Fire Alarm Template Update May 2015

The Fire Alarm Template has been updated  and is currently listed on This site with an updated photo.
Added an access control template (more robust that initial announcement).
If you are looking for the fire sprinkler template, please comment below.

If you haven’t been following my other project, I have an Autocad template that I have been working for about 8 years. The idea of this template is to offer a low cost alternative to the people in the fire alarm industry and less costly alternative to simplifying their fire alarm designs.

The fire alarm Template I sell at The top of the page here Fire Design Blocks Is currently for sell.
Things that are being added to the next fire alarm template are blocks that have these features:
Horn/strobes-Strobes with candela rating and amperage, built in them.
Both “the last strobe” and “the last horn strobe”. These blocks are their own block with multiple devices inserted that way you can drop the single device in a location and select from a drop down menu to change the orientation of the device and the candela. Yes you can still just buy each of these independently if you are not in need of the full alarm template with all fire alarm blocks added.

Horn/Strobe Block
Dynamic Title block. To change settings for all of the title blocks. Such as job name, jurisdiction, notes for technicians.
Initiating devices with addresses ready to type in.Smoke detectors,heat detectors,control modules,relays, and pull stations. You just insert their block and you will be prompted to type in the address. There is also a version of the fire alarm devices for each that does not have this option, if you are just doing a quick mark up.
smoke detector block
All of the previous blocks and template features are still included in the new fire alarm template. The difference is a small handful of blocks have been altered a pretty good amount. In this case it would be in your best interest to keep both templates if you qualify for a the new template after purchasing the current template.
The date of launch for the new fire alarm blocks template will be June 1st. at that date the price will go up to $450. For now the price is reduced to $375.

The plan is to create a new post on this site explaining how to use the fire alarm Autocad template and insert the blocks to optimize your fire alarm design to reduce design time, and increase accuracy of fire alarm design.

The fire Sprinkler template is for title block and legend attributes to simplify the initial set up of fire sprinkler design.
The access control template works much like the fire alarm template.

Do you remember “The Screen Savers” Tv show? It is back.

Leo Laporte and Patrick Norton kicked off the first episode of “The New Screen Savers” Web television show that geeks have been begging for, for more than 10 years.
As a fellow Geek myself I can not be more tech excited than this.
Here is Episode 1 of The New Screen Savers Found on the Twit Network.

Leo Laporte brought back a screen savers show called “The New Screen Savers”. Yep the show with Patrick Norton and Leo talking tech and answering questions is back. It looks like the launch was very quiet.
But we can fix that.

But who’s going to relaunch Tech Tv?
Maybe “The New Tech TV” or “Techy’s TV”
We shall see how The New Screen Savers plays out.

BTW love the way the intro works.

Actual drone playing the part of the drone.

Are cell phone extended lenses worth buying?


Are you wondering if cell phone extended lenses are worth buying?
I was. So I bought one from eBay for just under $15.
8x Zoom is how the lens was labeled. Not so sure how they came up with that number.

Took forever for the extended lens (telescope) to arrive but when it did, first thing I did was run out and and take photos of local band in Houston playing at a local club. Since it was the band’s CD release party, I had high hopes of getting good photos for my website (TruXter.Org).
Of course the packaging says “Mobile phone telescope” and has a picture of what looks like a blackberry on the cover.
What came inside the package was an actual telescope about 3 inches long and about 3/4 inch wide. The actual lens is about the size of a dime. A mounting frame that is spring loaded with an adjustable plate that locks by the turn of a screw to make sure the lens mounts directly over the cell phone There was also a small cloth which we can assume is for cleaning the lens of the telescope.

Here’s a sample of the photos in a dark setting (I have saturation issues I need to work out)
Satci Butler
That photo was taken from about 20 feet away with zero zoom. The lady is Staci Butler from the Staci Butler Band

The next day, I took a trip to an place near Houston that has this old time feel to it and had hopes of taking some good pictures to share. Here’s a sample of the day time photos I took.
That photo was taken from somewhere between 80-100 feet away, without using zoom.
Any photos taken under 20 feet just come out horrible. This is definitely not an extended camera lens and is clearly a telescope for cell phones. The further the object is, the better the picture turns out.
No matter what your iso setting is, the dark settings for your pictures don’t have as good of a chance as you would have just taking the lens off and getting closer.
The focus feature just blows out my cell phones auto-focus. I tried tapping screen first then manually focus. I tried manually focusing then tapping screen and manually focusing again. Nothing made the pictures any better. I got a whole lot of shaky images that looked like I over zoomed the digital zoom and the blew the image up to pretend it was optical zoom. It definitely is not optical zoom. That setting on the side of the telescope is just for focus.

But bang for the buck, there is plenty good use for the telescope lens. I just currently haven’t much purpose in it. Not saying I won’t because I certainly will be looking for a good reason to use it. but fact is, this will not make you a better photographer.

