Joomla Bluestork Built in Virus

Found in the error.php file

You can either replace the error page with another, or delete all on the text within the php file with text from a safe error.php file

What happened you say?
My website got shut down by my webhost. They told me there was a virus on on of my websites and told me to upload a safe copy of the website..
Well I don’t have a copy of my website. They have a copy of my website.
but. I couldn’t do anything. SO I downloaded the whole website via FTP. and decided to locate the joomla files the webhost said may be compromised.
To be certain, I downloaded a fresh copy of Joomla, and a fresh copy of blue stork and checked for a virus.
Yep. Sure enough.
The Error page has a virus in it.
I started with a simple scan with EMsisoft Emergency kit
Then moved to single virus scanner that uses multiple scanners, to scan one device and shows you what they all find. They don’t all typically agree with each other, so it’s like getting a 2nd 3rd,4th etc opinion all at one time.

Here is the resulting page

I then ran to virustotal website and performed a very similar scan. and got somewhat similar results.
The results
Admin theme Bluestork
The scary part, is Bluestork has been the default admin theme for Joomla for quite a long time.

It seems there is either a new virus definition going around that is much better defines, or is flawed, or bluestork people really have something to fix.

Either way, it might be in the best interest for Joomla to strip the bluestork theme out of the default themse.

I myself have stripped the error page to no text with in it at all.

GTA Vice City On Android and Iphone

In celebration of ten years since the release of Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Rockstar games is releasing multiple items for sale in relation to vice city. One of course being the Vice City Game app for Iphone,Ipod,Ipad android devices such as android..
Vice City is the one game that everyone loved to play back in it’s release. In fact, at one time, the gang from MTAVC.COM Modded GTA VC to be a multiplayer video game, when it originally was not. The question I have to ask is, if you take the installer multiplayer modded files, and dragged them into your mobile device, can you get on the multiplayer servers and play MTAVCMobile??

Good question, is ” Will Rockstar games make another funny game like this one? Vice City was the more Humorous of the three games in that set (GTAIII GTAVC and GTASA).
Let’s hope that by the sells numbers from this cell phone app, Rockstar games sees what element in this one, makes it so great

Well none the less. Here’s a quote on Rockstar’s website

To celebrate the 10th anniversary, there will be a series of commemorative assets released, including never-before-seen artwork and a brand new anniversary trailer highlighting some of the most iconic scenes and music from the game. In addition, a limited run of collectable promotional items will be made available for purchase through the Rockstar Warehouse, with select items also available via online giveaways.

In conjunction with the anniversary, we’re pleased to announce that we’ll be releasing an Anniversary Edition of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for select iOS and Android devices later this fall. This upcoming version will bring the full experience to mobile devices, featuring native high-resolution graphics and several enhancements unique to the iOS and Android platforms. Stay tuned for more details in the weeks ahead including a list of compatible iOS and Android devices.

Also, since Rockstar Games never did a San Andreas Stories, can we go ahead and assume there will me no GTA San Andreas for mobile?


Spider hoax on Facebook.

Telamonia Spider Hoax

This is a hoax from back in 1999 then rehashed in 2002 and then rebirthed on Facebook in 2012.
This Telamonia Spider story comes from an old “butt spider” story from long before the internet.

supposed to live under toilet seats.

Here’s snopes on the topic

Here’s Google on the image

Here’s the new version being passed around on Facebook.


A spider bite…please read………… And you thought the brown recluse was bad!!!

Three women in North Florida , turned up at hospitals over a 5-day period, all with the same symptoms. Fever, chills, and vomiting, followed by muscular collapse, paralysis, and finally, death. There were no outward signs of trauma.

Autopsy results showed toxicity in the blood. These women did not know each other, and seemed to have nothing in common. It was discovered, however, that they had all visited the same Restaurant (Olive Garden) within days of their deaths.. The health department descended on the restaurant, shutting it down. The food, water, and air conditioning were all inspected and tested, to no avail.

The big break came when a waitress at the restaurant was rushed to the hospital with similar symptoms. She told doctors that she had been on vacation, and had only went to the restaurant to pick up her check. She did not eat or drink while she was there, but had used the restroom.

That is when one toxicologist, remembering an article he had read, drove out to the restaurant, went into the restroom, and lifted the toilet seat. Under the seat, out of normal view, was a small spider.

