Why Microsoft is pushing windows 8

Though the world would like to use windows 7 and continue running their computers the way they are used to , and continue being familiar with their desktops and computing atmosphere.

Microsoft will not let that be the option. they will pay all of the cnets and zdnets and mashables and verges to do reviews that say how fantastic some stupid function is.. like siri and it’s ability to misspell on apple products (dif company same tactics) . Bad pr is still pr.
They will make you want that one stupid tiny function so bad, you will settle for the assream the rest of the o/s has.. and it will be so idiotic, like mine sweep will have purple background… or something useless.

Why does Microsoft want to go this route? Why does Microsoft want to go the “apps’ route and touch screen and big puffy buttons?

because the apple and Microsoft court case where Microsoft had to prove they were not ripping off apple, and Microsoft was just a software company.. not a computer company. so the courts forced Microsoft to agree to never make computers.

Now Microsoft is in the telephone and tablet business.
When they bought Nokia, they confirmed it.
because they aren’t computers. They can’t make computers.. but they can make tablets.
as long as they don’t call them computers.

but this is just Microsoft rolling back to the windows 3.01 look. Minus Program manager.

Facebook Picture Tagging Issue

truxtertechFacebook, the website that allows you to upload pictures, and videos. The website that allows you to connect with friends. This place has additional functions such as marking the location you are and tagging friends that are with you when you post. There is also the ability to tag a photo of someone.
You can tag as many people as you feel like tagging in one location or one picture or in a picture that also has their location stated with a check-in.

The Problem
The issue with pictures being tagged with unsuspecting people in them, is it’s never a picture the victims like. EXAMPLES: Facebook Etiquette
facebook picture tagging is bad and it is a horrible change in our culture where someone else can give up your privacy. Any respecting person would not upload anyone’s picture to the internet without their permission. It does not matter if the person/victim already uploaded that same picture to their own profile. It is no one’s right to take that picture and then upload it to the internet where it will sit until the person who uploaded the picture decides to take the picture down. Some of us if we upload a picture of ourselves, we should have full rights to delete said picture if some day we notice something we do not like about that picture. No one should have that over anyone on the internet.
Far too much bullying can go on with a picture of someone going live on the internet, and everyone seeing that picture until the victim logs in and goes through the rigorous steps to have that photo removed.
Misleading pictures can be uploaded and cause divorces.
Parents disowning.
Showing a stalker where someone is.
Showing a bully where someone is.
Giving a bully a picture to work with while harassing the victim

Collages of friends, are stupid.. Stop it.what is this, 2006?

The fix
The fix for most of the issues, is if someone tags you in a photo, that photo should not be allowed to go live until you accept it.
Basically, the photo just won’t be seen by anyone but the person who uploaded it, and the people that are tagged in the photo. Many may allow it and accept the tag, but it still will not be seen by the victim’s friends and family, until the victim allows it.
This would stop the tag spam too.


Getting Microsoft Office Keyboard to work on Windows 7 64 bit

I have tried the AutoHotkey.exe program and did all of the set up stuff that everyone talks about and made a custom as was instructed by other users and even added the scroll and Zoom functions as stated by others

Located Here

; Microsoft Office Keyboard RT9450: Making the ScrollWheel work under Windows 7. ScrollUp/Down Normal, Fast, Faster, Fastest

sc10B Up::Send {WheelDown}
sc111 Up::Send {WheelDown 3}
sc112 Up::Send {WheelDown 5}
sc11F Up::Send {WheelDown 7}
sc10B Down::Send {WheelUp}
sc111 Down::Send {WheelUp 3}
sc112 Down::Send {WheelUp 5}
sc11F Down::Send {WheelUp 7}


; makes control-scroll work for zooming

^sc10B Up::Send ^{WheelDown}
^sc111 Up::Send ^{WheelDown 3}
^sc112 Up::Send ^{WheelDown 5}
^sc11F Up::Send ^{WheelDown 7}
^sc10B Down::Send ^{WheelUp}
^sc111 Down::Send ^{WheelUp 3}
^sc112 Down::Send ^{WheelUp 5}
^sc11F Down::Send ^{WheelUp 7}


but, my AHK file does not magically show the H icon as I was told it would. Seemingly because tehre is nothing writing to the regestry on my computer and the AutoHotkey.exe files is just that. A stand alone program.
I later tried the Compiler on the AHK websites and even made my own little nifty executable with the hot key and scroll wheel commands already in it.
Nope no good.
I even created the shortcut and added it to the start/startup folder to make the file automatically run at start up. Still a big fail.

Also found another version of the same commands with a bit added to it

Located here

#Persistent ; Keeps a script permanently running (that is, until the user closes it or ExitApp is encountered).

