StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.2

I started to load starcraft II so I could start my protoss missions today when i got prompted with a notice that starcraft ii was getting an update. well here is what was in the patch.

Stacraft II patch 2

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StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.2

To get the latest news and interact with the community, visit our brand new StarCraft II website. Be sure to check out our Game Guide for an in-depth look at StarCraft II gameplay. We wish you all the best on your journeys through the embattled Koprulu Sector!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.2

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where campaign mission victories would not always trigger properly.
Fixed an issue where some players were unable to access single-player features.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.1

Bug Fixes

Campaign saves have been optimized.
Fixed an issue with sound not playing on some 7.1 systems.

Si quieres estar al tanto de las novedades e interactuar con la comunidad, visita nuestro nuevo sitio web de StarCraft II. No te pierdas la guía del juego para conocer con detalle las mecánicas de juego de StarCraft II. ¡Te deseamos lo mejor en tus viajes por el bélico sector Koprulu!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty: parche 1.0.2

Corrección de errores

Se ha corregido un error por el cual las victorias de las misiones de campaña no siempre se activaban correctamente.
Se ha corregido un error por el cual algunos jugadores no podían acceder a las características de un jugador.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Parche 1.0.1

Corrección de errores

Se ha optimizado el guardado de la campaña.
Se ha corregido un error que provocaba que no se reprodujera ningún sonido en algunos sistemas 7.1.

Para obtener las noticias más recientes e interactuar con la comunidad, visita nuestro nuevo sitio web de StarCraft II. No olvides echarle un vistazo a la Guía del Juego para obtener información detallada acerca de StarCraft II. ¡Te deseamos lo mejor mientras te aventuras por el asediado Sector Koprulu!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Parche 1.0.2

Corrección de bugs

Hemos corregido un problema que ocasionaba que no siempre se activaran adecuadamente las victorias de las misiones de la campaña.
Hemos corregido un problema que ocasionaba que algunos jugadores no pudieran acceder a las características de la campaña.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Parche 1.0.1

Corrección de bugs

Hemos optimizado la forma en que se guardan los datos de la campaña.
Hemos corregido un problema que ocasionaba que no se reprodujera el audio en algunos sistemas 7.1.

Para receber as últimas notícias e interagir com a comunidade, visite nosso Site de StarCraft II. Confira nosso Guia de Jogo para uma investigação profunda sobre a jogabilidade de StarCraft II. Nós desejamos o melhor para todos durante suas jornadas no tumultuado setor Koprulu!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.2

Correções de Bug

Corrigido um problema onde vitórias em missões da campanha não eram processadas corretamente.
Corrigido um problema onde os jogadores eram incapazes de acessar funcionalidades do modo individual.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.1

Correções de Bug

Jogos salvos no modo campanha foram otimizados.
Corrigido um problema com o som em sistemas 7.1.

Willkommen zu StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty! Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben und mit der Community zu interagieren, statten Sie doch unserer brandneuen “StarCraft II”-Webseite einen Besuch ab. Versäumen Sie auch nicht, einen Blick auf unseren Spiele-Guide zu werfen, um einen detaillierten Einblick in das Gameplay von StarCraft II zu erhalten. Wir wünschen Ihnen bei Ihren Reisen über die Schlachtfelder des Koprulu-Sektors alles Gute!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.2

Behobene Fehler

Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Auslöser für Siegesbedingungen in Kampagnenmissionen nicht richtig ausgelöst wurden.
Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem einige Spieler nicht auf Funktionen des Einzelspielermodus zugreifen konnten.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.1

Behobene Fehler

Das Speichern von Spielständen in der Kampagne wurde optimiert.
Ein Fehler, durch den auf einigen 7.1-Systemen keine Sounds abgespielt wurden, wurde behoben.

Pour connaître les dernières informations et dialoguer avec la communauté, rendez-vous sur notre tout nouveau site Internet StarCraft II. N’hésitez pas à consulter notre Guide du jeu pour en apprendre davantage sur les mécanismes de jeu de StarCraft II. Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de succès lors de vos voyages à travers le tumultueux secteur de Koprulu !

