Facebook Photo like leeches

I have been noticing these low life attention deprived wastes of skin karma forging peices of uselessness posting images of people who are unfortunate enough to look like they are worse off than the scum who is requesting people click like.
Why do they do this?
Simple, the more the people who share this image, the more the chances that the guy posting the image can be seen by more people.
Whats sad is these people don’t even have to be intelligent enough to come up with a good story. Just a simple “click like if cancer is beautiful ” or “click like if you hope this baby lives”. Yep. Just saw it. That one just happened. I hate that some of my friends fall for that scam. Maybe it’s to meet girls or guys, or crowd source to get people who might listen to their rap album. I don’t know, but this type of crowd sourcing is disgusting and deserves no help. Do not hit the like button their page, instead leave a message warning others what this is. If they have messages turned off, then they know that they are a piece of trash.
People, these are not kind people. You clicking like does nothing but help that guy on Facebook get friends by exploiting a harmed child..
Dear Facebook friends.
Don’t click like, do not share those images.

“This girl has cancer, click Like if you think she is beautiful” Fact is, he found a pathetic looking picture in Google and is leeching off of this person’s misfortune by showing their picture off like that.
“This baby was born too soon from a crack momma, click like if you hope she will live”. This person needs to be kicked in the junk.

The person in the photos, will never know their photo is being distributed in such a way. and if they do find out, they have no say in the action taking place. And the rare occasion you see a person with a photo that resembles the victim, saying they are happy that it is being shared, most likely is the same con artist, with another photo of the victim.
Instead, if your Facebook friends click like or share, please send them this link,if you cant explain it to them.

Something I shared trying to explain this immoral scam to a Facebook friend

A lot of the people who do it, just Google the most pathetic picture “cancer,burn victim, burn victim with cancer” and post it on their page and write one paragraph and say “click like if you think she is beautiful”

and then it turns out he is a local unsigned rapper wanting to get 200000 followers so they can get a record deal.

Because you are just most likely help promote some jackwad’s next coming album, instead of showing love for the unfortunate.


GTA V News – Max pain 3 players can be reused in GTA V

Grand Theft Auto five announced that Rockstar lets you import your Max Paine 3 Character into GTA V
On Rockstar’s site

And more here on Xbox Live site

A feature debuting in Max Payne 3 and carrying over to Grand Theft Auto V and future appropriate titles, Crews go beyond traditional online clans by allowing players to join large public Crews or simply create a private Crew that members can customize. In this way, Crews help players keep the fight alive from match to match – and even across titles – through the Rockstar Games Social Club, which will keep track of Crew stats, including Feuds

Of course seeing the Xbox live link.
Let’s me know that the pc version will most likely be Games for windows live again.

Discuss more on The GTA CLans Forums

Dear Verizon Fios

Are you not in Houston?
No matter what address I type into the Verizon Fios website to see what deals are in my area, I get a notice saying that I can’t be found.

Come to Houston please. 25/25 bandwidth would crush Comcast and take half of their unsatisfied customers away.
Every person I ask information about Verizon Fios, responds with “What’s Verizon Fios?”. I tell them the deals I see online and they look at me in disbelief.

Tell me Verizon, Do you have Fios in Houston area?
I need to get away from Comcast and I need to now.
I have done months with no service because they didn’t bury the line properly. When I finally got help from them, I got offered $20 discount for last month only. Not the previous 8 months. From the start they stuck me with a $200 install fee, to use my wires. After I called about it, the girl who barely spoke English (but still answered the English line[I pressed 1 for English]) told me “I can do nothing, your bill is your bill

The alternative is AT&T, and they are worse with customer than Comcast, and that’s a big statement. I can’t quote anything because I left their cell phone plan almost 10 years ago and vowed I would never go back again.

I am considering ditching all internet and television (except local broadcast) April 1st because of circumstances here. Which leaves me letting go of quite a few websites.

Please. Tell me Verizon, are you sporting Fios in Houston?

Nerdism induced Consumerism

Nerdism induced Consumerism.Consumerism induced Nerdism ?
Yet another reason why I am leaving the tech world. What I call “Nerdism Induced Consumerism”.
Why do we try and be more geeky or if anything show that we can appear geeky and that we can afford the latest trends.
Nerdy Trends? Why is geeky a trend? The more geeky people try and project themselves as, the more expensive the junk gets and well, less geeky. I want my operating system so complicated, you freaks can’t use it. I want my tech so techy, I am constantly learning more. Not complacent with bubbly puffy buttons that do everything, until the next puffier fluffy buttons version gets sold to me. Yet they still have not created a remote control locator that is built into the tv.. but sure enough they give you so few buttons on the tv, you have to have a remote.

Look how technical your tv has become. Most tvs these days run on Linux.. Is that not geeky? Question here is why in the heck is it so dang expensive now ? because it’s hot. Even though a tv these days does not seem half as durable as an old CRT. The image looks a ton better. But not that dang much.

To have a decent tv, you have to have a ton of gadgets. Blue-ray player , satellite or direct tv or cable that is broadcasting in High def. Roku box, Google Tv, Apple Tv. Along with your 27 inch wide screen monitor on your computer, Subscribed to netflix, hulu, and YouTube movies (isn’t that Google TV ????? WTF). Laptop that has a 17 inch monitor but thin as a blade with HD capability, along with your what ever PAD, and cell phone with a 5 inch or greater screen that plays in the latest highest resolution, of course subscribed to all of the same stuff your other gadgets are, and yes some subscriptions make you pay a little more for each device added. Then comes the XM and Hybrid Digital radio with mp3 player and mass storage device in your car, along with on star and GPS that you are subscribed to.

