People of Adsense have lost their mind

Got me a notice today that the ads will be stopped on one of my websites.

The above website is not currently in compliance with our AdSense program policies and as a result, ad serving has been disabled to that website. Please review and follow the instructions in our guidelines to get ad serving reinstated on your site.

Issue ID:  25186383

It’s important for a site displaying AdSense to offer significant value to the user by providing unique and relevant content, and not to place ads on auto-generated pages or pages with little to no original content. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • copying portions of text content from other sources
  • websites dedicated to embedded videos from other hosts
  • websites with gibberish content that makes no sense or seems auto-generated
  • templated or pre-generated websites that provide duplicate content to users.

For more information, please review the AdSense program policies, this help article about scraped content and Google’s Webmaster Quality Guidelines.

I did a search to see if Google employees somehow found someone saying something identical to the content on my website. Yeah…. Me… on Google plus when I plus oned my content, Google plus took a snippet from my website… TWO DAYS LATER.

Which you can find here

I mean.. come on… Google, get your act together, and please find the guy who okayd that and give him a paid couple days off in a rub and tug somewhere. Because that person clearly did not investigate that their own system is what is doing this.
It was a dumb ponder I had and it was my own content posted.. It took not even three minutes to create.

and yes that second link on the page, is this just crappily categorized with Google’s infinite malfunction.

Thanks Google.. thanks a bunch.

I preach constantly to stay in Google guidelines, AND YOU drop the ball and I still get the brunt of it.
Thanks a bunch Google. So.. my adsense account for one of my sites is suspended.

If it will get ads back on my site, should I delete the Google plus version? I mean if that’s the case then I should just delete my whole Google plus account.
It’s buggy anyway right?

Linkshare Pay out for 2013

So, you have stumbled into Linkshare aka Rakuten as an alternative advertisement affiliate to Google Adsense.
You see that Linkshare has a large selection of well known companies to advertise with. and it now makes your website look official, and it shows that you have high quality advertisers. Such as walmart, HP, Microsoft, Starbucks. Big name companies. Great feeling right?
Now you want to know what the income looks like. You want to know .. Does Linkshare pay ?
I have to say from my experience.
I have rand their advertisements for two years. and not a single penny.
The issue is, you only make money when people click the link on your site and buy something from the site they clicked to. You basically send good traffic to these sites, for nothing.


Of course I dropped a few advertisers and took on a few new ones who left Google’s whatever service that was similar to linkshare and they all migrated to linkshare. and dropped a few advertisers that just would not work very well with my content.

Fact is, you will not make money with linkshare unless you go against the code of ethics and start making fake posts and hyping the content you link.

Wireless Wars

wifi_warsSo.. I found that one of my neighbors (not sure which one) finds it funny to get into my wifi and reboot it randomly.
oh boy, so you can hack a wifi. You smart little wifi hacker you.


I turned off the wifi broadcast for about an hour and headed to the garage.
Brought in my box full of wireless routers.

logged into each one, and gave them the name my wireless connection had.
and ran through them all turning wifi back on. then placing them around the house at all walls and corners I could.

Log back into my actual wifi, and turn off ssid broadcasting and changed password. ad changed the actual ssid.

So.. basically I gave my neighbor a hand full of routers that don’t have an internet connection at all, to my neighbor to pointlessly play with.
Takes one down, there’s 7 others.

stupid little twit.

I will if I have to, run to fry’s and load up on a bunch of 14 dollar routers and name each one after each of the signals I see broadcasting.

Blackberry with Porsche Design

blackberry porscheWarning, not for the clueless Apple/Android hipsters.
This phone is made for adults. For the executive.
While it appears to do the same thing your apple and android does, the Blackberry Porsche designed phone does it in a more elegant smart phone manor.
Clean, sleek, and professional from the ones who created the entire smartphone market.
The New & Exclusive Porsche Design P’9982 smartphone from BlackBerry
Has put out one fine product.

Blackberry has continued to produce executive phones for many years, and survived the big boom of the media player toy phones such as the Apple iphones and the android droid phones. Blackberry and rim are standing with the phone that keeps the adults looking like adults and not cartoons.
The BlackBerry P’9982 is one beautiful beast of a phone.
The BlackBerry P’9982 clearly is not your daughter’s phone.
A peak at the New & Exclusive Porsche Design P’9982 smartphone from BlackBerry

Unboxing the Porsche Design P’9982 smartphone from BlackBerry

They broke Youtube Comments

I can not figure out how to comment on youtube videos.

I mean I can comment to the video, but how do you reply to the existing comments?
Some of them don’t even have a reply option.

Don’t they know that’s what people like about Youtube? Telling people off, or complimenting them.
It looks like they are forcing everyone to get a Google plus account and add every single person, otherwise, no one can get a much needed message out.
Looks like they are dooming themselves to fail like G+.

Google seriously does not understand what social networking is.

If people do not like Google Plus, forcing them to make a Google plus account to use your existing service, is going to bring you less people to your existing service. It will not bring you a magical more, you’re just reusing the same people that stick around after getting frustrated.

Should market G+ elsewhere. Not in your money maker. Or offer the old way along with Google plus, and just give fancy features to the people who use google plus to comment with

They Broke Facebook

As of now, the “most recent posts” option is completely meaningless.

You see posts from 5 days ago and nothing of the new recent posts.

Where are my recent posts?
Everything works fine on mobile app. and it works fine in Opera mini .
but boot your computer up and try and get some fresh stuff on Facebook?


maybe I will click on the “popular” option and just deal with it.

What is bad website design?

A few things about website design that people do not know right away about how you should not design your websites. Things that make search engines shun you like the twitching weirdo that no one wants to look at. You must never, ever try and trick the system. and you must always use effort, not shortcuts. There are no shortcuts to webdesign. Tidy is not a shortcut. Here are things you do not do.
Useless pages
Leaving default Template pages in the open to be crawled by web crawlers

1. Cras eleifend consectetur
2. Curabitur sollicitudin ornare
3. Nam ac auctor ipson tellus non risus placerat adipiscing etc…
Copy another website
Even if that website is gone, you can not copy your competitor.
Look at last sentence of first Paragraph
Look at first sentence of first paragraph  while you’re there, go ahead and read the Next paragraph on that page and compare it to the second to the last paragraph here

Now, scroll down in this link to just below the second video. Takes a moment to load.

No telling who had it first. but I am sure betting it isn’t the sloppy site’s idea first. you know, the one with the Latin default template text on it.

Do not post your website on one of this “get listed in a bazillion search engines” becaus ethat is garbage.  Those sites harm your Search engine indexing.

PC verses XBOX What is more popular?

Well we just found out today which one is used most for gaming between the xbox and the personal computer.
The Verge Shows statistics between just Steam users and XBOX live users. The difference is more than 13 million users.

Do you know who has more user?

It’s the PC gamers. in excess of 65 million users on steam, and 48 million users on Xbox live.

Just wait for the Steam operating system (by Linux) to release soon and you will see the number of pc gamers on Steam skyrocket.

Hopefully they make the Steam Os compatible with Android aps and games.