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Notes de mise à jour 1.0.2

Corrections de bugs

Correction d’un problème intermittent empêchant le déclenchement correct de la victoire lors des missions de la campagne.
Correction d’un souci empêchant les joueurs d’accéder aux fonctionnalités du mode solo.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Notes de mise à jour 1.0.1

Corrections de bugs

Les sauvegardes de la campagne ont été optimisées.
Correction d’un souci de lecture des sons sur certains systèmes 7.1.

Per consultare le ultime notizie e interagire con la comunità, visita il nuovissimo sito di StarCraft II. Non perderti la nostra guida per un approfondimento sulle dinamiche di gioco. Ti facciamo i migliori auguri per i tuoi viaggi attraverso il tormentato settore Koprulu!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.2

Correzione problemi

Corretto un problema di attivazione delle vittorie nelle missioni della campagna.
Corretto un problema che impediva ad alcuni giocatori di accedere alle funzioni per giocatore singolo.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.1

Correzione problemi

I salvataggi della campagna sono stati ottimizzati.
Corretto un problema di assenza di sonoro su alcuni sistemi 7.1.

Добро пожаловать в игру StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty! Чтобы узнать последние новости и пообщаться с другими игроками, посетите новый сайт StarCraft II. Не забудьте изучить руководство по игре, чтобы глубже понять механику StarCraft II. Желаем вам побед в жарких боях за сектор Копрулу!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – обновление 1.0.2

Внесенные исправления

Исправлен механизм проверки условий победы в заданиях кампании.
Исправлена неполадка, из-за которой некоторые пользователи не могли получить доступ к режиму одиночной игры.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – обновление 1.0.1

Внесенные исправления

Оптимизирован процесс сохранения в режиме кампании.
Исправлена неполадка с воспроизведением звука на некоторых системах 7.1.

Aby zapoznać się z najnowszymi informacjami i uczestniczyć w życiu społeczności, odwiedź naszą nową stronę www StarCraft II. Zapoznaj się również z poradnikiem, aby zgłębić tajniki strategii StarCrafta II. Życzymy wszystkiego najlepszego w waszych podróżach przez ogarnięty wojną sektor Koprulu!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.2

Poprawione błędy

Poprawiono błąd, który nie pozwalał na poprawne zakończenie się misji w kampanii.
Poprawiono błąd, w którym niektórzy użytkownicy nie mieli dostępu do trybów dla jednego gracza.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.0.1

Poprawione błędy

Optymalizacja zapisanych stanów gry w kampanii.
Poprawiono błąd, w którym dźwięk nie odtwarzał się na niektórych systemach 7.1.
최신 소식이 궁금하거나 다른 플레이어들과 의견을 교환하고 싶으시면, 새로 선보이는 스타크래프트 II 웹사이트를 방문해 주십시오. 게임 가이드에는 스타크래프트 II를 플레이하는 방법이 자세하고 친절하게 설명되어 있습니다. 포화에 휩싸인 코프룰루 구역으로 향하는 여러분 모두에게 행운이 함께하길 바랍니다!

스타크래프트 II: 자유의 날개 – 패치 1.0.2

버그 수정

캠페인 임무가 가끔 정상적으로 완료되지 않던 문제가 수정되었습니다.
일부 플레이어들이 싱글플레이어 기능을 사용할 수 없던 문제가 수정되었습니다.

스타크래프트 II: 자유의 날개 – 패치 1.0.1

버그 수정

캠페인 저장 방식이 최적화되었습니다.
일부 7.1채널 시스템에서 소리가 나오지 않던 문제가 수정되었습니다.

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Starcraft II Review

Starcraft II Review

Ten or so years ago, Blizzard put put out Starcraft. The game was so well designed so well built, that some countries actually held tournaments playing as the Zerg, Terran and Protoss  species/races. The game in some Asian countries was more popular than the Olympics.

After ten years of dormancy, it has come back to challenge us again.

