Net Neutrality = Checkmate

What it all comes down to is how well you detect greed.

One company owns like 30% of internet connection in the united states. That company is Comcast. The rest of the connections are through the hundreds of  dsl and the hundred or so other cable companies. This means that Comcast has the largest percentage, and the loudest voice. What they will do, all the others will soon follow suite. The companies that do not, will be bought quickly.

Comcast is wanting “unlimited” to end. They have been hyping some story of  growing usage and lack of pipe to supply it all. Um, they did buy up all the other companies, of course the user count is growing. dur.. but so is their supply and resources. So do not be fooled by this.

Anyway we will be offered packages, instead of the packages we get now where we can select how fast our connection is, by how much we pay. We will now select how much we want to download in a month, by how much we are willing to pay. They push some theory that the internet will suddenly speed up because people will conserve better to avoid the prices. I see a huge spike at the beginning of the month of people saying ” oh hey I can down X amount now and just surf regular for the rest of the month”. Of course we will not see the internet get slow during these times because well, they have the horse power to support that, again they are blowing smoke to sell their  product.

You may be wondering how they can get fake news out. right?…… cable tv, …. you get it yet ? Well in short, I am pretty sure they know someone who knows someone.

If they are allowed to charge site owners for the traffic that comes there from them, then they are now making from the people getting there, and the people that are there. That’s like ford charging Disney land for the people using Ford to get there. THE CAR IS FRICKEN PAID FOR!. This of course will lead to alot of websites shutting down because they can no longer afford to be on the internet. So lil Davey’s website about his favorite bicycle will have to go down because he can no longer afford to pay for the traffic that the internet sends to him. There is a chance that internet providers will blacklist websites and block people from trafficking the websites. If you notice, we are now being covered by comcast ,(if we are getting our service through comcast) if we type a domain name wrong, it takes us to a comcast specific page instead of the 404 page. This is a clear sign that those days are coming. This means an almost extortion mentality could come of this (old gangster’s voice)  ” look see, this what we want for sending people to your website see, or we stop people all together see”  When actually in all truth, if all the websites vanish from the internet, what the heck do we need internet for ? Looks like the whole internet freedom, is screeching to a hault in this case.

So if it is ruled against the carriers from charging the site owners, count on your internet being priced to come out of your pocket in a $50 a month for a limited amount of file size per month. chances are, they will do that anyway. charge the domain owners, and the customers.

Comcast is already testing this in a few cities across the united states.

Selling 5 Domains

I have a year to renew my domains, but ready to let the mess of them all go. It’s far to much work for just me.

I worked really hard on getting all  feeds  ranked in Technoratti. Infact this particular rss feed is  worth “$1,693.62.”

Considering I have barely writen anything here in the past few months, that is pretty good. For the most part people come here for the Linux info I give in one of my directories, and the occasional coverage ion Grand Theft Auto. (I actually show how to play grand theft auto on Linux. You should Google it and see what you find. I did my work and it’s real info. So people link to me on their sites. I try to not be a spammer. So Google does all the work I need for getting the content noticed.

I wanted to make an ” I work with” network. Meaning I wanted to cover many job fields in content topics, and give people of that field a place to relate with. I wanted them all to be able to talk to each other and trade tips or just rant or sell or trade stuff related. I had no plan to charge anyone for going there and using any of the services. So I never did.

The “I work with” network consisted of an employment site that I wanted to help people in retail. Could be used for many things, from therapy to psychiatry to loan agent.  It is currently an employment site.

iworkwithtech Wanted to make a site to sample products with and tell everyone about the products. after the products have run their course in my  reviews, I was going to overclock them. Never had the time, so I slapped something together to fill the spot and maybe  bring me work. The goal was to let people submit their music content there and let the world hear it and or buy it. Totally free to the users of the site, except of course the media content they buy from the bands or dj.

Next on the list of sites for sell is not in eth same plan as the iworkwith network.

but still a fun site for me to run, during the times I had a mess-load of users. After the site rebuild I lost a lot of regular users. Down to like 18 people max. That site is a community for grand theft auto player. That one was fun, real fun.

