Facebook Photo like leeches

I have been noticing these low life attention deprived wastes of skin karma forging peices of uselessness posting images of people who are unfortunate enough to look like they are worse off than the scum who is requesting people click like.
Why do they do this?
Simple, the more the people who share this image, the more the chances that the guy posting the image can be seen by more people.
Whats sad is these people don’t even have to be intelligent enough to come up with a good story. Just a simple “click like if cancer is beautiful ” or “click like if you hope this baby lives”. Yep. Just saw it. That one just happened. I hate that some of my friends fall for that scam. Maybe it’s to meet girls or guys, or crowd source to get people who might listen to their rap album. I don’t know, but this type of crowd sourcing is disgusting and deserves no help. Do not hit the like button their page, instead leave a message warning others what this is. If they have messages turned off, then they know that they are a piece of trash.
People, these are not kind people. You clicking like does nothing but help that guy on Facebook get friends by exploiting a harmed child..
Dear Facebook friends.
Don’t click like, do not share those images.

“This girl has cancer, click Like if you think she is beautiful” Fact is, he found a pathetic looking picture in Google and is leeching off of this person’s misfortune by showing their picture off like that.
“This baby was born too soon from a crack momma, click like if you hope she will live”. This person needs to be kicked in the junk.

The person in the photos, will never know their photo is being distributed in such a way. and if they do find out, they have no say in the action taking place. And the rare occasion you see a person with a photo that resembles the victim, saying they are happy that it is being shared, most likely is the same con artist, with another photo of the victim.
Instead, if your Facebook friends click like or share, please send them this link,if you cant explain it to them.

Something I shared trying to explain this immoral scam to a Facebook friend

A lot of the people who do it, just Google the most pathetic picture “cancer,burn victim, burn victim with cancer” and post it on their page and write one paragraph and say “click like if you think she is beautiful”

and then it turns out he is a local unsigned rapper wanting to get 200000 followers so they can get a record deal.

Because you are just most likely help promote some jackwad’s next coming album, instead of showing love for the unfortunate.


Facebook Donations Hoaxes

Update 8/20/2014
Since these are making their rounds again, seemingly with the same people who shared them last year and the year before.
The people sharing the images saying that Facebook will donate if you hit like or share on a picture of someone suffering
They do it to get likes counts up and followers. so they can sell the accounts to spammers or use them for publicity and spam.
They are the scum of the earth and everything that is wrong.

They leave no link to the donation site so that you can donate in Facebook’s place. They tell nothing of the child’s well being at the current time or what country even this person may be in.
These are garbage and should be labeled as spam.
End Update

Facebook Donations Hoaxes are really getting out of hand.
The latest “share and like to save a life” picture I have seen:

A 14 years old boy got beaten half dead by his stepfather. His only fault was this that he tried to protect his little sister from being raped. Now he’s struggling for his life, but doctors say he won’t make it without a surgery. His mother doesn’t have money to pay it. Facebook donates 45cents for every sharing or reposing.
How well do these share donations work on Facebook? Do they even work at all? Nope.
Please help.
like, share and spread the message!
Share if you care

And then there’s the burned baby we have been seeing for about 2 years now.



There are a few variations to the story but this is the only one I can find right now since I just saw it today.

This one says

For each share and like, her parents will get 3 cents. Please help them and share or like this post. Help Alexandria have a bright future.

It used to just say “When this picture gets 1000 likes”. That low of a number, tells you it was a child who had no idea how many people actually use the internet.
I’m paraphrasing, but it used to say something along the lines of “an anonymous donor will pay all medical bills in full when this receives 1000 likes” at that time it was at about 200,000 likes.
I assume they realized that was a low number and had to really crank it up to see how many people they could get to like and share the picture.
It is quite sick, because if anything came along using an even remotely similar method, no one will take it serious, or even, be so sick enough as being burned out and sick of sharing and liking, they won’t bother to help.

but the fact still stands. Anyone who says “Yeah, sorry kid, I am not going to pay your bill because you have no friends” would deserve to be outed by their town/city/village or what ever. because that is cruel and gross.
So don’t share these, and don’t like them. You will not be putting a life in danger. It’s just Facebook.