Here is my first day with Starcraft II (I wrap it up with a full review)

Bought My Startcraft II today.
Got my starcraft II today on Twitpic
Install took a while but nothing major. Just felt like forever. but what the heck is 5-10 minutes when I have been waiting ten years.
[kaltura-widget uiconfid=”534″ entryid=”0_5sowc5dg” width=”400″ height=”330″ addpermission=”” editpermission=”” /]
After install was a download of a patch.
[kaltura-widget uiconfid=”534″ entryid=”0_m1k5chwa” width=”400″ height=”330″ addpermission=”” editpermission=”” /]
Then came the video we all saw in the teaser. Seemed there wasn’t a lady talking in the teaser. so… listen closely you might hear something you haven’t heard.
[kaltura-widget uiconfid=”534″ entryid=”0_dv1v94bu” width=”400″ height=”330″ addpermission=”” editpermission=”” /]
Oh, video card crashed at the end. It’s okay I have another :-)
On first Install of the game, the cenematics, Really good. This is what I have been waiting for. The cigar is back ( the thing that seemed to have the best detail in SCI).
The Blizzard people really know how to do CGI.
Reynor here on Twitpic
That little ps2/ record player thing with the Hologram . Cool effect.
Starcraft II hologram on Twitpic
Difficulty selection for Starcraft II
Share photos on twitter with Twitpic
Casual Normal Hard Brutal
I selected Casual. Come on. I’m learning.

Huge selection for hotkeys.
Starcraft II hotkeys on Twitpic
I can’t imagine I memorized that many keys with the first Starcraft.
Menu Selection for Starcraft II
Starcraft II options. on Twitpic
Video Resolution didn’t go as high as I wanted. Seemed to be a bit of an anti-aliasing issue going on. Kind of wavy. No lag or nothing just an occasional wave in the video and some broken lines.
After finishing the first mission you go back to bar.
Starcraft II sitting in bar between missions. on Twitpic
They put plenty of items for you to click on and get curious about. I looked at everything. because I want to know all of it.
End of third mission in the game.
starcraft II end mission 3 on Twitpic
it took me 20 minutes to do that. and I had it set on the lowest difficulty.
On board a battle cruiser.
Onboard a battle cruiser starcraft II on Twitpic
Your bar from the first is now a Battle cruiser. Back Starcraft I, we just called them “BC” gotta type fast mid game.
You can click a lot of stuff there also. You learn a few things that way. It’s not like the first diablo where people just babbled random useless stuff and then the same stuff all the time. They actually change their phrases after each mission.
if you click around enough, you learn tricks about the game, study abilities that you can’t have unless you learn them by clicking stuff and buy better weapons.
[kaltura-widget uiconfid=”534″ entryid=”0_5mvrvoul” width=”400″ height=”330″ addpermission=”” editpermission=”” /]
That guy sounds just like Chris Pirillo. He has plenty of videos on youtube. Just type his name. you will see. Kinda looks like him also.

FYI His Name is “Steadman”

Now all of the media is presented. Sorry I didn’t want to install fraps… I’m on strike. So my pics are via cam on my cell.

Time for the Review

Game play

At first I was upset because the buildings didn’t lay out in straight lines like they did before in the first Starcraft. I kept getting my SCV stuck between buildings. That is of course until I found the button that allows me to sink the supply depot underground. After seven missions i haven’t seen if that prevents attacks on them. I am sure a Zerg can attack it… Right ? All of the old buildings look the same, just you get a better look at them now. They seem to do all of the same stuff and the costs and upgrades are still the same. There are a few additions to equipment and to units. I don’t want to ruin to much. Just there is something that looks like a flying vulcher. That thing has some awesome artillery. Turret Lasers :-D !!!! Fire bats are bigger, but still have low range ground attack weapons only. but they can be upgraded pretty good.

You know, I don’t think I want to ruin it for you . So I will not go into it. Kinda hard to talk about Starcraft ii and not same the names of the units. They are all listed on Blizzard’s site with Starcraft unit name next to it. But you just don’t know what it all means till you play. So I don’t want to ruin the surprise for when you buy your copy of Starcraft II.
This game is a 100% must buy for any person who enjoyed Starcraft or Starcraft Brood Wars. They reference so much. The familiarity is there.
If you are a console gamer who has never played a PC game, a game that was created for pc and played on pc only, you will not get the fun in watching the videos. The videos are all very important. This is not a RUSH-RUSH-RUSH-RUSH-complete the game kind of game. This game is not for the console kiddies.
Online play, I think they scrapped the idea of the chatroom. How can you talk smack and get your butt handed to you after? There is a forum option and a community option, but the community option just sends you to Starcraft II website.

