www.rockstargames.com/chinatownwars Rating: 17+ You must be at least 17 years old to purchase this application. iPhone / iPod touch game not rated by the ESRB.
The critically acclaimed Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is now available for the newest addition to the Apple family, with Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars HD for the Apple iPad, available now from the App Store for $9.99.
With more than 50 missions plus countless side activities, as well as intuitive Multi Touch user interface controls, adjusted difficulty levels and the iTunes customizable radio station Independence Radio, Chinatown Wars HD offers a deep, fast-paced adventure for fans of the Grand Theft Auto series on Apple’s iPad.
Click here to check out a few screenshots from Chinatown Wars HD that show off the enhanced graphics, higher polygon count vehicle and building models, and enhanced lighting and explosion effects that maximize the 1024 by 768 high-resolution touch screen on the iPad.
Click here to download Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars HD directly from the US App Store.
HD ? really? is that like HD paint?
It would be nice to see the game and gta and gtaii come out for android.
I wonder how many people are going to try and get this game working on jailbroke Iphones.
Sand Andreas San Andreas has So many Cities that begin with a letter V. I know crazy figure but it help in explaining VI.
Las Venturas, Vinewood major cities within San Andreas.
Vice City. I know it goes against previous GTA releases formats, where you start in Liberty City, move to Vice City then move to San Andreas as the final location.
but imagine a cool logo
GTA VI Vice City
My saying this is just pointing at an opportunity that Rockstar games has with this set of Roman numerals that influence our alphabet.
I’m starting to think more along the way this looks is what is really going to come out, contrary to my previouse posts about what teh future of gta will be.
I still stand behind a Grand Theft Auto 2011 release date. . There will be a hint of the possibility of a new gta, Around September 2010, but count on the full announcement in April 2011.
Count on engine enhancement using the gtaiv engine, count on graphics tweaks, and useless items stripped out.
Don’t count on a pc release this time. That’s right i make the call, No Grand Theft Auto v for pc. The trolls ruined by being disgruntled consolers and flaming the pc threads upsetting everyone. but what do they care. Right ?
It’s just a way to admire the fancy amazing work of current Gen consoles.
For Consoles
The way they take weak machinery
sub-par graphics and do this amazing thing to show you how wonderful it is.
by blurring everything they don’t want you to look at you see “definition”
For PC
and then it will come for pc and you will see how great it is.
Then you sell your console for 1/10th it’s original cost.
You buy an overpriced computer with a mesh of “ultimate hardware”
You try to play the game and nothing works properly
so you join a forum and scream ” It should work I bought all of the best”
Never once considering you suck at building a machine and can’t create
a rig with parts that don’t bottleneck or conflict in actual specs and abilities.
So you scream the “game is teh suck.”
join the forum under 100 names and type with an accent (????)
and try and get help while bashing the game.
and we must not forget to claim MEMORY LEAK
A new update is now available for both GTA IV and EFLC through GFWL. Downloadable versions will be made available on the Rockstar Games Support site.
v. / (Russian) / (Japanese)
– fix a bug causing tree leaves to look transparent
– fix a bug that prevented uploading of rendered videos to Social Club when attaching certain music tracks
– fix for clip capture “OFF” slowdowns occurring when near waters edge
– expose “detonate” in custom key mapping options menu for Grand Theft Auto IV, Lost and Damned so users can remap “down” arrow key
– fix a bug causing tree leaves to look transparent
– fix a bug that prevented uploading of rendered videos to Social Club when attaching music tracks from the Ballad of Gay Tony
– fix for clip capture “OFF” slowdowns occurring when near waters edge
– fix for slowdown occurring when getting in a boat during “Sexy Time” mission in The Ballad of Gay Tony
– expose “detonate” in custom key mapping options menu for Lost and Damned so users can remap “down” arrow key
– EFLC now has it’s own settings file called “SETTINGS_EFLC.CFG” to avoid possible conflicts with GTA IV installations
From What I see, There is nothing lost on my end. The game plays very good. The shadows still look good like they did in patch six. The trees look quite well also. Game play was very smooth. Some of it felt a tad too smooth. But i am not complaining about that. it’s just i am used to certain things lagging a whole lot . When it doesn’t I kind of over steer.
one tiny error during install.
