Leap Year Virus 2012 ??

It seems that one of the viruses that I reported in one of my previous posts, that obtained on my computer at work, has been bit by the Leap Year Virus 2012.
Everything is running slow.
First clue was I got a notice about “iteratorutils.jsm:117” failed to start. That of course is not a sign of virus, it is a sign that something is running slow, since script time for Mozilla is 10 seconds, The computer is running so slow, it exceeded the 10 second script load time . Not perfect science but enough to get me alerted. Yesterday was a busy day. My computer was running at full speed, smooth and nice. I never once searched anything on the web. I just worked on my drawings and records. Today, slow. Everything is loading at a crawl.

I am now running scans but it seems Microsoft essentials has locked up. And the only thing I have that will run, is spybot search and destroy, and Rouge Killer (linked below). Rouge Killer did find a couple registry anomalies that were labeled regular stuff you would normally overlook, I deleted the instances anyway. My machine might not boot back up because of that. but it’s worth a shot. I am sure the I.T. guy here and I can get the office computer back up and I will report back here as to do or not do what I did. I am sure I have to reboot because what regestry was showing, is that 3 items were loading on start of the computer. Since my computer is still running, then the items are still running and I only removed what starts them.If I don’t report back before you read this….. Don’t do it!.

Will report back when I find more to see if there is an actual virus that has been dormant waiting for Leap Year 2012. Possibly bundled with Antivirus 2012

If you notice the same issues, Please describe below, and check back often. I will be updating this as the day progresses.

**update** Microsoft essentials finally finished update. Scanning now. but so far nothing is showing up.

***Update. I have no idea what happened, 3 hours into my work day, and my computer just started working normal. Reboots really slow now, but it works again.
No virus scanners found anything. So I have no clue if they just don’t have the virus signature yet, or if it was a fluke bug, or what.

What has Google plus Become

Google Plus is declared as a social experiment.
I have watched Google plus go from just extreme geeks exchanging tips, tricks, suggestions and information between each other, to podcaster spam, to what now seems like the coffee enthusiast college mind that has just woke up to how corrupt the world is.

Maybe not for everyone else, but for me, Google plus has become a website full of people who want to talk about the movement they are in, and to laugh as much as possible.

Google Plus has taken on a large crowd of intelligent people looking for more information and more people who want more views. This place is growing at a crazy fast rate. Google+ is everything that all of the past social sites have claimed to be, yet it still holds a bit of demeanor that says “I respect me”.

I am willing to see this thing through and see where it goes. I just hope Google doesn’t scrap the site before it gets it’s chance.

Google Or Comcast -Trust

Who do you trust more? Google or Comcast?
One is in your phone and in your web browser and in your toolbar and in your operating system and is very well known for saving your data.
The other is known for throttling bandwidth (implies already capable of filtering your traffic), feeding you super high speeds but setting ridiculously low monthly download max.

Who seems more like they have a scary trick up their sleeve?

[poll id=”16″]

Google Retires Hosted Domains

Google is retiring the ads program for websites that have no content.
Letter from Google about retiring their domain squatter advertisements.


We’re contacting you because you’re using AdSense for Domains to monetize your undeveloped domains. After evaluating the benefits of our partner network, we’ve decided to retire the Hosted domains product within AdSense. Going forward, undeveloped domains will only be served through our existing AdSense for Domains distribution network.
Our records show that 7 of your Hosted domains will be affected by this upcoming change, which will follow the schedule below:

March 21: You’ll no longer be able to create new Hosted domains
April 18: Hosted domains will become inactive and it’ll no longer be possible to earn from them
June 27: Hosted domains will no longer be available in AdSense accounts

To continue monetizing your undeveloped domains, you can migrate your domain portfolio to any domain parking provider. Find out how in our Migration Guide:
Migration Guide

Please note that this upcoming change won’t affect any other AdSense products you’re currently using or the availability of other products to you. In addition, reporting on your Hosted domains will remain available throughout the schedule above and for a period following the retirement.

For more information see the Help Center. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your patience as we continue to develop new features and offerings within AdSense.

The Google AdSense Team

Who is your computer guy?

Understand the Computer Guy

Understand the Computer Guy

The computer guy is just what that image suggest. He is someone who has to follow guidelines or instructions and use the safest rout to fix your computer. When he is Googling that, the I.t.guy isn’t swinging by this website, because we just don’t have enough help articles. The I.T. guy will find a legit informative website and stop there.

Review of Reddit

The purpose of this Review of Reddit is to point out the facts of Reddit.

Reddit is a website where anyone can create an account and add their two cents to thousands of topics. Part of the account you create, shows a point system called “Karma”.  When you post a comment, and someone does not like what you said, they can click the down-vote button and lower your Karma. and if they like what you said, they can click on the Up-vote and raise your Karma. Except.. It’s the internet. Full of lazy fat slobs who complain about having to click “one more click than normal” so the users never really click the upvote for something they like. They click the upvote for something they love. But yeah, the slightest sense of negativity, they will downvote you fast. People will go out of their way to tell you that you suck, no one makes any effort to  let you know that you’re “just okay”.