I didn’t dig much into the online play at all. I just want to finish teh game first and get the hotkeys memorized before I do all that.

Ladder matches are back.
Everyone is huge Muscular except the women and the scientists.
Jim looks different and voice sounds different. Many return roles. Different voices but similar. could be the same people, it has been ten years and all.

Also they removed the community. I find it hard to make a challenge when you can’t talk crap. So here is the community of Starcraft II Clans.

Scoring for Starcraft II

Scoring is on a 1-10 scale. 10 being best and 1 is sucky.

Resolution 9

Cinematic 10

Game play 10

Audio 10

If you want to understand a pc gamer and how we are a breed apart.

Starcraft II Release Today

Today is the long awaited day for Blizzard fans. Ten years we hoped. For ten years we lost hope. but today, Starcraft II is released. July 27 2010, we get our second edition of Starcraft.
I will be skipping lunch at work today to locate a place to purchase this game. I will be knocking down console kiddies to get my hands on the strategy game of all strategy games.
I will be protoss I will be terran. I will be zerg.

Bnet will take a beating today. I will wait for the servers to level out. Battle.Net goofed it last time. So lets see what happens this time, now that everyone is broadband and battle net is on a larger server.

GTA V and GTA VI Figured Out


Sand Andreas San Andreas has So many Cities that begin with a letter V. I know crazy figure but it help in explaining VI.
Las Venturas, Vinewood major cities within San Andreas.


Vice City. I know it goes against previous GTA releases formats, where you start in Liberty City, move to Vice City then move to San Andreas as the final location.

but imagine a cool logo

GTA VI Vice City

My saying this is just pointing at an opportunity that Rockstar games has with this set of Roman numerals that influence our alphabet.

I’m starting to think more along the way this looks is what is really going to come out, contrary to my previouse posts about what teh future of gta will be.
I still stand behind a Grand Theft Auto 2011 release date. . There will be a hint of the possibility of a new gta, Around September 2010, but count on the full announcement in April 2011.

Count on engine enhancement using the gtaiv engine, count on graphics tweaks, and useless items stripped out.
Don’t count on a pc release this time. That’s right i make the call, No Grand Theft Auto v for pc. The trolls ruined by being disgruntled consolers and flaming the pc threads upsetting everyone. but what do they care. Right ?

Leave your response leave your theory here
Or you can go to the Grand Theft Auto Clans forums and post there.

Here, Grand Theft Auto Five Speculations and Rumors

Starcraft II Less Than 1 Week Away

I don’t know about you, but I wanted this game to come ten years ago.

Don't that look good?

Well Starcraft II is on it’s way. July 27th Is the release date.

I have been offered the beta but I want the full Starcraft II. I have not settled for the beta ahead of time. I want the full final effect

I want that feeling I had when I watched the Cutscenes with version one. and to get the storyline along with it as I earn my way there. The cutscenes are what Starcraft is about. Well actually it’s the head to head online” My millitary strategy is greater than yous” battle that you can not get from World of Warcraft, you can not get from Battlefield Or Grand Theft Auto. Starcraft is a game Mimicked for ten years.

Reminiscent to the Goliath is a Thor

I am calling it ahead of time, Starcraft II will get awards for three years straight. Starcraft II will be top seller of PC games for minimum of 3 month. I Call it now that Starcraft II will be the highest counted pc game sold within one week. I predict that in the first month of Starcraft II Higher sells numbers than World of Warcraft’s first year.

Sales Numbers to Beat

EA’s The Sims 3 had sold 800,000 copies in its first month
World of Warcraft® sold through to over 240,000 November 23, selling more in its first 24 hours than any other PC game in history.

Over PC All Sales to date

1. The Sims (16 million shipped)
2. The Sims 2 (13 million)
* The Sims 2: Pets [expansion pack] (5.6 million)
* The Sims 2: Seasons [expansion pack] (1 million)
3. World of Warcraft (11.5 million subscribers)
* World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade [expansion] (3.5 million)
* World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King [expansion  ] (4 million)
4. StarCraft (11 million)
5. Half-Life (9.3 million, may include PS2 version)
* Half-Life: Opposing Force [expansion pack] (1.1 million)
6. Half-Life 2 (6.5 million, does not include Steam sales)
7. Guild Wars (6 million in North America, Europe, and Asia; includes Factions, Nightfall, and Eye of the North)
8. Myst (6 million)
9. Doom (5 million)
10. Counter-Strike (4.2 million)

My estimate 12Million sold by 2012
My estimate 300,000 1st day sales.1m after a complete month.

