Facebook Places are gone

Facebook Places has been removed from the website. but my Android ap still has Facebook places in it.
Maybe I should update but I think
I will wait and see if everyone is complaining about the Facebook Android ap.

Ok.. Facebook places is gone and everyone who was anti foursquare are all now foursquare proactive. Gowalla gets forgotten and every douche nozzle admits no such flip in opinion.
Where are all of the people who say “myspace? what is myspace” all of the sudden?
Product zombies…
I hear a similar to pacman noise every time I encounter such being “consume,consume,consume,consume,consume,consume, buy buy buy,purchased!”
I never would have known that computers can have so many hipsters and trendies on it.

oh and if you are here for the news on why Facebook -places is gone. Well because the brains behind the machine removed places because not enough revenue from Facebook places. I could swear Google had a Google places. isn’t that really similar?

All dorked up and no place to go :-(

Somewhere Between Firefox and Facebook

Somewhere Between Firefox and Facebook
What this is in relation to is, Spell-check.
I have been running into this issue since firefox 3.
I’m on Facebook, I’m typing a message, staring at my fingers because I can’t type. I look up and see a mess load of error in my spelling. Everything is underlined in squiggly red, so I right click each spelling error, select the word that is the proper spelling of my typo. Correct all of my spelling errors. I press send. Look back up at the post, and all of the errors are back.
Why does this happen? what is causing all of my typos to reappear?
I have found one way around the issue is after I type my message and fix the spelling errors is if I put a smiley face or a frowny face or what ever is closest to the mood of the post, emote after the post, the issue is does not came up.
Firefox, you need to kick facebook in the crotch for us, or facebook, kick firefox in the crotch, or both commence to sac kicking.

firefox and facebook do not agree on the spell check feature that firefox has? Or does firefox just want to prove that all facebook users are idiot? Does facebook want to prove that all firefox users are idiot?
I know this issue happens on the work computer, the home computer and the laptop.

Plenty Of Fish and stolen Identity


Plenty of Fish

Plenty of Fish


I made an account for plenty of fish about 2 years ago. Part of the process of creating an account on Plenty of fish is you have to upload a picture of yourself so people have something to look at. So I did that. I uploaded a picture and began my try at the free dating site. I was very pleased at all the features and usage you can get from plenty of Fish all for free. Without needing some “gold plus members special help mode points” to do any of the normal every day stuff.

I ran into  a bunch of women who in less than three interactions on the site asked me what my yearly income was. To me that is just messed up and crummy standards. How about talk to me and see if I am interesting first.  So I stopped going to Plenty of Fish. A year later I popped back in and found pretty much the same thing.

Here I am again on vacation looking for stuff to do so I go back to Plenty of Fish to poke around the site.

and now my identity has been stolen.

Here I send a message to a lady on Plenty of Fish, and ask her where she took her picture because the scene is just breath taking. Check out the crazy response I got

The girl went nuts on me

our first interaction


So I say “Woah Waoh…. What?” and she responds with this

Second interaction from the girl on plenty of fish

Our second part to the conversation


Then I upload another picture of myself and say “look I am the guy in that picture, can you please give me the link to the guy that is using my picture so I can get him taken care of?” and she responds with this.

Response #3 on Plenty of Fish

Response #3 on Plenty of Fish


Then I tell her ” Hey look I have a myspace profile, and a facebook profile with many more pictures, if you want, we can meet at the police station and I can bring a physical copy of the picture you think I stole and prove that I am me and make you think twice about that guy you call your friend”. and this is the response I get

Response #4 on Plenty of Fish

Response #4 on Plenty of Fish

And then she fricken blocks me. She never gave me the link to the guy that stole picture. I would not doubt she gave him the link to my profile, to prove what ever… and the freak has stolen my latest picture.