Install Error
This error is nothing. It just confused windows lol. Everything was fine.
Patch seven, very good. I didn’t even have to update drivers this time. But still waiting on latest Nvidia and ATi drivers to be released.
9/10 from me.
I would say full ten but there is a tree issue I see from time to time.
After tweaking my computer, formatting my computer, upgrading my computer, reinstalling windows, and then reinstalling Grand Theft Auto IV at least 20 times or more this year, I got an error while installing GTAIV. The error said that I have used my cd key to many times. So I posted a message in the GTAFORUMS.compc help message boards.
I seem to have formatted without revoking to many times.
Is there a phone number I can call to get this straightened out?
I have full disk and booklets and all that.
but can not find where it offers that help.
I just don’t get it, same i.p. same email, same cd key and live does that ???? WTF is with M$ ?
neat spalsh screen
After about an hour of searching I called Rockstar/Take Two interactive. Some guy with like an English accent answered. The tone in his voice sounded pretty sucky. He told me to go to games for windows live website and find their contact information. So I called it thinking ‘ Heck I’m an Adult I can handle this’
I had to run back to GTAFORUMS and post another message.
Ok, well I called games for windows live.
The chump laughed at me because I said I didn’t have a 1 year old Receipt.
I asked “why can’t you just revoke all the ones assigned to my email account?”
“I’m sorry it don’t work like that”
Really? You mean to tell me that this cd key is registered repeatedly from the exact same address, exact same email account
every time I upgraded my Dang pc and this clown treats me like a teen age pirate?
He is just to big of an idiot and lazy PR*ck to try anything.
Well as it seems they will not be clearing out all of my registrations prior to today. On the phone he told me it would be 24 hours. How in the blue hell does he expect to get my receipt within 24 hours, unless I faxed it to him or emailed it to him. In that case I could create a fake one. I won’t do that, but I could. I will never buy another game that has a microsoft logo on it, ever again.
After a year I have not had a chance to finish the dang game yet. I have been dealing with a crappy operating system with a pisspoor driver process this whole time. Why do you think I keep having to format my pc?
I have had enough, I will be using Xliveless from here on out. I will do my next install on my Linux drive and run Wine. I hate to do this to Rockstar Games but I have to downloaded a cracked executable for GTAIV to make this happen. I have done it with previous GTA games I have purchased, I have to do it to GTAIV. And to send a big fat SCREW YOU to m$, I will place a how to online. I will of course not link to the crack. I may just crack it myself. For myself.
Or , I can just go back to Walmart and buy it again. Who knows. oh and fyi, the GTAIV on linux, kinda just happened right now before your eyes in this rant. i just will never call them and sit and get ridiculed by an angry little boy again.
Dang straight I will not capitalize their name, they do that enough.
The only risk free way to install the patch is to boot up the game. Anything else and you risk a virus from some jerk who may have manipulated the file. My machine locked up while trying the install. I had to CTRL ALT DLT to crash the game so I could look on Rockstar’s website. There was no physical download, just a bunch of information about the patch. Well pretty much the same stuff you see below.
One of the members of Rockstar Torronto has come to the GTAFORUMS and posted us plenty of information of what the patch gives us.