I know I have played and enjoyed this game. My son who was just a child during Starcraft release date is in the exact age group the majority of the original players were, this makes him prime for Starcraft II on release date. Blizzard is doing what they should have done 7-9 years ago. Or are they?

The twenty somethings and the thirty somethings reigned over the Starcraft online play back in the original days. The kids who got slapped around back in those days are now twenty somethings. And the twenty somethings back then are now in their thirties yadda yadda. The slapped around kids will now be the experienced group with the fast thinking and cool replacements to ” I owned you dawg”. They will be the superior group. They will be the primed group. They will be the 20 somethings. They will start out as recycled Newbies in the newbies room (if it has chat). They will be the sleepers. They will reuse and implement old school strategies they created when they where fighting to survive the online game. They will reign boisterously. They will control all game plans and all game skills created for a long first 5 months. many will lose interest, many will still play on. They will be the trend setters and the skills trainers. but will that matter ?
The thirty somethings and forty somethings who once where the trend setters and skills creators will be playing the single player and savoring the full game and all of the cinematics. The visuals, The audio, The story. When done They will walk down from their old dusty gaming thrown to join the arena. They will lose a few miserable first games. Because well, single player Stacraft can spoil you, and online Starcraft can be cruel and get rude fast. Of course there will be a passing thought to type out ” Boy watch your mouth and respect your elders” but yeah, that would just be retarded. There will be a desire to say ” boy back in my day I used to battle 1v7, me against 7 newbs like you”. The elder will know better. The elder will know that this kid thinks the elder is newb, simply because of his playing skills are crap and his stats show he has very few wins under his belt (if any at all yet). but it’s all about getting their old skills into a grove and finding a way to use their old tricks. It’s about finding the best mixture of units and machine to dominate. To show this boy how to “MASS”.

He hears ” our base is under attack” and he sees 120 probes running to the middle of his minerals attacking the drones so he laughs and sends in the attack. The old tidal wave of Zerglings followed by a blob of Hydras with Guardians floating above only to run into 20 Zealots retreating to run to the middle of 180 dragoons.

Finally, a PC game that is guaranteed to work. Because it is made for pc, not ported from some console garbage and then upscaled (causing it to bog down).

I will be online Tearing the game up. Thanksgiving day through Christmas.
Find me. I have to team mates. We all will train together.

Split Second for PC Review

Split Second for pc

The graphics are really nice. Fire looks brilliant. Car skin looks like fresh real paint. All of the cars are beautiful and fast. From the street to the tops of buildings, the city looks amazing and real. This is a pretty game. I mean it in the sense of it looks great and is built to fit today’s computer world. This is in every sense, a Racing Video Game. Menu area is a pretty cool new looking format. They went all out on this racing game.

On the down side, this was a game that was created for a console. Clearly. You have limited control mapping. You have limited  Resolution adjustments and tons of current gen console “motion blur”. On the upside, for this high end of resolution, it is very light weight on your hardware. I never once felt lag or lack of response with my 3 gig tri core AMD, Nvidia 250 and 4 gigs of ddr2 pc6400 memory.

I did sense this game looks and feels a lot like Need For Speed Most Wanted with better textures and slight engine add on mod. Added gun thingy and some sort of change to the slow motion . Drafting is there like in Need For Speed Carbon and Undercover. I love all three of those games and wish there was more to them, so this is perfect.

I will be wasting many hours completing this game, even though I have no idea what the story is. Is there a story?

I finished first race hit escape. Totally lost my win. Re-started game and had to enter my user name again. Had to do most of my video settings. Screen resolution stayed but not video quality. Had to enter all of that again.

Not much to the steering. Can’t explain much but will say, you can smash them buttons, you aint turning any sharper.

Textures- 10



entertainment- 8

Driver Parallel Lines Review

Driver Parallel Lines PC

After way to long, I finally purchases Driver Parallel Lines for pc. I was reluctant to purchase this game while I was waiting for Grand Theft Auto IV to be released for Computers. Many of the online communities rated driver PL really bad. So you see why I never bought Parallel Lines.