She is real. Here is what her profile looked like

Crazy Girl's Profile on plenty of fish

Crazy Girl's Profile


So I head to the forums for Plenty of Fish and leave a simple post titled “someone is using my picture” and then one line in the post that says ” someone on here is using my image and I need to prove them fake with more pictures of me. any help?”. that post was up for all of about 30 seconds before moderators deleted it. No contact from the site at all, in my email or on my private messages as to how to resolve the issue. I looked all over their site for help, didn’t find any so I had made that post.

I am left to assume that the lady in question is not who she says she is and is just another fake. Probably a guy trying to play a prank on his friend, and well, getting a message from a guy freaked him out.


Plenty of fish is messed up.

How Facebook could actually be Sociable

How Facebook could actually be Sociable.
Have you ever stumbled into a person’s pictures or statements and wanted to comment or at least click the like button?
If facebook would make it okay to click the like button on open profile pictures, facebook would actually become sociable. Otherwise you have to click the person’s profile and request to be their friend to send them a comment and that could take days or weeks. by then you forgot what the heck it was all about. but a person who logs in and sees that someone likes something, they know what it was and who it is that likes it. It is then up to the that person to initiate further interaction. This would allow the person who’s item is being liked, to know if their stuff is being publicized to the full masses. Because really, who starts the conversation ‘hey I stumbled into your pictures, you may want to hide them from the public, okay, bye bye”. but you get a like on an image you can say “oh crap, that picture was supposed to be private, I must have done something wrong, I will go fix that now”.
or add a flirt button of some sort. Sure it will get played with a bit, but it will serve it’s purpose. We need more, and it sure isn’t advertisements we need, but hey if they can add advertisements to something new, go for it, just give us something new that is fun for us.
We date. We look for people to date. No facebook isn’t a dating site, but it sure could have a side option.

Match Might be Digging to much Personal Information

A woman got violated while on a date that she set up on Match.com. So now Match is going to screen users for background checks to weed out sexual offenders. To many people this sounds great. but what if the woman met the man by old school means. like in a bar or at the grocery store or while picking up her grand mother from the old folks home? Would the owner of the facility be responsible for not screening the people that come in to their facility? This leads to lots of innocent people getting violated by an imperfect system. This is people’s private records, identification numbers, driver license numbers and social security number obtained by a piddly website that has lots of spam bots in it’s system, holding information that could lead to your personal identity being stolen.
With the fall of epsilon being hacked by grade school kids, we need to not visit a website that wants this kind of legal right to request such personal information.
Sure safety is great and you can think that if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about. Great, paint your social security number on the side of you car and think that no one reads anything or knows what to do with it any way.
The more you fall into trying to secure things and make it safer, the more vulnerable you make yourself.

I personally am not giving up the legal right to dig into my legal records.

I am offended by how open the news and media is about this. Just because a woman may have got groped or what ever the case is, you should not violate the rest of the planet. If you feel unsafe being there after reading the end user license agreement, then leave and don’t come back.
I actually tried Match many years ago. It took almost 8 years to get match.com to stop sending me emails saying that someone was wanting to talk to me.I canceled my account and still got notice that someone wanted to talk to me, so I would foolishly log back in every two or three years and re-activate my account, and then find that I had no emails, no person wanting to contact me.
To me, these are foul tactics. And chances are, Match is the trooper to get a new law out that will sweep across all websites. and in doing so Match will get more advertisement for it’s self than it has ever had in it’s 10-15 years active.
funny thing is, I bet I get an email from them telling me to update my information or my account will be deleted. I bet this repeats it’s self twice a week for the next three years.

My two cents.

Kevin Rose Steps down from Digg

Kevin Rose steps down as CEO of Digg.com
and is now starting up a new venture.
He is still on board of directors. He is not totally gone, but not responsible for day to day decisions.
So digg might be taking new paths and Kevin may introduce plenty of innovation to a new market.
This comes a year after the announcement of diggnation ending. but now they seem to not be talking much about diggnation ending any time soon.
so now the strongest ever social network (who has been on a downward for over two years now) may see new changes. Digg facelifts, digg functionality, etc.