GTA IV Title Update \ \ (Patch 6) Rockstar Games Social Club
• Remove Rockstar Games Social Club application
• Separate RGSC application no longer required to launch game
• Social Club login now occurs during the launch process Shadows
• A new, less memory-intensive, and better-looking scalable shadow solution has been implemented
• Enhanced Night Shadows added with user-selectable level of detail (replaces Shadow Density) Performance
• Rendering optimizations have been made to improve performance, particularly when enabling shadows
• User-configurable graphics settings have been added for shadow control
• Improved memory management Multiplayer
• Enhanced security to isolate users from cheaters and hackers Episodic Content
• Provide in-game support to purchase “The Lost and Damned” and “The Ballad of Gay Tony” (Not available in Russian/Japanese Versions) Bug Fixes
• Vehicle shadows re-enabled between 8pm and 6am
• Fix floating street textures
• Pedestrians in vehicles appear further out from the player to allow for long range sniping
• The Moon has been implemented with simulated lunar phases
• Fixed garbled text in Japanese Multiplayer menus
• “RESC 10” error fix for specific hardware configurations
As you see here the moon is back and looking great.
There are some great features with the new patch. Video settings .
New video settings
With the new patch they remove the mandatory Social club sign in.
Social Club is stripped out
with the removal of social club, there was a removal of shortcuts from the desktop. I seemed to have gotten an error.
but it was meaningless I think.
Error during the update GTAIV
BYE Bye Social Club
We get a new splash screen after the install. The new splash screen shows Episodes From Liberty City.
New GTAIV SPlash Screen
I try to load the Episodes and see if I can buy it, but i think I was a day early. So i got a connection error.
Live not connecting Episodes
I will try again later after the sales level out.
They added market place as an option during boot of game.. Cool. I of course will be buying the cd copy.
Market place button for gtaiv pc
I have noticed a 7 degrees F difference when the Game link is blinking at the top of the screen, and a seven degree drop when i finally click the dang thing and get windows live opened. When I exit back out, instant temperature drop and frame rate increase.
After driving around and tweaking the heck out of my video settings, Air cleaning my heatsinks, replacing fans, cleaning up my start up processes, I started playing the game with a desire to explore. I stumbled into something kind of not good.
Yep Tree shadows are flickering.
So I moved to the Video settings to check what I had the settings at. you tell me what you think.
I seem to be bogging down really bad. I just recently did a motherboard upgrade so I can actually run dual channel Memory. That upgrade I did to my machine did magic for me. I jumped from 22fps up to 45 frames per second. That is a huge jump. I could then change my settings to near max for my video memory, but this patch killed that. I am back down, way down. with the video settings as smooth as i can get it, 17 fps .
I am not one to bash Rockstar and I appreciate all of the work they are doing. So I will not bash. I will instead ask you for your tech support.
Dual 9500 gt 512mb (sli on or off it does this)
AMD 5600+ dual core
2 gigs pc6400
XFX 750 A mobo black edition
Well I could not get the game to work anymore. The game crawled to about 10-15 FPS after that patch. So I completely uninstalled teh game and reinstalled. Dropped back to Patch (aka patch 5). Turned off Anisotropic filtering in video card settings. Also turned off Anti-aliasing. Both were set to run by application control. So for gta in the 3d settings, I turned it off. Getting an average of 45 Frames per second.
Now if you want to try and roll youyr current install back to that, you have to reinstall rgsc.
I can’t walk you through how to save your settings, I didn’t take that step. I went with a full fresh install.
It seems like it would be easy. Good luck. Report back on how you did it.
****update 2****
There currently is no updated no cd crack yet for
I would like to put my game disk back in the case and keep it from getting scratched.
***update 3***
Ok, I found my answer.
I posted about about an error I got while installing.
but as I closed the error window I saw the install was still going fine.
I got my patch through live.
So this patch I just installed
is the exact same one.
Difference is, this time I did not have gtaiv running during the install.
And this time
The frame rates are a buttload better..
but I do have to say plays much much smoother.
I still want to see if marketplace can be killed with xliveless and see if that speeds things up.