Next is The news section was three years of steady fun. at times I had stuff just flowing, at other times, I had a life to chase.

The asking prices are as follows. $15000 Check the value for yourself Here $2000       Check the value for yourself Here $500      Check the value for yourself Here $2000                     Check the value for yourself Here make Offer      Check the value for yourself Here Don’t worry, I will accept a reasonable offer.

I used Because they do not base their searches on pure alexa results. If you Google Alexa you will understand. I know for years, malware scanners removed Alexa software off of people’s computers. So it really can’t be reliable if it’s only means is watching activity, and everyone is removing them.

check these websites statistics

Please contact me at (truxter     @    truxter    .    org) {no Spaces}

Paypal welcome,  and of course I will hand over the release code once the money is transferred. Sorry I will not give out bank routing number, but you can use my paypal account to use your credit card. If you do not have a paypal account, I suggest you set one up.

The prices are negotiable. But don’t be rude. I have a short temper for low ballers and hustlers. If needed I will gladly sign up to the sites and write for you in my free time. That is of course if you use the same plan I was working on. I will help you with search engines targeting.

Website for Musicians To Promote Themselves Free

There is a website for promoting your music, totally free, you creat your account, message the administrator details of your music and link to a place the admin can hear it (if you have an online collection) and the administrator will build you a few pages for totally free. The pages can contain anything you want for your band, from links to your music, to links for your merchandise ( yes you can sell you band shirts). There is a place for you to post your schedule of shows, so your fans and friends know when and where to find your content.

There is a spot to upload your samples, It’s the quickest way to get your content to the site owner so he can build you a media player for your section of the website. If you have a website layout already picked out, be sure to notify the admin, he might get upset if he puts his best creative foot into motion and you tell him after hours of working for you for nothing.

All he wants is for you to bring people to the site, he will take care of the rest. The goal is to make the place that scouts go to find talent. and where other bands go to find openers.

The Musician’s Social

tell your friends that your music can be found at (example):

(1dat is an actual band that was happy to be the first and used as an example)

or you can point your domain to your page after it is created.

Judge Made bad post on Bulliten Board

I myself do not get it, if the crowd depicted in the picture are not of one single race then why is it that having a picture of people who are into one particular political party, considered racist ? channel 13 Houston

Sure I understand that if the judge had stated that “look 75 percent of the people in this picture are one race therefore they are the cause”. But because  75% of the people in that picture are wearing the shirt of one political party does not mean that a race is a cause of the issue. It means one’s political  blindness and theory, following like he is the pied piper and feeling that you are lawless or at least above the law because you show support for the leader, Could be closer to depicting what the Judge is saying by posting that Bulletin, than to accuse him of racism. See I think Obama has great intentions , I Hope he can pull this off. He is not my Jesus, He is not my temporary fill in until Jesus comes. He is the president,  and well from since before my time, Media has made fun of the president and political stances. All presidents have faced ridicule and disbelievers.  So let’s not act like it’s new (says it in his best Ronald Regan Voice While holding his fingers up in a peace sign like  Nixon with a stupid look on his face like Bush with a Lewinsky dress over his shoulder).

See I don’t like racists any more than you may, In fact I may like them a whole lot less. I’m pretty sure if I analyzed you close enough I could find a reason I find you to be racist. I wouldn’t hate you. I would want to educate you.

There is a whole lot more going on in life than pointing at someone and calling them a different race.

There are more colors in the world than just black and white. Heck the ones you call black are not black and the ones you call white are not white.  So quit being a pig about it.

Back on topic, I think a political rant site needs to get hold of what trail that judge was onto and straighten this whole mess out.

Is Ebay Gone Yet ?

Did you ever get a PayPal account ? Buy much of anything on Ebay ? Got charged for doing the express pay and the guy collecting at the other end got charged to receive the  payment, Meanwhile the person selling the item had to pay for holding the auction. In one year, It was 04 or 05 when I last cared to hold an auction on eBay, but in that one year I got 3 notices of price raises and a free three days to hold an auction. See the issue is, they make plenty of money buy us paying for the auction, and the  7 percent (if it’s still that low, I doubt it) to sell out items using their bandwidth) to make plenty of money buy just maintaining the servers, but no, they keep trying to come up with ways to collect more money  from what they already offer.