Full review score of the Extended telescope lens for a cell phone.
Function: 7/10
Durability: 8/10
Look: 10/10
Value: 10/10
Useability: 3/10
Total score: 7/10

How To Setup Speco Player on Android and iPhone

We have a Speco DVR and have set up our user names and ports and passwords for access with our iPhone or Android apps. We need to remember those setting for later. (if you scroll down you will see the settings I usually use, but you can use whatever you like)

Speco DVR

Set up modem/router firewall
Name your device name whatever you want in the modem . I use simple but identifiable names. DVR-1, and DVR-2 if there is more than one.
I use the same local i.p. addresses every time. Real simple ones too
Device name=DVR1
audio port will be 5446 automatically
Local port I select 8181

Device name=DVR2
audio port will be 4555 automatically
Local port I select 8282

You can use the same settings in the android/iphone.

Now download and install Speco Player.
The icon will be black, on both android and iPhone. I’ve only seen rare occasions where I needed any of the other speco apps. That has been a couple years now.

Android Speco Setup
Click on the Speco player icon to launch the application.
When the application opens, click on “Live view/Playback”.
The next screen will just have demo settings by default.
This is where your menu button saves your sanity. So click your menu button.


Click the “Add” area on the left lower section.
You will see the screen where you can type in the information you set up on the Speco DVR such as open ports and user name and password and either I.P address or DDNS.
I typically opt out of DDNS and use I.P. address. even when the location of the latest install is on a dynamic I.P. . I’ve seen issues with some ISPs with the DDNS needing authentication when the I.P. address changes. So. I still have to go back out anyway. and it can be time consuming to use the DDNS and get it accepted. Especially if the DDNS service is down, or malfunctioning, or slow to react. Don’t hand the I.P. address out to just anyone.

Name your device name whatever you want. I use simple but identifiable names. DVR-1, and DVR-2 if there is more than one.

You can use the same settings in the modem/router firewall.
Device name=DVR1
Password= whatever you gave it. Default is 1111

If you select to use Easy DDNS, just use that information instead of I.P. in the andorid app.

If you select to use Easy DDNS, just use that information instead of I.P. in the andorid app.



The settings on iPhone is pretty much the same but has a few variations. So let’s cover this
Setting up Seco player on iphone

Launch the Speco player app. you should see “Device List”



To add a new device to the list (DVR), just press the plus symbol in the top right of your phone’s screen.

This will take you to a page titled “My Site”
This would be where you type in your DVR information



again, “Site” could mean location or one of many DVRs at that location. That’s all interpretation.
When you have successfully connected your Speco DVR to your iPhone, you should start seeing video footage when you select the “live” option.



sometimes the site may have a camera out, or your app could load slowly due to internet speeds.


If you select to use Easy DDNS, just use that information instead of I.P. in the iPhone.



To Delete the Speco Demo Settings From an iPhone:
If you have been struggling to delete the Speco demo examples from your iphone I have a pretty simple fix for you.
Just click each demo in the settings and swipe the name to the left.
Demo 1 – swipe left.
You will see a delete option.

If you have the version (android and iphone) that does not have the plus symbol or add button. Just delete the demos and relaunch the app. It will force you to create a new connection.
once your new connection is added, hit the folder option in the corner.

Unifi Ubiquiti Connections problem FIX

Tried Running UniFi and the dang thing won’t connect. Tried looking for a phone number and never found one, but now that I have an understanding of their software, I found their contact phone number +1 (866) 438-8247 found at
UniFi Controller Says Start-up failed
So far I have seen two notifications when Unifi controller had an error. One is a notice that says:

Initializing Unifi Controller …
Starting Unifi Controller …
Port 8080 in use by other programs
Start-up failed.

The other error notice says much less than that but the fix for both is the same.

Download the newest version of Unifi from their site to make sure you are up to date. do this by uninstalling the version you have and then insall the version you just downloaded.
Uninstall Java and install (depending on the version of windows you have)
64bit version jre-7u75-windows-x64.exe
32bit version jre-7u75-windows-i586.exe
Now run the Unifi

Don’t bother running UniFi-Discover. If it sees stuff it does not much matter if you are just trying to connect and create an account and change settings right away. For some reasons I seem to have problems when I run the discover before I get the Unifi Controller to connect.

From here on out if you get any errors trying to connect to your wireless devices using Unifi Controller, just open task manager (ctrl alt delete) and look for Java and Jusched (java update scheduler). and end those processes. Try again to run the Unifi Controller. If you get any issues after that, then uninstall and reinstall java and run Unifi Controller before you do anything after the reinstall of Java.

Seems there is an issue with UniFi and Java and the guys at Ubiquiti really need to solve this. At least bring the software up to the current version of Java.

Boom Beach test Android vs Iphone

Supercell_SplashDecided to load the game on my iPhone so i can mess around with it when my android is charging.
Not much is different. except one menu item in settings area is missing on the iPhone and the weird bounce thing the iphones do when the game switches screens. What this means is when you leave a fight and get back to your base, just like the Android phone does, the iPhone zooms in to the town hall. What the iPhone does that Android does not do is, is this weird little bounce thing right after the zoom in. I guess to give you the feel that you are on some weird mechanical camera arm that has poor bushings so it bounces a bit from worn stabilizers. No clue. Wastes time.