The better part of Reddit, just leads regular people to care about things they never knew existed. This leads people to donate for causes that actually matter. This causes a large mass of people to stand up for what they believe in.

What is another result of this? Well. To stay in a good reputation with the site (higher karma) You will adjust your statements to match the consensus. You will continually motivate the conversation into a positive path. Anything that goes against the conversation, instantly gets voted down. With every down vote,the comment becomes less visible to the public. And buries the statement. While all positive statements get moved to the top and more visible and more Karma is given to the comment maker.

Great plan. Right?

Here’s the flaw.
There is no outside voice. No one can add anything new to a conversation, or tell why or how the current topic is wrong or misinformed. New people come right out of the gun, getting down-voted. If no one can interject with an outside opinion, while everything gets more and more positive, you get a bit of a cheesy lame super nice mentality that is in the end, useless. Like the hipsters who crashed in on the occupy movement and ruined the whole thing (you know…. brought an apple store with them)Apple… good, Cause… good, therefore bringing apple to the stand in against big corporations must be the way to go….

In the end, to be the perfect person on Reddit and fit in with everyone and not get labeled spam, is you have to be an atheist, transgender, black lesbian woman who looks white and loves men, is poor but has a mansion and a car and a company, not eat meat or vegetables, be someone who will never have a significant other, but give great tips on how to pick up, and how to fall in love, and your cat (that you rescued from some place) has to stay a kitten forever.

I am none of that. Made two accounts and am in the negative Karma on both. because I have an original opinion.
I stand alone.

If you say anything that doesn’t pet the ego of the group conversation, you get labeled as someone who is saying what 200 others have already said. So to fit in, you have to say what everyone else is saying, or you will never be heard.



Operation Black March

Operation Black March, if you haven’t heard. Is a call to the public around the world to not stand for the laws that are being created in every country.
The motive is to tell the people funding these law makers, that we will stop buying their products to fund them to fund the law makers.

Operation Black March

Operation Black March

This image Appears to be uploaded by a member of Anonymous. (solely based on the stamp at the bottom and nothing more)

This is in response to sopa,pipa,acta and the like while the owners of megaupload were arrested, a judge in Florida shuts down a website for defamation and while France is going after Google because Google gives their maps away for free.

Many are comparing this to the gas boycotts and how useless those were.
Which that is a poor comparison.
Best explained as
by PpcLock on Reddit.

As similar as it may sound to the boycott gas thing.

It is very different and will have a definite impact.

The gas boycotts: last for one day, you will just get gas the next day, and the store will have one low day and one extremely high day. No loss

Media black outs : You don’t have to get media. You can make it to work and you will not be like a homeless guy at a buffet, when the blackout ends.

Operation Black March. An attempt to show the media content owners who pays their bills. and who should not be making the rules.

How you can help in Black March…

Judge takes down website for Defamation

It has begun.
Sopa didn’t matter. It was going to happen anyway. Acta, doesn’t matter either. They are all going to do it all anyway. They just want a legal name behind such intrusions.

Time for me to take down my review websites.

That’s right. They have begun taking down websites with everything they were going to do with Sopa. Mega upload, was the first .

Now this.


Censorship at it’s finest.

Sorry about the Downtime

My website was compromised through n exploit in Flash Gallery.

Sorry about any downtime, and sorry that you could not access the information you searched for.
I took time off for my birthday so I never saw this happen. I got notice that the site was down, so I had to go back and rebuild.

I hope you have an easy time searching for what you need.

Again, sorry about the down time.

Sad Fact

We live here. In a wonderful country of freedom and openness. Where the people speak their mind and the press has the freedom to report the truth and anyone can create a movie or a song and get it seen. Where no one’s rules govern us and we do not govern anyone else, since we are so open minded.
This is now false.
We now close down websites that are owned by people who allow people to upload files and download files. Such as different takes and cuts of personal project videos.


We now extradite people from other countries, for breaking laws in our country over the internet, and we take all of their belongings from their house.


Sopa and pipa were supposed to pass, and this was supposed to be the first bust. The machine was already in motion.


This country is going to crap. Eliminate etrade so the longest reigning selfish pigs can continue being pigs.

Want to talk about a depression.



Just wait.


When everyone starts outsourcing EVERYTHING. because to many uppity folks want everything regulated to meet their standards if made here, and then we pay full price though no one has a job anymore because everything is politically correct and outsourced like a good zombie of a country. Then those companies go under because no one is there to bail them out, we get a chance to invest what little bit of a tax money we have, to get them out of debt.


You see all of this right? not just what you are worried about… look at the dominoes as they ALL fall. not just the one with the mp3 player built in it… ALL OF THEM.