More GTAIV On Pc News

Looks like it is going to happen.



I can’t quite tell the date. I am assuming it will be April to stay in the release sequence.. or april will be when the first video advertisement is released. Meaning we will not see it till october. I wonder how close in hand this goes with Windows live going free a couple days ago.

I can not help but think it’s fake.
I have never been to that country
But I can really bet they do not speak English.

Why is it a July issue? Shouldn’t we be seeing the preview issue of next month?

Don’t they release the next month’s issue to subscribers like 3 weeks early?
Why hasn’t anyone come forward sooner?
I mean if I am wrong about how soon issues are released.

Why is it the end of july before anyone came out with this image?
and the one on the site, looks like a photo shopped mock up of what is in the shrink wrap on the shelf full of English speaking books and mags, in a country that might not be English only.

Wanna Play GTA Linux?

Here is something I put together for you guys,
and well for myself to look back on, about tree years ago.
Here is the actual location of what you see here

First let’s make sure you do have either a
dual boot machine, or and hard drive with
your install of each game , on it.

I of course am doing this from my windows
partition, but do not doubt using usb type
portable thumbs,which is kinda cool.

I will work this week with grand theft
auto vice city .
Ok, Let’s go get some Wine .
you are going to need it.

Screen shot of install of wine This is
scrolling by like about 90 letters a second


Next you might need what I needed Flex ,
I use RPM Bone because I am not going
to spend a day trying to learn how to
build a package when I can
just do a search. Well whatever. If you
get a notice that you need to install
anything, the bone will help you, just
select the right distro and you are
good to get.. another File i needed
was BISON.. two seconds three tries
the rpm went well.

Console Usage

Open a console window and type:

apt-get install bison flex libncurses5-dev

Now when you begin the wine install
with this command ” ./tools/wineinstall ”
go get a soda or beer or what ever,
you might wanna grab a
couple, this sucker takes a while, but
look up from time to time it asks a yes
or no and asks you to type in admin pass.

No Cd

* You now need the no cd
crack, I can not legally
* point you to it but be sure to get the
* one that is 15 mb or so, and scan it

When you navigate to the

location, which for me is


/disks/C/Program Files/


Rockstar Games/Grand Theft


Auto Vice City where I have


the game


installed, the command


is “wine gta-vc.exe”or “gta_sa.exe” (which ever game you are working on) and


your screen will go all


win 95 looking in the


crummy resolution sense.


It will take a few
minutes, you might


want to hit the enter


button to get it to start,


it’s a tad freaky.



When game starts, look at


the cars and think about vice


city stories and liberty city


stories and how amazed you where


about the glossy cars…

Do you now see how cheap it was


when they did it? Screen Shot LOL..


cool ehh ?

Will update later when I get done


transferring the audio files from


cd to install directory.. not all


audio is working for me just yet.

* Ok you might get an error like this one

err:wave:DSDB_MapBuffer Please run winecfg, open “Audio” page and set

“Hardware Acceleration” to “Emulation”.

which tells you that you are not getting car motor sounds and peds sounds… well.

If you do that you will get those sounds back.. but at a cost… no radio and when you exit game.. dear god it’s a loud noise

Maybe a New Clue to GTAIV on Pc

Two new commercials came out 4 days ago.
The one that counts though is
the commercial they did for GameStop
at the very end of it, it says
and I quote
“Yes Liberty City has something for EVERYONE

Click on “updates ” at bottom right of the screen from
the main page, or heck, anywhere.. it will show that
the game stop commercial came out 7/17/08

Who is “everyone?” ps3 360 and pc? sounds like everyone that matters.
book your trip now? does that mean reserve the game?

Will there be a limited supply ?

Yes the video is old, and has been out for a while, but they just put it on their in the updates section.
This means they are now fishing for the people looking for clues.

Biggest clue that GTAIV Will be on PC

I am quoting myself from a forum thread

Ok now I have hope.
Rockstar games has done something they where not doing before.

Before now they had on their page “gtaiv out now”

but now it says “out now for xbox360 and ps3”
Wich is the way they used to do it , and that left a huge clue
that it was about to come out for more platforms.

I know that isn’t the biggest clue.

but try it, go to grand theft

and put your mouse over the gtaiv link and it will drop
a description.

To me this is great news..

Sorry if it isn’t the biggest for you guys.

but about 20 pages back, this was exactly opposite and I posted
a lack of hope.

Keep smiling folks, We might just get our way.

The Next Release of Grand Theft Auto

Rockstar Games put up a new page

New page

It looks like the pc version of any grand theft auto, has once again been put on the back burner. It looks like we just might not ever see grand theft auto come to the personal computer ever again.

A fourth game to come to a portable gaming system, is the third portable game to be created and not be ported to pc since GTA San Andreas. It is so far the fifth game to have been created to not be made for pc gaming.
As of now the games to not be moved to pc are as listed. This includes portable and full blown console games.
1. gta advanced
2. Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
3. Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories
4. Grand Theft Auto GTAIV
5. Grand Theft Auto China Town Wars

I am assuming they are going to use the china town section of liberty city from GtaIII and Liberty City Stories. If this happens, can we see a port coming to Nintendo Wii? can we see a few Gta Rockstar grand theft auto games coming to the Nintendo Wii soon? I think we can.

