GTA V Announced as Grand Theft Auto FIVE V

GTA V Announced

grand theft auto 5 announced

grand theft auto five announced

Grand Theft auto five has been announced the official trailer comes November 2 2011
Let’s hope gtav will be fun and gta 5 will have pc version.

So far the first time they spelled out the game number and used the roman numeral V for the number 5

Vice City, I bet That’s what the V stands for :-) Instead of the roman numeral V.
On that thought the games official name is Grand Theft Auto FIVE

Note the webbing in the V relating to the webbing in a Bill . Note the Ribbon that says FIVE is similar to what you will find on a bill. Although the current five Dollar bill has no ribbons.

Was money ever made in Virginia ?

Noted here is speculation of the bill relation.

grand theft auto 5 dollar bill refference

grand theft auto 5 dollar bill reference

What are your thoughts of the Next Grand Theft Auto Game to be announced? Do you think this one will be smoother and better running than GTA IV ? I suspect it will be. I am assuming this Grand Theft Auto will have the GTAIV engine, but smoothed out to run faster. with less bells but shinier whistles. And this Grand Theft Auto will be created to work  better and look newer for these 5 year old consoles everyone uses. Jeesh I hope there is a pc version coming, and they release the pc version soon enough for the pc gamers to enjoy the game with no spoilers.

Here, Grand Theft Auto Five Speculations and Rumors

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GTAIII Coming to IOS soon

You will soon be playing Grand Theft Auto III on your iphone, ipad and ipod touch soon.
This will revive GTAIII fast and could motivate Rockstar games to get back to making Grand Theft Auto more fun than technical.

Maybe we will see San Andreas Stories come to pc finally, due to influx of new funds and reduced overhead. as an app.
Would be nice to see any GTAIII and after, game come to android also. And maybe even windows mobile. But I do not think there are enough windows phones and Android phones that have the nuts enough to play any of the Grand Theft auto games, other than Grand Theft auto and GTAII or London. Unless they are on the Droid bionic, but really, not many Bionics out there.

There is also the release coming of the Claude Figure

claude GTAIII

claude in celebration of anniversary GTAIII

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Grand Theft Auto.
Claude will come with a change of cloths and a few of the game’s weapons.

Truckster the Video Game

Here is a video game called Truckster. This is a car game that involves Delivering items from location to location in set times or better.

Play Truckster 2

The objective of Truckster is to deliver items from one location to the next.
press up to accelerate, press left to do wheely press right to make front dive down and rear raise up.
Excellent game for killing time at work.

Video Footage of Diablo III

Video of Diablo iii game play

Monk Sweeping video

Demon Hunter

Male Demon Hunter

I will be playing Diablo iii far beyond it’s entertainment. I will make this one a sport.
So far blizzard hasn’t said if Diablo III will be a server or what. Pretty sure it will. but who knows, maybe they will go independant.
I just know for sure that I never would have known about the first diablo if it was not for the interactive chat between diablo, warcraft and starcraft.

Playstation Vita

Is the latest coming version of the play station portable PSP. Tekken X Street Fighter already ported to the PlayStation Vita.
PlayStation Vita has a touch screen. Some software has a very Photoshop looking ability to it.
Image hardware looks very greatly amped up from what the PSP had.
There will be a Wifi only model of the PlayStation Vita $249 and a 3g+Wifi model for $299.
Front and rear Touch pads.

Some games for the PlayStation vita can play with and against PlayStation 3
The hand held Console will be released before the year end.
This is the portable gaming system of the next 3 years.

Get Exclusive Bonus Content When You Pre-Order L.A. NOIRE Now: Cases, Challenges, Suits & More‏

Today we’re pleased to announce exclusive content bonuses for L.A. Noire available via retail partners across the US, Canada and the UK (stay tuned for info about partnerships in other territories as well), including special unlockable crime cases, challenges, detective outfits with unique gameplay abilities and more.