What two months ago Ebay blamed social networks on their downfall. Really?  a social site?? The only way a social site can cause an issue with a a company is the freedom of speech. What I mean by that is, telling everyone how you got done wrong. Well dang the ability to speak your mind. Others blame it on a weakening economy. Yes it’s the fact that we do not want to give up our physical possessions that we earned and once put our hands on in trade for 7% or more fees to sell on a network full of people who have mastered the system of gaming that site.

If it was not for the over price auction and every fee they can tax to the system, it would be because the 50/50 chance of getting hit by a scammer. you auction off your item and some guy wins at a nice hefty price you ship the item, eBay contacts you and says “wait payment is not complete and has been reversed due to A STOLEN ACCOUNT” …. ehh crap. Meanwhile the scammer sends out hundreds of emails from fake email accounts like   and the emails look like legit eBay emails saying ” Item paid for you must ship item now” . Go to your PayPal account and see the money was reversed and you never received, then you get fake PayPal emails Confirming the item was paid for.

How the person won the auction was to bid $40000000 over the actual value of the item assuring no one will win but him/her. Basically killed your chance to get money for what you earned, then  to complete the screwing, tries to steal the item from you.

If you get scammed and fall for anything from an eBay scammer you are at a 80% chance of eBay saying ” there is nothing we can do about this at this time but we are looking into it” .. Great.

See for a place that actually has very little to offer, no 100% assurance, they sure do keep raising their prices a whole lot.

Oh for a heads up.

Never ever buy a car remote from eBay.   You get the remote, you set your car to match it, he just mailed it to you so he has your home address and the matching remote.. 20 bucks and a car for  $45 worth of gas.. Nice.

Tech Podcasts to start out August Work Schedule

Every week every day I have to start out listening to my shows. I start with sdr then move to the tech guythen caffination and then twit. Through out the week I pick out the rest.  Following week, I start all over. Occasionally I get lucky  and Jobacle has a new episode. If you send topic requests, he might actually research the topic and hook you up.  Really well done program, just not enough of it there.  The unsigned musicians portion of the show really is good stuff, most of time!

Twit This Week In Tech, a network created by Leo Laporte. Shows I highlight that I must listen to every week.

The Tech Guy, Net@Nite,TWIT.

Tech Podcast Network Place to hear tech podcasts and select from a few. sdr, linux news log, Mike Tech, CaffiNation,

Podnutz A gathering of tech podcasts on one network. pretty good stuff.

At the top of every page on the tech news site, there is a tool bar, you don’t have to use it but it does already have the podcasts I listed here in the rss feed and the radio player. I use that tool bar on my bootable linux thumb drive, my home pc, my laptop, my work pc , scanned a million times over  there is nothing to fear from that bar it really is very useful. but again, you o not have to use  it to try the podcasts I listed.

I phone hacked… Again

Get  Square font sent to your Iphone as an SMS, you are compromised. Time to shut down.

Well This goes to show you, that it is not a perfect company. The one device they make that

actually hits the masses, Gets hacked fast and easy one simple text message font From what I gather, the font will look like the blank font looks on a machine that does not support  it, it will just be a square. One single square that locks up your cell phone. Mashable says that when your phone locks up, they are hacking you. Really I doubt that, locked up is locked up, unless you are locked out and the lock up is just a spoof.

Make you think twice about yoru twitter ap…..

How To Sell A Domain Name

If you are following this from the day I posted it, you are to soon. I am working on this for a few days to get the site I am selling , sold. as I progress I will come back to this page and post a link to the next. You might want to book mark this. It’s not a fast process.

