Google Buys Motorolla Mobility 12.5B

Google is purchasing Mototolla Mobility for $12.5 b
That’s right. Google is buying a cell phone company.
Now maybe Google can deliver what they hinted we would get with android, to begin with.
Anyone remember the hint that if Google sold you a phone for dirt cheap, they could bundle it with ads?
I mean imagine buying a brand new phone for $5 or something cheap, and paying a monthly fee of $5-$10 as long as you get video ads and text ads and picture ads sent to your phone on a regular basis. GPS always on and you getting local discounts and deals.
Does this mean that Android phone will become a bit more reliable? does this mean that some some Android phone willl have better o/s implementation and optimization? Or is that against the law?
Let’s see if Google delivers.
News Source for the purchase

Streaming Media Package

Ever just want to watch what you want to watch when you want to watch it? I do. I fell in love with Joost when it came out. Then some comic company or what ever that was, bought out Joost and crushed it. During that same time, HULU came out and became a sensation instantly. Forever I have been looking for a Hulu app for android. Haven’t found that yet.
Netflix, well netflix has been around for a good while now. I have not yet used netflix for anything. Simply because I haven’t see anything on their site that I wanted to download, that I couldn’t already get at HULU or Redbox. If redbox would stream, we are looking at a whole new mess.
Don’t get me wrong, netflix is an innovation and creativity that moves us into another direction, and I am thankful for what they are doing. Maybe I have just been using their site wrong? Do they have more than 50 movies? because that’s about all I see there. And they are all low budget films that I find. Why would I want that?
but if you are a Netflix user then My latest sponsor is going to be a treat for you. how about a device that you plug directly into your Television set, and connect to your internet connection, and get streaming videos from netflix,hulu,amazon, and other stuff.
Roku + Netflix = Instant Movies on your TV.Starting at $59.99 with 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
I looked on their site and a lot of the stuff they list, kind of looks like a double listing of the same thing, just with the word “pro’ added to the end. Yeah that kind of makes my eye twitch.
But still the whole concept is pretty cool. If your tv can’t already do all of this. Many kind of can already. but again, if you don’t want to spend $700 on a 46 inch tv that can stream media from the internet, then get the roku box. If you don’t already have a netflix account, then you may as well go ahead and open the link I have over there on the side bar (the red ad that says netflix) in another tab and get that ready. Can’t hurt to set up for the free trial they have. and if you see they have more than 50 videos, tell me how the heck you found them.
The roku box comes in three flavors right now HD $59,XD $79,XS $99. Great prices. No clue why you would want anything other than the $59 player. For $100 it better comes with a TV tray and a remote.
From the look of the device, The roku box is small enough to fit inside a hollowed out grapefruit. That’s a kind of small. The look of the Media Streaming device is pretty slick. Currently the only color is black. I am sure it will come in other colors, once everyone knows that apple wont sue people for creating anything remotely close to their inventions. Oh hey I know what it looks like. The smokeless ashtrays of the early nineties. Just without all of the ventilation around it.
Looks like you can get all sorts of Media streaming to your TV. They call them channels, hmm I dunno, sounds more like websites to me. But currently it looks like about 12 “Channels”. This is a great way to watch internet videos you normally watch on your computer, straight through your tv.

No Smartphones

There is no such thing as a “smartphone”.
They do’nt exist. If anything, there is a touch screen piece of junk that makes you even more stupid than before.
Touch screen? what the heck? why are suddenly amazed by a touch screen? back in 1997 I worked in a gas station that had touch screen cash registers, they used a form of the wayne system cash register. After a full day’s shift of working those registers, my fingertips would hurt from pounding the screen to make it work. All touch screens eventually become misscalibrated.
The most frustrating part of a touch screen is hitting the delete button 100 times out of frustration, and instead of it deleting, it types the letter “L”. So now you not only have the thing you wanted deleted, you now have 100 letter “L”s on your screen.
Your text messages to your friends you eventually give up at trying to fix them, so now your friends get these indecipherable messages.
God forbid you have a bandage on your hand. You may as well be dead to the world because the touch screen will never function with that. Been there.
The auto correct may as well be Opie from family guy.

This is old tech and is useless. Why are we migrating to a fail of a project? It’s almost as bad as paying $2000 extra dollars for a television just because it has 3d, and only 2 pair of glasses. Because you know extra glasses will cost a fortune. On top of that, all of the 3d shows, and it’s typical high-def, will be lower def than regular, because well…. two different technologies.
Now. To Quote a saying from Rita Mae Brown’s novel Sudden Death
“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results. ”
and no that was not Einstein nor Benjamin Franklin.
but here we are. Using the same failed technology, and it looks like we are headed into a tech world that is totally dependent on touch screen and built on the whole portability system of the phone, like tablets and the like.
We are pushing cell phones and tablets out that run on cell phone operating systems, with these half hearted web browser displays, yet they play racing games and can do graphic design? Well let’s motivate these manufacturers to create better web browsing for these devices. Why we should not design special sections of our websites for mobile browsers.

