What is a good webhosting service?

I’m happy with my current host, and about to recommend a friend there.
but i am wondering what company gives the least amount of frustration?

I do plan to use php and mysql while working on their site for them.
so please any and all information is good.
Should I get justhost? all the sites say it’s great, but all the blogs and forums say it’s only a year old and a rip off. but i do not know. what do you think of justhost,bluehost,powweb ?
something other?
comments section is wide open you do not have to create an account to comment.

like this site says they are wonderful (read closely)
and they teach you how to search the internet to see if they “suck”
but I tried to search for something else
I found this when I searched “Scam”

Of course I found this when I followed their rules

But then again, we are talking about a tech community. Techies do pick and peck at all details, especially when worrying about income and monetizing the internet’s activity.

So people, tell what is good
Bang for buck, what is the best hosting plan
I personally Like Powweb, They seem to have the lowest cost and most options.

Need someone to critique Website

I entered the company website HiTech Into The Sammy Awards.

I need some last minute people to give me ideas on what to tweak to make the site more presentable

and cleaner. just respond here. I don’t care if you make up an email address to respond.  Just drop some ideas on me please.

any ideas will very much be appreciated. I really want this award.

oh you have top see what the site used to look like before I got here December 07.  I have been here almost a year now. you should google this “Houston fire detection”. Not so bad if I do say myself.

Oh btw, the site has been submitted as is, but I am sure I can make tiny tweaks, just no major face lifts. If I don’t get the prize this year, I will be in it for an overhaul for next year. I will eventually win this.

Win Money, In forum.

Ok I am now sharing the wealth (buying some friends). IWorkWithTech.Com

I created a forum  for techy people and video gamers. In doing that I decided to go ahead and do a monthly drawing for $50. It will not be a check or cash, it will be a shell gas card. The gas card will have a value of $50. There will be a drawing every month. You will be entered in the contest everytime you post.

Here is Where the Rules are Located

Just talk video games, or help people with their computer problem, or heck post tech news.

Join site and post.

How does one get traffic to their forum?

Man I spent 2 days setting up m forum and chatroom. I have done all i can to get traffic to them and I do get traffic, but none fricken signs up.  They just show up and look around and then bail. It’s like they don’t want to be the only person posting on a vacant forum. But man, someone has to be the first to go there and post. I am tempted to make fake accounts. but I can’t see how to make posts and not feel like a dillweed.

Heck the forum is the same age as the chatroom. One month.  There is no irc relation at all. My site hosts the full weight of the bandwidth. Heck I have tons of bandwidth and tons of storage . I started a contest and posted the link  while trying to not be spammy.

How in the hell do I get people to post ?

Domain name Hell

After getting a bill for an automatic update to my domain and storage.  Well I freaked out and started to cancel. then I remembered that my affiliate settings are signed up  through that domain name. I decided that it would be best if just transfer my domain name over to my pow web account.. well when I called the 1800 number to get the refund, “Rodney” (clearly not his name) Some guy I am assuming is somewhere in the middle east answered the phone. Hey I am cool with anyone at all times. but for god sakes what are saying?. I was so excited I got my refund and all I just hung up the phone.. Well “Rodney” closed my account intirely. I still have 4 months left on the storage and a year and a half left on the domain name. Well I call again, this time “joey” answered the phone.. Um this dude sounded just like Rodney..

Well I get go through a huge hokey pokey and finally I get my website signed up to my new host.

I am the poppa of




For now they all point to the same spot. I am recreating  iworkwithtech and iworkwithpeople . I have miniature plans. Lets see what I can come up with.

I suggest you do your research.  It is a battle to leave 50megs.com. who by the way is owned by mysite.com who is owned by freewebs.com.

who is owned by  BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. It goes on for ever.  Fact is, 50 megs gives you 1 gig of storage

Most new domain places out there like blue host, powweb and on and on give you 15 TB or more.

Be Among The First To Join My Tech Forum

I have a forum on my site now, it’s up and running.

To me it was the nicest looking and easiest for me to use. The goal is to just start helping people with tech issues, and cover video games . Well you know, TECH content. I just want to help people and talk about some fun stuff. I have created a few categories and put some content in there. I would like some tips and ideas or maybe a few questions I might be able to answer for you.

So come on in and look around and sign up. Maybe make a post or two. Let me know you’re out there.


Sheesh, after all of the work I did, I linked it wrong.

Link fixed now.


New Tech Forum

It’s new , it needs you.

I just built a tech support and rumors forum with a video game and console section.
I hope you people like it.
I will be adding moderators as I see the users with morals sticking around.
I will be banning all clowns as fast as I can and as often as I can. who knows maybe I will redirect them to forums I hate -)

The goal is to get information and news about tech to the world. and what the hell, to hang out and talk to others like myself.
I don’t see any out there with the same stuff as what I have envisioned so I am making it myself. yes there will be a fight room. Because hey, we all do need to get it out of our systems.
But no fighting in main rooms.