In 2008 I added  a domain name . to my set of websites. I also have IWORKWITHTECH and  IWORKWITHPEOPLE.COM . My intentions where to allow musicians to advertise their band and music so people would know how to find their content or when the musicians would have a show. The goal was to make it totally free for the musicians to do what they needed to get their content seen. The goal was to make that website the place scouts would eventually go to  so they could look for bands or people to sign to their label.  Sorry to say I could not come up with the money it takes to advertise such a site. I wanted to make sites that show I work with certain fields and I want to help people get known in certain categories that these people want to be known. So I was lucky to get a site that stays with my theme.

With all the chatrooms all over the internet with a dj this and dj that as screen names. Not one person would sign up. Either that means my site is not attractive, It’s hard to understand what it is, Musicians just do not get on the internet much, 90% of the people who call their selves a dj within social networks, Really are not.

Maybe I am bitter.  It really felt like I was doing this from the heart, but it failed.

So I have been scouring the internet studying how I can sell my website. There is a large number of sites that talk about buying, selling, auctioning websites. I will not be auctioning. That of course is like eBay, you could end up selling your plasma tv for a dollar. I will hold out, and I will try more ideas on until the site is sold for a fair price. It has great potential.

I looked at godaddy’s auction, there is no way you will get me to post my site on there for $5 plus 5-7% . That place is for domain squatters. What is a domain squatter? people who buy a site just to sell it. like the 90000 people who buy up websites with the name of a dead star Right after tragedy hit  and try to sell it and become millionaires. Go to eBay and look at all the Farrah and Micheal sites for auction that no one is buying. It’s disrespectful and we all know that people like that do not deserve to profit from that. There are others who just steadily type  all sorts of ideas and park them with a for sale sign on them. See if you have not tried to unload a good website, you do not know that it is an option to auction or sale them. You just go to the website you  normally go to  and type in the domain name you want for your great idea, and if the site is available you get it. If it is not, you try something close.  In that case you end up with a domain like and really that is completely unattractive and leaves you unmotivated.

Searches I have done.

evaluate my website That turns up a bunch of websites that you pay to tell you what your site is worth to them as a buyer. You will not be happy unless you  own yahoo or google or msn. it turns up crap. They want to charge you to tell you that your site is worth about 25 bucks. They get these prices by counting the letters in your site, not what the domain name means. Many of them also look at the content on the site and do their evaluation by the relevance of the name to the content, cool, if I was selling the whole site. Sorry I amusing a free php script from e107. Their works has nothing to do with the value of the domain by by it’s actual value.

what is my Site worth

Ok this one is a little bit more fun. but I have to warn you, it’s like playing a flash based video game… it’s not reall. but they do tell you how you rank in search engines.

Most of them use Google and Alexa.. Alexa??? really ???  Wasn’t Alexa considered bad news??  Well if it was, I guess that does not matter when you are checking the value of your sites traffic. Needless to say I failed all the alexa tests, because I refuse to put their software on my site. Most  anti-spyware programs go nuts with anything with eth word alexa in it, sooo  I will not be making my visitors uncomfortable.

This one Did not please me at all. I tried all my sites, every single site I typed in was the exact same value. $10 . I even tried the domain name for the company I work for, it’s a few years old (google way back machine). and it came up the same. A company that makes 2G a day from that website.

I have no idea what this site uses but it valued my site at …. $0  hmm. not cool so far BUT it does see at a much better price. So that one is real, well at least the prices changes a bit more often at a much more broad range. Still have no idea what it does. It might read page count, since the page count is on the main site truxtertech and since iworkwithtech is a sub-directory there really are no stats to offer.

Websiteoutlook Sees the site as being worth $255 and says it gets 35 cents a day in ad revenue, hmm I have no advertisements on it, and it shows an old screenshot. May have been that long since I had advertisements. I removed them  because I thought they might have been a turn off to visitors.

dnscoop Sees the site as about 120 bucks.. Alexa is it’s biggest focus.  Selling a domain name, not a cache cookie farm.

This piece of work Saw all of my sites as 77 dollars. their php script is mis configured , but shows a nice price for it’s own domain. LOL! no thanks…  on top of that, they use technoroti to evaluate your site. it almost looks like they are using dnscoop through an iframe.

So far I am not impressed much by any of those. but we will see as this process continues.

