Netflix and Godaddy

Should both Netflix and Godaddy really be crammed down our throats every time we boot up our computers?
Have you ever been to their sites?
Netflix, they sponsor every dang podcast I listen to and every online video I watch. (well not all but many). Have you ever looked at the shows they offer on Netflix? I mean even Redbox has a larger, better and higher quality selection than Netflix. I truly do not like Redbox. I stop there all the time, smear my snot on the screen as I flip through the first page or so of videos and walk away feeling ashamed I did it again. Heck the Redbox movies are just a dollar and I can get up, grab one movie and be back home watching it, before it ever even comes out on Netflix. If it shows up there. mean while you hog up all of the bandwidth using Netflix and your spouse is mad and your kids are mad.

Godaddy. You ever decide you want to buy a domain name? Ever find that someone bought that domain name but never did anything with it? Yeah that person is typically on Godaddy. It’s like everyone found a place that has a known name and decided to buy from there. Kind of like Walmart. Everyone knows it’s there and the people that shop there, have no idea why you call their stuff crap. Well the people who buy up domain names and do nothing with them are called “squatters”. That name sounds a bit negative, right? Of course it does. It’s meant to. I mean you have a great idea for that domain name and that jerk has 700 domain names and does nothing with them. One of his domain names you have a brilliant idea and are not able to use it now. Now your Websitedesigner dot what ever domain name has to be 1websitedeigner1 dot what ever is available.

Cool they have a domain auction section on their site. That just further provokes even more people to just buy up random named domain names and sell them at scary high prices. Meanwhile their prices are no better than other domain registrars.

Would be nice if the ads would just lay up or be in relevant media.

What’s more likely to happen, I will end up renting a Netflix movie and find a Godaddy commercial at the beginning. Or register with godaddy and find a netflix ad in some banner I can’t remove from my site.

Have a difference of opinion? Reply.

Adbrite Vs Adsense 1 Year

Well all. It has been a year since our post about switching to Adbrite and dropping Adsense. ( We dropped Widget bucks fast)
We didn’t drop Adsense because shortly after that claim, our revenue dropped traumatically.
It is true, you never let people know you are being taken advantage of.
We took some tips from a site about Adsense and posted them.

Adsense report for one year

Adsense Results 1 year

And now the comparison

Adbrite report for one year

Adbrite Results 1 yr

It seems there is no pay out for people doing searches on the Google searcher. Or at least the pay out is not what we expected.

Google’s pay has dropped (from the way this looks). A Website that made just over $100 a year, split into 7 websites and took on 5 more writers, now only makes $17 year. We have to assume that the current crunch is also on Google. That $100 Was paying for the domain storage. but now, it does not look like this will be much fun any longer.
We are considering a bit of a change though. We are looking of stripping Adbrite from all of the sites except for one, and putting another Adsense ad code in their spot. It will have to be a bit of a slow change so we can monitor the activity. If the change does not go fast enough, then the opportunity of Google Adsense having contextual related ads could be missed. That’s one thing for certain about Adsense. Is the contextual advertisements are spot on. Adbrite is only close if you select the ads yourself. and well, close is not good enough. Close ads are not showing the readers what they may be interested in.
So now we will see what adsense alone does in 6 out of seven website.

See you all next year.

Oh and fyi, the $17 you see in ads revenue was just one site with 1 adsense ad on it. And the adbrite $4.5 is across 5 websites in three spots. per site. Clearly adsense is the better choice here.

Here’s an update to what my adsense account is doing. I think it’s just broke. I know I’m broke.

SEO KeyWord Analyzer

If you have been looking for an SEO Keyword Analyzer for your meta tags. I have one from seo centro.
This tool looks at your meta tags and your body text to see what you have and what you expect. Then it counts for repeated items to tell you what word is said and how many time. Then it does two word phrases and three word phrases. To locate certain specific search terms.
This helps you to better target your customers or readers for what they are actually searching for when they find your item or page for what it really is or is about.
meta tag Keyword usage is very important. If your keyword meta tag is filled with a bunch of gobbledy goop, that is not on your page, then you will not get categorized for what you are. No search engine allows fictional keyword tags. Your keywords say “hey this site is about “blah blah. If your key words do not match your content, you will be labeled as a junk website and it is a hard battle to get back up from that. A very hard long battle.

