How to Win Myspace Mobster Game

I took the time to actually try the game. I was a bit scared to try it, seeing how it looks like one of the 900000000 bad links you will get on that site.
So I tried the game. The game really is hard at first, because the only explanation is the FAQ page. An FAQ that was written before the game was released. Um I have an issue with companies that do that. How can it be frequently asked questions, if no one has yet had a chance to ask them? Should be pdaq, pre-determined askable questions.. or simply tqwwta “The Questions We Want To Answer”. See they leave no place ( That I could find) to get more information.

First few levels, attack only tycoons.

Well for those of you who are like me and needed answers ( that I never found) then I have what you need.
For starts , get a friend to join your mob,Join every mob you are invited to, the more the people the better your fight. now the cool thing is, when you look at someone’s profile before you decide to attack them or not, it only shows little pictures of the weapons they have. The game does not show how many of each weapon, nor does it show whether they have a bullet proof vest or not. So for safeties sake get at least two vests for every three people in your mob. Now the fun trick to get easy experience is to buy the same gun for every member you have in your mob. Why? well simple, when a person looks at your profile they will see that you have like say five members, one pistol and one crowbar. In actuality you have five pistols and one crowbar. it’s an easy kill. now just focus on your attack strength. Because really your defense is amazing at this point. Because you have stuff they do not expect.
but of course don’t buy the pistols only, buy the uzi. One uzi for each member.

Never get rid of the stuff you actually need, like the crowbar and the 38 special.
Buy some land and then buy a building. Now don’t waste your money on healing yourself. if you wait long enough for you to heal on your own, you will bring in a mess load of money before you level up again. You really do not want to level up while you are broke. It’s harder to save your life if you can’t afford to. Let your money get really high and now buy bigger property so you can get more money faster. Don’t forget to hurry and shovel your cash into the bank so no one mugs you while you are afk (away from keyboard). Try an picture being a level five with two properties, 7 members and 7 oozies a crowbar and a shot gun and an El Camino (so you can do most of the missions). Don’t do the missions just yet, just sit on the current stats until you have enough money to steadily heal yourself for a good ten minutes of solid fighting. when the money runs out and you have no health left and your mob is in the hospital, start nailing out the missions. As you can now level up, and select where you to dump your skill points, plug them all into the energy.
once the money is out and all your energy is used on gaining points, go to the godfather and trade in your Favor points, heal yourself and fight till that money is gone.
Now log out and do not get in a fight or do a mission until tomorrow. Through out that time, log in each chance you get and stuff your money into your bank account.Now that it is the next day, buy more property.
You should be around level 9 or so. Don’t get excited, you will not get anything special for level 10 as you did with level more day to maintain.. On that third day after the day of battles and missions, you now have around 900 grand, do all the missions that your 21 energy lets you do. chunk all that money in the bank. As soon as you are done with the missions and the bank, go and fight until you are in the hospital, run to the bank yank out all of your money and go buy the plaza.
When you get that far, come back and message me. I will tell you what to do next.. i just want to know I am not writing this into the wind.

if you are an adult (21+    add me   and invite me.

After you accumulate alot of mobsters on your team, after you have loads of property and weapons, when you finally start getting more money than you can spend. You can now heal yourself. But only heal yourself when it’s time for pay out, for your properties.  When you are healed at that moment, fihgt as many people as you can, you will see that the pay out will actually be better now than the cost of the hospital fee. The game is now much more fun.

On that note, be there when it’s pay out  time. Shovel your money into your bank account asap. Because you are not the only person with this idea.

as soon as the money is shoveled into your account, heal yourself, trust me they are beating your door down to get your pay out money. As fast as you can get your money in your account, go fight and heal and fight. you have the max of two maybe three minutes before everyone is out of money or dead. if you must, fight till you are hospitalized, then do missions, you are safe when you are in the hospital.

level 40 +

Now buy the vehicles, one for each member in your group, the better the stats on the vehicle, the better your fighting odds are. But remember maintenance is high. it can break you.

Now shovel your money into your account and  go find something to do till next pay out.

You do not need favor points. Remember, the game was designed to serve advertisements.

If you want to discuss this topic, bring it here or just post here.

If you just want to pass around ideas and tips and hit lists with friends , post it there.

New Tech Forum

It’s new , it needs you.

I just built a tech support and rumors forum with a video game and console section.
I hope you people like it.
I will be adding moderators as I see the users with morals sticking around.
I will be banning all clowns as fast as I can and as often as I can. who knows maybe I will redirect them to forums I hate -)

The goal is to get information and news about tech to the world. and what the hell, to hang out and talk to others like myself.
I don’t see any out there with the same stuff as what I have envisioned so I am making it myself. yes there will be a fight room. Because hey, we all do need to get it out of our systems.
But no fighting in main rooms.

There is avatar and all other options we all have been missing through the past few years as these places seem to get invisible these days.
Yes you can upload your own images to my server, I can handle a fricken lot .
bbcode welcome, html code welcome (for now)

Start a thread and break ground with me.

Is Starcraft II The Goliath We Have Expected?

If you remember being in the chatrooms like “starcraft newbies’ or ladder challenges back before bnet split to show regions, you then know just how popular Starcraft was. We all know that what is popular will stay popular as long as people can still see how popular it really is. so we can assume that by splitting us up into so many groups it did make the place not feel as full as it once was. We can hope that Blizzard figured this out.