Myspace On The Bidding Block

The Largest most popular website ever is now up for sale. Yep the one that didn’t have a movie tell you it was the most popular site. The one that didn’t have a million movie stars tell you it was popular. It just was popular. It is now up for sale.

Could we now see a take over from Zuckerberg?

Either way, Facebook crushed Myspace two years ago with a heavy campaign “try me everyone else has” or ” love us because famous people love us” or the ever so funny one that makes me laugh when I see it ” I’m too cool for you to join my site, only cool funny people come here” tactics bombarded television and radio. and with every one of those came ” Stupid myspace, it’s so gay” meanwhile facebook is everything you hated about Myspace. Friends with 1000000001 requests to join their game, tons of spam, “here install this (virus) to see who is looking at your facebook account”. It’s all there . Everything that was on myspace is on facebook. But so many people got sold to the advertisements, they actually believed it was their opinion. And then News Cop (owners of Myspace) made a bonehead move and totally and completely bloated the website with some stupid top and bottom menu. Now there is no reason to stay there, you can not navigate that site.

So all we have now is the least Social Network, facbook.


More on this at Zd Net

Facebook Pictures Goes Myspace

As of today, your Facebook pictures are now bloated and crummy like Myspace pictures became.

Facebook gets more and more like Myspace every time Facebook does an update. Except Facebook gives away your personal information every time they update.

Facebook Pictures

Myspace Pictures

So what can we do to put our pictures back to the way they were before the update ?

So what do we do when Facebook loads as crappy as Myspace ?

Facebook or Twitter

The question has been asked once or twice. Maybe a bit more than that.
But the answer is not available. Sure there are tons of rants and flames and trolls answering but they mean very little when it comes to wondering what to use and how it works. Facebook? or Twitter?
How does Facebook work? how does Twitter work?
To begin, you must have one friend on either network, or they both get very boring very fast.
Then again, you can always make new friends, but you have to be willing to go out of the normal operation of either network.
Facebook is a quiet little place where you can see updates of your friend’s current events. If your friend posts them to their Facebook account. Many people have a program on their cell phone, called an “app”. This app allows them to post to their Facebook account while they are out and about in public. This allows them to say stuff like ” at Raging meatball concert and saw a man stage dive on to a crowd of women”. This let’s all of their friends know, that they are at a raging meatball concert and they saw someone stage dive (jump from stage high into and on top of a crowd) landing on women. With Facebook you can type very long messages for your friends to read and add videos directly to your page so your friends can watch them. In most cases that is true. Except with the Facebook application on your phone, you can only type 140 characters. Most people use the Facebook app. On Facebook you can search your old school, or your old job and find people who like that place, now you may or may not have similar interests beyond that , but hey you can always try by adding them as a friend. Beyond that, you kind of have to already know the person before they become your friend. You also get bombarded with requests to join people in a game they play online. And there are millions of games on Facebook. So the requests come constant. all you can do is ignore each game as it it sent. Eventually you will block every game that everyone of your friends play.

You can upload many photos and many videos to Facebook.


With twitter, you have a very fast past messaging system if you have enough friends or as they are called on Twitter, “followers”. Really you can follow anyone and watch their activity stream. On twitter you have the chance to block someone specific from seeing your Twitter stream or Twitter posts at any time. not many people bother with that. Hard part is adding people to follow, and even harder is adding people to follow you. That is of course if you use the Twitter system for adding friends. There are however, a few websites that let you find people under specific interests Like WeFollow. This allows you to program the information you see on your twitter page, and have it defined by interests or locations.You can upload photos and videos  to other systems that work with Twitter.

You can add news channels on Twitter and get news updates before anyone. you can add your favorite musician on twitter and find out what the heck she/he is thinking before they go on stage.

Downside is there are a bunch of spammer on twitter, so be ready to get nailed with crummy laptop deals. So choose the people you follow, carefully.