How to use this tool
Locate the URL box and type in your website address. Do not forget the “HTTP://” or the SEO Keyword Analyzer will not work properly. Locate the “Access code” box and type in the symbols located in the image above (I know…. I hate Captcha also). Press Submit and watch the magic.

Meta Tag Analyzer

Check your meta tags!


User Agent * (optional)

Please enter the access code as displayed above.
Access code

Online Meta Tag Analyzer
provide by SEOCentro.

Please bookmark this page and feel free to use when you feel you need .

You can then move to The Site Evaluation tool and see what your statistics and page rank with alexa rankings are on the web. This allows you to evaluate the value of your works.

Things to Consider When you Hire Someone to Design Your Website

Make sure that you have a place to store your material that composes your website. Make sure you have as much space as you possibly can, like powweb, they have unlimited storage at a very good price. Very good. So far I have registered for three different companies websites at powweb and all three were under $100 for two years.

Okay we all know that web-design, Some people can do it, some people can not do it. (wait, I am not selling you web design, simply because I am sick of it) I know it’s not actually an art . but you really have to think of it like you think of art. Try and not think of it as construction. You can not just lay out blueprints and say “hey this is how it goes, this is what i want and this is exactly what you will give me”. Ever try that crap with a guy that just draws cartoons or caricatures ? You can’t go and grab someone who draws realistic drawings with perfect angles shading lighting and life like appeal, to just draw you on a rocket ship with a rodeo clown shirt on. It’s just not his thing, and well, he has his certain fields he has focused on really well. It is best you let him utilize his abilities to his best interest.

You are not a web designer. So having a lay out or a design  that you want, well you are going to have to do it yourself. If you do not lay out your website yourself, be certain that what he will make for you, will not be to your liking on the first round. It’s just a fact.

A person that knows about web design is doing everything with full optimization in mind. This person has this thing laid out with full SEO integrated in their design. The more you toss ideas at them and the more you incorporate a third party web designer in this project, the more you throw this guy out of his field of operation. You will also start to make a complete professional web-designer look like a total amateur. Let him finish his project and you will see what he gave you will have tons of great cooperative segments of the site’s design.
Have an open mind, be prepared for creative differences and be prepared for someone more knowledgeable in this field to tell you that what you want will not work. Or be prepared for someone to just build you exactly what you want and leave to to fight the internet on your own.

1. If you have a specific idea that you want done and must have, then be clear about what you want from the start. Draw it on paper, show each page individually and fill in the exact text you want or need that explains that page. He can not read your mind. He is not in your business, or you would have more competition. Be prepared for the designer to re-word your text to handshake his SEO portion of the design.

2. Give all logos you need for the design.

3. Be ready for some of your ideas to get scratched. They may be obsolete or to complex for the average user to enjoy. Or they just may screw up the Search Engine Optimization portion of your design. Some of your idea may be unrealistic.

4. Be certain that your site’s topics cover what means the most interest in your company. If you sell airplane door hinges, don’t make your company website talk about what your company started as, what it is becoming and what it is now. Make your website about airplane door hinges. It would take a pretty submissive web-designer to not tell you that you are goofing  by using the wrong content.

Don’t ask the designer of your website to copy another website. Do not go to the nearest search engine and steal pictures off of the internet and ask your web designer to design your website around them. Do not under estimate the power of proper Search Engine optimization. Do not expect SEO work to happen over night. It takes most search engines two weeks to set your site in rank order. Heck it actually takes that long just for them to get around to noticing you are there. Do not look at a crowded Navigation bar/ menu and request more in there without a bit of a remodeling.

You can have the site you want. Just have your wants and needs laid out already. save a copy for yourself and give a copy to the web guy. If you already have a web guy then by all means, let him do the work. just be ready to hire someone else for SEO and make sure your web guy is ready to comply with the SEO person. It’s hard for one web guy to go back behind another web designer and figure out what they changed and how to make it work with the full plan. Improper communication ends in crazy results.

