Adblock verses Hosts file

adblock is a program that blocks ads

Hosts file is a file with lines in it that tell your computer not to go to certain sites. This blocks advertisements. Hosts file is a file that uses zero resources.

Why would you use an adblock when you can just block a site manually and prevent your computer from connecting to said site?

Go search for mvps hosts file and download it and replace your hosts file with the one they offer. It’s free, it’s quick and it doesn’t use any processes to use it.

Plus their hosts file is updated often.try it. You can also block your roommate’s favorite sites from your computer so he/she won’t use your computer.

How to create a custom Toolbar

Want to create a custom taskbar for a windows computer?

Right click desktop, select “create new” then select “folder” name that folder anything.

Now create shortcuts to your favorite programs. drop all of those shortcuts into that folder you just made. exit out of the folder.
Grab the folder with your pointer and drag it like you are about to throw it off your desktop. as soon as your mouse hits the edge of the screen, let go.

New task bar.

To go a step further, right click that menu bar and select “always on top” (or similar).

If you want the best use of this, put the new folder you just made, inside the C: drive prior to creating the new toolbar. Or take an existing folder and make it a toolbar. for me, It’s the downloads folder.
toolbar custom

Ancestry Sites – Scam

Scammers crawl these sites.
They get a number and track down the owner. locate their relatives, locate their numbers.
Call the relatives and start name dropping people in their family then say that one of them got a loan and used them as a reference. then threaten to send cops after them for a false made up “guilty by association” crime and then say they will not call the cops, if they pay off the family member’s loan amount.

Pretty much rip off your entire family.

Here is how Ancestry.Com is fake and gives fixed results.

ancestry TruXter is a made up word. Well sort off. It’s a misspelling of a real word that is no longer used. In the past 100 years or so it meant “Truck” . correct spelling is “truckster”. It’s origin means “traveler”. Click the image and see what the results I found were.

I tried “Bopanopski” next. Apparently they have a better contextual engine than what the spammers of ten years ago had, where they flooded Google with hundreds of pages. If you haven’t tried any names on Ancestry, please try “Bopanopski” and see what you get.

Look. Here’s the best advice I can give you about computers or the internet.
ANYTHING you see advertised on television, selling you stuff for computers or internet… It’s a scam. Penny auctions, virus scanners, websites or even computer deals. If it’s advertised on television and talks about either of these or sells it, it is a scam. ALWAYS!.

All of the Ancestry websites out today, are fake and do nothing but sell your information to scammers. Not everyone in the world can be related so extravagant person or famous person. So that should have been your red flag.
Problem is, once your information is on there, it’s on there for ever.
All of the real information that these sites have obtained, are from the users. No user will ever be able to see what the other users posts. What you see is fake and even if it was true, the information would go back only so far. Most of the older generations are passed on, or not as well connected with internet usage. So, not much information would be made available to you.

You have been advised. Good luck and happy internetting.

Houston Craigslist Clearly Not Moderated

Too many times I have searched Craigslst in Houston area for a car. and foolishly didn’t set my min max price search at exactly one dollar apart. I say this because you do any price difference greater than $10, you get a page full of rims and tires and seats in the car section. All the while there is a separate section specifically for parts, tires etc.
I report these parts when I see them in the section for complete cars. but to no avail.

If someone moderates that place. Please wake them up and make sure they get back to work.because the site is unusable like this. Please send warnings and notices to the repeat offenders. Use i.p. and account bans for the persistent offenders.

If it keeps up, I will start posting couches and dog clothes in the auto section.

Just because they say “F150 tires and rims” does not qualify it to be in the F150 searches. Seriously… anyone searching for an F150 most likely will not own an F150, and not need rims and tires. The person selling the F150 will most likely not be willing to invest into the truck so please.

And do not allow the searches to check dealerships. because you will get 10 versions of the exact same ad for the exact same vehicle. and then move to the next vehicle and get ten of each add for that one also.
“new 2011 Toyota Carola fresh red” next ad “2011 New Toyota Carola Fresh Red” and so on. Let’s not forget the “****l00k @t Thi$****” ads…. come on people… who falls for this crap?