The person who is starting these is a sick individual and needs a real good kicking.

Surprised this isn’t used on twitter. Would spread fast. guess there’s no way to keep track of it on twitter.

Share it or the baby gets it.

Click Share to save the baby

Why Facebook Timelime is a Player Hater

Facebook timeline is a divorce starting player hating worthless piece of junk.
Where is the privacy in that thing? what ever works for you should be an inside thing.
You like to keep certain friends separate from other friends, then let’s not have this stupid scrolling thing down the side announcing to all of your friends that you just hit on your dead neighbor’s widow.
I mean for the single guys, it’s a trap and it ruins all prospects of what could happen. Women are fickle so by them seeing a man posting on another woman’s page “hey that is a nice set of cheeks you got sticking out there”, while still not established in the relationship he has been working on, the woman will ditch him and never look back.
If a single man has some woman lingering about him but never making anything in stone with him, then he has to keep his options open, just as she is keeping hers open.

That stupid timeline thing has got to go. It’s only there for the stalkers and the snoopers.and the Facebook timeline sucks. Making Facebook even less social of a network.

Looks like Zuckerberg Couldn’t get any when he was broke and still has trouble now, so he tries to kill it for everyone else who is broke.

Facebook message scam

So. Now they message you on Facebook and request that you look at their link to their newly built website. This in turn steals your password and begins sending out the same message to your friends.
The link I keep getting is on the odusee.com.au Website. The messages are coming from people I know and have talked to many of times on Facebook. Odusee is a real website but it looks like there is someone using their servers for malicious means. I would post the whole link, but I do not need 10,001 people clicking the link and getting messed over and holding me responsible. So what I have available is so you can confirm you are seeing the same issue.

“Please check the site that i’ve working on for a while http://www.odusee.com.au/(partial link removed)/
And tell me what you think about it. Thanks “

How to fix it.
Virus scan and change your password.

What about the Facebook Update

So. you lived through the Facebook updates, this far. i guess you did what I did. You waited to see if it gets any worse, before you found another social network to go to.
Now it looks like Facebook has paid off their typical bunch, to pretty much rub it in your face that you are a worthless zombie who will drone and trance your way into Facebook as they expect your addictive nature to do.
Well done Facebook. Well done.
So how do you feel about the new Facebook changes? Now that more of your privacy and personal information is compromised, leaving you nearly nothing left to keep your anonymity or personal privacy covered and secret and protected because you just about gave it all away, one bit at a time. The day you signed up, you gave Facebook the password to your email address. Your secret phrase was your mother’s maiden name, and you filled in your profile showing exact date of birth and city. Never once realizing that people have programs that can use less than that information, to get your social security number, but with what you have already given of just that, a 3 year old can guess your social security number. FYI, It’s in sequence, The kid born just before you in the same hospital, is one digit away from you. yep. that simple. Remember, the system back when that system was created.
But if you use an alias on Facebook, you are safe.. but really not everyone is wise enough to be David Johnson everywhere he goes on the web. Oh..and FYI. i use my real name on Facebook and G+ :-)
I just find it funny how Facebook cancels out the fake post about charging and in the same breath tells you how the cool features work now. So…. who really started the rumor?

How do you feel about Facebook’s new changes? Has the change to Facebook effected you yet?

Facebook Places are gone

Facebook Places has been removed from the website. but my Android ap still has Facebook places in it.
Maybe I should update but I think
I will wait and see if everyone is complaining about the Facebook Android ap.

