I Test Drive BIng

Well the big Selling point of Bing is that you can ask direct questions.

So i had my very first question to ask bing.

We got a file today, labeled with a .mso extension. Email opens it fine, but once out of email I have no idea hat to open it with, so i turned to bing with a question. “what is .mso” . Number one answer is “Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra”.

Didn’t like that answer at all lol. So I look deeper. Nothing identifies the use of the period/point mark showing that was not an abbreviation, but it was a file extension. Nothing for pages. So I tried a few simple ones. Sure that was fine and dandy, but why show me the simple ones but not the hard ones??

so I did the same search in google. Top answer was the same but in like the 8th  spot, there it was.

Sure it’s more difficult to locate things in Google sometimes, unless you know the tricks for locating specific details. like plus minus quote and so on.

My opinion, Bing is still being developed into a blue version of yahoo search and is not ready yet for competing with anyone other than old msn search.

The whole pop up description thing is anoying

Bing= but it’s not google!!!???….(with a sad face)

net@night 104


Is up and ready, Swing by Leo’s site (click his name) and send him a thanks. Don’t forget Sarah an Amber Mac! (is it still Mac?)

Hosts: Amber MacArthur, Sarah Lane, and Leo Laporte

Guest: David Cann of almost.at.

Facebook’s vanity URLs, tweet reading cat burglars, Keyboard Cat, Jauntsetter, and more.

Site of the week: Sarah Lane shows us Jauntsetter

Audible.com pick of the week: Raise Your Social I.Q.: How to Do the Right Thing in Any Situation , unabridged by Michael Levine, Narrated by Mary Woods. For a free audiobook, visit Audible.com/night.

Bandwidth for net@night is provided by AOL Radio.

Windows 7 Work Environment Install day 4

Strange event of coming out of hibernate. Happens approximately every thirty minutes

The issue with peach tree and esc Was not caused with Microsoft, It was clarified as an issue between the two versions.

Well after plenty of hassle, all printers and scanners are functioning. All networking is functioning.

About the same amount of issues if we had gone with opensource. Ubuntu,open office and Peachtree Linux

Day one windows seven at the office.      Day two windows seven at the workplace.

More will come

Windows Seven Work Environment Day 2

Day 2
Auto desk did not install directly, had to do sp2 update for autodesk/ autocad 2007
video card is an 5200 pci-e Nvidia bfg.
Scrolling within Autocad is smooth, no hesitation as my dell computer with 8500 pci video card seems to lag and work in spurts.

Printing with Autocad to the Ricoh Aficio m wp2400, came out very well.
line weights  fine, antialliasing is fine and smooth

directory mapping via cross network is the same.

switching through desktops and backgrounds, umm.. these people.. um to be nice and prevent my sponsors from dropping me
let’s say the people who made the themes, lived in the sixties, and chewed on small peices of paper, and or plants that
grew on cow dung.. these desk tops are weird!!

ESC 9  installed fine, no patches needed, no updates needed.
Peach Tree 2010 install.
Error notice was “there was an error”  gives a phone number.
We continued install anyway.
Got notice “change firewall” and “change virus scan”
We just selected “um Ok”
Setup status is fine. looks like 30-45 minutes.

install of peachtree 2010 on windows 7 is faster than peachtree 2009 on xp.

Had error with “Crystal reports” failed to execute the install/setup  file.

Peach Tree installed, but when we started to run it, and sign in to the peachtree server, it said “not compatible with current version of esc” well that blew all the earlier great goings. Now we are updating Esc. For now there is no update for ESC9  to comply with Peach Tree 10

Windows 7, Day one of the workplace testing.

Day 4 Testing Windows 7 at work

GTA IV Commandline.txt (gtaiv fix)

If you have been trying to learn how to use the Commandline.txt
For GTAIV, just right click that file there and save the file to
your hard disk. Open the file and look at the content.
copy the file to your GTAIV main Directory and boot the game.

You will be playing the game at very low settings. I myself enjoy it
The reason to use half memory instead of what everyone says about setting it twice memory

Is so that you are not maxing your resources. It makes more sense to me. You can edit as you wish.

but at least try it.

I just ctrl esc and use the mouse to drag the sides out and the corners out
enlarging the visual area. You can now actually play across two screens now.
-height 600
-width 800
-refreshrate 60
-viewdistance 1
-detailquality 1
-shadowdensity 1
-renderquality 1
-texturequality 1
-availablevidmem .5

Once you get your pc version up and running feel free to swing by at gtaclans.com

Feel free to ask any questions.

What is Comcast up to ?

Comcast will set a total available bandwidth usage. They will be charging for people going over their monthly limit.
For an unlimited internet. they sure do dance around the word “limit” a whole lot.

They claim 43% bandwidth usage increase. Well if you buy every internet company that has many users on it, expect an increase. This is how media dumbs us down and tells us that we should pay more an accept the fact that we are bad.

Give us a choice? “throttle or cap” ? are you kidding me?
I am for neither one. I live between 2 dsl hubs!
I didn’t go over my limit. I am unlimited.
my usage did not increase, they increased the number of users.
Time to Dsl it.
Sell out’s explain it to us
Net neutrality or bandwidth capping. WTF is actually happening here?
Does the “Comunismcast” hat fit yet ?
They bought out all companies in Texas that could be an alternative to their internet supply, then they tell us we will pay for anything over a limit.. again, unlimited bandwidth….?
I say leave comcast and cripple them before all the other companies join suite. Make an example of them.

Didn’t Microsoft get sued for this exact same thing?