Here is an image I found on Facebook that seemed to fit perfect.

facts about website outsourcing

facts about website outsourcing

Get Detailed Page Rank Info

Find information about your website. Find information about other websites. See page rank, web history, and whois information about websites.
SEO Tools

It’s a great way to see what you have done with your website and what you need to do to increase performance of traffic and readers to your website. These tools are a great combination of tools. This is a great way to solve issues or tweak your best techniques used in your web design.

Please post back some recommendations or suggestions.

Free Useful WordPress Themes

The guys at Zenverse have some really useful powerful wordpress themes. The themes they provide have advertisement tools out the wazoo (lol I said wazoo). Many free themes with tons of  plugin options already built in. They have some for sale, I never made it that far. I found some free ones that seem to have changed my whole website efforts. On that note I have to take time to tell you to look for their donate button, Their efforts are worth a simple donation, and or a thank you.

WordPress themes

I am in the process of editing two that I got from theme. Not much but enough to make it closer to the appearance I need. You know, colors shades and adding a little bit of flash

Why I Hate Linkedin

The number one thing I hate the most is a friend in my address-book sending me crap to sign up to. I hate that friend who is so stupid they sign up to a site and it asks them the password to their email account so the website can see how many of their friends are on  that website’s services. I hate when that person comes back to me the next day asking me how they can get their email back from the spammer who stole it. I hate having to fight with and for them at the same time.
Nothing makes me want to say ” Dude you are an idiot, I got the email the day you signed up to “insert site name here,here,here,here. So I know exactly how you lost your email password.”

Websites that force you to give up your email password so you can use their services, IMHO have no respect or scruples whatsoever. The people who sign up to those sites, further encourage them to think it is okay to do so.

How does this all tie into linkedin?

linkedin page

This is what I see

I see this when I hit the “Home” button. It takes me to that lump of tacky steaming hot junk. So I went through the whole set up of trying to just give it my email  and password, because they wanted to “see how many friends I have using it” it shows i have 114 in my addy book, and forces me to select as many as I have to invite them all. I unchecked everyone and selected accept send or what ever, it refreshed and made me sign back into linkedin, and it showed me the same page. I am appalled by this. I thought this was a tech community, not a “hey the internet used to be full of scammers who did this all the time and people fell for it and we all called them idiots but these are different days now so it’s it is ok now” type of website full of morons who make sparkly myspace  web-pages that cause seizures.

I clearly am not accepted at linkedin because my I.Q. Is clearly far to high.

Internet Musts Sites of 2009

There seems to be endless websites ion the internet so i have not judged them all, i can not say that my “must have” list is the be all end all list. It is however, the list I use. So I am pretty much giving you my bookmarks.

FaceBook a Place to….. hmm .. I have no idea what it’s good for. but I keep going back… you can’t meet people there. so you can’t really call it a social network. it’s more like a place to  add real friends that you already have, and then nothing… you are done. you can kinda go away now.

Myspace Used to be a great place to meet women, now it’s a place to play video games.

Twitter This place has so much potential, but really it is a place to get nailed with garbage.. but add local bands there and bam, you’re golden.

PcPitstop I go here to benchmark all computers before I repair or upgrade them, and then I benchmark after. To see a performance change.

Playlist The site I head to when i can’t remember a song, or when it is stuck in my head.

live365 What I listen to while at work.

Hulu Internet TV. to watch stuff you missed on Monday.. Kinda fumbly and awkward.

Joost a place to watch … well nothing really. Kinda dead now… Needs Trailer Park Boys.

Cnet Also known as Download.Com. Safest place to get downloads from. But be carefull, the advertisers there make stheir ads all say “download now” hoping to bait people who don’t fully read a page while getting a download.. Kind of crooked. Since they have enough volume they could prevent everyone from downloading spam filled files because they clicked some stupid advertisement.

The Jobacle Podcast Blog The podcast is great. Very motivational. Influenced my job search site

Of course there is Nvidia so I can get back up after  windows eats my  lunch and leaves me formatting.

Selling 5 Domains

I have a year to renew my domains, but ready to let the mess of them all go. It’s far to much work for just me.

I worked really hard on getting all  feeds  ranked in Technoratti. Infact this particular rss feed is  worth “$1,693.62.”

