Windows 8 Developers Preview Released

Screen shot windows 8

Screen shot windows 8

Windows 8 is released to the developers. there is a 32 bit version released and a 64 bit version released.
Some people who already have windows 8 developer’s are complaining about not knowing how to disable “aps”. They say that you start something, it just drops out of view but does not completely shut off.


Some have found that by renaming a DLL file in the windows 32 folder, you get your taskbar. not sure about it.. Haven’t been home to test it yet so do your research. I think the DLL statement was false. There is an option to use taskbar . but when you hit the start button, it just starts the windows 8 Metro user interface.
Here is a funny comparison picture of how people are saying windows is making us stupid :-). Far right is the Windows 8 default screen.

windows 8

windows 8

As you see. Some people do not like having simple big smushy button tiles as their only option.

Here is a picture of Windows 8 install procedure, and it crashed.

install screen crash

install screen crash

The Evaluation period is until December if you installed today

picture of evaluation period expiration date

picture of evaluation

Picture of the Task Manager in Windows 8. Looks to have streamlined a bit and made it look a small bit less confusing. The way that taskmanager has been on previous versions of windows has always been a bit misleading. This probably still won’t help.

Task Manager Windows 8

Task Manager Windows 8


search on windows 8

search on windows 8


The file for the search picture, looks a bit fishy, I will investigate later.

and here is the error screen also known as the blue screen of death

Blue Screen of Death

crashed windows 8

And here is the

windows 8 crashed

blue screen of death windows 8 vm

Windows 8 Crash screen while running in virtual machine

BitCoin Review

Have you found it yet? Have you found the magic pot full of magic money that you can’t get anywhere except if you build it yourself using your computer?
Have you found your GUIMINER or have you found bitcoin plus?
With bitcoin plus, you log into the website and you just click on “Start Generating” and it starts. You are instantly generating money. tiny minuit fragments of a penny. every hour you get paid 0.00002728 bitcoin. So, what ever the current trade value of a bitcoin is, divide that by 0.00002728 and you will see what the value of an hour is to you. not a whole fricken lot.
So you search for alternatives or someone comes along and tell you how you can get more bitcoins faster, by explaining how it works. Your friend tells you that you can get a program that lets you generate the bitcoins for yourself at a much faster rate. Since bitcoinplus uses Java to run, and we all know how dead goat fast that can be. So it sounds plausible and you are now intrigued.
Your friend tells you the name of a program that you can use to do mining with. For me, it was Guiminer (Graphical user interface miner). With Guiminer you have to get the bitcoin wallet. So you can store your bitcoins in.
So now you installed the wallet and you have the guiminer on your desktop. Now what? You open the guiminer and click on the first thing you see “start mining’ nope, jack squat. So you go to the menu area to try and figure out what in the settings is set at a default what ever. Nope, again, jack squat. So now you Google how to start this stupid thing and you find some post saying ‘ I am new to this so be kind” you are thinking “ding ding found one”. Go in to read it, nope jack squat. First line out of that dudes question is ” ok I am running a Linux network that is coded to BLAH BLAH BLAH” Lost me. you are thinking ” Ok now I just want the dang thing to run once. Three days go by of refining your Google search and finally you get the jest of it. open the mining program tell it to open the wallet as a server (dude I have no idea why) tell the mining program to look locally for a server. now it works, you are cranking about a cool 30 Mhash per second. You leave your machine running all night and wake up like a 7 year old on Christmas morning only to find. Jack Squat. So now you start looking for some math to see if you will make money. Sure you will. In 111478 months. You will make a whole 50 bitcoins.
So now you find that you have to join a gang, or what ever they call them, and have yourself a bitcoin lan party because someone realized that if you run a mining pool, you can mine faster and get more bitcoins. The system is supposed to be more organized that way. But after a few days, you get back to the same spot and see that you just made the guy hosting the pool, quite a bit of money. but you. you are making. Yep you guessed it. Jack squat.
So. Again you hunt for other reasons to hope this thing is useful. You find pictures upon pictures of people who make their own mining pool. Like some guy who has like 20 computers, each computer has 4 video cards on them to help mine faster using each graphics card GPU. and you think to yourself ” well heck yeah, eventually that will start to pay off’ and then you remember that 111478 months thing and try and divide that by each video card you see in the picture and shake your head at the insanity of the whole thing. Or you totally ignore any logic and continue to tell yourself there’s money in it somehow.

Oh, I assume the reason the bitcoin value dropped so much, is the early 6 months it’s value was cranked up stupid high, by the powers that started it, to get more people to help them with what ever in the heck they are doing. not because the stock market crashed. Just simply because no one wants anything to do with it. To much work, to much effort for very little pay out.
I have got to say that bit coin mining is useless.
If you do the math of the money wasted on electricity running what ever material it takes to generate bitcoin, you will be at a loss.
It’s not for broke people, to come into money with. It’s a toy for rich kids. and they validate it with an end result of 5 months later saying “see? I got $20 so it isn’t worthless”.
Don’t fall for that.
in the end you were better off staying on the bitcoin plus website and just letting it run in the background and not cause any trouble on your computer. No you will never get rich with that, but at least it feels like you are doing something with a computer that is already on anyway.
Bitcoin review
for people with addictive nature.