Today I was at the electronics store with my son looking for him a game and me a cooler for my recently acquired laptop. While walking around killing time as my son picked out Fear2  for his Xbox360 I rummaged through the pc games section. I came across Driver Parallel Lines for pc on sale at $9.99. Well that went into my basket pretty quick. I also grabbed Split Second at $39.99. (crummy control Need for speed mock up). We made our way back home.

On first inset of the game DVD, The first pop up message looks pretty bad. It looks like I am running a windows 98 program.I noticed the install never prompted for a cd key. but it did as me if I wanted to register, I selected a reminder of 15 days. Cutscenes ate the start of the game reminded me of grand theft auto iii and Vice city. When I could finally start the game I was sitting in front of a boxy looking city with a skinny lanky looking fellow with long hair as my main person. I started to walk and his hair started swinging back and fourth in an exact repeated motion. it was kind of goofy. I was getting really disgusted with the game. I jumped into another car and chased down my car (which was being pushed down the street by the police car that was supposed to be chasing me). In chasing down my car, I hit a pedestrian. Ok I am cool with it now. The way I know the game driver, you couldn’t get out of your car. I switch cars and begin running from the cops again. I ran over another pedestrian and they did the exact same thing the last pedestrian did. I tilt my head a bit to the right in confusion and nail another one. Yep exact same motion. So the physics sucked.

I later grab a motorcycle and decide to go for a joy ride. I first search everywhere and can not see how to do a wheelie. I jump what looks like a ramp and barely get any air. I get to top speed and try to power slide. the slide was pathetic. I came to an instant stop with no drift.

I do a custom search in Google for “mods texture Driver Parallel Lines PC -xbox -ps2” and find plenty of skins for cars and peds. So I go to work on resolving the issues that bugged me. (I clipped off that hair so I don’t have to see that stupid swinging)

After I get good and settled in, I start playing the game for real. The game is really fun. Yeah the cars handle just like they did in the first driver game, and the controls have limited  functions but hey I am here just for the fun. Right? This game has all of that. The back end story you get in the cutscenes is probably ten times better than any other game I have played. it is a memorable story. I realized that driver was out long before GTAIII and True Crimes. In GTAIII you are the driver of gangs, in driver you are a driver so it would only be expected that you can change cars as you do in GTA. The textures well they clearly reflect EA. ok back on topic, I had more fun playing the missions in Driver Parallel Lines than I ever had in GTAIV. The action is fast and hidden humor is abundant. The cops do not let go of you man. When they chase you, expect to spend 5 minutes minimum trying to shake them.

Wish I could turn the radio to another station. or honk the horn. Or power slide.

Ubisoft made a pretty fun game here and it is well worth buying at it’s current price.

I have to categorize this as a racing game because it has more than 60% of it’s action in a car. Typically they call those racing games. I call em action if there isn’t a drag strip or illegal street racing as the major part of the game. So it’s a racing game. :-)

Racing Game Score

ragdoll- 1

AI – 3

texture- 5

sound- 5

entertainment- 10

This is not video game for showing people how cool your graphics card is. This a game for showing your friends a fun game.

The art of Grand Theft Auto Forum Trolls

The one is for gtaforums members

It’s just a way to admire the fancy amazing work of current Gen consoles.

For Consoles
The way they take weak machinery
sub-par graphics and do this amazing thing to show you how wonderful it is.
by blurring everything they don’t want you to look at you see “definition”

For PC
and then it will come for pc and you will see how great it is.
Then you sell your console for 1/10th it’s original cost.
You buy an overpriced computer with a mesh of “ultimate hardware”
You try to play the game and nothing works properly
so you join a forum and scream ” It should work I bought all of the best”
Never once considering you suck at building a machine and can’t create
a rig with parts that don’t bottleneck or conflict in actual specs and abilities.
So you scream the “game is teh suck.”
join the forum under 100 names and type with an accent (????)
and try and get help while bashing the game.
and we must not forget to claim MEMORY LEAK


Ninjas Live Codes

Ninjas Live, this game is crazy fun. I am so glad it came to the Android system. I have been playing this thing now for a week on my Droid Phone. Not many games are this fun. I have to say that storm8 knew what they where doing. I just want to see storm8 Come out with Pirates Live and let us all go head to head pirates verses Ninjas lol.