Windows 7 At home, good, bad, it’s ugly

Ok for starts,

I did do a big full test of windows seven at work on a machine and threw everything at it that makes vista and xp crash. the version we used for that test is windows 7 32 bit, here is  Windows & in Workplace Environment.

I have to say that anyone who preaches on about 7 being better than windows Vista, You really did not even try both with an open mind. I like vista, Seven is not impressing me at all. All the stuff about vista I heard everyone complain about but never noticed myself, I am seeing it in Windows 7. I think by now it’s just common enough to blame everything on George Bush and Windows vista, it’s the first two things out someone’s mouth. But ok here is what I get in the trial at home on  windows 7 64bit.

Well I am on day two of windows 7. The default drivers it installed, amazed me, almost as much as windows vista did. Video card drivers, not so much. I am forced to use almost one year old nvidia drivers. Fine.
For the record, my machine is a mid way between work horse and light gaming machine, nothing to brag about in either direction.
Specs are
AMD 5600+ 2.9g dc
3 gigs pc6400 800mhz
Nvidia / evga 9500 gt 512 mb
some ecs motherboard
air cooled.

Well the video drivers have been iffy on me and would not let me use the manufacturers drivers. This has always been my special sweet spot, using EVGA drivers instead of nvidia drivers has always givin me a cooled advantage. but no, win 7 rc is forcing me to use the ones they have from the update service at Microsoft, if I install anything else I look at 8 bit graphics at best.

Well I tend to do my benchmarking at pc (full test) . to say the least, my scores drop dramatically over my vista scores. I usually use the old test , it’s hard to find but it’s there it’s a link in the description kinda hidden there. my scores have been i the 3000’s for about a year now. With windows seven they dropped to 1500. strangely it shows my 2d fps increased by nearly 100 fps. Well that’s cool…..
So I turn to my faithful typical benchmarking methods of real testing. :-)
I crack open every version of Grand Theft Auto and install them all.
On gtaiii I get the same hesitation I used to get about 6 years ago. While passing under bridges and through tree covered areas there is a lag that comes in spurts. with vice city, the yellow almost takes over the screen and the cut scenes are jittery just like it was the day the game came out and I was on out dated hardware. San Andreas, well not much better.
GTAIV For me to achieve the 23 FPS at best in game I had to turn everything off or all the way down. When I was on Vista I was seeing 35+ FPS with some things turned to medium. Yes I know my video card is not the best in the world, but it was the same one I was using on windows Vista and it makes a great “before and after” comparison.

Now for the lock out issues everyone complains about with windows Vista.
I head to MVPS Hosts site to update my hosts file to block bad sites and advertisements. Nothing fricken happened. Wouldn’t block anything, So I head to the ETC folder to modify the file by hand. HA! No administrator rights to modify that file. Meanwhile in the background I am playing myspace mobsters. I refresh a page and bam new advertisement, all my browsers drop and fricken notice comes up telling me my computer might be compromised, and it offers this virus scan. then it scans my computer anyway and says I have a virus then tells me to update. I freak out and try and close the page and notice, it’s not windows explorer, it’s Mozilla. it’s a fricken spam scam. See if I could have changed my hosts file, that never would have happened. so I head to bit defender to scan my disk onlline. would not allow me!!!!!! WTF!!!!!
So I head to emsi and get a-squared and do a scan, sure enough… I am infected with 4 types of Trojans. I am upset now.

The hardest thing for me to find, I still have not found it yet, is how in the blue hell do you turn it so that you can see your file extensions? Have they disabled so much user ability that they have turned that off? I feel as if I am being dumbed down and pacified with big shiny buttons.
You can like windows seven all you want, but I really have this whole thing figured out.
Either it’s going to turn out to be Mojave, or windows ME 2.0

still the same issue with Windows Seven that bothered me most with Windows Vista , No Ftp. You have to download Fire FTP for firefox and use that . You no longer have direct access with windows Explorer.  I find this unacceptable. It really feels like we are being dumbed down.

After some help, someone linked me to how to use notepad as administrator to modify files such as the hosts file