Facebook or Twitter

The question has been asked once or twice. Maybe a bit more than that.
But the answer is not available. Sure there are tons of rants and flames and trolls answering but they mean very little when it comes to wondering what to use and how it works. Facebook? or Twitter?
How does Facebook work? how does Twitter work?
To begin, you must have one friend on either network, or they both get very boring very fast.
Then again, you can always make new friends, but you have to be willing to go out of the normal operation of either network.
Facebook is a quiet little place where you can see updates of your friend’s current events. If your friend posts them to their Facebook account. Many people have a program on their cell phone, called an “app”. This app allows them to post to their Facebook account while they are out and about in public. This allows them to say stuff like ” at Raging meatball concert and saw a man stage dive on to a crowd of women”. This let’s all of their friends know, that they are at a raging meatball concert and they saw someone stage dive (jump from stage high into and on top of a crowd) landing on women. With Facebook you can type very long messages for your friends to read and add videos directly to your page so your friends can watch them. In most cases that is true. Except with the Facebook application on your phone, you can only type 140 characters. Most people use the Facebook app. On Facebook you can search your old school, or your old job and find people who like that place, now you may or may not have similar interests beyond that , but hey you can always try by adding them as a friend. Beyond that, you kind of have to already know the person before they become your friend. You also get bombarded with requests to join people in a game they play online. And there are millions of games on Facebook. So the requests come constant. all you can do is ignore each game as it it sent. Eventually you will block every game that everyone of your friends play.

You can upload many photos and many videos to Facebook.


With twitter, you have a very fast past messaging system if you have enough friends or as they are called on Twitter, “followers”. Really you can follow anyone and watch their activity stream. On twitter you have the chance to block someone specific from seeing your Twitter stream or Twitter posts at any time. not many people bother with that. Hard part is adding people to follow, and even harder is adding people to follow you. That is of course if you use the Twitter system for adding friends. There are however, a few websites that let you find people under specific interests Like WeFollow. This allows you to program the information you see on your twitter page, and have it defined by interests or locations.You can upload photos and videos  to other systems that work with Twitter.

You can add news channels on Twitter and get news updates before anyone. you can add your favorite musician on twitter and find out what the heck she/he is thinking before they go on stage.

Downside is there are a bunch of spammer on twitter, so be ready to get nailed with crummy laptop deals. So choose the people you follow, carefully.

Last Chance to vote for The Pc Game of the Year 2010

Pc Game of the Year 2010

Here is the poll for game of the Year 2010
If you are a pc gamer and would like to vote for either of these pc games. I suggest you click the link and begin placing yoru vote.
Less than one week left. Get your guild, clan or gang to vote with you and get the word out.

  • Starcraft II
  • Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
  • Fallout: New Vegas
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Need for Speed World
  • Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  • Good luck and Happy Gaming. Be sure and send your friends here or you might just miss out on the vote.

    You must vote if you want to see your game win.

    PC Game Of the Year

    PC Game Of the Year 2010

    You are now required to select the Game of the year for Pc gaming.
    Duplicate answers will be removed.
    We are proud to give everyone the chance to select the PC Game Of the Year for TruXterTech.Com.
    If you have a game that you have tried that is in the choices below, and you find yourself playing that game more than any other game in the poll selections, then by all mean, please vote for that PC game.
    [poll id=”4″]
    PC Game Of the Year for the pc game of your choice, you get to vote for PCGOTY.
    Some of the PC games here in the Poll are not straight out of the box for pc only. Some of these game were first produced for console and then brought to pc in 2010. These are games that are on PC though. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is not out yet as of the time this was posted, but three weeks, anything can happen
    If we missed a game, please leave a message below, no sign up needed.
    SO VOTE!!!!!!! for one these pc games
    Starcraft II,Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City,Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2,Call of Duty: Black Ops,World of Warcraft: Cataclysm,Fallout: New Vegas,Mass Effect 2,Need for Speed World,Need for Speed Hot Pursuit,Battlefield: Bad Company

    Or leave an additional game below. Additional games will be added at the end of each day.

    Call of Duty Black Ops pc Review

    We are inviting you guys to participate in the review of Call of Duty Black Ops for PC. There will be a poll at the end.