Mobile device and internet price

I read a post on reddit (which linked to this article) that covers a few of the topics I have covered before. This brought up an issue I am having. This issue is with my cell carrier charging me more for less.
Seriously I don’t see why so many people pretend this isn’t going on. My only guess is everyone really wants to pretend they are so wealthy, they don’t worry about stuff. Or they figure they can’t do anything about the issue so they won’t discuss it and assure someone else they notice the issue, so something can get started to solve it.
The issue. Is bandwidth limits. 4 gigs.
what can you do with 2-4 gigs a month?
Not dang thing.
Except check email.
Facebook has too many pictures. You should hit your cap before the end of the month all year round.
but the trick is, you upgrade your phone to a phone that can only use 4G and now your unlimited internet is capped at 2-4 gigs a month. and my carrier will not allow me to switch back to 3g for this phone. My cell phone provider says my phone won’t work on 3g because my cell phone is specifically made for 4g. So their website wouldn’t even let me register the phone I had until I would call and change my service plan. Since the 3g cell phone I had couldn’t use 4 g it wouldn’t let me change my plan. Imagine how those phone calls went when I was speaking to Stewy in the middle east..So now I am on a 4g plan that costs slightly more than my 3g plan was… Which was unlimited, and of course when I am in an area that doesn’t have 3g, the internet status on the phone shows that I am running at 3g or whatever is available.
Seriously. I do not see much difference between 4g and 3g. at all. Signal isn’t better. bandwidth might be a tad faster on the stats tests, but youtube still loads like hell.
Something posted on reddit on this issue.

They’re like drug dealers “here, have better stronger faster internets on your little squint device, at the same price as your home device… but you can only have so much a month, unless you pay more”.

This mentality is as if there is a limited amount of internet “sorry sir but your internet baggy is now empty, pay more and we will refill it for you, only so much per person”.

as if they are conserving something.

Truth is. If they leave their bandwidth at one current speed and not increase to faster,The more their use goes up, would reflect more customers are signing up. It’s not our fault they increased their speed.

I mean really , how fast do you need to load a 6kb website?

The whole thing is a f-ing scam.

Someone seemingly fighting this battle all alone for a while now.

2009 saying same thing

2010 saying same thing

2012 saying same thing

and it seems to be coming more and more true.

Later in 2012

We’re all feeding a corporate beast in denial. To hide our sham e of being so gullible we tell ourselves we like it and need it and take it to the next level of upgrading and updating our phones and other mobile devices to the latest and greatest as soon as it comes out. That’s $400 each time. That’s two or three times a year. We want people to think we are on top of things and smart. Truth is, if we were smart we would know that these devices do nothing but waste our valuable time and ruin our eyesight doing it. Yet here we are. You on your iPad, either agreeing or disagreeing with me.

Android Google Cards needs

Just an Idea I have for Google with their android application “Cards”
In web browser either default web browser or chrome, we should be able to click “add to cards” to pages and be able to subscribe that content like an rss feed.

So we can have our subscribed feeds and Google content in one.
This way, so the people who do not want to give up so much of their life to Google by allowing caching of their visits and search histories. allows people to have quick access to the content they want, without an app telling them “Hey I know you better than you”.

Especially with all of this NSA scare going on, it would be nice if Google and Android crew would humor the few that still like their privacy.

Mashable Trust Issue

The Mashable Trust Issue.
So I lit up the pho ne and kicked back in bed and started surfing around in Facebook. Scrolled down the page to see all of the stuff I have been missing, and what do I see?
I see that Mashable and I shared a topic, 23 minutes ago. Wait.. 23 minutes ago I was cleaning the litterbox  and sweeping the floor. Hadn’t been on Facebook for hours.
So I scroll a little further to see what the topic was and was shocked.
It’s content I don’t like to get involved in. Not against anyone’s rights or freedoms. in fact I am for everyone’s rights and freedoms to be the same. This was specifically about gay rights. I never read the article. why would I agree with the article and share it if I haven’t read it? The article could totally messed up and bring up views that I don’t even know that I am for or against until I read the way it is presented.
Mashable-awkward-shareWhat this does is send a false impression to my friends. and anyone else who got used like this. If I am not the only one that used like this to push this agenda, then there is a huge mass of people who just got used to press this impression that lots of people agree with the content. Without their direct consent on the content.
This content needs to be supported by people who agree with it, not falsely promoted.

This is gaming votes and manipulating the views of the public.

SO I went off on Mashable on their page.