The greatest event was being nailed with a mass zergling and hydra attack, and being prepared with bunkered behind supply depots backed by a buttload of marines and siege tanks to just own and wipe down the zergs, and having cloaked wraiths to hit the overlords and that big fat crab thing.

I used to play with a name that was fun to kill with and win with. The name was Mass200ScvOwnsU. Really that was hard to do because by default scvs run away. I wonder if they will allow us to make the names they allowed in the beginning using symbols like $^& and “-. Will they have chatrooms again ? The chatrooms made it so you could run lip and make challenges. You didn’t have to chat, sometimes we just spent the whole day jumping into the best bandwidthed available games.

Will the game have the features we loved? Will we have to buy massive processors and ram?

I think we will not have to power it much, so all sorts of people can play this game.

Will we have a monthly fee? I don’t play wow. simply because i hate the idea of pay to maintain, maintain because you paid so much, pay more because you played and invested so much time and money and don’t want to lose players . The redundant cycle of stupid uselessness.

We used to beg for this and Blizzard kept hinting it would never happen. Ten years later and it just might happen soon.

The game that was top seller for three years, the number one played game for two years, the game i played religiously for three years straight, is coming. I am older now. Will i still play?

Damn straight, just hope there is no team speak. I don’t want to hear a bunch of kids screaming at each other and everyone how they they are going to hack or report them for cheating.

The Odds of GTA IV On PC

We all want to know ” Will Grand Theft Auto IV come to the computer?”

Let’s look at the odds by looking at the past games that have come out.

Grand Theft Auto and GTA2 came out on PC before they came out on console. GTAIII changed the pattern with it’s release for the Sony Playstation. Grand Theft Auto 3 and the Rockstar and take two families allowed the console gamers to get first crack at the world of Liberty City. The game makers just dropped them into a world of free roam with nothing but their thumbs mashing the controls, doing things that people used to do with all ten fingers. Right away, issues became noticed. The problems where stuff like the A.I. would lose control or just get stuck on simple obstacles they could have just walked around. Users also noticed what is called “pop-ins.” A ‘pop-in’ is when you are moving through this world, then suddenly a bush or a bridge just appears from nowhere, “bam, now it’s just right there” and it was not there a second ago. So Rockstar games amazed everyone with the announcement of GTAIII for the PC. The PC version had a better draw distance and I.A. was tweaked. The question is, did they make a PC version just to shut people up and make more sells?

Grand Theft Auto Vice city came out for the PS2 before it came out for the computer game players. There wasn’t any announcement of a PC version until two months before it’s release. Again, the game was tweaked and looked better on the PC. In my opinion, Vice City was a duller game than GTAIII since Rockstar stripped so much out of the GTAIII engine that it removed most of the ambiance. The items removed where all atmosphere and did bog down consoles and video cards. Nowadays, computers and consoles are finally strong enough to handle that much stress. Again, I ask “Did they make the PC version just to sell more of the same game, even to repeated customers?”

San Andreas, they never even told us it would come out for the computer. While working on San Andreas to be released for the computer (nearly a year after the console version), Rockstar games was also working on Liberty City Stories.

Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories where first announced to be created exclusively for a portable gaming console called “playstation portable,” aka PSP. Six months after both were released, news was announced both would be released for the Playstation2. Neither one have yet to be released for the PC.

So far, there is no announcement of a Grand Theft Auto IV coming out for the personal computer. This next game is now set back to be released on April 29th of this year. If things would have been on schedule (agreements with console makers, etc.), the once again revisit to Liberty City would have been on time, and we would have already heard the news about a computer version. Since the console version was delayed, could it be that the PC version’s news was also delayed, or pushed to be released one year from the original release date of the console version?

Since we have not received a PC version of Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories, nor any news of GTAIV on anything but Xbox360 and Playstation3, I can only expect that Rockstar games would much rather put the “Stories” games and San Andreas out for the Wii console. Long before we will ever see a PC version of any, especially the newest.


Owner and writer of : and

E.A. puts in bid to buy out Take Two Interactive

The owners of the Rockstar franchise and game, Grand Theft Auto have been offered a multi-billion dollar offer from E.A. to buy them.

So again, we see a similar but smaller, attempted, hostile take over. The same as we saw in the attempt of Yahoo purchase from Microsoft.

Take Two said “No, We are worth more.”



Owner and writer of :  and 

Online Flash Video Games

I created a page to fill up with games . The idea was so I could have something else going to keep my brain from from slouching while I am at work waiting on the server to get fixed,or blue print to print or just stuff to do on days when I bring my lunch.


Well one of the ladies at my job walked up while the game was open (but I wasn’t playing at that exact time). She asked me what it was and I explained that it was one of like 5 games I uploaded to a hidden section on my own website. After like 3 days, another one of the ladies from my job walks up and says “hey is that all the games you have on your site?”.. I didn’t know how to answer. I mean if I said “nah I plan to upload a buttload and waste my time on the clock playing stupid games all day. So I paused for a second and said ” well I was thinking of putting up new stuff every now and again, but not a whole bunch of stuff” she said to me ” can you get like a bingo or a tic-tac-toe game?” I busted out laughing. I mean it, really. Doctor Pepper shot out of my nose. Well I started uploading a game here and there and different people came up telling me what was lame and what they want. I was like “dude get your own frickin’ server” but then I realized that I now have a hobby when I am home… making this stuff work.

After a bunch of complaints I removed a lot of the games and just kept the ones everyone liked.

Well if you have a request or know of a site that I can get more games from, help me out — the natives are getting restless. lol