    Minimum System Requirements

    • OS: Windows® Vista / XP / 7
    • Processor:Intel® Core™2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom™ X3 8750 or better
    • Memory: 2GB
    • HDD:12GB
    • Video: Shader 3.0 or better 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600GT / ATI Radeon® X1950Pro or better
    • Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible
    • DirectX: 9.0c

    The two computers we tested Call of Duty Black ops for Pc,

    Computer 1

    cpu – Intell 2200 Dual core 2.2 GHZ

    GPU – Nvidia 220 1 gig

    MEM – 4 gigs pc6400

    OS – Windows 7 Ultimate

    Computer 2

    cpu – AMD Athlon II X3 440 3.00 GHZ

    GPU – Nvidia 250 1 gig

    MEM – 4 gigs pc 6400

    OS – Windows 7 Ultimate

    Call of Duty Black ops Splash

    The default video settings for Call of Duty Black ops Was already decent enough for me to start the game, just had to change from 1280×768 to 1440×900. Of course I did not try turning anything up because I wanted to try the game right out of the box at default standards. You know what, I was quite happy with the game-play.

    Call Of Duty Black Ops Menu

    Menu Black Ops Pc

    You can move the mouse and look around the room as if you are the head of  Mason the main character in Call of Duty Black Ops. You are restrained in a chair, you have blood on your shirt.

    First Cutscene Call Of Duty Black Ops

    First Cut-scene Call Of Duty Black Ops

    This of course is the first Cutscene of the single Player version Call of Duty Black Ops for pc.

    We Played all three versions of Call of Duty Black Ops, We played Multiplayer We played Zombie and We Played Single player. Gave about one Hour to the Zombie game play. Both computers handled the game very well. We took the game to multiplayer and both computers held up great, even on maps with 16/16 players. No noticeable lag at all. but single player. We played  single player mode at veteran level for two Hours. about the second hour, the Intel machine began to lag heavily. Could have been a heating issue.
    Best First Person Shooter I have played this year. Nice FPS action, Excellent FPS View
    Call of Duty Black Ops, Is now my new favorite First Person Shooter.
    [kaltura-widget uiconfid=”534″ entryid=”0_14qhvbi7″ width=”400″ height=”255″ addpermission=”” editpermission=”” /]

    Single player is very hard, graphics are amazing. Ai is a bit repetitive non intuitive.  But Ai is very hard.

    Multyplayer is small space hardly any place to camp as a sniper. Rounds are short like 10 minutes cap. Multyplayer is fast paced extreme action. Weapons are earned. That’s kind of cool, but those who make it to the good weapons first, keep the others from upgrading.

    Straight to the scoring I give, but you can give yours below.
    multiplayer fun 9/10
    Graphics 10/10
    single player fun 8/10
    Sound 10/10
    control 10/10
    Final Score over all 9/10

    [poll id=”3″]

    Cell Phone Wars – Poll

    Curiosity is setting in at the TruXterTech camp. as to what Cell phone operating system do you feel gives you the most abilities that you like.
    Rim- Research in Motion from Blackberry
    Apple – Iphone
    Android- Android/Google
    ISA – Nokia OS
    Windows- Microsoft
    [poll id=”2″]
    This isn’t a poll of phone manufacturers, it’s more of a poll of phone operating systems. If you could use any operating system on your phone, what operating system would you prefer?
    If your cell phone/ Smart phone could run any cellphone operating system, what would be your end choice in phone software?

    Personal Budget Software re-Review

    A few months ago I found a free budget management software. I was quite pleased with what I found. At the time, the Software developer didn’t have any traffic That i could detect. I was skeptical about downloading the budget software.  I decided to run a few  scans form virscan.org. Clean. Not one issue with the budget software at all. So I installed the free software I got from TZIsoft.

    I have written a few things on the net about how I am looking for a bank that has a better online banking interface, simply because I am not very good at keeping up with my records and budget. so I was quite desperate to locate a good safe personal budget software that wouldn’t  break me. Again, I can not keep record worth a darn. TZIsoft personal budget software, has been nothing but pure help. I really do appreciate all of the times I could just pop open this software and see exactly what my current spending range is. I have not had MS office on my laptop on years, but I have had open office on the laptop for quite a while, the personal budget software allows me to export my budget report to an MS Office file that is easily opened with open office. I then put the office file on my Droid phone and leave the house. I can then make adjustments through the day, to take the file back with me when I go home. Sometimes I email the thing to myself throughout the day with updates. Sure there are probably easier way of doing that part, but its cool to just know what could happen.