More on this topic
This image might be a fake.
Found in thread

The simple facts are as of now.
Nintendo ds game coming in December
it is called Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars.
No News of pc GTAIV
No news of any psp releases yet
of anything new.
Here, Grand Theft Auto Five Speculations and Rumors

New Tech Forum

It’s new , it needs you.

I just built a tech support and rumors forum with a video game and console section.
I hope you people like it.
I will be adding moderators as I see the users with morals sticking around.
I will be banning all clowns as fast as I can and as often as I can. who knows maybe I will redirect them to forums I hate -)

The goal is to get information and news about tech to the world. and what the hell, to hang out and talk to others like myself.
I don’t see any out there with the same stuff as what I have envisioned so I am making it myself. yes there will be a fight room. Because hey, we all do need to get it out of our systems.
But no fighting in main rooms.

There is avatar and all other options we all have been missing through the past few years as these places seem to get invisible these days.
Yes you can upload your own images to my server, I can handle a fricken lot .
bbcode welcome, html code welcome (for now)

Start a thread and break ground with me.

The Grand Theft Auto Hating Bandwagon Rolls Out

Looks like another fat face is trying to get his “old people points” up higher by bashing GTA as soon as he can.

Remember, You have a choice in how you play the game. The game does not force you to be with hooker or kill innocent people or steal random stuff. All of that stuff you do on your own. So if they did sick stuff when they played. lol. Then maybe it’s their sick twisted minds that made them do it.

Link Video 1
Link video 2

I got this from here I have no idea what these people are saying, so here is what I have to say.

This guy makes my stomach turn, you can see it in his face that he is milking the attention and couldn’t give two squirts what your kid or his own kid do or does. His eyes glisten with excitement each time he says gta. You can almost hear his heart beating faster and louder each time he thinks he sounds like he is meaning what he is saying. Something about how he had to brag about d.o.s. ing a server by excessive bandwidth due to him putting Miley Ray Cyrus on a server somewhere. Did he not know that he is showing off a minor?

at 45 seconds into the video he says ” We are training our kids to be Killers” . Um who is we? Does this guy have kids? he just said that he is one of a group of people who are training their kids to be killers. He then goes on to say ” and we are training our sons to treat women like whores” I dunno about this guy’s kid, but my son loves women, women love him, what ever he is doing, works. The guy goes on to say “and here’s how I got there.” See? he just said that he does all that and this is how HE achieved this emotional goal to corrupt his kid(s). Maybe it is by deceptive methods of persuasion . Maybe it’s by force. I don’t know.

I didn’t listen to it anymore I was sickened by his twisted mentality, and he seaped of demonic deviance I had to turn it off.

Some how he reminds me of Robert Tilton the evangelist who tells people they need to donate money so they can get into heaven.

If you know who this guy is or what network he is on, can you bother to have him interviewed unskitted unscripted?

Something freaks me out about this guy.

Rockstar Will Not Fix GTA FREEZE

From here:

Earlier today we broke the news that some Grand Theft Auto IV gamers were having problems with the game on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

“For them, the game was freezing up during the introductory cut-scene, something that neither I nor Mike experienced during our time with the game on both systems. To be clear, we have no idea how widespread the problem is, but it’s certainly on Rockstar’s radar and making the rounds both in our tips line and on forums.

“Rockstar declined to comment on the issue officially, so I went to the phone and called up Rockstar Support to see what they had to say about the problem.”

I am certain that Rockstar games will fix this issue. Not to bash the gaming site that seems to have “broken the news.”

But really. This is taking words out of text.

GTA IV Car List

On a wiki I Found, I see nicely done wiki (almost done).

Grand Theft Wiki

If you find a Banshee, Email the guy from this wiki and get him to put it on the page, tell him where you found it.

Same with the phoenix and other cars.

Heck if you see similar peds screen shot them and email the maker of the wiki.

Grand Theft Auto IV Cheat Codes

If you need cheat codes for GTA IV, here you go.



Restore Niko’s health.
Give Niko armour.
Weapons #1
Baseball Bat, Handgun, Shotgun, MP-10, M4, Sniper Rifle, RPG, Grenades.
Weapons #2
Knife, Molotovs, Handgun, Shotgun, Uzi, AK47, Sniper Rifle, RPG
Remove Wanted Level
Remove Niko’s wanted level. Blocks achievement “Walked free”.
Raise Wanted Level
Add one star to Niko’s wanted level.
Change Weather/Brightness
Alters the weather/brightness of the game.
Spawn Annihilator
Spawn an Annihilator in front of Niko.
Spawn Jetmax
Spawn a Jetmax in front of Niko.
Spawn NRG-900
Spawn an NRG-900 in front of Niko.
Spawn Sanchez
Spawn a Sanchez in front of Niko.
Spawn FIB Buffalo
Spawn an FIB Buffalo in front of Niko.
Spawn Comet
Spawn a Comet in front of Niko.
Spawn Turismo
Spawn a Turismo in front of Niko.
Spawn Cognoscenti
Spawn a Cognoscenti in front of Niko.
Spawn SuperGT
Spawn a SuperGT in front of Niko.

Be aware that entering cheats may prevent you from getting achievements or from getting 100% completion. DO NOT SAVE YOUR GAME after using these cheats.

From GTAPLANET these guys are always right on it

There is a little more on IGN