Boom Beach test Android vs Iphone

Supercell_SplashDecided to load the game on my iPhone so i can mess around with it when my android is charging.
Not much is different. except one menu item in settings area is missing on the iPhone and the weird bounce thing the iphones do when the game switches screens. What this means is when you leave a fight and get back to your base, just like the Android phone does, the iPhone zooms in to the town hall. What the iPhone does that Android does not do is, is this weird little bounce thing right after the zoom in. I guess to give you the feel that you are on some weird mechanical camera arm that has poor bushings so it bounces a bit from worn stabilizers. No clue. Wastes time.

Pretty much all images look the same.

Comparison of the settings.

If you notice, the android allows you to turn down the display settings.
With the shader quality turned up high, Boom Beach plays very sluggish on my Android phone.
with shader turned down, the game is much faster. Everything loads faster too. Battery life lasts a bit longer that way also.

There could be audio differences, no clue. I hate the sounds and the music so that stays off at all times.

Console Gaming is the Envy Sport

First console out of the gates is the XBox one . They have to make it look beefy. Everyone hates the looks of it. Everyone swears they will jump on the PlayStation because the Xbox looks stupid. Xbox one is rumored to release just in time for early adapters to buy the console for thanksgiving so family and friends will be begging for it by Christmas

They will announce some hardware that we are on the cusp of releasing to the public, but since it is Microsoft (the company long accused of making operating systems built to force you to buy more hardware) they will have some massive machinery in it. That “will never be in computers”. but there will be a version of that hardware on the market one month after the console is released. Then comes a million reproductions. then comes machinery that is better, yet, the existing operating systems identify it just fine.

Day of launch comes, the stripped down basic version is the price that Microsoft said the full version is, only reason people accept it is because they wanted to do the camp out thing on launch day and they justify it because the stripped version comes with a free control and 2 gigs more storage than originally stated for the stripped version.

All of the rich console kiddies jump on the Xbox, even though the Xbox now costs $200 more than the already inflated price first announced.
Then Play station announces they will release in a month. So Xbox releases the full extended blown up package, and the first edition stripped version can not upgrade to it. So the kiddies sell their xbox 1 early version for less than half it’s original cost and round up another $700 for the Elite.

Meanwhile kids are playing GTAV on their console calling kids with computers “poor and ignorant”

Then comes the pc release of GTAV and it comes with better graphics. The console kiddies say “so I already played it, it’s stupid ” then they see the new graphics, so they sell their Xbox for not even 25% of initial cost, and they loaded up on “the best parts” that are in no sequence any good for/with each other.

They buy the game and their computer locks up (due to buying the most expensive crap that the salesperson could mesh together) so they scream “MEMORY LEAK IN THE GAME” and throw internet tantrums and scream and cry about how GTA is always Bwoken. Then they pout, show videos of them selves stomping on their “badass loaded computer”. Youtube will be full of them.and then pout away. after several months they run and buy a new xbox.

They get home and unwrap Their newest Xbox after playing six times in the bubble wrap, and reach over and grab their 9 year old little sister’s laptop to run to the internet and tell everyone how they just purchased the Elite pro excelsior version of Xbox one. The one that has spinny wheels and a mounting bracket for your douche.

When they see right there in the advertisement section of their favorite social network.

PS4 basic comes with an extra small motorized fleshlight attached and virtual reality glasses. For just $600.

Remember kids. The console that releases first, is the one with the spoiled brats who complain about everything. Yes that’s right “Early adapters” are spoiled hipster brats.

What games would you like to See more of at E-3? – Poll

[poll id=”18″]

E-3 2012 will be here in June. Media registration has already ended. so the show is stocked with seats, booths and visitors. Now for the preparations of the products.
The concern here is , “What games would you like to See more of at E-3?”

There are many games we have all been waiting for. Many of these games we have been waiting years for. From First person Shooters, To Role playing RPG games, to Action adventure games and racing games

Name these games

Just cleaned out my closet, and pulled out a box of games, and just wondering if people can identify any of these games or all of these games.
Let’s see how many of these video games you can identify and if you have ever played any of these games.

How many games in these pictures can you name?

Yes I know it’s the same games twice. One picture is blurry at bottom and the other is blurry at the top.
Makes identifying the video games nearly impossible. So I made it easier to identify each video game.
Does anyone remember playing these games?
Are any of these games hard to name ?

If you can say anything you remember from any of these games below, please do so.


Truckster the Video Game

Here is a video game called Truckster. This is a car game that involves Delivering items from location to location in set times or better.

Play Truckster 2

The objective of Truckster is to deliver items from one location to the next.
press up to accelerate, press left to do wheely press right to make front dive down and rear raise up.
Excellent game for killing time at work.

Android Apps 2011 – our top choice

Our top 5 Android apps for your Android based phones.

ixMAT Barcode Scanner
a href=”;feature=search_result”Barcode scanner/a for your Android phone. This one scans a large choice of barcodes.

