Myspace to Sync With Facebook

A Little to late. But hey now facebook is dropping  all embedded outside aps. So this could be perfect for Myspace or now could be the time that everyone is tried of the flood of Social networks.

Exciting new things at MySpace

We know you’re eager for change, and we’ve been listening. It’s time to dust off those cobwebs and get back in the saddle, because today we’re introducing you to some new features and products that you’re going to love.

Don’t waste time visiting so many sites – our new sync function allows you to update all your friends from just one place.

Learn more

It’s cleaner, easier to use, has better design tools, and if we can be perfectly honest – is ridiculously good looking.

Learn more

Stay tuned for even more exciting updates to come.
You’re not going to want to miss what’s next!
See you there,
The MySpace team

Read more:

Sync Myspace with Facebook and Twitter

Just needs friend feed and the ability to put your own personal feed in there so that you can post a bulletin to all of your friends.
Good luck Myspace. Maybe you guys can sell Myspace back to Tom for $500 and let him get it back off the ground again.

Gmail Phone

Well I logged in today to my gmail account while on my Xubuntu partition and saw something new (to me).

It seems that Google has released  and internet based phone that we all can use locally for free.

There is a page that describes the rates. but there was also a pop up ( I did not screenshot) that says calls within the country I am in are free, but calls outside of the country have extremely low rates.

Here is a list of the rates for the google phone and the page the rates are listed on.

Now you can make phone calls from Gmail at extremely low rates — so you can share your two cents with France
(or Argentina, or Iceland, or Guam…) for $0.02. Check out some sample per-minute rates below or see the complete list.

Google Leading internet telephony provider
United States free 2.1 ¢/min + connection fee
Canada free 2.1 ¢/min + connection fee
India 6 ¢/min 9.2 ¢/min + connection fee
UK landline 2 ¢/min 2.1 ¢/min + connection fee
UK mobile 18 ¢/min 25.3 ¢/min + connection fee
Mexico landline 10 ¢/min 9.9 ¢/min + connection fee
Mexico mobile 19 ¢/min 33.6 ¢/min + connection fee
France landline 2 ¢/min 2.1 ¢/min + connection fee
France mobile 15 ¢/min 20.3 ¢/min + connection fee

Wooo hoo… It’s like the G1.1 for all of us lol… I wonder if they will slip in some ads in there.

Google Phone picture

The reason I mentioned Xubuntu is that I had just installed the latest version and then tested the  Ethernet driver adapter support by heading straight to gmail and I got the notice. Since I was on Linux, and all of the android phones are owned by Google, and well since Android is based on Linux , My assumption was that Google gave all of the Linux users a cool little secret treat.

But then I booted to my winseven partition and :-(

There it is, the google phone for gmail.

I remember when msn and yahoo did this years ago. As soon as they stopped, Skype took it over.


My question is, if you have the official Gmail ap on your droid. Does this mean you can now make calls and bypass your phone billing service since you are paying for unlimited internet ?

Apple to Brick Jailbroke Iphones

From Mashable, It seems that Apple is claiming their intentions for your use of their product. (Apple is bricking the hacked iphones. Again.)

On one end I understand why they don’t want you to modify or enhance their product. Their whole operating system is that way.

On the other end I understand why people get upset that they paid for something and should be able to use it how they want to.

That’s just apple. They create it, they tell you how to use it. Many accept that as a logical request. Others find that to be zombie like. I find it crippling by not allowing more people to create and innovate to evolve more in the directions that other people than Mac employees may think is next or most wanted.

But again they put a copyright on their product with a specific end user license agreement. When you buy their product you are at some time  given the EULA that you have to agree to before you can actually use the product. Most people do not read them. They just click ok and hurry into their new goodies.

So Enjoy your Iphone for what it is. :-)

Gmail Scam Ads

And Google swears they monitor the ads they serve.

Picture of scam email in google

These people in the ads served by Google say they are there to back up your password.

How fricken Gullible are we these days ? is this simple of a scam working now?

Google … wake up
Scan your ads.

Facebook Places and Four Square

Let them have it. only a small group of people even know what foursquare is. This hoopla over how close the two products are, is probably the highest level of notoriety that Foursquare has ever seen. They probably just got a whopping 14 downloads in one day from curious people who just had to see WTF people are talking about.

See I have no idea how to spell 4square.. at all.. I can spell Gowalla, but I am a freak like that.

T-Mobile G2 is Coming

As a user of the G1 Cell phone I am an enthusiast in the sense I have never hack cracked or modded my original android phone. And by my excitement in posting this you should clearly see I am excited and ready for the G2 cell phone to come my way. We all wanted the G2 when the second android phone was announced, even though we knew that was far to early to make a sequel to the G1 phone.
Then came the 2.1 Firmware for all of the droids. G1 was not on the list of phones that would not automatically get the update. Then came 2.2 firmware. When the top android firmware cracker (lol) released an update on his progress, he was sent a cease notice from google themselves. Really? open source cease? It turns out there was bundled software that Google owns the copyright to, in that firmware. So the guy had to start over. It was looking pretty gloomy for the G1 users by that time.

Until we got this message.