Available exclusively when you pre-order from GameStop, “The Naked City” is a standalone case from L.A. Noire’s Vice Desk. In this case, detective Cole Phelps investigates the supposed suicide of a stunning fashion model. Can you help Cole unravel the truth in a city blighted by drugs, corruption and greed, where the death of a beautiful woman is never as straightforward as it seems?

Hidden around the beautifully captured recreation of 1947 Los Angeles in L.A. Noire are 20 police badges to find and collect. If you can find all 20 of these badges, the dapper Button Man suit will be unlocked which provides extra ammo for all weapons. Each badge also provides 5 additional XP which will help further unlock Intuition Points– special credits that can be used to give Phelps a key investigative insight when you need it most.

(Also available via Game in the UK, and GameStop in Canada)


This unlockable detective suit boosts your fist-fighting capabilities and resilience to damage. Throughout L.A. Noire while working cases, you’ll encounter quite a few suspects and persons of interest who prove to be resistant to arrest. Your hand-to-hand fighting skills will be called into actionon these cases – the Broderick suit with its enhanced fighting abilities may be that edge in helping make that collar.

(Also available via Amazon in the UK, and Amazon in Canada)


Exclusively available when you purchase from Wal-Mart at launch, “A Slip of the Tongue” is a standalone case on the Traffic Desk in which a seemingly run of the mill car theft ends up sparking an explosive investigation into the largest auto fraud racket the city has ever seen. With the stolen cars piling up and questionable characters at every turn, can you help Cole Phelps crack the biggest case so far in his career?

(Also available via Play in the UK, and Wal-Mart in Canada)


The Sharpshooter unlockable detective suit enhances your aim with rifles and pistols. Always a worst case scenario for any detective working a case, there are of course those occasions for Cole Phelps when pursuing a suspect escalates to gunfire. In these tense shootouts, the Sharpshooter suit provides that extra aiming precision to take the criminal down. This detective suit is yours if you pre-order with Best Buy or purchase the game at launch on May 17th (while supplies last).

(Also available via Zavvi in the UK, and Best Buy in Canada)

Everyone in North America who pre-orders their copy through the Rockstar Warehouse will receive an official L.A. Noire
t-shirt. Everyone who pre-orders with Target will receive a $5 Gift Card, and get a free Rockstar Games t-shirt if purchasing the game in-store during launch week, while supplies last. Check out the updated pre-order page at the L.A. Noire official site for all the links, details and info on other international partners and programs. All incentive offers are limited in quantity and available while supplies last.

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Playing Call of Duty Black ops

Played Call of Duty Black Ops for PC yesterday for 5 hours on Old Guys server. Then my son came over and we played till 2am. Woke up got food and coffee and started playing some more. We have been playing COD BO for the past 5 hours today, but this time we are playing Nuke Town only servers.

Man that is some close range fast action stuff there.

Sure isn’t like playing Delta Force a coordinance  and camp as a sniper for an hour straight. and matches are really short. So you have to just run and gun like crazy. First Person shooter games rock, but man it really is stress when they are so close ranged. Sure you get a sniper rifle if you want one, but there is no place to use it. takes to long to reload.

Well we are taking a break to shower, we smell funky … so it’s back to first person shooter call of duty black ops, maybe we will change servers this time. I’m getting real sick of flashbang. although you do get a slow mo when it happens.

New Duke Nukem May 2011

The new Duke Nukem is finally coming. We will see the new duke Nukem released in May of 2011.
The name of the game is Duke Nukem Forever

Too cool. Hopefully this game has a familiar adreneline feeling the original had and tha ” I AM A FRICKEN MAN!” Feel from the one liners and catch phrases that the original Dukenukem had..

Expected Release Date is May 3 2011
That release date is a close one. Usually when a game company tips out a release date, it’s usually 6-8 month or even up to 3 years down the road. But we are looking at a release date of less than 4 months away.
May 3rd is not far away at all.