    Free Personal Budget Software download page. Look at all of the acknowledgment  the coder has now received. You have to scroll to the bottom, that part is like an easter egg for you for you to find after the coder briefs you on the capabilities of the budget software.

    Remember, this is a free budget keeping software. This software is not the be all end all software and will not prevent you from doing things you should not do. The writer of this budget and record keeping software made it to help you document your transactions and calculate your current spending limits. Anything you do not input into the budget software is on you. So if you mis-spend outside of your limit, the software maker nor I can be held responsible. Nothing is guaranteed by me other than I liked the software, it was free, and the budget software helped me greatly. I have not been paid to link to the free software nor have I been paid to leave my review. I have never met the coder but i did send a big thank you email and a copy of my first review of personal budget.


    Look around, there are more downloads and more software to try out from there.

    Is Adwords Dying?

    Is Adwords Dying?

    Rumor is that Adwords is losing it’s power. and the number of users are diminishing. Also another rumor is that the Adwords team knows this.
    To me, this completely nuts. unless it’s just the current Economy. If so, then it’s kind of to late for that to be the cause. If for some reason, another company is offering their advertisement spots at a lower cost, cool. but the ads will not be seen by nearly as many people as they would be seen on Adwords. Google Adsense is the way that Adwords get seen on other websites. more sites are signed to Adsense, than any other 4 affiliate companies, together.
    Maybe this is true. Maybe Google has been nipping and skimping here and there over the years on Adwords just as they had done with Adsense over the years. I do not know this. I don’t use Adwords, because I have nothing to sell. but I do use Adsense, and I have seen a huge decrease in payout. Maybe less people are using Adwords because of changes. I do not know.

    But I do know what would help Google, or another Affiliate company out there that wants to try it.

    A mix of adsense for search and adsense affiliate ads. with selective phrases. What this means is if google would let you have a user code like your typical affiliate code, (ok here’s a fake code for examples) like “x-011-0-11truxter” and say someone asked em to help them locate a specific item and item such as  duck food. So to help that person I would type “http://www.google.com/x-011-0-11truxter/duck+food+feed+mallard”. When a person clicks that link, the user would be directed to a search result page that shows food and feed for ducks and mallards. I then would be helping that user locate their item, I would in turn be helping Google send their ads out to users, and I would be helping the person who is in the most attractive link the user decides to click, and the best part, I would be paid by Google for my efforts. since  normally I would just search Google and send the user a link.. if i knew that much about ducks =-\ .

    but as of now, there a bunch of sites stating that Google is not making  any money from Adwords.

    Netflix and Godaddy

    Should both Netflix and Godaddy really be crammed down our throats every time we boot up our computers?
    Have you ever been to their sites?
    Netflix, they sponsor every dang podcast I listen to and every online video I watch. (well not all but many). Have you ever looked at the shows they offer on Netflix? I mean even Redbox has a larger, better and higher quality selection than Netflix. I truly do not like Redbox. I stop there all the time, smear my snot on the screen as I flip through the first page or so of videos and walk away feeling ashamed I did it again. Heck the Redbox movies are just a dollar and I can get up, grab one movie and be back home watching it, before it ever even comes out on Netflix. If it shows up there. mean while you hog up all of the bandwidth using Netflix and your spouse is mad and your kids are mad.

    Godaddy. You ever decide you want to buy a domain name? Ever find that someone bought that domain name but never did anything with it? Yeah that person is typically on Godaddy. It’s like everyone found a place that has a known name and decided to buy from there. Kind of like Walmart. Everyone knows it’s there and the people that shop there, have no idea why you call their stuff crap. Well the people who buy up domain names and do nothing with them are called “squatters”. That name sounds a bit negative, right? Of course it does. It’s meant to. I mean you have a great idea for that domain name and that jerk has 700 domain names and does nothing with them. One of his domain names you have a brilliant idea and are not able to use it now. Now your Websitedesigner dot what ever domain name has to be 1websitedeigner1 dot what ever is available.

