Skycaddie SGX – Review

Boss asked me to to set up his Skycaddie SGX golf course GPS device from a company called SkyGolf.
So confused as to who would be the provider of such service I said “Sure why not”.
The Skygolf website, to say the least, the website was nothing fun to navigate.
While trying to find prices for the service skycaddie or skygolf (or whatever in the heck their name is) provides, I found old out dated prices and packages and bundles that were “limited time deals only” which were months past their “limited time”.
So I open the box and see
First thing noticed when looking for the USB connection, was a memory card slot.

Though there is nothing in the box to say what the storage capacity is neither on-board nor memory card max.
It seems the company does not update their website that often because the “extended plan” right on the top of the page says this
For a Limited Time, Buy 3 Years in Advance and Save!
Due to Popular Demand, We’re Extending This Offer Until August 31, 2013!
Here it is December 23 2013.
But I signed up for that specific plan anyway. and wouldn’t you know it. $20 cheaper now. Total came out to about $100.
So.. okay.
Did the purchase, was prompted to sync the GPS device with the software, so I had to download an install drivers then follow a menu in a pop up that did all of the work for me.

Install and update took much longer than the 30 minutes suggested by the software. More like 3.5 hours.

Still watching it install.
All-the-while having no idea if the registration and purchase I did was somehow added to the software/firmware I am now installing on the GPS device. When I look at the site, I see that I have no plans. but the install prompt came up after i typed in the credit information. So.. maybe?
Is this place still active?
after a bit of time I get a notice ” your skycaddie does not appear to be associated to an account”
something about an unregistered ESN.
Okay, how do I register it?
Off to figure that mess out.
Tried the FAQ page.. nope… nothing.
Found it, the ESN is located in the settings area under “info”. and to enter that you have to go into “registration”
Keeps losing sync on me though. very frustrating.
Meanwhile I am looking at the screen saying #1 in range finder in golf”
yeah… but can you find the computer you are plugged into?
I get almost done and decide to install specific course. and it keeps saying there is an issue with Caddiesync Express.
After a few tries, the map loaded even though the computer screen said failed. Not sure how it will turn out. Have to hit the course and see what it shows.
Compared to current devices of today, I would have to say that this device is past it’s prime. The software is poor. The set up is frustration. Use of the device is in no way easy. Just setting the device up for golf course, was a 4+ hours task.
Most of what this device does, is found for free now on Android.
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