Considering I have barely writen anything here in the past few months, that is pretty good. For the most part people come here for the Linux info I give in one of my directories, and the occasional coverage ion Grand Theft Auto. (I actually show how to play grand theft auto on Linux. You should Google it and see what you find. I did my work and it’s real info. So people link to me on their sites. I try to not be a spammer. So Google does all the work I need for getting the content noticed.

I wanted to make an ” I work with” network. Meaning I wanted to cover many job fields in content topics, and give people of that field a place to relate with. I wanted them all to be able to talk to each other and trade tips or just rant or sell or trade stuff related. I had no plan to charge anyone for going there and using any of the services. So I never did.

The “I work with” network consisted of an employment site that I wanted to help people in retail. Could be used for many things, from therapy to psychiatry to loan agent.  It is currently an employment site.

iworkwithtech Wanted to make a site to sample products with and tell everyone about the products. after the products have run their course in my  reviews, I was going to overclock them. Never had the time, so I slapped something together to fill the spot and maybe  bring me work. The goal was to let people submit their music content there and let the world hear it and or buy it. Totally free to the users of the site, except of course the media content they buy from the bands or dj.

Next on the list of sites for sell is not in eth same plan as the iworkwith network.

but still a fun site for me to run, during the times I had a mess-load of users. After the site rebuild I lost a lot of regular users. Down to like 18 people max. That site is a community for grand theft auto player. That one was fun, real fun.

Next is The news section was three years of steady fun. at times I had stuff just flowing, at other times, I had a life to chase.

The asking prices are as follows. $15000 Check the value for yourself Here $2000       Check the value for yourself Here $500      Check the value for yourself Here $2000                     Check the value for yourself Here make Offer      Check the value for yourself Here Don’t worry, I will accept a reasonable offer.

I used Because they do not base their searches on pure alexa results. If you Google Alexa you will understand. I know for years, malware scanners removed Alexa software off of people’s computers. So it really can’t be reliable if it’s only means is watching activity, and everyone is removing them.

check these websites statistics

Please contact me at (truxter     @    truxter    .    org) {no Spaces}

Paypal welcome,  and of course I will hand over the release code once the money is transferred. Sorry I will not give out bank routing number, but you can use my paypal account to use your credit card. If you do not have a paypal account, I suggest you set one up.

The prices are negotiable. But don’t be rude. I have a short temper for low ballers and hustlers. If needed I will gladly sign up to the sites and write for you in my free time. That is of course if you use the same plan I was working on. I will help you with search engines targeting.

Liberty Names Of America, Mail Scam?

I received this mail from liberty Names of America , also known as lnoa
The mail goes like this:

As a courtesy we would like to remind you that it is time to renew your domain name which is expiring soon. Failure to renew your domain will result in losing exclusive rights to it on the web and losing access to your online presence. By moving your domain to Liberty Names Of America, you can take advantage of the savings we have to offer. Your renewal will start from the day your domain name expires, even th you are signing up months earlier.

It goes on to shoot prices at me for my domain name. Saying that will go for one year at $29 , two years at $49 and five years at $94.
I can not help but laugh in disgust. I pay 6.99 a year through netfirms for one of my other domain names. I could switch my domain myself for $150 for 10 years at
The people I am registered through for this current domain name is I pay $94 a year for unlimited storage space and bandwidth, unlimited email accounts, 75 mysql databases and the domain name is free. My bill is automatically charged to my account before expiration. They can’t help lower my costs any. Why would I want to even consider Liberty Names ? They make it clear that they are not forcing me to re-up on my domain name. But the mail does look like it would be scary to someone who is new to this planet. Not that this an advertisement but hey, if you register through powweb, Let them know you read about their deal from me, I get a kick back from that stuff and it would help out a whole lot.

Well just a heads up to anyone who is doing a search in google for that dang company. They are not the registrants of your domain …. yet, So you might want to head back to where you first bought that domain and pay up. some companies might squat on it and turn it into a spam site. I lost that way years ago. Bought it late last year and it has been a hard battle to get it back into search engines.
Is Liberty Names Of America a Scam ? I dunno, but their prices are far out of my reach.
Here’s what other’s think
Search That’s to see rip off Claims
This is to see people calling them a scam.
Others saying they are overpriced