Pretty much all images look the same.

Comparison of the settings.

If you notice, the android allows you to turn down the display settings.
With the shader quality turned up high, Boom Beach plays very sluggish on my Android phone.
with shader turned down, the game is much faster. Everything loads faster too. Battery life lasts a bit longer that way also.

There could be audio differences, no clue. I hate the sounds and the music so that stays off at all times.

Setting up Mercury Mail for XAMPP

Mercury32_46Been trying to set up mercury email for Xampp for a lot longer than I’d like to admit. Looked  at so many YOUTUBE videos of people just clicking away through the procedures of getting “local host emails to send and receive locally but have yet to find one that allows the emails to receive from external connection. Have managed to make the emails send  from within Pegasus but the recipient sees that my email has come from “truxter@localhost” even though that server has a domain name.

Have not figured out how to get Thunderbird nor outlook to connect though I think I am doing everything correct.

If anyone has any helpful sites they want to link to show me how to get Mercury mail server to connect properly, please comment the link below. and if you are looking for how to set up the email, scroll below, because if this page still looks just as confused as you feel, Means I can’t get mercury to work either.

Facebook Issues

Let’s go straight into this in bitterness about facebook.

No I will not sign your petition.
How many polls can we get about 80s,90s movies and what was better and who was better?
Quit Geo-tagging our images.
That stuff is not safe at all.
Can we post more pictures in a day?
I know people who post only pictures. All dang day long.
Comments section of popular posts, nothing but dudes posting poorly used memes. The exact same memes all day every day 10000 times.

How Did Google Plus Fail

How Did Google Plus Fail ?
Google failed with Google Plus (G+) simply by making their social network too intrusive, too much like Facebook and too bland.

When I say intrusive, I mean, just adding the app on your phone, you are forced to show your location via GPS showing almost an exact nark on the map showing what section of your house, you are currently in. Who wants that? Maybe while you are meeting someone at the local burger doodle, but your bedroom? Toilet? who needs to know exact locations of my every post? Can’t we save this for a later feature?

G+ looks exactly like Facebook did last year. Minus the blue bar at the top of the screen.Friends on the left, message in the middle (much like Myspace) ads on the right. Much like a blog.

There is no color. There is no life in G+ It just looks like plain text on a plain page. I actually like I am at the back end side of wordpress. And I tell you, it’s not impressive.

For over a week now, I have seen three messages fly by that were not my own.
And … sad to say, when people fought the real names on Google plus, Google gave in. Mean while Facebook screams a big “SCREW YOU USERS”
So, maybe Google should abuse the less tech savvy, they seem to enjoy it.

Deep down we all see that Google plus is a more current social website and much nicer looking. But was released at the wrong time.

Maybe if they put a samsung logo on it.. Oh wait, that’s another one that abuses their users.

Budget Build

my boss had a customer he needed to make happy so he gave me an exact budget to stay in. I had two stores to pick parts from. But get better office points if I can save time by going to just one for the computer parts.
as you can see I was up to the challenge.
The person already had their Monitors and keyboards and Speakers, Quickbooks, and Windows 7. My duty was to just build a tower that can withstand the daily office use of quickbooks, and other office tasks.
Me being the wiser know there will be some Youtube going on. I build this machine to stand against most office employees.
$750 was the challenge.
I build the ultimate work computer.
On someone else’s budget of course.

DVR-SH-224DB/BEBE Black Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE 24x SATA Internal DVD Burner, 8x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-RW, 12x DVD-RAM, 1.5MB Buffer, w/o Software. OEM 1 16.99
MB-H81M-E ASUS H81M-E LGA1150 uATX Motherboard, Intel H81 Chipset, Supports Intel 4th Generation Core i7/i5/i3 Haswell CPUs, Dual DDR3 1600, Gigabit LAN, SATA III, USB 3.0, 8ch HD Audio, DVI 1 529.95
CPU-BX80646I54430 *Add Add Processor == Intel Core i5-4430 3.0GHz 22nm(+189.99) 1
DIMM-997026 *Add DDR3 Memory == One 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 1600 Mushkin 997026(+45.99) 1
SOFT-T5D-01575 *Add Office Suite == Microsoft Office 2013 Home / Business T5D-01575(+181.99) 1
HD-ST1000DM003 *Add SATA Hard Drive == One 1TB SATA 6Gb/s 3.5in Seagate ST1000DM003(+54.99) 1
CS-PA06-LF Black Ark Technology PA06-LF Mid-Tower ATX Computer Case, with 500W PS2 Power Supply, Front USB 2.0 and; Audio 1 39.99
Subtotal 586.93
Coupon -11.74
Subtotal 575.19
Tax 47.45
Total 622.64