#SingleInstance force ; Skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance of this script automatically
#NoEnv ; Recommended. Undefined variables (%xxxx%) do not cause a search of Environment variables.

sc10B Up::Send {WheelDown}
sc111 Up::Send {WheelDown 3}
sc112 Up::Send {WheelDown 5}
sc11F Up::Send {WheelDown 7}
sc10B Down::Send {WheelUp}
sc111 Down::Send {WheelUp 3}
sc112 Down::Send {WheelUp 5}
sc11F Down::Send {WheelUp 7}
; makes control-scroll work for zooming
^sc10B Up::Send ^{WheelDown}
^sc111 Up::Send ^{WheelDown 3}
^sc112 Up::Send ^{WheelDown 5}
^sc11F Up::Send ^{WheelDown 7}
^sc10B Down::Send ^{WheelUp}
^sc111 Down::Send ^{WheelUp 3}
^sc112 Down::Send ^{WheelUp 5}
^sc11F Down::Send ^{WheelUp 7}

sc164 Down:: ; My Pictures > no action (suppress error re installing Photo Editing software which sometimes occurs when using scrollwheel)
; Alt !
!sc164 Down::
; Ctrl ^
^sc164 Down::
; Shift +
+sc164 Down::
; Alt+Ctrl !^
!^sc164 Down::
; Alt+Shift !+
!+sc164 Down::
; Ctrl+Shift ^+
^+sc164 Down::
; Alt+Ctrl+Shift !^+
!^+sc164 Down::

sc105 Down::Run Explorer ; Files button which seems mapped to Messenger.

Again, no help

It took heavy use of Google for me to get every button functioning except scroll wheel.

The latest drivers helped tremendously minus wheel support as mention, except, when I open the intellitype pro software the tab for keyboard settings is greyed out. Says “No Microsoft usb keyboard detected”.

I found a few files..(one labled ITypeDevices.xml), but they list the supported devices. I am wondering if there is an edit to that which I could make to force the software to identify the driver just well enough so I can add settings for the scroll wheel.


Inside the XML file stated above, I located commands for each type of keyboard and link from that to a folder for a shortcut to a bmp file. So I assume that when the computer identifies the office keyboard, it will want to show you a little image. I am sure any image we put there will work just fine.

I am scared to make this edit because there really is no telling how many files are actually associated to this XML, that will need to be updated along with this ITypeDevices.xml file.

If anyone has anything to add to this please please respond, there are many people who need this answer

Prescription Benifits spam scam text message

scam text message I received . I do not recommend that you call or text or even come close to responding to this.


Got a text today from 1-832-544-5761 saying

Your Pharmacy prescription benefits information. status aprovedbin: 900020 PC Claimne group:10349 Plan ID:Mimne Member#: 13741199 Present previous information to pharmacist for immediate service U.S. RXCard Customer Service 866-421-3247 Call Customer Service to request cards to be mailed

This is a scam text message do not call do not respond, you will be charged

Here is a phone site talking about the phone number they listed

Skycaddie SGX – Review

Skycaddie SGX – Review
skycaddie in box
Boss asked me to to set up his Skycaddie SGX golf course GPS device from a company called SkyGolf.

So confused as to who would be the provider of such service I said “Sure why not”.
The Skygolf website, to say the least, the website was nothing fun to navigate.
While trying to find prices for the service skycaddie or skygolf (or whatever in the heck their name is) provides, I found old out dated prices and packages and bundles that were “limited time deals only” which were months past their “limited time”.
So I open the box and see

First thing noticed when looking for the USB connection, was a memory card slot.
Though there is nothing in the box to say what the storage capacity is neither on-board nor memory card max.

It seems the company does not update their website that often because the “extended plan” right on the top of the page says this

For a Limited Time, Buy 3 Years in Advance and Save!

Due to Popular Demand, We’re Extending This Offer Until August 31, 2013!

Here it is December 23 2013.

But I signed up for that specific plan anyway. and wouldn’t you know it. $20 cheaper now.  Total came out to about $100.
So.. okay.
Did the purchase, was prompted to sync the GPS device with the software, so I had to download an install drivers then follow a menu in a pop up that did all of the work for me.
Skycaddie software update and sync
Install and update took much longer than the 30 minutes suggested by the software. More like  3.5 hours.

Still watching it install.

All-the-while having no idea if the registration and purchase I did was somehow added to the software/firmware I am now installing on the GPS device. When I look at the site, I see that I have no plans. but the install prompt came up after i typed in the credit information. So.. maybe?

Is this place still active?

after a bit of time I get a notice ” your skycaddie does not appear to be associated to an account”
something about an unregistered ESN.

Okay, how do I register it?

Off to figure that mess out.
Tried the FAQ page.. nope… nothing.

Found it, the ESN is located in the settings area under “info”. and to enter that you have to go into “registration”

Keeps losing sync on me though. very frustrating.
Meanwhile I am looking at the screen saying #1 in range finder in golf”
yeah… but can you find the computer you are plugged into?

I get almost done and decide to install specific course. and it keeps  saying there is an issue with Caddiesync Express.

After a few tries, the map loaded even though the computer screen said failed. Not sure how it will turn out. Have to hit the course and see what it shows.

Compared to current devices of today, I would have to say that this device is past it’s prime. The software is poor. The set up is frustration. Use of the device is in no way easy. Just setting the device up for golf course, was a 4+ hours task.
Most of what this device does, is found for free now on Android.