***update so I don’t seem like a jerk, just explaining logic behind my post***
if the money of pooling is split up amongst everyone, it would seem less profitable for the guy with 900 computers running the app, than the guy with one computer running the app.
one thing I have learned with these android phones, the more stuff you run, the faster your battery dies. This would lead me to believe that the apps are causing usage of electricity.
Means the phone that when all items are stripped and I am running a basic install of android, the battery lasts between 8-14 hours. With all average running apps the battery is between 3-6 hours, depending on what you call average apps.
note the power connector at the back of your video card, it is not there for luck. It is there for a reason. one can assume the electric bill is slightly effected by someone who upgrades to that. Especially if their computer runs all hours of the day and night, with no down time. add an app that runs that card, you can assume (from the android reference) that you will be using more electricity than just having the machine on. Run an app like guiminer, where your card is running at 50% higher temps. Mine got up to just under 180, normal temp is 105. you can surely assume that the ap is using a lot more power, along with the video card it’s self using a lot more power.
Now chunk in a second video card, and run at higher speeds (I Did this, but I didn’t see much performance increase), and re-math your power consumption.
I keep my computer turned off as much as I can.
I keep my electric bill under $50 a month (except last month, Texas weather at 100+ degrees got me to $75ish)
I wouldn’t want to see the slightest increase to my power bill for something so complicated and barely explained. I would not see the profit of it. Especially if you only see less than $100 a month in profits.
Something close to the topic with nearly no actual answer to teh original question. How much electricity am I consuming as I generate bitcoin

Instagram Crash

usually fount at now nowhere to be seen. Instagram is down

instagram dns notice

screen shot of instagram error



I would have never thought in a million years that Instagram would have their data hosted on someone else’s server. But as the error reads, the folks at instagram got many notices to relocate to the new dns.
SO it’s not really a crash, rather it is an eviction notice.

But on the good side
Everything is back up and running.
This is good. For instagram
Was spooky seeing so many angry women on Facebook

Automated Advertisement Fail

I was searching online for some batteries for the back up power-supply we have on the server. These batteries are huge, like 3 inches buy 6 inches by 4 inches.

server back up batteries

psu bats

Much like those.
While in the search for the batteries I also looked up a battery tray, because well, our battery back up psu tray has a faulty wire, which explains the dead batteries. Right?
Well Here is the add I looked at. Note that the price is perfect for the power-supply. But look at the suggested add below.


This kind of disappoints me a bit. Considering these guys advertise on my site, and I hand selected this company because I respect their products and prices.
Ehh such is life.. So what, superman wears his underwear on the outside. No one’s perfect

Facebook Places are gone

Facebook Places has been removed from the website. but my Android ap still has Facebook places in it.
Maybe I should update but I think
I will wait and see if everyone is complaining about the Facebook Android ap.

Ok.. Facebook places is gone and everyone who was anti foursquare are all now foursquare proactive. Gowalla gets forgotten and every douche nozzle admits no such flip in opinion.
Where are all of the people who say “myspace? what is myspace” all of the sudden?
Product zombies…
I hear a similar to pacman noise every time I encounter such being “consume,consume,consume,consume,consume,consume, buy buy buy,purchased!”
I never would have known that computers can have so many hipsters and trendies on it.

oh and if you are here for the news on why Facebook -places is gone. Well because the brains behind the machine removed places because not enough revenue from Facebook places. I could swear Google had a Google places. isn’t that really similar?

All dorked up and no place to go :-(

Somewhere Between Firefox and Facebook

Somewhere Between Firefox and Facebook
What this is in relation to is, Spell-check.
I have been running into this issue since firefox 3.
I’m on Facebook, I’m typing a message, staring at my fingers because I can’t type. I look up and see a mess load of error in my spelling. Everything is underlined in squiggly red, so I right click each spelling error, select the word that is the proper spelling of my typo. Correct all of my spelling errors. I press send. Look back up at the post, and all of the errors are back.
Why does this happen? what is causing all of my typos to reappear?
I have found one way around the issue is after I type my message and fix the spelling errors is if I put a smiley face or a frowny face or what ever is closest to the mood of the post, emote after the post, the issue is does not came up.
Firefox, you need to kick facebook in the crotch for us, or facebook, kick firefox in the crotch, or both commence to sac kicking.

firefox and facebook do not agree on the spell check feature that firefox has? Or does firefox just want to prove that all facebook users are idiot? Does facebook want to prove that all firefox users are idiot?
I know this issue happens on the work computer, the home computer and the laptop.