Game looks like it will be fun. I am ready for this. I just hope it has a few patches bundled. or is a newer modified version of gtaiv engine to run smoother. I have pure faith in Rockstar that it will all be fixed, and ready for game play. Just have to keep the trolls out of the gtaforums.com site and just let it be fun. Just wish they would give a list of specs of machines tested smooth. would give us a good idea of what parts to work with. :-)
Johnny squaring off against the LCPD in Chinatown.
Luis working security at Maisonette 9.
Johnny escapes from the scene on his customized heavy-duty chopper.
Luis hanging out in Yusuf Amir’s Algonquin penthouse.
About time we got the dlc for our pc and our ps3. But then again, the gang at gtaforums.com found the content in the latest patch for pc.. Kinda sucky how demanding they all got with “tell us now, why don’t you confirm” I love the challenges of figuring out the rockstar gta riddles… no sense in acting all bratty.. but anyhow here is what I got in my email today.
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City –
ESRB Rating: MATURE with Blood and Gore,
Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language,
Strong Sexual Content, Use of Drugs and Alcohol.
The much anticipated release of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City for the PC and for PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system is coming this spring – on March 30, 2010. For the first time, PlayStation 3 and PC players will have the opportunity to experience the last two thrilling chapters of the Grand Theft Auto IV saga together on one disc.
The two action packed episodes, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, will also be available for download via PlayStation®Network and Games for Windows®-LIVE on March 30, 2010.
In The Ballad of Gay Tony, players explore Liberty City’s high-end nightlife as Luis Lopez, struggling to balance the temptations of money and vice against loyalties to family and friends. The Lost and Damned is a dark trip through Liberty City’s seedy underbelly as outlaw biker, Johnny Klebitz, fights to keep his gang together as a rift in the gang’s leadership threatens to tear the brotherhood apart. Both episodes feature a slew of new vehicles and weapons, and each episode adds new activities including cage fighting, gang wars and BASE jumping
Now Available for iPhone and iPod touch. www.rockstargames.com/chinatownwars
Rating: 17+ You must be at least 17 years old to purchase this application. iPhone / iPod touch game not rated by the ESRB.
One of the most critically acclaimed handheld titles of all time is now available for iPhone and iPod touch from the App Store – and presently burning up the bestselling apps chart.Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars packs a wide range of new features developed specifically for the revolutionary iPhone and iPod touch, including intuitive Multi Touch user interface controls, adjusted difficulty
levels, enhanced presentation with higher 480 x 320 resolution graphics, plus Independence Radio – an all-new customizable radio station that allows players to create custom iTunes playlists for use in-game.
Despite the FPS listed in the results, I really felt a smoother game play, even with the settings set higher.
I did exit and run GPU-Z and found 52 degrees Celsius. a bit high. I mean all game play signs were smooth and even flowing
but after exiting, for the first time on this pc, it took longer than 2 seconds to open my start menu. So I think I may have been
running a bit hot. I will work on better cooling.
I also saw that the drivers defaulted my machine to run gtaiv in SLI mode. since SLI is not supported on this game, I just flashed red
Felt like a seizure. I had to go through a few settings to turn that off
For anyone With a budget card wanting to GTAIV. It is very much worth it to try these drivers.
Average FPS: 23.33
Duration: 37.58 sec
CPU Usage: 96%
System memory usage: 82%
Video memory usage: 87%
Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1440 x 900 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Texture Filter Quality: High
View Distance: 24
Detail Distance: 36
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
Video Driver version: 195.62
Audio Adapter: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+
File ID: Benchmark.cli
Average FPS: 20.20
Duration: 37.28 sec
CPU Usage: 99%
System memory usage: 86%
Video memory usage: 79%
Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1440 x 900 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Texture Filter Quality: High
View Distance: 56
Detail Distance: 56
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT
Video Driver version: 196.21
Audio Adapter: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+
Finally Nvidia’s Drivers have caught up with Windows 7. These probably will not make it to the final release version. These are leaked and tweaked by the gur3d community. but if you are on a budget video card and just want to play the game on medium settings, do this, these are great drivers.