The spider was captured and brought back to the lab, where it was determined to be the Two-Striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata), so named because of its reddened flesh color. This spider’s venom is extremely toxic, but can take several days to take effect. They live in cold, dark, damp climates, and toilet rims provide just the right atmosphere.

Several days later a lawyer from Jacksonville showed up at a hospital emergency room. Before his death, he told the doctor, that he had been away on business, had taken a flight from Indonesia , changing planes in Singapore, before returning home. He did not visit (Olive Garden), while there. He did, as did all of the other victims, have what was determined to be a puncture wound, on his right buttock.

Investigators discovered that the flight he was on had originated in India .
The Civilian Aeronautics Board (CAB) ordered an immediate inspection of the toilets of all flights from India , and discovered the Two-Striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata) spider’s nests on 4 different planes!

It is now believed that these spiders can be anywhere in the country. So please, before you use a public toilet, lift the seat to check for spiders. It can save your life!

And please pass this on to everyone you care about

So the Telamonia Spider story aka butt spider story is fake and very old. It is the boogie man of toilets. The Telamonia Spider story is false.

Are you ready to jump to Windows 8 yet?

[poll id=”26″]
What measures have you taken to prepare yourself for the best Windows 8 transition experience possible?
Have you purchased a touch screen capable monitor?
Have you bought the latest motherboard,processor,memory and Solid state hard drive?

Yeah, me either.
Maybe I will wait a couple years for the computers to start shipping with windows 8 already on them. Not the ones that say “Windows 8 ready” or “windows 8 upgrade for free”. The machines built for Windows 8.

Typically when the new operating systems come out, we find later that current hardware is less than able to run the operating systems and soon after come new and improved hardware. Most often is ram/memory. but the inevitable is processor. with a new CPU it’s usually a good idea to get a new motherboard also. or you will be left behind.

The part you have to prepare for is, what is available now, at it’s max is usually just barely above minimum requirements of what ever software or operating system that has just been released. Like say, ddr2 memory was the highest we had when Vista came out. That memory capped out in it’s time at 2 gigs per stick. many motherboards have only two slots. Wouldn’t you know it, 4 gigs memory is optimal for windows 7. That’s not how it was announced but that’s what we have come to learn on our own. This will be the same case with windows 8. Now with Windows 7 out we have DDR3. Which has a cap of what I think is 8 gigs per stick. Count on DDR5 becoming the common with in the next year, and the first bloat pack (service pack) coming out and everyone realizing that new optimal for windows 8 will be crazy high like 8 gigs. best performance 32 gigs.

So hold out on your upgrade to any new operating system for a few months. let the new hardware come out. Let the first few updates come out. Let the internet swell with complaints. Don’t buy parts until you see the crying stop. Prices should level out to a fair cost. If you buy any parts or computers now, you are basically buying off the junk that the stores are trying to get off their shelves. They too know how it works. Every single time.

Fear Monger
Basically, based on past experience, if you are running DDR2 or older, you will be left behind. That mouse of yours is antiquated, and that video card you have that is the top of the line, is now ….. just cute. That 250 gig spinning hard drive will be pointless. Of course because the numbers are higher on everything, we will bloat out our videos and music. Count on songs becoming 1 gig minimum. So that one TB hard drive you have in the external case, will be antiquated, 50 TB hard drives coming with in the next two years. Easily. (not easy task, but is a must). Well at this rate . What does this mean?  It means your 250 gigs a month cap from Comcast, will easily be reached. Your 2 gig cap from at&t is less than laughable now. Just wait until ALL of your software is apps based and you begin to agree that cloud storage is the only logical option. That 250 gigs a month will be less than a week to break.

This of course is one hundred percent plausible fiction.

but as always. Software should always excel hardware. That’s how we evolve. If not for something to push the hardware to be better, faster, stronger, we would be complacent. We would not innovate. When we have greater speeds and storage, we can then come up with ideas that seemed farfetched and impossible.

I admit that I am currently satisfied with Windows 7, fearful of what Windows 8 could mean, and skeptical of any positive claims we see in the next 5 months of Windows 8.

So no.. I am not ready.

Apps or Programs Poll

app OR programs

app OR programs

Before we get to the poll at the bottom of the page, Let’s preface this.
What would you prefer more to have. An Application or a Program ?
would you prefer to have the full entire install of a program with it’s entire file package, or an Application that is set without customizations other than per-customized addons (Which could be sturdy) that cost a bit more?