Penny Bid Auctions are SCAMS

Penny auctions and and penny bid sites are straight up flat out scams. The clock will milk the penny, the penny will continue to role in and you will continue to lose your money to products that you will never win. The auction site will continue to profit and no one wins but the site owner. You don’t and I don’t personally know a single person who has won anything from any of those sites but there sure are hundreds of posts on the internet of ” I won from them and got a brand new car for $200″. Yeah? Who the heck are you?
Nothing more than an employee of the website, a search engine optimization dude trying to save face for the website he is working on, meanwhile helping scam the whole darn planet.

Look here to see what people are saying about the big one… Beezid

and more of the penny auction scams

Everyone is happy to find an alternative to EBAY. So they run to the penny auctions like they run to computerized slot machines. Nothing makes me hang my head more than that. but Ebay the once mighty and powerful money making website, where you profit, I profit and They profit is now just a place where they profit and no one is ever happy again. They own their money trading company that charges you per transaction, while they own a website that charges you per auction, based on the value of your auction, meanwhile also charges you for just the auction it’s self… I have no clue how they justify that other than “It’s my site I will do what ever I want”. So a person running an auction on ebay that uses paypal, gets hit up to three times (sometimes) per auction and pay out.Ebay got too greedy. decided that when they started losing users, they would make up the difference by cranking the price and making their existing users pay even more.
So everyone runs to the penny auctions. Why? because the penny auctions charge the bidders. Charge me to bid? How stupid do you look? No thank you.
Have you asked yourself one piece of the most logical question here? If everything sold on the website goes for less than a penny per dollar, who would be so stupid as to sell anything on a penny auction site? No one. The people selling the stuff do not exist. The items being sold, do not exist. You bid, you just paid the site owner because the clock keeps ticking, the clock just starts back over. And the penny costs you more than a penny (at almost all of the penny auctions) so you lose track of your cost. If that part in it’s self does not throw up redflags and you say “ehh it’s just change” then you are clearly the biggest tool of an idiot and exactly the moron they are looking for. You have a better chance of thinking how much you want to pay for said products, walk to the nearest wishing well and just chunks your money in and see if that product falls in your lap. Not very likely.
Penny auction sites are scams.
All of them.
Don’t be ripped off by them. Even if it’s just a couple bucks. Heck if you are just handing out money….

Inexpensive ways to Speed up Your Computer

These are the steps I take to speed up my computer. I have been doing this since my first computer, when I first noticed it was getting slow. These steps work every single time I have had an issue with a computer running slow. and I never really had to buy much. Except for canned air.

First thing is, any software that runs when you first start your computer, that is an optional software that you yourself installed, go into the options area of that software and tell it not to run at computer start up . It’s always better practice that when you install the software, tell it not to run at start up. That way you make sure the software never is an issue. If the software installer does not allow you to do so, then try the options area once you confirm that the software runs at start up. One easy way to check is look over by your clock. There might be a few icons around the clock. Go to each one of those items and right click them, go to options and turn those things off and tell them not to run at start up.
If that does not work and the option to dissable auto run is not available. Then you might have to resort to Msconfig and look in the second to far right tab. Should say “startup”. Look for anything that you installed. I myself right away look for “Jusched”, Jusched is Java Update Scheduler. Why is that running? why is that not an optional update? why does it cripple so many computers? Next is I disable anything adobe. but that is only because I don’t use adobe for anything but reading a pdf file. That can run when requested. the whole fast start stuff is bull crap and shouldn’t be an option. Adobe opens no slower if you opt out of fast start. If it does, it’s not much.. maybe three seconds. just for that I typically uninstall adobe from the computer I am using and resort to the faster safer alternative, called “foxit” lets you do more than adobe reader and is faster loading with tabs.
Next is I run a malware scanner, Like a-Squared, Bit defender
(ads moment)
Bit Defender Antivirus

Once the malware is removed. Yeah. I say that as if I am sure something is on there. Instead of the first reboot, I shut the computer off. I crack the case open and locate all heatsinks. Drag the whole computer outside and grab some canned air. I think blast the motherboard, the processor (CPU), the video card (GPU), north bridge , memory sticks, hard drives and cd/dvd drives and then I blast and wipe the interior of the computer case.
after I get the computer put back together, I boot the computer up and go about my merry way.
Some people tell you that you need to run a defragment with your computer. I don’t see it doing much good these days anymore. Maybe back when hard drives were smaller than a floppy disk This would be a big issue, but now, the hard drives are so large, and processors are so fast and the computers come with so much memory in them, a defragment of the hard drive would be like a drop of water in a planet covered in water. Very ineffective and undetectable by a human. but you can try it. It shouldn’t hurt you. Defrag is located somewhere in your menu, usually under system tools in the start menu of all windows computers. Been there for years. Crazy they took out program manager but not defrag.
none the less, that should help you out a bit in making your computer a bit faster, or closer to the speed your computer was when you first bought it.
If you do these steps on a regular basis like once every two or three months, you should pretty much keep your computer running good for a long time with this. I usually do this stuff the same weekends I get my oil changed on my car. keeps my synced up.

I actually do all of this every time a friend or a relative asks me to work on their computer. Just getting their computer back running faster is enough to make them happy.