Well to show my support for the game I left it open so you can leave your Ninjas Live code or just pick up someone elses code.
No sign up needed to post just leave your ninja name and a fake email address and all is good :-)

Is Pc Gaming Dying

I wrote Is Pc Gaming Dead 2 years ago, Now I recap.

I actually got tons of hate-mail from pc gamers. There was a ton of messages from console gamers saying stuff like “go buy a ps3/360 you cheap %%^#). but to get hate mail from pc gamers on a subject that bothers me. To get called a scare monger or fear monger or a poor writer with scare tactics. It threw me for a curve. So for two years I stayed off the topic. Now the consoles are a few years old. No news on a new Xbox or the next playstation. I do feel like I am cheating because this is a bad time to do an assessment. Then again, people are fanboys of stuff for a good long while. I am certain the fanboyism has petered out now that pc gamers have slapped the console kiddies down with “Nice out dated machinery, still calling it next gen?”

Okay lol that was so wrong of me. but it was right. Very right.

Ok to the work at hand.

I took a trip to the local gamestop to see if I could find a fun new game for my pc. I mean I did just upgrade my video card to dual Nvida gts 250 cards toting 1g memory, and I just upgraded my processor from a dual core 2.9g cpu to a tri core 3.0g processor. and I added two gigs memory to my motherboard. So you can see I am ready to game a bit. I get into the game store and look what I found.

Game stop Pc gaming

Pc gaming went from a small shelf, down to one of the outer edges of a small shelf. A small 4 foot shelf end-cap. so I was was shocked. all of the games so old and outdated, I tried to laugh at it but it came out distorted. It was disturbing. I was outraged. I walked to the cashier and said ” What the %^^&%^ is this %^$%^” or something really close. The cashier pointed at the pieces of paper hanging over the side.

It was three pages I think, front to back listed with  hundreds of pc games they have in the back. I was excited. I bought some games from the list and left there happy. Then I got all the way home and realized ‘dude, we are pc gamers, not paper gamers.”   They could just go ahead and remove that whole dang rack and that notebook on the side and just put us a computer there to select our purchase from. i could go for that.

a week or so later, I was shopping in Walmart for some screws or something. It was late and no hardware stores were open. So wally world was all I had. After I finally found something that might work, I walked to the electronics department so I can look at the fading pc games there and sulk at the three shelves of 9.99 games and a few two year old games. The pc games were gone. I mean completely and entirely gone from the spot they have slowly dwindled down to. They were gone. I broke out my cellphone to take a picture. I back up and bumped into some guy. I turned to apoligize. As i turned I winced because of the huge long glass cabinet of console games. My eyes moved from the furthest end. Nintendo stuff had to have had 300 different games. Counting hand helds and stuff. Then the next case xbox. Well over 100 games. Then playstation 200 or so. Then….. wait…. What????? IT’S A HUGE RACK OF PC GAMES AT THE END OF THE LINE. MORE PC GAMES THAN ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Walmart Pc Gaming

The Humble Walmart has more pc games than Gamestop of Spring (on 45 and cypresswood).

so what the heck happened? is pc game dying? Is it on it’s last breath? Is it getting it’s second wind? It looks like pc gaming is coming to the forefront again. Quietly making it’s march forward.

What i am worried about is that most pc gamers are let down enough, they have been buying online only. so they may never even notice that this is going on. and by the time they find out about it, the games will be pulled off the shelf because it was a failed attempt.

Or someone will get the news out as well as they can that pc gaming is not dead or dying, we just have to find it and make sure the guy who sales knows he has what we want and that we will be there for him to profit from.

Well I talked to Gamestop.
Got the answer we needed to hear.
GAMEstop (lol their name says it all.)
Gamestop is reducing their pc games because gamestop tends to sell used games. Pc games, even though they do not get pirated any more or any less than Xbox and Playstation games, they have great deals of protection methods on them that prevent the RE-SELL of Pc Games.
Since GAMEstop sells a lot of used games, and you can’t use cd keys like you used to by “unregistering a cdkey”. Games now come with a limited amount of installs.
The pc gaming industry is killing it’s self