Snapchat Review

Review of snapchat. A picture sharing application that seems to have a mild popularity amongst the newbies of tech.. People who don’t realize instagram, photobucket, imgur, facebook,twitter and the like already let you privately share images with specific people. but the software leaves the impression that you set a timer for your friend to be able to see the image, then poof, the photo is magically gone all of the sudden.
Snapchat is stupid.

No matter what a website says…. they always save the content you put on their servers. and we can download the images or screen shot them anyway.. so just send the damn thing to your friends… or use facebook or twitter.

The market is way to covered for this stupid app.

Parents, if you see a little ghost icon on your kid’s phone… Then you kid is sharing images they don’t want you to know about. and they think they have some catch 22 (remember when we thought every law’s kryptonite was us thinking we had this?) clause that makes them safer with this app. remove that app from their phone and threaten to give them a flip phone.. Or just give them a flip phone.

Snapchat  Review score
Usability of the snapchat: 7/10
need for snapchat  : 1/10
practiclity of the snapchat : 3/10

End score 3/10

Blackberry with Porsche Design

blackberry porscheWarning, not for the clueless Apple/Android hipsters.
This phone is made for adults. For the executive.
While it appears to do the same thing your apple and android does, the Blackberry Porsche designed phone does it in a more elegant smart phone manor.
Clean, sleek, and professional from the ones who created the entire smartphone market.
The New & Exclusive Porsche Design P’9982 smartphone from BlackBerry
Has put out one fine product.

Blackberry has continued to produce executive phones for many years, and survived the big boom of the media player toy phones such as the Apple iphones and the android droid phones. Blackberry and rim are standing with the phone that keeps the adults looking like adults and not cartoons.
The BlackBerry P’9982 is one beautiful beast of a phone.
The BlackBerry P’9982 clearly is not your daughter’s phone.
A peak at the New & Exclusive Porsche Design P’9982 smartphone from BlackBerry

Unboxing the Porsche Design P’9982 smartphone from BlackBerry

Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 From Cricket

Built in the Axiom shell is the latest Android Galaxy. This means that if you need a new case or any accessories, you have a good chance of finding the parts you need by simply looking for Axiom. Or go into setting/about device and scroll to bottom you will see a model number SCH-R830c. Google that or search eBay for that number and you will find Axioms and Galaxy Admire 2 are the exact same phone, and share a lot of identical parts.
Video of first boot of my Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 From Cricket to show it’s boot time (scroll to bottom of page). Then pictures to compare the Admire to a Bionic and a Zio. ( Benchmark scores)
I received my Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 today from Cricket. and right away, put the phone on it’s charger. Battery was at about 50% charge upon arrival. (of course I didn’t think to take pictures until a bit after opening and charging)
charging 	Samsung Galaxy Admire 2

Finally, No stupid logo in the front.

Finally, No stupid logo in the front.

The sim card and micro SD already inserted. For the record, this phone does not require a special memory card to Cricket’s Muve Music.

Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 with back cover off

Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 with back cover off

Now understand, I am upgrading from a very out dated Kyocera Sanyo Zio. Which is a decent phone for it’s time. But. Single core 600mhz little to no storage, Android 2.2.1.  on the plus side, the phone is almost bullet proof. Been dropped countless times and still works fine, no cracks and less than average scratches. It’s a little tank.
Little is the key word. The screen is a bit small so the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2  will be a nice upgrade with near 1/4 inch larger screen.
Here is a front comparison of the two phones the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2  and the Sanyo ZIO
Which doesn’t look like that much pocket space has been compromised, but look at the slight difference in the screen size.
Here is a side photo of the two phones

Very little (if any) difference in thickness.

I do have to admit that for a couple months, I had a flashed Motorolla Droid Bionic from Verizon , but there was this stupid update notice that I was warned not to do. Well one day, I was typing a text…. and the notice popped up. yep… I clicked it. $50 for the flash right down the drain. but the screen on the bionic was huge. and the Android version was Ice Cream Sandwich. Some options and abilities from Froyo android 2.2, gone, but some things ran smoother with ICS. Also I had to replace the screen on the bionic on the second day after flashing to Cricket. Dropped  the thing not even 2 feet. Landed on a corner.
Here’s a front view comparison of the Motorola Bionic and the Galaxy Admire 2.
The screen area of the Bionic is nearly the same size as the entire Admire 2.
Thickness comparison between the bionic and the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2.

The Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 is a considerable amount thinner than the Bionic.

Took me too long to figure this out, but the tiny button on the right side of the Samsung Galaxy Admire 2 is the power button. Not the big skinny button in the front.

Now for the initial boot up

Very fast boot.
Shockingly fast.