Free Golf GPS & Scorecard Free

GolfLogix #1 Free Golf GPS App Free

SkyDroid – Golf GPS $1.99

Receive a Free $250 Gift Voucher from Kroger – Fake Facebook

**Please find the friend that you saw sharing the link to the Kroger Gift Card scam, and post a link to this page for them to read and to share to the person they saw it on.** If you google “way back machine” you will find the internet archive that has a back up of what this page used to tell you. I myself will no longer pay the bandwidth it takes to help facebook.
Facebook post says “Receive a Free $250 Gift Voucher” and has a Kroger logo. Looks legit right?
It is fake.
If you clicked it, log into Facebook and change your password now. You have just been bitten by a scam. This scam is not the doing of Kroger. You have no reason to be mad at Kroger for someone else’s hoax.
Here is Kroger trying to get a handle on the situation.
Kroger is aware and trying to stop it.
To prove this Kroger notice is a hoax, just hit refresh when you are on that page and watch the “remaining vouchers” counter start back over at 173.
Another thing to notice is the “comments” on that page on the left hand side “hansja” his comment says it happened 26 minutes ago.. and that comment stays with that count.
Most this is an advertising company that has crummy tactics and it is likely they are just getting their like and share counts up really high so that when the website changes it’s home page design and logo, it will look like a legit website, and will show in your friend feed to your friends as a page you like. Which in turn will scam your friends by this 100% hoax.

Fake kroger Gift card $250

Fake Kroger Gift card $250

Looks like the same people who have been doing this for years: I offer no more help
Via mass text message or mass social media spamming like this one.
I wonder if they get everyone’s address book if they go to that site on their phones.. hmmmmmmm

Snapchat Review

Review of snapchat. A picture sharing application that seems to have a mild popularity amongst the newbies of tech.. People who don’t realize instagram, photobucket, imgur, facebook,twitter and the like already let you privately share images with specific people. but the software leaves the impression that you set a timer for your friend to be able to see the image, then poof, the photo is magically gone all of the sudden.
Snapchat is stupid.

No matter what a website says…. they always save the content you put on their servers. and we can download the images or screen shot them anyway.. so just send the damn thing to your friends… or use facebook or twitter.

The market is way to covered for this stupid app.

Parents, if you see a little ghost icon on your kid’s phone… Then you kid is sharing images they don’t want you to know about. and they think they have some catch 22 (remember when we thought every law’s kryptonite was us thinking we had this?) clause that makes them safer with this app. remove that app from their phone and threaten to give them a flip phone.. Or just give them a flip phone.

Snapchat  Review score
Usability of the snapchat: 7/10
need for snapchat  : 1/10
practiclity of the snapchat : 3/10

End score 3/10

If Sprint buys T-mobile what happens?

What can we expect to happen if Sprint buys T-mobile?

Both companies known for their customer loyalty and fair billing.
They are both known for their loss of signal.
What is also known is that they both are on different networks.
Sprint is CDMA and T-mobile is GSM. Two different networks.

So there is no chance of merging the networks and making a tweak to either one and increasing the size of the cell network.
So it would have to be one or the other. Which means one network is about to take on the load of the other network.

If life had rules maybe. There is a chance they give customers the choice and just maintain both networks. Which sounds like madness if you expect Sprint to fire off every single T-mobile employee. Which lots of companies seem to eventually do. but not if Sprint keep both signals

Amazon’s Drones Dream is just that

Amazon’s Drones Dream is just that… a dream

Regardless, of how cool anyone sees this.

It would be a bit foolish to figure a bunch of drones flying around in every city just humming up the sky as a feezible tolerable thing and never once considering how kids will start trying to pop them out of the sky.and a few drunk adults.
I can’t imagine there being that many of the Amazon drones shooting around in a city and no one getting hurt, no mid air collisions or it not being a huge waste of resources.
1 u.p.s. driver makes one long round trip around a city and drops off 400lbs worth of  small 1lbs packages. in 8 hours.A small helli shooting 20 miles out at 3-10 miles an hour to and back, can do that … what… once? Twice a day? How many drones would it take to get 400 one pound boxes out?
Picture a guy unloading a truck of junk freshly shipped from wherever. He is at the front of a neighborhood at the Amazon shipping facility. because they all are at the front of neighborhoods since the drones are slow and have short flight spans. He spends an hour or two unloading the truck and evenly spacing the packages out for the drones. now it takes 7 hours for all of the packages to get to the residents, while the delivery guy could have done it in about an hour or three.
Plus imagine the thugs and trash that will follow those things around to get free merchandise?
The whole drone idea is100% idiotic and childish.

Are we all really the “generation of instant gratification”? is this proof of how lazy we are? Is this proof of how we want items 30 minutes sooner, so bad that we will get millions of people laid off just so we can see “change” ? What if you are the last guy in a day’s drone shipping? You won’t get it any sooner, neither would the first delivery.

Sometimes some types of change are the dumbest idea.