What is bad website design?

A few things about website design that people do not know right away about how you should not design your websites. Things that make search engines shun you like the twitching weirdo that no one wants to look at. You must never, ever try and trick the system. and you must always use effort, not shortcuts. There are no shortcuts to webdesign. Tidy is not a shortcut. Here are things you do not do.
Useless pages
Leaving default Template pages in the open to be crawled by web crawlers

1. Cras eleifend consectetur
2. Curabitur sollicitudin ornare
3. Nam ac auctor ipson tellus non risus placerat adipiscing etc…
Copy another website
Even if that website is gone, you can not copy your competitor.
Look at last sentence of first Paragraph
Look at first sentence of first paragraph  while you’re there, go ahead and read the Next paragraph on that page and compare it to the second to the last paragraph here

Now, scroll down in this link to just below the second video. Takes a moment to load.

No telling who had it first. but I am sure betting it isn’t the sloppy site’s idea first. you know, the one with the Latin default template text on it.

Do not post your website on one of this “get listed in a bazillion search engines” becaus ethat is garbage.  Those sites harm your Search engine indexing.

PC verses XBOX What is more popular?

Well we just found out today which one is used most for gaming between the xbox and the personal computer.
The Verge Shows statistics between just Steam users and XBOX live users. The difference is more than 13 million users.

Do you know who has more user?

It’s the PC gamers. in excess of 65 million users on steam, and 48 million users on Xbox live.

Just wait for the Steam operating system (by Linux) to release soon and you will see the number of pc gamers on Steam skyrocket.

Hopefully they make the Steam Os compatible with Android aps and games.

Adblock verses Hosts file

adblock is a program that blocks ads

Hosts file is a file with lines in it that tell your computer not to go to certain sites. This blocks advertisements. Hosts file is a file that uses zero resources.

Why would you use an adblock when you can just block a site manually and prevent your computer from connecting to said site?

Go search for mvps hosts file and download it and replace your hosts file with the one they offer. It’s free, it’s quick and it doesn’t use any processes to use it.

Plus their hosts file is updated often.try it. You can also block your roommate’s favorite sites from your computer so he/she won’t use your computer.

Houston Craigslist Clearly Not Moderated

Too many times I have searched Craigslst in Houston area for a car. and foolishly didn’t set my min max price search at exactly one dollar apart. I say this because you do any price difference greater than $10, you get a page full of rims and tires and seats in the car section. All the while there is a separate section specifically for parts, tires etc.
I report these parts when I see them in the section for complete cars. but to no avail.

If someone moderates that place. Please wake them up and make sure they get back to work.because the site is unusable like this. Please send warnings and notices to the repeat offenders. Use i.p. and account bans for the persistent offenders.

If it keeps up, I will start posting couches and dog clothes in the auto section.

Just because they say “F150 tires and rims” does not qualify it to be in the F150 searches. Seriously… anyone searching for an F150 most likely will not own an F150, and not need rims and tires. The person selling the F150 will most likely not be willing to invest into the truck so please.

And do not allow the searches to check dealerships. because you will get 10 versions of the exact same ad for the exact same vehicle. and then move to the next vehicle and get ten of each add for that one also.
“new 2011 Toyota Carola fresh red” next ad “2011 New Toyota Carola Fresh Red” and so on. Let’s not forget the “****l00k @t Thi$****” ads…. come on people… who falls for this crap?


Android Google Cards needs

Just an Idea I have for Google with their android application “Cards”
In web browser either default web browser or chrome, we should be able to click “add to cards” to pages and be able to subscribe that content like an rss feed.

So we can have our subscribed feeds and Google content in one.
This way, so the people who do not want to give up so much of their life to Google by allowing caching of their visits and search histories. allows people to have quick access to the content they want, without an app telling them “Hey I know you better than you”.

Especially with all of this NSA scare going on, it would be nice if Google and Android crew would humor the few that still like their privacy.

SYX I5 Computer Review

Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 VS Motorola Bionic Antutu Benchmark

Got my Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 just last night and took a few photos and a video. Posted the fresh out of the box very first boot up.
Decided to do a performance benchmark for my new Admire 2. To be fair, I had to put the Admire up against my Bionic. The Bionic is a couple years old, but a phone I have always considered to be pretty fast.
Now understand that the Galaxy Admire 2 is the budget Samsung Galaxy. It’s cost at launch through Cricket was just less than 1/4 of current Galaxy phones and less than 1/4 the price of the phone I putting against the Galaxy Admire 2.

Antutu Tests Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 Motorola Droid Bionic
Ram 1804 995
Cpu Integer 1764 1322
Cpu Float-point 1367 1121
2d graphics 1190 519
3d graphics 3685 2670
database IO 555 75
SD card write 9.3MB/s 93 8.9MB/s 89
SD card read 22.2MB/s 191 16.8MB/s 168
CPU frequency 1188 MHz (x2) 1000 MHz (x2)

First to be tested  was the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 from Cricket that I got for $49

Next Tested was the Droid Bionic. That cost much more … Much Much more

Now for the two phones side by side.

Watching Antutu run, it was clear right away that the Admire 2 was about to stomp a smooshy spot into the Bionic. It did. FPS rates were different all across the board.

Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 VS Motorola Bionic Antutu Benchmark by Budget Tech Review on TruXterTech.Com

Sharkoon Skiller Keyboard Review


Sharkoon Skiller Keyboard is a gaming keyboard with hot key assignment for every key. I purchased my Skiller keyboard for use with autocad to assist me in alarm design. The hot key functions sounded like the greatest idea.

Alt keys seem to have no function.
Instruction manual is uninformative on this matter.
The backspace button is tiny.



Score Sharkoon Skiller Keyboard  7/10

Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 From Cricket

Built in the Axiom shell is the latest Android Galaxy. This means that if you need a new case or any accessories, you have a good chance of finding the parts you need by simply looking for Axiom. Or go into setting/about device and scroll to bottom you will see a model number SCH-R830c. Google that or search eBay for that number and you will find Axioms and Galaxy Admire 2 are the exact same phone, and share a lot of identical parts.
Video of first boot of my Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 From Cricket to show it’s boot time (scroll to bottom of page). Then pictures to compare the Admire to a Bionic and a Zio. ( Benchmark scores)
I received my Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 today from Cricket. and right away, put the phone on it’s charger. Battery was at about 50% charge upon arrival. (of course I didn’t think to take pictures until a bit after opening and charging)
charging 	Samsung Galaxy Admire 2

Finally, No stupid logo in the front.

Finally, No stupid logo in the front.

The sim card and micro SD already inserted. For the record, this phone does not require a special memory card to Cricket’s Muve Music.

Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 with back cover off

Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 with back cover off

Now understand, I am upgrading from a very out dated Kyocera Sanyo Zio. Which is a decent phone for it’s time. But. Single core 600mhz little to no storage, Android 2.2.1.  on the plus side, the phone is almost bullet proof. Been dropped countless times and still works fine, no cracks and less than average scratches. It’s a little tank.
Little is the key word. The screen is a bit small so the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2  will be a nice upgrade with near 1/4 inch larger screen.
Here is a front comparison of the two phones the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2  and the Sanyo ZIO
Which doesn’t look like that much pocket space has been compromised, but look at the slight difference in the screen size.
Here is a side photo of the two phones

Very little (if any) difference in thickness.

I do have to admit that for a couple months, I had a flashed Motorolla Droid Bionic from Verizon , but there was this stupid update notice that I was warned not to do. Well one day, I was typing a text…. and the notice popped up. yep… I clicked it. $50 for the flash right down the drain. but the screen on the bionic was huge. and the Android version was Ice Cream Sandwich. Some options and abilities from Froyo android 2.2, gone, but some things ran smoother with ICS. Also I had to replace the screen on the bionic on the second day after flashing to Cricket. Dropped  the thing not even 2 feet. Landed on a corner.
Here’s a front view comparison of the Motorola Bionic and the Galaxy Admire 2.
The screen area of the Bionic is nearly the same size as the entire Admire 2.
Thickness comparison between the bionic and the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2.

The Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 is a considerable amount thinner than the Bionic.

Took me too long to figure this out, but the tiny button on the right side of the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 is the power button. Not the big skinny button in the front.

Now for the initial boot up

Very fast boot.
Shockingly fast.

Big issue I have run into repeatedly is the back button and menu button. They buttons are too close to the edge. My fingers barely ever make proper contact. and then add the edge of the case I recently added. Plus, for some reason that space between the buttons and the glass, is somehow active and sensitive. So whatever is on the screen above that space activates when you hit that space.

Trying Siri Like Assistant for android

I have been trying sms readers and text to speech apps for days now. and have not found a single tts program yet that works all that well. So I took a break from the  few I installed.
Motorola Droid Bionic
With Android version:Ice Cream Sandwich

Here are the text to speech apps I liked the most

SMS Reader This one worked for a while, then I opened settings, and exited and it never read my messages again. Also wouldn’t do speech to text.

This one I didn’t like so much. everything was trial.

Now to the Assistant.
So far, the only one worth messing with is called
Assistant from Speaktoit.

You can change the way your Avatar looks. you can tell her/him she/he has a new name and change her/his name. You can send messages to your Twitter account and Facebook account.Your assistant will offer you the chance to have your responses to your Facebook status update read to you when someone replies. You can search for anything nearby. You can search for answers to most questions and you can schedule plans using your Google calendar.

Uses it’s own selection of search engine which could be a Google affiliated program, but not sure. The “search for nearest” isn’t the most correct for any of the searches I did. I even searched for a taco bell right up the street less than a mile away, it showed me one that is ten miles away and said it was three miles away. twitter portion does not use twitter app. Neither does the Facebook status updates. So this thing is constantly running . Which means it sucks your battery down fast.If you tell the assistant to open Facebook app, it tries to post a status to Facebook. Not sure how comfortable I am with giving away so many passwords. With the app open while phone was on charger, my battery dropped to 80%. Normally I can watch youtube videos and post to Facebook and never drop a percent while on charger. When responding to a text message, the other person never gets it.

Tried for a while to locate more voices while going through all of the tts and text to speech searches (yes type it both ways different results). None for free and most apps have their own voices. Surely all of this should come free with the dang phone.