What does it all cost? and why do we pay for it? When did geeky become cool?

All of that stuff, all of the geeky stuff you are buying, the real geeks were building that for themselves. KnoppMyth boxes (DVR), cheap Mp3 players with 2 gig capacities connected to our car stereos by way of multi-disk player input connections. The fun was building that and making it work. Not just driving somewhere to have someone install it for you and then telling your friends that you are on top of tech. That’s not tech. That’s douchebagetry mixed with consumerism. It’s fine if you like things and want things, but to feed you guys, the industries are stealing our works, and making everything simple for the simple minded. Forcing us to become stale (bby way of not having anymore challenges). They are not evolving and trying to do the next major step to motivate more original thought. They are making fluffy buttons for the morons who have no sense of creativity and no understanding of anything great than push a button and say “look what I built”.. Example…. Look at Apple. Now look at the owner of Apple products. Now look back at Apple, Now look at the customers..Do you see it? Pastel 80’s Polo shirt, with white shorts  and white tennis shoes, hair spray and a scarf.

I’m done with all of that.

Give me a 70’s muscle car. Take my computer, take my phone, take my tv. I am done. It’s time to sit back and save money and not care who has what and how cool it is that they can draw this in Photoshop, or if they have a mac or windows machine, because I just don’t care. I never really did. I always wanted to do things as cheap as possible and show it’s as good as the most expensive. Took more skill and know how. but now one cares about skill. They just care how much you spent, and well, That’s pointless and not for me. This is a game I can’t play.

Maybe I will make Bonsai Trees or something.

1 Voice Squelched

I was writing a book a while back “How the internet was won” .
I was explaining what I see happening and what could happen with the internet. Most of it was just me posting ideas and hoping I would go back later and clean it up. but now. I have lost the heart to even try. Because it is all coming true. From monopolizing the internet on us, to spying on us to learn how to confine us. To us making our own internet and hiding in what I called “the outweb”. but it came to a flaw. The way they persecute everyone and say that freedom fighters are identity thieves, The outweb would have been everyone who wanted freedom, but also surrounded with dirty people that no one really wants to associate themselves with. The problem there is we would be forced to censor the outweb, or all be considered “one of them”. You know that mainstream media would have said it was full of graphic illegal images and a bunch of corrupt death fetish freaks.

I’m crushed to say, the whole sopa thing, was just a name to use while they enslave the internet, one group of people at a time, in a manor that doesn’t scare everyone. Since Sopa failed, everything they had in plan, is happening anyway, using other laws to make it happen anyway.

All of these illegal arrests. all of the illegal deportations. All of this seizing of personal property from people who are not even in the country that is persecuting them.

Television tells you now what is cool. Don’t believe me? look at a Facebook. It sucks everyone complains about it yet everyone is still there. And everything on Tv and on the radio promotes Facebook. While Facebook gets your information willingly from you. Where you go, what you do, what you like, who you associate with.

April first 2012, I will be disconnecting myself from the internet. I can’t partake in this free realm gradually become just a media input device. I’m dropping my phone. I am dropping my computers. I am closing down all but three of my websites. They are paid in full for the next seven years. So they will still sit as they are.

Soon, there will be no place for people in countries with insane government, to say “hey, someone helps u, our country isn’t like the mainstream media says it is we are being mistreated” Soon there will be no place for you to sell your own personal music online and make a an income on your works, without signing with some major label that will end up making three times your income while you still make exactly what you would have made without them, because after all, we all know who controls all of this anyway. Don’t we?

I will be back next year to see how things went.

1 voice squelched.

Coca Cola and Android

Coca Cola and Android team up to let you buy a coke for someone in another country, using Google translate to let you send the message you add in the language of their local language.

I guess it all depends on what you consider “the local language”.

It will get exploited.

Name these games

Just cleaned out my closet, and pulled out a box of games, and just wondering if people can identify any of these games or all of these games.
Let’s see how many of these video games you can identify and if you have ever played any of these games.

How many games in these pictures can you name?

Yes I know it’s the same games twice. One picture is blurry at bottom and the other is blurry at the top.
Makes identifying the video games nearly impossible. So I made it easier to identify each video game.
Does anyone remember playing these games?
Are any of these games hard to name ?

If you can say anything you remember from any of these games below, please do so.


About Windows Patches and Service Packs

Windows Update has always been a great offer from Microsoft. You can just click a shortcut and install teh latest drivers that have been accepted by Microsoft, for your computer. Along with driver updates, you also get software patches and security patches. Many of these updates could very well be needed. And with lots of Microsoft software, You can not use the software without having automatic updates turned on.

The issues I have, is that your computer is constantly checking for update, or on set specific dates you have automatic updates configured to always check. Usually found control panel, but labeled differently depending on what version of windows you are using. If you have an internet provider with a limited monthly bandwidth, automatic updates could cause some issues. I have been using windows since 3.11, and since updates came about, I found that my computers always run their best and their fastest when I do a fresh install, turn off automatic updates and personally go to all manufacturer sites and get the drivers myself. So far the only operating system service pack I have ever used that worked well, was xp service 3. The first two patches nearly left my computers (at the times) crawling and needing upgrades just to continue being useable.

I don’t believe that every security patch scare is for the reason they claim. Otherwise they would fully announce that windows genuine advantage, actually gave you a genuine advantage.

If I can’t use software I paid for, with updates turned off, then I will not buy any products form that provider again. Easier explained, I have wine installed to my Linux partition so I can run some tools along side of some of the Linux tools I have, and well, without some of what the software may be looking for, it will not run.

I claim that from here on out, I will never buy software that forces me to turn on automatic updates. I enjoy my computer running at full speed. You can do what ever you feel safe with.