Big issue I have run into repeatedly is the back button and menu button. They buttons are too close to the edge. My fingers barely ever make proper contact. and then add the edge of the case I recently added. Plus, for some reason that space between the buttons and the glass, is somehow active and sensitive. So whatever is on the screen above that space activates when you hit that space.

How to make Folders on Android 4.0.4 Ice cream Sandwich

Upgraded my cell phone finally. Now it’s time to customize my phone with all of my folders and regular apps. so… wait.. wtf? Why? Where did it go?
Took me a couple weeks to learn this. but of course I just upgraded from one of the older versions of Android that allows you to long press the main screen to create folders and a few other options. So it was frustrating when I long pressed my main screen and the only option I got was to change my background.
One of my coworkers has gone so far as installing some application that helps him create folders on his phone and get this. It even lets him create labels for the folders.

Well, the answer is simple. yet impractical. So when you see the answer, you’re going to twitch an eye a bit. It’s so simple that when I tried to show my coworker, he wasn’t having it. Did not want to hear any of it.

go to main menu
Locate application shortcut.
long press that shortcut.
drag and drop to main screen.
locate another application, long press that application
drag and drop that shortcut onto the other application shortcut on main screen.

Folder will pop open, now click on the title. It will allow you to create a title for the folder.

This might be an accident, and will most likely get removed from next version of android.
Can’t go letting us have all this control .


When did Tech Forums Become So Useless?

Found myself in a tech support forum looking for help, leaving there very unhelped, unsatisfied and kind of bullied. Tech forums seem to have become the guy that argues the best, is the go-to guy for tech help these days. and that seems to have killed off a lot of people’s desire to visit tech forums. This is my experience with the latest forum I went to… and a little back story.

Cricket_PhoneI was gifted a Motorola Droid Bionic  by a coworker. This Phone was built for the Verizon network. The network I have my cell phone service from is Cricket. After some research, I find that I can get my bionic flashed to Cricket’s network.
At the time, I also had a roommate who had an android cell phone, that was on the Verizon network, and she was wanting to try Cricket. Since I didn’t have the money to get my Bionic flashed just yet, we took her Android to the local Cricket store and had it flashed to their network. We compared her phone signal, to the signal I was getting with my old phone. Her signal was a considerable amount better than mine. and my phone was built for the Cricket network. So I decided that I was definitely flashing this new  Bionic to Cricket.
That night, my roommate got an update notice to her phone. So.. Like any normal person would do, she clicked the “accept” button for the update request. Next morning my roommate had no signal. She was not receiving text messages and she was not receiving phone calls. She was unable to send a text massage and she was unable to make a phone call. So, back to the Cricket store we went. The clerk was very helpful and asked my roommate if she accepted an update notice, and my roommate like a trooper admitted this with a smile. The clerk said “yep, that’s what kills our flashings. First one is free for you ma’am, but please do not accept the next update or you will be in here again getting your phone flashed back to Cricket and it will not be free”. We thanked the clerk and came back a few hours later to pick up the phone. Sure enough, there was an update notice on her phone, she hit cancel and then fiddled around with the phone a bit and then disabled the notice.
After seeing that, I booted up my Motorola Bionic, connected to my router and searched for an update. No update available. A few days later (pay day) I booted the phone yet again and checked for any software updates I could. None except Facebook  but nothing for the operating system of the phone. I take my phone into the Cricket store and pay my $75 to get the phone flashed, come back an hour later to pick it up. Sure enough… Update notice. at the very exact second I saw the notice, the clerk told me “Do not update the operating system (may have said firmware but I have my doubts)”.

So I go home and search for ways to disable the update notice. I came across . I posted a simple question trying to find where the heck my roommate went in her settings to disable the update notice. This turned into a bunch of over zealous tech tards trying to get me to reflash the phone. all I wanted to know, is where in the menu did she find the setting to disable the notice. Since the roommate wasn’t very techy, she really has no clue what she did. and that is brain murder in it’s self. but she got it done.

So now I know why that place is empty and no one goes there. Techy dudes that get angry because people do not want to follow their misguided misinformed advice. I don’t care if that guy was Dr. Jacob W. Cricket. He wasn’t listening to the issue and how simple the solution could be. Just in a mindset of “I know better, listen to me…. rebuild everything”.

and this is what killed forums. Newbies.



Phone Demos CES 2013

Firefox Phone OS DEmo

Ubuntu Phone OS Demonstration

These two look like great phone operating systems. The Ubunto phone though surely has more developers and would most likely have a greater chance of surviving the market. but if the Firefox phone makes it out to enough people in the market, we could see a huge drop in phone prices and an increase in advertisement (sponsored by) but the question I have is “Does the firefox phone run on a Linux kernel?”. If this is a fact then lots of my fears of Microsoft and Apple consuming Linux, can be put to rest. Unless the Linux group is building up (fattening up) the market for sell off.

but that has very little to do with phones.