I do warn that I did not creat these drivers and am not in any accountable for the outcome or effect or results of what these drivers might do to your machine. So don’t thank me and don’t scream at me for what ever happens. Not all video card vendors are the same, not all video card vendors have the exact same configuration. Not all computer combonations are the same. For my machine, these are exactly what i need to play grand theft auto IV.
There are many clues. Rockstar always leaves clues. If you have been playing GTA as long as I have, you would know this. Many of the clues are subtle, many are just flat out “See you in San Andreas” Billboards. Before the actual release date, anything can be a distraction. we all know that ownership of Grand Theft Auto has changed many times. The writers and coders and directors, have all changed, so it is hard to expect them to follow the same pattern, or to be as good or bad as the predecessors at tricking and riddling us with wild clues. This has and hopefully always will be part of the game. For the sake of this writing, let’s expect that no changes will occur in the pattern.
In GTAIV, there are many times that you will hear on the radio, mention of Los Santos, and other locations that are real locations. We can assume that Los Santos will be in the next game. but at one time Rockstar would actually mention real life locations and then make a mock up of that location but name it different. Through out GTAIV there is no mention of Vice city, until the coming of Ballad of Gay Tony. In BOGT there is a Vice City Radio, Radio station.
In past patterns
In the first Grand Theft Auto game, you start out in Liberty City then move to Vice City as you progress in the game. In the end you have to defeat the city of San Andreas. After a few addon games, we came to GTAIII. In GTAIII We are some un-named guy who is left for dead by his female partner in crime when she shot him at point blank with a shotgun, right after a bank robbery. This un-named guy gets arrested and is being transported from one jail to another with two other inmates. In transit between the jails, the “patty wagon” gets stopped guns are drawn, a bridge is blown up. All to aid in the release of one of the prisoners. The un-named guy that is played as your character, and third man with bandages on his hands are left as the only living people at the scene. So they flee and take it as a gift. Luckily hackers get into police records and prevent anyone from that “Little Road Trip” from ever being remembered in the database. So that explains how you are free. You eventually make it through the ranks to take over the gang that the third person on that “patty wagon” runs. The guy that helps you the whole time who has the bandages on his hands, is named “8-ball”. He is a bomb maker about the same age as you. That is a strange inconsistency. Due to the time line jumps of the next two games. but still back to gtaiii, as you get to the airport you see signs that say that you can travel to Vice City . But you can not.
Later you make it to Vice city (following the way the first GTA was done), There are no clues of San andreas you just play the roll of some poor dork from Liberty City who was dropped off after getting out of jail, and forced to do a drug trade. You get ambushed by a local gang. Now the people who have you kind of blackmailed into the drug trade, don’t have their money, and they don’t have their drugs. You are responsible to get one back to them. You fail at that. But you take over the whole city of Vice city and become the new Gang leader of the whole city. Again you are in a city that has an 8-ball’s bomb shop in it. Strange thing is the game is set almost 15 year prior to GTAIII in liberty city. This would have made 8ball quite a well organized shop owner, for someone who just got out of jail in gtaiii. I can only assume he blew his hands up prior to gtaiii and that is how he got busted.
Some more clues to San Andreas being next One thing that guy misses. His posterboard he posted. in the middle it says “Liberty City is over, on the top it shows GTAIV album Art in the bottom right, we see what is likely part of the album art for the next grand theft aut. Looks like trees, edge of a mountain and some sky. Much like San Andreas. To further match what he shows in his page. .
What we can be certain of
Grand Theft Auto 5 will not be out for atleast three more years. They will do the same with GTAiv as they did with GTA and GTAiii, Liberty City – Vice City – Sand Andreas will all be under the same number title. Each Chapter will have it’s own extra episode(s). Count on GTAV being the grounds for a whole new batch, Such as london and so on, or a visit to a whole new city, as they did with GTAII