    Cool they have a domain auction section on their site. That just further provokes even more people to just buy up random named domain names and sell them at scary high prices. Meanwhile their prices are no better than other domain registrars.

    Would be nice if the ads would just lay up or be in relevant media.

    What’s more likely to happen, I will end up renting a Netflix movie and find a Godaddy commercial at the beginning. Or register with godaddy and find a netflix ad in some banner I can’t remove from my site.

    Have a difference of opinion? Reply.

    T-mobile and Me

    After three and a half years with T-Mobile. I am done, again. Yeah I was with T-Mobile a few years back. I left them for sprint. That in it’s self was a nightmare. I later moved to Cricket who really had good service, but the phones looked like garbage and had nearly no features. After a few years I left Cricket and went back to T-mobile. I guess it was long enough that I forgot what I hated so much about T-mobile. T-mobile had a really nice looking phone they were offering for free with a $39 a month contract. That was a great a deal, considering I was sick of the cheap plastic barely functioning phone I had.
    As soon as my new Motorola Rizr showed up in the mail, Google released the G1. I had just signed a two year contract and couldn’t change to the G1. Two years later I finally got my G1.
    I was happy with all of the features the phone had, The cool aps that let me log into facebook from anywhere, the myspace ap the twitter ap and all of the little games. All of the additional software you add to the Google G1, neat stuff. but now I was paying 92.40 a month. That’s $100 a month for 300 minutes, unlimited internet, unlimited text. My cricket account I had everything unlimited for $59 a month, but a crappy phone.
    I got fed up with the T-Mobile bills so I logged into their website and changed my settings. I ditched the G1 and changed to a blackberry I had in a drawer. Knocked everything down to reflect $59 a month. This was on the 18th of august. My bill was due on the 21st. The next day I got text message from T-Mobile showing my bill will reflect the changes starting on the 19th of August. Here it is, today is the 1st of September, my bill shows I will be paying $91 on my next bill. This of course is before tax. So, something is wrong with my account.
    Today I make a call to T-mobile by just pressing 611 on my Blackberry. I go through the whole automated voice thing. I get a second voice that comes on and says all of the representatives are busy and they could call me back in 8 minutes if I opt in. So I did. 8 or 9 minutes later I get a call. There was tons of noise. I could hear dishes, lots of laughter. It sounded like either a bar or a very popular crowded restaurant. i was not sure the guy could hear me at all. There is no telling what was going on up there. Probably someone’s birthday. I am not in anyway mad about celebrating at the office. I am cool with that. just bothered by the fact I didn’t get my issue resolved. The guy really sounded like he did not want to take that call. but he was nice. Just not very involved. The guy tells me that it’s just me paying for last month. No I paid for last month and the text message confirmed this. I told him I was considering changing to another plan they have and he brought to my attention that I would not get the phone deals. I laughed and told him they sold me a G1 that was two years old for $100 off of the $400 price they showed on their website while at the same time the same phone was all over the internet for sell for $150 and less. He plaid “oh your cheap, cheap people aren’t cool” bit with me by saying ” Oh yeah if you go to ebay you can get all sorts of used stuff for almost free”. I popped off with ” Well compusa-tiger direct, and fry’s have ebay accounts and well they were not selling used phones” Before he could go off on what ever he was about to get into, I asked if it would just be cheaper if I dropped my T-mobile account all together. He offered some other plan that would have lowered my bill by like $2. I had to end that call. It was getting goofy, so I said “I have to shop around for a new phone and carrier I will be calling later to pay off the contract”. That phone call had to end.
    I have to call back tomorrow. I will keep calling back each day until I get this resolved. if they refuse then at the end of this billing period, I will drop their service. I would do pretty well if I drop off the grid again. i have been getting alot of wrong numbers lately and it has been getting worse. So it would be nice to get a whole new number. Seems some moron out there knows nothing but dyslexic people, or he is himself.

    so let’s see what T-mobile does. I think it has run it’s course.

    Oh, here s picture of my billing.

    T-Mobile, unexplainable bill

    I added a post on T-mobile’s website