Sorry I didn,t have anything to write so I popped out opinions. These phones look like they will be great options/alternatives over the big three. Sorry rim lovers, you don’t make the list.



Are you getting Strange Spam Text Messages Lately?

We are trying to find the connection in all of these text messages that everyone seems to be getting. So we are checking to see if certain phone companies are either compromised or selling our phone numbers out to the next bidder.

[poll id=”28″]

No need for any personal information. Just who is the carrier you are using when you get the spam invites to bogus contests?



Are you Getting Text Messages is the latest spam to go around. This one came to me later in teh day than normal. No idea who is handing my cell phone number out to cell phone text message scammers/spammers : Please enter 8939 here to claim your prize from last week’s entry

and this image is what I got when I tried to leave, While using Firefox browser.

When I selected “Leave page” I got redirected to a penny bid/auction site. When I clicked “leave page” again, it finally let me go. but I had a background pop up that was on “”
It was a bit scarier on Internet Explorer. So I left fast and didn’t get screen shot. but that dang “blink doink” sound Explorer makes when you get pop ups startled me.

From what I can guess, they get your email address by having you put this information in on their site, and they sell your email address off to some advertising company willing to spam you for the rest of your life. Of course, since you confirmed it’s a real email address . Do nothing with that website other than warn others of’s risk to you and your privacy. does not have a prize and does not have a winner.

do not go to . they will give you nothing.

Notice the other messages about scam text messages on here and You will see that nothing changes between all of the sites this guy puts up. redirects you to

Poll trying to see if certain phone companies are selling our data

Are You Getting XmasTarget.Com spam text messages?

Have you received a text message from Getting XmasTarget.Com? Are you wondering if this Getting XmasTarget.Com is a cam?
The message reads:

My name is Justin. You contact is on the third place, Your X-mas code for is (and then some random 4 digit number)

The people who send these text messages are just expecting you to type in your special code and it will tell you that your code is valid, then the website will redirect you to a page to type in your email. your email address will then be sold to hundreds and hundreds of spam websites. Bad news.. no prize no gift. Read the message again, you won nothing. They do not say you won. They do not owe you anything, you willingly gave your email address to a spam broker (I shall coin that phrase!!!). The poor broken English should be the first clue. In his earlier scam text messages, he said less and it was easier to fall for. but now… Now he said a whole sentence.. Sorta.
The like button at the bottom of the page, the count never changes across all of the sites they use this thing on. It’s complete utter crap. best use of this is to share it with someone you hate and let them spam themselves to death. Also notice at the bottom of their page it says ” clicking continue you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy”. Which of course is written in some almost unnoticeable text color.
Highlights of User Agreement

1.These businesses may include providers of direct marketing services and applications, including lookup and reference, data enhancement, suppression and validation and email marketing. For example, if you express interest in a particular product or service, you may be contacted by telephone regarding that particular product or service. collects minimal demographic and personally identifiable information from many users. This information is aggregated and analyzed to help us tailor future offers and to help our marketing partners and advertising agencies understand the demographics of our customers in order to evaluate the potential effectiveness and profitability of doing business with us. Part of our business model involves sharing personally identifiable information, such as name and address, with third-party marketing concerns.
2.All information provided to by the users of this site may be used to support our suppression, validation and enhancement services to other marketing companies, advertising agencies, compilers and data companies.

XmasTarget.Com website that the text message spam wants you to visit.

XmasTarget.Com website that the text message spam wants you to visit.

Notice the other messages about scam text messages on here and You will see that nothing changes between all of the sites this guy puts up.

I am sorry to inform you but your cell phone number has been compromised and this dude has it and will continue to send you text messages. EVERY SINGLE DAY.
These messages break out between Thanksgiving and New Year, every year. This is the time when you are most likely to be gullible enough to think you have some special Christmas/New Year luck. And you might want to win back your expenses of the holiday season, in one hit.

Do not share that website on facebook. or we will have an epidemic of spam. and uncontrollable fury of 1996-1999 spam.

Hopefully after the holidays are over, this will subside.

On the plus side, there is an “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of their page. On the downside, that link leads to a dead a page.

Poll trying to see if certain phone companies are selling our data Scam Text Message

Yet another spam text message came to my phone today.

Another text message from a scammer claiming I have been entered into some sort of a contest and have been made eligible for a prize.

wxchequer%kbrnd_dit[1-4]’ve finished Fourth in our Contest! Your Code is: XXXXX

Looks like the moron messed up his scammer application this time.

Here’s a few more scams We have received here in the past few days.


Poll trying to see if certain phone companies are selling our data