Imagine the potential of this type of move. If Mashable can post this propaganda, what can a politician do? what can some agenda based media source do to make it look like you agree with something you haven’t even read yet. It’s like they are sneakishly using you for peer pressure upon your friends. Though the movement was for a good cause to some, it was a bad ethics move.
How to stop this.. Start with unliking the page of the offender. in the case, it’s Mashable.

Go to App Settings
Locate Offender in the list. In this case, Mashable.
Click the X on the right hand side, and never go back to their webpage again.

If you have to go to their page but don’t want them to “post on your behalf” find that in the options under their name and disable it. Then locate “Visibility of app and posts:” and select “Only me”
now your freinds won’t get spammed with junk you allowed to have access to your Facebook.

I will never trust a single article from Mashable ever again.
The scummiest tactics to date.

Hiroshi Yamauchi Dead at 85

Hiroshi Yamauchi “The” Nintendo guy has passed away.
Cause of death is pneumonia.
location of death at a hospital in central Japan.

He will be missed by many gamers

Some quotes from Hiroshi Yamauchi

I think the game industry is maturing in different ways to those I imagined
Gamers don’t just want beautiful graphics, sounds and epic stories
We cannot guarantee interesting and fun games just by using better technology and increasing the functions of the machines
[People who play RPGs are] “depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games.”
I have been saying this for some time, but customers are not interested in grand games with higher-quality graphics and sound and epic stories. Only people who do not know the video game business would advocate the release of next-generation machines when people are not interested in cutting-edge technologies

GTA V on PC? How Soon?

The question on all pc gamers minds is “Will GTAV make it to pc gaming?”.
Experienced pc gamers who have been playing Grand Theft Auto games from the beginning on pc, know for fact that GTAV will come 6-7 months after the release of the console version. as seen in this poll of what platform GTAV should come on.
GTA always does.

but if you are in need of some comfort. Here Is proof of the platforms that GTAV will be seen on. of course since that page was created, Rockstar has taken down the pc version. but there is now a blank spot which is all I have to give you with that.

but of course there are a handful of console gamers out there running their usual slag, bragging and bashing pc gamers.
Me responding to some clown on Facebook about pc gamers are butthurt and full of excuses why they’re not hissy fitting about GTAV on pc yet.

nope not buthurt. Just waiting
We know you console tards are going to brag and run spoilers for the next few months.
and then come April, you will see the graphics are better, handling is more realistic and audio is better.

You will have just sold your 360 for the new whatever.. but now will sell your “next gen” console for merely $100 so you can have a few more bucks for ram to upgrade your piece of s4!t computer.

Your computer will lag and freeze and you will cry “memory leak in GTA V” just as you have done for years.

Then you will take your Newb tard @$$ and your “most techy friend” up to frys and buy “the best of everything” and never once consider the capabilities of each component.. and again your peice of s41t will lag and freeze and you will scream “MEMORY LEAK DAMN IT!! LISTEN TO ME” …. and your cries will fade as the pc gamers will ignore you and continue enjoying the game

The way it was meant to be

you are a guinea pig and getting the beta version.

For years, Rockstar games has released GTA on console first, then worked like mad scientist cobbler elves to make a ppc version of GTA.
Last release of a Grand Theft Auto game was rough, because lots of newbs couldn’t build a GTA computer. and many more couldn’t make their current computer play the game.

Hold tight pc gamers. Grand Theft Auto Five will come to computers


[poll id=”13″]

Old Media News and Social Networks

Old school news sources have consumed the social networks

When the news tells you what is currently trending on twitter. Check the sources.  Go to the trend page and see what the majority of the accounts that started posting (within the past couple hours)are. See if they are account bots. Programs that are created to post the same or a variation of maybe 4 different phrases, and then change to another bot account and make a same or similar post.
Of course it’s twitter and every “jet set” hipster will run to twitter and see this beginning  to trend, and they will make nonsense posts that they (the hipsters) feel relate to the topic and will post something about it for the laughs and popularity of being first.
but seriously people. quit letting old media tell you what is cool or popular.

Don’t trust reddit either. Same crap goes on there too.

They figured out how everyone chats on them. They brought in teams of people who have spent years on these sites and use it to manipulate trends with 100’s of accounts per intern/employee. These people are people who have been using those sites since they were kids, working for people who never actually had the time to study them. Sad part is, these kids will never get the job, because they need new fresh brains each year.