend to pres. Works well that way.
Internet speeds for the Zio – using speed test app from android market
upload 700k
download 400k
That is about what I was seeing on T-mobile with their “Edge”.
At home and at work, my signal fluctuates between no signal, and two bars. but with that said, I received a call from a friend while I had 0 bars and the phone call sounded fine on my end, and the person on the other end never asked me what I was saying. I never heard anything unusual or anything that would hint of a bad signal, other than the caller’s T-mobile lag. Was sad when we both were on T-mobile, neither knew when to talk.
although I find myself back in 2003, holding the sanyo Zio up in the air to get a signal enough to send a text message. I don’t remember Cricket having this bad of a signal.
internet 10/10
software 8/10
hardware 5/10
reception 5/10 (I gave it a poor score then added some because the phone seemed to work even with no signal)
look 10/10
Full Over all Score is 7/10
And that is enough to make me feel as if I got another great deal.
Another unprofessional review from TruXter Tech Review and the budget Tech review
Well at the office, we have another cad guy coming in to do some designing. The only available computer we have for him is an old Dell computer. E-520 to be exact. This computer has a 2.6 gig P4 processor and two DDR2 pc4200 256mb memory sticks. We do not have a windows 7 disk for dell computers but we have the original install disk of Windows xp that came with that computer. So our operating system by limited selection, is windows xp professional 32 bit.
We cleaned out all dust, hair and carpet fuzz from the computer to make sure this design machine works (by default) at optimal condition for this old of a computer, and to do our best to make this computer run as good as it did the day it was first built. That is of course if the operating system runs at original condition. Just so you know why we formatted the computer.
Here is a look at the project computer before any hardware upgrades or updates.
This Dell computer we are using has been taken off site and used in another city at a coworker’s house for work. So yeah, it has been slammed with lots and lots of viruses. So many have been on this computer and removed from this computer, many of the normal functions did not work properly. So we formatted the computer.
We yanked out the two pc4200 256mb memory sticks and installed two 2gig pc 5300 memory sticks, and an Nvidia 9500 1gb vmem PCI-Express video card.
The Parts have been brought in for the computer while we were half way through the install of the operating system. We tied back some of the loose wires.
We used the Nvidia 9500 simply because the computer only has a 350 watt power supply and no available power connections to plug into a better video card.
We have done this install so many times, not one single error was capable of happening.
Except the small notice that says we have upgraded memory and video card.
This upgrade was at the cost of only $160 up front but also there is a $30 mail in rebate (we have not done yet) for the video card, and $25 mail in rebates for each stick of memory. If all goes well with the mail in rebates on these computer parts, then we are looking at an $80 upgrade to take this 7 year old computer that has been beat down and been a virus farm for at least 4 years, and turn this computer into a full on design machine.
After the operating system Windows xp pro was fully installed, we installed all 84 updates available. Of course that is after going to another computer and downloading network drivers and burning them to a cd, so we could sneaker mail them to the Dell project computer.
So now this computer is ready to go. He says he has autodesk 2011. If autodesk 2011 is as smooth of a success as autodesk 2010 was on my computer, then we are in the good and this computer will run like a monster.
So far, the computer is a sucess. We shall see what happens Tuesday when the final test of the design software puts the computer to work (stress).
Microsoft Office Keyboard RT9450
The best keyboard I have ever used. The hot keys, the scroll wheel the volume button with the mute button, the copy the paste, web browser button and email,excel,word . This keyboard is the only keyboard I have ever bought myself more than once. Simply because the Microsoft Office Keyboard RT9450 is must have for me, no matter where I am or what computer I am on. I have one at work, I have a Microsoft Office Keyboard RT9450 at home. The Microsoft Office Keyboard RT9450 at home is used for gaming and web design and the Microsoft Office Keyboard RT9450 at work is for autodesk. Nothing like that scroll wheel on the left when you are using autodesk because zooming in and out all day will get tiresome if you are just using one finger. Now I can use both hands. The right hand is for fine tuning.
Look this keyboard up on Amazon. Or ebay or Craig’s list or buy.com. The Microsoft Office Keyboard RT9450 is a must have keyboard.
Right off, Firefox 4 looks a bit like Google Chrome.
My home computer didn’t do what my work computer did when I upgraded to Firefox 4. My work computer When I upgraded to Firefox 4 all of the menu items in my browser disappeared. Lost my back button, lost my refresh button, Lost my home button, but all of that was restored by going into view, toolbars, customize. I then brought everything back. Could be because my work computer is Windows Xp and my home computer is Windows 7. My work computer also lost my Conduit toolbar while my Windows 7 computer at home did not.
After some usage, I really like the way the tabs move in Firefox 4 as you open and close them. The look of Firefox 4 stops looking so much like Google chrome and more traditional Firefox.and it seems to fix the crashing I was seeing on twitter when I used the older version of firefox web browser.
Not a bad web browser.
Got sick of that dang warning that comes up in my bottom right that warns me that my computer might be at risk because I don’t have a virus scanner and that I need to click that stupid thing to figure out what I need to do, as if that balloon wasn’t all I needed to tell me that my computer does not have a virus scanner on it. Does it really have to tell you every single day? Why does that stupid thing not have a widget on it that says “click here to make me freaking go away for ever because I am a sucky little annoyance that will not stop for anything”.
I have a firewall in my router. I will not put one on my computer.
If you are on windows XP and are sick of seeing that dang balloon at the bottom that tells you that you might be at risk because your security software is not installed or it might be out dated, Well you can get rid of that “at risk” warning in just a couple steps.
Click start button.
Click control panel
Double click Security Center
look on the left in the box that says “resources”
Look at bottom link it says “change the way Security Center alerts me” Click that . Uncheck what ever box you want to uncheck.
Click Ok
Issue should be resolved.
That is the most annoying pop up. Especially if you are using a free virus scanner that only runs when you tell it to.
Here is what I got off the web that got me in the right direction.
win xp after selecting ‘security center” from “control panel” you have to click on the left part on “change the way security center alerts me” and then unselect the type of alert you don’t like to get anymore