Let’s keep the phones as just that…. phones. keep the computers as computers and maybe just a device that is in between, let’s not move everything to touch screen (because it’s easier than carrying around a keyboard everywhere). I hate the fact that we can not calibrate this crap for ourselves.

Bad Ads

Deceptive ads in Google

Deceptive ads in Google

Looks like Google allowed a bad advertisement on their system.
I can’t believe the ads got past Google like that.
I warn you that typically when you see that on a website, you just got bit. It does not mean that you actually have anything on your computer that is mal . it does kind of just pose as an ad. but it does not have a question mark, it has an exclamation mark and that is what I am calling inappropriate.
So I label that ad as deceptive.

Portal Gun

Funny video about wising he had a portal gun. Tons of things the dude would do with a portal gun. I think it would be hilarious and quite useful to have one. As long as it’s the only portal gun.
I wish I had a portal gun

Spider Bite Video Scam on Facebook

Spider Bite Scam Video in Facebook

Spider Bite Scam Video in Facebook

Latest link on Facebook that steals your account and respams the same picture and link.The picture says a few things but the most part is about a woman who got bit by a spider and it lives under her skin and that the spider is a mean spider, I have also seen, mean spider bite. when you try to do an advanced report of the link, you will get this message “You don’t have sufficient permissions to do that.” or at least I do. Maybe because I report every single link I see that is a scam, and it’s pestering the staff at Facebook. Or at least one dude and killed my ability.. I have no idea.
The video is not real. There is no video in that link. If you click anything in that link, it gets much worse than what you see here. You will be talking about a virus for sure. So go scan for a virus at the link I post below labeled for virus scan.
Here are two read ups on how to handle the Facebook hack and here is another a bit deeper on the Facebook virus issue. Sorry, I am just too lazy to write it twice.
Do not click the picture on Facebook that looks like it’s a video of a woman who is bit by a spider and has something sticking out of her stomach. If you did, please change your password now. If the password for your Facebook is the same password on the email account you signed up to Facebook, change that one also.

If you have been hit by the viral spider video scam on Facebook, or someone you know has. Report the post, then delete the post if you can. and then share this page. It will help inform anyone else who gets hit by this viral attack.
If you want to add anything, please feel free to do so below in the message box.

The Dj Booth

Two Pieces of software I use on the iworkwithmusic website to edit music from live events, and to add back ground music to videos I record, that really do not have any content worth listening to. Like when shopping and I video the display rack in a store. Who wants to hear crowd noise?
Music Editing Software
Music editing Software
Magix Music maker. I have the first released version of Magix when it came bundled with a video editor. I also have Magix music maker 16 and the latest HD video editor (not currently at home to tell you what exactly I have). With these two I can make some very high quality videos of shows and concerts. Like here is my friend’s band Sexion 8. I had to record all of these on a cell phone and then bring up the sound, if you will notice in the middle of the Iron Maiden song, the mic blows out on the cell phone. Even though the music suddenly high pitched, I actually was able to bring that from a crackled distorted hiss of a whisper, to a sound that allows you to at least hear that the band was on cue and on mark and the lyrics are understandable. At the mark when the mic blows out, the audio quality changes tragically. but again, if it was not for Magix 16, I would have never gotten that far. I do believe they have a music restore software, but I currently can’t look that up on their site

Digital DJ
Music - virtual mixing

Digital Dj has a huge tray of sounds and loops that can be used to make tons of music and creative work that can keep you listened to, and your crowd happy for hours.
I myself am no dj. Not in the least bit

but I pulled this off

Rage against the Machine Cover


The video editing in the first and second, was using the first edition of Magix (I’m fast with that one, been using it forever). The audio mix added to the second video was using Magix Music maker 16 and Digital Dj.

Yes the links on this page are sponsored. Took me forever get with these guys. I have been sending Magix some free traffic for quite a long time. because I recommend Magix for just about everything video and audio related.I have done this for years.

Lenovo Gets Android and unoriginal Idea 2

Lenovo Gets Android and unoriginal Idea #2
Lennovo’s new tablet computer will be using Android operating system and something we never could have thought was legal. They will be calling their unoriginal idea, Ideapad K1.
Did that not make your forehead go cold from the lack of brain activity?

Look at that thing.
and now look at this.

This may be the death blow to what remains of IBM. The one giant that is nearly gone. The name, the design, the look, all look like a huge lawsuit.
Looks like they want to go down all guns failing.
Good luck Lenovo.