Fire Alarm Technology In Houston

I had some time to sit and listen to the people from HiTech Integrated Solutions, a fire alarm, security and sprinkler company in Houston Texas, about a new product that amazed me. See I was looking for close to home technology that I could locate and not have to quote someone’s website and basically repeat someone who has sales pitched their news article. Soooo I called around and asked if I could ask a few places some questions. Of course I am a bit simple minded when using a telephone book (if it does not have a screen, my imagination is quite limited). So I headed straight to looking for anything with the word tech in it’s name that was located here in Houston. I stumbled upon ” HiTech Integrated solutions” . I called and spoke to a little lady ( I forget her name) and she sent me right through to the owner of the company, Mr Dan Cooley.
I asked Dan If he could give me ideas as to what makes his company High Tech . You could hear the smile in his voice and tiny chuckle when he said ” Well, simply we have nothing in beta, but we do have Focal Point“.
Yeah Right away I hit google. Came across the only documentation on it, pdf .
Seems like no one actually has it yet.
Wait you will see why this is High Tech! ..
This is some sort of Monitoring software for fire alarms and what seems to be security also. I had to call back later and ask a few questions after the conversation with Dan, i got in touch with “Eric” the CEO of HiTech. Eric Told me that The owner of companies that purchase the plan, get this little tablet pc thing , so they themselves can see and monitor alarm activity on their location. This thing is amazing.
It allows the owner see specifically what room and what device is causing the alarm. I am not talking text notification. i mean an actual detailed blueprint of the building with devices properly located in simulation to the real alarm installation. if there is a smoke detector in the far east hall of the building two feet passed the last door on the left, you see that device on the blue print. If that specific device is detecting an alarm, it will notify the Fire Alarm Control Panel, The panel will then activate the “gateway card”, the gateway card (it’s in a pci slot looking thingy, on the control panel) will then notify the Focal Point Tablet Pc ViA Internet connection.
This Tablet Pc has Microsoft Windows Xp on it. Kinda cool. Has a start button and everything.
ok so far this fire alarm company is turning out pretty HiTech.
The signal is sent to the Tablet Pc In data Form and Translated back for the user to activate the images on the screen, showing the owner of the location exactly what device in what location is going into alarm.
So yeah, I had to drive up there, I wanted to see this thing in action.
Other than the glass being on the face of the machine, it looks really tough.big Rubber bumper pads on the corners and a leather casing that wraps around it. Some big pen stylus with a button on the side of it. I would prefer that large of a stylus anyway, would hate losing the little tiny stylus’ that comes with pdas.
Just had to test the protective casing (evil grin). for starts , I laid it face down to see how much clearance there was, to see if the screen is easy to scratch up. Exactly 1/2 an inch. That’s pretty good. You could lose a pen under there and not scratch the screen..
Weight and feel
I give this about 4-6 pounds of solid durable hard plastic, encasing steel.This thing is not a little mini laptop, this thing is not some little kid’s video game machine . This is made for the working people who are in the dirt (minus the exterior screen). Just keep it in it’s case while you are not using it.

While I was there, I spoke more with Dan Cooley and he showed me how the thing works. Dan walked me to this little tiny demo room they had near the Accounting Manager’s office. In this room they had smoke detectors, Horn/Strobes and plain strobes and multiple pull stations mounted on the wall. Mr Cooley then booted up the tablet pc and showed the scoop. He had this imaginary building drawn up looking like a futuristic castle. Dan then pulled down on the pull station and instantly we got notification that the pull station in the butler’s chamber had been triggered. That was cool. Right then, Dan’s phone rang and I could hear the guy on the end of the line laughing saying “our castle is burning up!” . It was HiTech’s IT guy, 400 miles away in Corpus Christi. He had notification at the exact same time as we did. Very impressive. They seemed like a happy bunch.
So basically the owner of the property will have notice to his tablet, before the monitoring company has a chance to call him, but not faster than the emergency teams can be contacted. i learned that the monitoring company is automated to make all contacts the instant a warning is made. This sounds like it saves lives and property a whole lot faster than just some dude named bubbah saying ‘hey you alright?” .
I have made requests for further interviews. The guys at HiTech said they would be happy to entertain, and may point me straight to Fci, so I can see more HiTech exclusive products before it can be advertised.
Focal Point was an amazing set up, but man, i swear that sounds like it used to be a M$ product.

What is a good webhosting service?

I’m happy with my current host, and about to recommend a friend there.
but i am wondering what company gives the least amount of frustration?

I do plan to use php and mysql while working on their site for them.
so please any and all information is good.
Should I get justhost? all the sites say it’s great, but all the blogs and forums say it’s only a year old and a rip off. but i do not know. what do you think of justhost,bluehost,powweb ?
something other?
comments section is wide open you do not have to create an account to comment.

like this site says they are wonderful (read closely)
and they teach you how to search the internet to see if they “suck”
but I tried to search for something else
I found this when I searched “Scam”

Of course I found this when I followed their rules

But then again, we are talking about a tech community. Techies do pick and peck at all details, especially when worrying about income and monetizing the internet’s activity.

So people, tell what is good
Bang for buck, what is the best hosting plan
I personally Like Powweb, They seem to have the lowest cost and most options.

Facebook’s New Look. Good or Bad?

have you seen the new look of facebook?
Seems not many are happy with the new look.
I myself make it loud and clear that I hate facebook and it’s interactivity.
The place is the antisocial network. You can’t call it a social network if the only
friends you can have, are friends you already have.

webpro posts votes on facebooks looks

We are not happy, and we are not stupid

Despite those numbers, despite rabid user loyalty, you’re losing money, so much money you got delisted from Forbes’ Masters of the Universe Billionaires list. At the same time another social network, much smaller than yours with less functionality and more questionable future, is gaining a lot of buzz and membership.