Dungeon Defender
object width=”560″ height=”345″ classid=”clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000″ codebase=”,0,40,0″param name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true” /param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always” /param name=”src” value=”;hl=en_USamp;rel=0″ /param name=”allowfullscreen” value=”true” /embed width=”560″ height=”345″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” src=”;hl=en_USamp;rel=0″ allowFullScreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” //object
Online Role playing game, for your android device.

a href=””img class=”size-full wp-image-1380″ title=”d-game” src=”” alt=”barcode to game” width=”158″ height=”158″ //a

Dungeon Defender barcode

Wifi Toggle Switch
a quick a href=””switch/a you can place on your main screen to toggle wireless signal connection on and off. So you don’t have to flip through the main menu and then the settings

let’s you get quick access to a href=””Revision 3/a content and videos. Works better than the revision 3 certified ap.

Hey tell. Hey tell is a way to send your friends short messages, voice messages, via your internet service. Cuts down on minute usage. If you have wifi, its free to use.

For those of you with an android phone who also run a website that uses a href=””wordpress/a, then this ap is probably the best find you will get for your android phone. EVER!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Revealed

Call of Duty Modern warfare 3 preview video is released. For those of us who like the Call of Duty game collection be it on console or pc ,we have to have this game.

Got my daily Activision email. Looks like I am the last person to get this email of the preview because it’s all over youtube already.

Watch the video and see what’s so awesome.

If you are a first person shooter gamer, this game is a must buy. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Expect to see me online in the pc version.


Coming 11.8.11

Get Exclusive Bonus Content When You Pre-Order L.A. NOIRE Now: Cases, Challenges, Suits & More‏

Today we’re pleased to announce exclusive content bonuses for L.A. Noire available via retail partners across the US, Canada and the UK (stay tuned for info about partnerships in other territories as well), including special unlockable crime cases, challenges, detective outfits with unique gameplay abilities and more.


Available exclusively when you pre-order from GameStop, “The Naked City” is a standalone case from L.A. Noire’s Vice Desk. In this case, detective Cole Phelps investigates the supposed suicide of a stunning fashion model. Can you help Cole unravel the truth in a city blighted by drugs, corruption and greed, where the death of a beautiful woman is never as straightforward as it seems?

Hidden around the beautifully captured recreation of 1947 Los Angeles in L.A. Noire are 20 police badges to find and collect. If you can find all 20 of these badges, the dapper Button Man suit will be unlocked which provides extra ammo for all weapons. Each badge also provides 5 additional XP which will help further unlock Intuition Points– special credits that can be used to give Phelps a key investigative insight when you need it most.

(Also available via Game in the UK, and GameStop in Canada)


This unlockable detective suit boosts your fist-fighting capabilities and resilience to damage. Throughout L.A. Noire while working cases, you’ll encounter quite a few suspects and persons of interest who prove to be resistant to arrest. Your hand-to-hand fighting skills will be called into actionon these cases – the Broderick suit with its enhanced fighting abilities may be that edge in helping make that collar.

(Also available via Amazon in the UK, and Amazon in Canada)


Exclusively available when you purchase from Wal-Mart at launch, “A Slip of the Tongue” is a standalone case on the Traffic Desk in which a seemingly run of the mill car theft ends up sparking an explosive investigation into the largest auto fraud racket the city has ever seen. With the stolen cars piling up and questionable characters at every turn, can you help Cole Phelps crack the biggest case so far in his career?

(Also available via Play in the UK, and Wal-Mart in Canada)


The Sharpshooter unlockable detective suit enhances your aim with rifles and pistols. Always a worst case scenario for any detective working a case, there are of course those occasions for Cole Phelps when pursuing a suspect escalates to gunfire. In these tense shootouts, the Sharpshooter suit provides that extra aiming precision to take the criminal down. This detective suit is yours if you pre-order with Best Buy or purchase the game at launch on May 17th (while supplies last).

(Also available via Zavvi in the UK, and Best Buy in Canada)

Everyone in North America who pre-orders their copy through the Rockstar Warehouse will receive an official L.A. Noire
t-shirt. Everyone who pre-orders with Target will receive a $5 Gift Card, and get a free Rockstar Games t-shirt if purchasing the game in-store during launch week, while supplies last. Check out the updated pre-order page at the L.A. Noire official site for all the links, details and info on other international partners and programs. All incentive offers are limited in quantity and available while supplies last.

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New Duke Nukem May 2011

The new Duke Nukem is finally coming. We will see the new duke Nukem released in May of 2011.
The name of the game is Duke Nukem Forever

Too cool. Hopefully this game has a familiar adreneline feeling the original had and tha ” I AM A FRICKEN MAN!” Feel from the one liners and catch phrases that the original Dukenukem had..

Expected Release Date is May 3 2011
That release date is a close one. Usually when a game company tips out a release date, it’s usually 6-8 month or even up to 3 years down the road. But we are looking at a release date of less than 4 months away.
May 3rd is not far away at all.

News on Next Blizzard Game – MMO Titan

Makers of Starcraft,Warcraft, Diablo and World of Warcraft have a new game coming out. The game is called Titan
There is talk about Warcraft the movie. Mostly confirmed. and there is talk about the next Starcraft. There will be two games released at the same time, first time that blizzard has done this since 1998.
ok quick post enjoy the video.

Thank you Blizzard for keeping PC gaming alive.!!!!