T-Mobile surprised their remaining G-1 users this morning with a text message that simply said

456: FREE T-MOBILE MSG: You heard it first: G2 is coming, and it’s fast. Finally, the best of Google at speeds you crave. Get exclusive access at

And well as a G1 enthusiast, I jumped on the chance to look.
At the same time, a lady from the office I work in, she was looking at the page at the same time. About 50 feet from my office. I closed my browser to tweet it, no one was tweeting it. So I did. Then I went back to that page. Sure enough, the page was gone.
But the lady from my office still had her browser open to the page. I nabbed a screen shot :-)

T-Mobile G2 Phone Picture

G1 was a great phone, We loved the Android system as it was given to us. Now we have G2 and it’s on it’s way to T-Mobile
T-Mobile G2 is coming

The Revolution Continues

The T-Mobile® G1® was the world’s first Android™ -powered phone. Launched nearly two years ago, it created an entirely new class of mobile phones and apps. Its successor, the T-Mobile G2™ with Google™, will continue the revolution.

The T-Mobile G2 will deliver tight integration with Google services and break new ground as the first smartphone designed to run at 4G speeds on our new HSPA+ network. In the coming weeks, we’ll share more details about the G2 and offer exclusive first access to current T-Mobile customers.

I want my G2 droid. But if it does not have a full functioning keyboard, they can keep it.

So far I have not seen any pictures other than the back of the g2

T-Mobile G2 Phone Picture

Seems their site went down

This site is temporarily unavailable while we work to improve the site. We’ll be back soon, better than ever—so please check back later. Thanks for your patience.

This clearly is a big launch. There obviously is a high number of those who at least want to see this dang G2 phone.
From that picture of the G2 page I have there, you can easily see that that specific model of a G2 is not a slide and does not have a full functional keyboard. Making the Android pilot ship rerun, just another droid. I am assuming it is so the G1 users feel they are not left out due to the inability to run droid 2.2

All incidences of the tmobile or Google or g1 or g2 logo, are not my property. They belong to their individual owners. I claim no ownership or responsibility for their greatness or lack of. Please locate their owner for any questions ideas solution or issues. :-)
Leave a comment, If you have more pictures, feel free to link to them.

AVA free FPS is Out Now

AVA Free First Person Shooter – FPS of 2010 is out now.

Well the guys at IJJI finally did it. Waited forever for the game and now it is out. I am unable to download  at this time.  Full review will be on the review section of this site soon.

One video game I have been waiting quite some time for.

First person shooters, Good, Free games, Good. Free First personshooters.. Freaking awesome. Free first person shooters that killer graphics, nu worthy.

Runs on Unreal 3 engine.

As good if not better graphics as call of duty Modern Warfare 2.

Down load free game page

actual page  with previews

A.V.A. System Requirements

Your computer must meet certain minimum requirements in order
to play Alliance of Valiant Arms.
Before you download and install Alliance of Valiant Arms, please verify your system or exceed the following.

Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU P4 2.4GHZ P4 3.0GHZ
Graphics Card Geforce 6600 Geforce 7600GT
Memory 1GB 1GB
OS Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Direct X Direct X 9.0C

This could get the vote for best free first person shooter of the year, on TruXter Tech Review.
This is in every since a video game made completely for pc gaming. all games should be released as a pc game and then ported to console. Simply because the console port would be easier than the port to pc game. So when a game comes out for pc game first, we are certainly sure it will be a good game. This first person shooter will be the number one Pc game FPS of the year. (by all expectations). I am certain you can not buy a pc game this good.
Best ofs always come in January of the following year. We make sure every game released in a year time gets a chance.

SEOmoz PRO Training Seminar

From and seomoz email I received today.

SEOmoz PRO Training Seminar (Almost SOLD OUT)
Tickets are selling fast for our Seattle SEOmoz PRO training seminar on August 30th and 31st. The finished schedule is now available and the content, speakers and venue are absolutely amazing. We’d love to have you join us, but the seminar has sold out every one of the past 4 years, so please book now to limit disappointment.

Sign up for the PRO Training Seminar

Hope you’re having a great summer,

Rand Fishkin
CEO | SEOmoz

p.s. Feel free to email me,, or if you’ve got any questions.

Don’t want to receive these email anymore? (sniff… sniff… OK, but we’ll miss you). Just click  Unsubscribe.
SEOmoz, Inc. 119 Pine St Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98101 UNITED STATES (206) 632-3171

Chrome version mozBar!

Email from SEOMOZ

Hey gang,

I’m sure you’re busy, so I’ll keep it brief.  I’m excited to tell you about two things:

Chrome version of the mozBar!
Many of you have been beating down our door (and tweeting like mad) in hopes of a Google Chrome version of the mozbar. Well, it’s finally here! Please give it a whirl and leave any feedback + check out features:

Download the mozBar for Chrome

Youtube Increases Video Time Limit

You now can upload 15 minute videos. Instead of 10
Cool now the people who pirate movies will be uploading only 4 videos for an hour instead of six.

no really, now my videos can be a little more thorough.
maybe that will stop all of the o.O flash stop and go news(wannabee) videos.
Gives them more time to do more stuff.