Ok.. Facebook places is gone and everyone who was anti foursquare are all now foursquare proactive. Gowalla gets forgotten and every douche nozzle admits no such flip in opinion.
Where are all of the people who say “myspace? what is myspace” all of the sudden?
Product zombies…
I hear a similar to pacman noise every time I encounter such being “consume,consume,consume,consume,consume,consume, buy buy buy,purchased!”
I never would have known that computers can have so many hipsters and trendies on it.

oh and if you are here for the news on why Facebook -places is gone. Well because the brains behind the machine removed places because not enough revenue from Facebook places. I could swear Google had a Google places. isn’t that really similar?

All dorked up and no place to go :-(

Somewhere Between Firefox and Facebook

Somewhere Between Firefox and Facebook
What this is in relation to is, Spell-check.
I have been running into this issue since firefox 3.
I’m on Facebook, I’m typing a message, staring at my fingers because I can’t type. I look up and see a mess load of error in my spelling. Everything is underlined in squiggly red, so I right click each spelling error, select the word that is the proper spelling of my typo. Correct all of my spelling errors. I press send. Look back up at the post, and all of the errors are back.
Why does this happen? what is causing all of my typos to reappear?
I have found one way around the issue is after I type my message and fix the spelling errors is if I put a smiley face or a frowny face or what ever is closest to the mood of the post, emote after the post, the issue is does not came up.
Firefox, you need to kick facebook in the crotch for us, or facebook, kick firefox in the crotch, or both commence to sac kicking.

firefox and facebook do not agree on the spell check feature that firefox has? Or does firefox just want to prove that all facebook users are idiot? Does facebook want to prove that all firefox users are idiot?
I know this issue happens on the work computer, the home computer and the laptop.

Spider Bite Video Scam on Facebook

Spider Bite Scam Video in Facebook

Spider Bite Scam Video in Facebook

Latest link on Facebook that steals your account and respams the same picture and link.The picture says a few things but the most part is about a woman who got bit by a spider and it lives under her skin and that the spider is a mean spider, I have also seen, mean spider bite. when you try to do an advanced report of the link, you will get this message “You don’t have sufficient permissions to do that.” or at least I do. Maybe because I report every single link I see that is a scam, and it’s pestering the staff at Facebook. Or at least one dude and killed my ability.. I have no idea.
The video is not real. There is no video in that link. If you click anything in that link, it gets much worse than what you see here. You will be talking about a virus for sure. So go scan for a virus at the link I post below labeled for virus scan.
Here are two read ups on how to handle the Facebook hack and here is another a bit deeper on the Facebook virus issue. Sorry, I am just too lazy to write it twice.
Do not click the picture on Facebook that looks like it’s a video of a woman who is bit by a spider and has something sticking out of her stomach. If you did, please change your password now. If the password for your Facebook is the same password on the email account you signed up to Facebook, change that one also.

If you have been hit by the viral spider video scam on Facebook, or someone you know has. Report the post, then delete the post if you can. and then share this page. It will help inform anyone else who gets hit by this viral attack.
If you want to add anything, please feel free to do so below in the message box.

How Facebook could actually be Sociable

How Facebook could actually be Sociable.
Have you ever stumbled into a person’s pictures or statements and wanted to comment or at least click the like button?
If facebook would make it okay to click the like button on open profile pictures, facebook would actually become sociable. Otherwise you have to click the person’s profile and request to be their friend to send them a comment and that could take days or weeks. by then you forgot what the heck it was all about. but a person who logs in and sees that someone likes something, they know what it was and who it is that likes it. It is then up to the that person to initiate further interaction. This would allow the person who’s item is being liked, to know if their stuff is being publicized to the full masses. Because really, who starts the conversation ‘hey I stumbled into your pictures, you may want to hide them from the public, okay, bye bye”. but you get a like on an image you can say “oh crap, that picture was supposed to be private, I must have done something wrong, I will go fix that now”.
or add a flirt button of some sort. Sure it will get played with a bit, but it will serve it’s purpose. We need more, and it sure isn’t advertisements we need, but hey if they can add advertisements to something new, go for it, just give us something new that is fun for us.
We date. We look for people to date. No facebook isn’t a dating site, but it sure could have a side option.