This is the question that we should be asking. We are nearing the time where operating system vendors move more and more to the “cloud” idea of everything computer. How do we want our installations to be happening? Do we want full installations or applications?

this isn’t so much of whether you want a tablet or a Computer, but the software that could determine whether you should have a computer or a tablet.


With a program you get full file access to all of the files that come with a program. Files that can be customized manually to your suited needs and desires.
Your program will not change so drastically with an update, that you can not use it, if it does, then you just uninstall and reinstall and skip that specific update.

With Programs you could mess the whole thing up customizing and tweaking to your needs and have to uninstall and reinstall.
You have to do the same procedures as an app if you want to buy addons. Click the install button
Scratch your disk and you are looking at an expensive reinstall.


With apps there might be a million and one modifications readily for sale that you never expected to exist.
Always online and available
doesn’t cost near as much for initial install.
Really hard to damage the install.

Not customizable.
all tweaks cost money
All tweaks fit someone elses needs.
No personal back up for when you are without internet service
Bandwidth usage everytime you install.
Always gets upstaged by next version that you have to buy in full.

[poll id=”25″]

Please share so we get more votes.

Do you still have a Myspace account? – poll

Do you still have a Msyapce account?
Have you been informed of the big push with Justin Timberlake and Myspace?

Peak at Myspace’s new layout

[poll id=”23″]

here on CBS

[poll id=”24″]

The new Myspace will let users connect to the site with their Twitter or Facebook accounts, a sign that it won’t be competing with those sites as a social networking service. Rather, Myspace will continue with its entertainment focus, as a place to play and discover music, add photos, videos and playlists and connect with artists.

Timberlake, who’s featured prominently in the video, will likely play a big part of the MySpace revamp. The former ‘N Sync pop star, with a group of other investors, bought MySpace last summer from News Corp. for $35 million, mostly in stock. That was quite a difference from the $580 million that News Corp. () paid for the company in 2005, when it was still an Internet darling.

MySpace, of course, isn’t Timberlake’s first foray into social networking. He played Napster co-founder Sean Parker, a party animal and early Facebook adviser, in Aaron Sorkin’s “The Social Network” in 2010.

I thought they did a 2.0 a couple years back?? and Comcast

I do not use comcast. In fact, I use Clear 4g. I have been testing my bandwidth on Speedtest’s website.
and I think I found something fishy.
When I go to the speedtest website and check my Internet speed, I assume that since one of the closest servers to test with is Comcast server, I would get great results. True results of my speeds maximum capability. but instead Comcast seems to only show good results for Comcast ip addresses. I’ve tested from my clear 4g connection, my buddy’s at&t connection, My mom’s Comcast Internet connection and my work t3 connection
Houston has two test locations. Comcast and University of Houston.
Houston Comcast shows me with only 2.8 megs a second while University of Houston shows me at 4.5 megs a second.

While Dallas Frost wire shows me at 5.1 megs per second.
and Dallas Soft Layer Tech Shows me at 5.1 megs per second
Austin Grande Communications shows me at 5 megs per second
Muleshoe Texas Five Area Telephone shows me at 5 megs per second
Cedar City Utah

The issue here is that I live in Houston. I can go to any Texas test site outside of Houston, and get better results. but if I take any computer using comcast service and test with the Comcast server, you get wild high results, but test that computer on any other bandwidth test server and you will see low speeds with about 1/3 of the bandwidth results that comcast showed, not really happening.

I have done these tests at work on the T3 line and again, Speedtest’s Houston Comcast server shows my bandwidth test at 1mps per second

Take from this what you will.

4 new images with GTA 5

Rockstar games just released 4 more pictures for GTA5

Plane is flying over what looks like a low flow creek
The police chase appears to have Comets in a car hauler truck
Exotic Luxury car is being chased by police cars and helicopters.
Looks like snipers get laser scope aimers.

When is GTA 5 Release Date ?



The question everyone is asking right now, is “When will Grand Theft Auto five be released”.

There is a method to answering this question. Experience. but that is only useful if there are no hitches or hold ups in Grand Theft Auto five’s production before GTA5 intended release.

The ideal release date for console version of Grand Theft Auto 5 would be mid November, and then pc version April 2013.

but seeing that Rockstar has already made it clear that GTA5 will be released on PS3,Xbox360 and PC, and fully known, there is chance of a simultaneous release. If that is the case then expect to see one released in October, one in November and the final released in January.

Let’s look at the first week of September before we see the first advertisement for GTA5 on television. We will not get a confirmed release date until that time.