There is avatar and all other options we all have been missing through the past few years as these places seem to get invisible these days.
Yes you can upload your own images to my server, I can handle a fricken lot .
bbcode welcome, html code welcome (for now)

Start a thread and break ground with me.

New Domain

I looked around at hosts today and did a search to check up on them.

I find the easiest way to find out if a host is good or not is type the host’s name, and then “sucks” right after it.

Well I found one with the least amount of what I would call “valid complaints” such as major downtime and such.

Look at me rambling without giving my sites a plug.

truxtertech.com <—– My new domain name.

I forwarded iworkwithtech.com to the same location, so they are both going to be the same for a little while until I get done splitting them into two . I do have plans. Other wise I wouldn’t have pitched out money like that.

as I was looking at hosting sites. I noticed a lot of the sites like blue host, you you know , the ones that claim unlimited storage space and bandwidth for like 7 dollars a month. They all had tons of complaints. I stopped on the one I got when I saw realistic numbers.. Well to me they are unbelievable, considering I’m a bit old school.

15,000 Gigs/Month
(500+ Gigs/Day!)

Disk Space (Raid Storage) 1,500 GB

Can you tell I copied and pasted that from the site?

well 49 bucks a year for that , not so bad.

PHP capable. That alone stomps all over my old out dated host 50megs.com.

I can’t believe the crap I was accepting. 75 a year for 1 gig storage no scripting no ht access, nothing. Each thing I would want turned on like “security and registration privacy” add 3 dollars a month for each upgrade. on top of that, their name server is “freewebs.com” WTF!!!!!!? you can’t register that crap with anyone, no one takes that junk serious. freewebs, come on man.

Well I went on with powweb . I am happier with this move over where I was. So if you have any input such as “oh man you should have gone to…” blah blah blah. Don’t bother responding. The bill has been paid, I’m gonna camp a little while.

Online Banking: Not What You Hoped For

If you have a checking account that allows you to look at your balance online you probably have come into the same situations as what I have.

I logged into my bank account and was happy that Washington mutual allowed me to move money from my checking account to my savings account without any fees or waiting time. That was great, I didn’t have to deal with showing my nappy driver’s license to some snotty kid who thinks it’s not worth her time to move 20 bucks to my savings. I can kind of see how they get that way, especially after they see hundreds of people who are a mess-load wealthier than I am moving huge sums of money all around.

All week long I logged into my checking and savings account and looked at the money and had huge plans of saving money for a future. After about seven lunch transactions and a check to car note, I noticed that no transactions where showing up. Three days later the car note check went through, and then came the seven from before. The first one to go through was a the big one, and then the next six went through and bam, I messed up and went overdraft. Five charges to over draft, at $35 a charge, $175 + lunch totals. 5 lunches of $3 at Wendy’s. Then came my income tax check to save me and pull me out of the hole.

I go up there to talk to teller at Washington Mutual. The man says ” I see that you signed up online, I’m very sorry but I can not help you. You will have to contact the reps online”. So I contact the online help via “contact us” .. that was miserable. The final verdict was ” We are very sorry but our online balance is not a perfect program”. IT’S A FRICKIN’ ONLINE BANK ACCOUNT WHERE YOU CANNOT TALK TO REAL LIFE TELLERS! How in the blue hell is it that the service is not better? I can assume they do it on purpose. Lack of perfection is just an excuse. I know, nothing is perfect, but for god sakes we can do better than what they are giving us.

See I am not blaming them for my poor accounting skills. I do how ever blame them for making me believe that online = online. nowhere on the site does it tell you that the small transactions will be held until the big one goes through. No where on the site does it say “hey our software and online account is pointless but we make it available to you” .

I mean really, if you buy a car that doesn’t actually drive to places you want to go…. Then you didn’t actually get the car they advertised. You actually didn’t get what you were looking for.

Ok I took the bullet on that and accepted the fact that I suck at accounting, I knew it when I signed up. I really thought they could help, They did not. Here is what gets me the funniest. It frickin’ happened again, right before the Stimulus check. It’s almost like they are saying ” Hey look extra money is coming, shut the servers down and slow the cache down and don’t update the website until next month, except when people go over their limit.” It really feels that way. Call me pathetic, call me what you will, but I have since then opened a new checking account elsewhere. I am letting what ever overdraft is in there or about to pile up, in there, when the direct deposit of the stimulus check goes through, I will let it pay off what it can. If there is anything left over I will yank it out. If there is anything left that I owe to the bank, I will pay it next week.

i see how it’s my fault for trusting them to be more reliable with their service, Yet I still feel violated.