Conduit Aquires Wibiya

Conduit, the toolbar company that claims to allow it’s contributors a chance to earn money by distributing conduit’s toolbar, has now acquired Wibiya.
Wibiya is less known toolbar company that has a similar angel. The toolbar company allows you to create an account, customize a toolbar and give out links to download your custom toolbar and allow your website readers a chance at media associated to your site at all times.
I have hopes that Conduit keeps some of the employment staff and some of the creative minds behind Wibiya, at the least so they can get ideas on how to better please the people who distribute their content, and to help creative design in the toolbar industry.

I hope the best comes of this buy out merger and everyone can benefit from it together.

Here is the email I received from Conduit today.

Conduit Acquires Wibya
We are happy to announce the latest addition to the Conduit family with our acquisition of Wibiya.
Wibiya’s Wibar enables you to easily integrate a variety of Web applications into your website, boosting engagement and increasing traffic and page views for your content.

This is another step in our endeavor to provide you, our publisher, with a solution for staying in constant touch with your users:
In the browser – with Community Toolbars and apps
On mobile phones – with Conduit-powered Mobile apps
And now, on your site – with the Wibar

The addition of the Wibar to our offering does not change or affect your existing relationship with Conduit or your Conduit-powered offering in any way.

If you have any questions please read our Q&A section, or visit our Community for more information.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates about what the Wibar can do for you…

The Conduit Team

Why Company Review Websites Are Useless

Websites that allow you to do company reviews, have a huge hole in them. Seo people for years have hated running into bad reviews on these company review websites showing scarey reviews of the company they are trying to help in Google and other search engines. Review sites like company name sucks or angie’s list. The downside is the simple fact that 90% of the reviews, it’s someone upset while the other 10% is the websites SEO or Webmaster. Simple fact is only upset people leave reviews. A happy customer just waddles away and enjoys their purchase only to return and buy another product. The negative reviews are in most occasions, an ex employee that got fired for what he or she thinks is unjust or the competitor’s unscrupulous SEO . Disgruntled employees know deep stuff and can give away some information that should not be out. Like say an employee got busted sleeping in his company vehicle when he or she was supposed to be working. Or some kid who quit when his father who worked at the same place got busted stealing from the company. The kid then leaves a bad review of the company and releases information that is not for the public. It could be months before the company gets hold of this information. by then, many potential customers could have seen this and been turned away by a skewed truth. A good SEO knows how to pull up information about companies and use it to their advantage. With a simple post on one of the review websites, and a manipulation of their own website and bam, you have better search results. And it’s all free. You don’t even pay to be there.

These websites do not reflect the truth about the company in question in most cases..

This is getting more and more well known in SEO world. Hopefully Google takes this into consideration. because websites that claim to be honest reviews, really needs to put a disclaimer saying that they really can’t see if the same person is making 100 posts about a company because there is no 100% way to verify that each account on their website is legitimate.

If you want to test this out, go  create an account for either of the reviews sites I listed, and do a negative review of them, on their website and see which one gets filtered first.
I am pretty sure that Angie’s list will snuff all negative reviews of their site faster than they will help a company fight off an angry ex-employee. and the other site “company name sucks” will probably do nothing. Who knows, maybe they will. Test it out for yourself.

Match Might be Digging to much Personal Information

A woman got violated while on a date that she set up on So now Match is going to screen users for background checks to weed out sexual offenders. To many people this sounds great. but what if the woman met the man by old school means. like in a bar or at the grocery store or while picking up her grand mother from the old folks home? Would the owner of the facility be responsible for not screening the people that come in to their facility? This leads to lots of innocent people getting violated by an imperfect system. This is people’s private records, identification numbers, driver license numbers and social security number obtained by a piddly website that has lots of spam bots in it’s system, holding information that could lead to your personal identity being stolen.
With the fall of epsilon being hacked by grade school kids, we need to not visit a website that wants this kind of legal right to request such personal information.
Sure safety is great and you can think that if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about. Great, paint your social security number on the side of you car and think that no one reads anything or knows what to do with it any way.
The more you fall into trying to secure things and make it safer, the more vulnerable you make yourself.

I personally am not giving up the legal right to dig into my legal records.

I am offended by how open the news and media is about this. Just because a woman may have got groped or what ever the case is, you should not violate the rest of the planet. If you feel unsafe being there after reading the end user license agreement, then leave and don’t come back.
I actually tried Match many years ago. It took almost 8 years to get to stop sending me emails saying that someone was wanting to talk to me.I canceled my account and still got notice that someone wanted to talk to me, so I would foolishly log back in every two or three years and re-activate my account, and then find that I had no emails, no person wanting to contact me.
To me, these are foul tactics. And chances are, Match is the trooper to get a new law out that will sweep across all websites. and in doing so Match will get more advertisement for it’s self than it has ever had in it’s 10-15 years active.
funny thing is, I bet I get an email from them telling me to update my information or my account will be deleted. I bet this repeats it’s self twice a week for the next three years.

My two cents.

Problem with Ebay

I sold my G1 phone on eBay because I need the cash right now. At start I saw the prices they offered for the listing. I selected to start the auction at $90 with $9 shipping. Only one person bid on the phone. So the phone went at $90 and $9 shipping. The money went to my paypal account. Instantly PayPal (owned by eBay) charged me $5 for the transaction. Two days go by and eBay charged me $8 on top of the $1 they originally stated. So now I am down $13 of the $99 received for the sell and the shipping. Now i have to pay $9 for the shipping.
Of the $99 I’m now down $22.
This makes my take on the sell of my cell phone $77. Along with the wait in line at the post office on my lunch break. Because well. I didn’t want to make the buyer wait 1 or 2 extra days while the post office gets around to picking up the package from my house and i didn’t want to shell out more money for the shipping labels provided by eBay. Because really. I just sold one item.
$22 dollars to make less than $100 and the advertisement ran for three days. Heck it took 5 days for the money to transfer from PayPal to my bank account, but just seconds to to transfer from my bank account to eBay to pay off the fees for the listing.

Considering the last time I ran an ad on eBay I got hassled by a scammer who kept sending me payment confirmation emails but no payment was ever transferred.. Really for eBay to be so unsafe, they sure do charge quite a bit of money for you to sell one item and use a max of about 200kb of storage and maybe the same in bandwidth.


So now I plug my own website. My alternative to eBay.

On My Front Lawn is my Garage sale site where I now sell everything i want to sell.

Did Comcast Houston Get Slower?

Last year we were getting 28mbps Using Comcast internet, with an upload of 2.5 mbps. Some crummy local AT&T sub-contractor TM Construction or something like that, cut our live and refused to care. So I patched the line with a splice. I think it was a holiday 3 day weekend. SO I had to do it myself. We still got 28 mbps down and 2.5 up. Our internet was fine. A couple months later, TM construction came back out and wouldn’t you know it, they cut our line again. So this time we had Comcast come back out and replace the whole line with this heavy duty orange cable. Our internet was peaking at 30mbps. We held out for a few months.
But here recently our internet speeds have drop tragically. We are now getting 3 mbps down and oddly enough our upload speeds increased to 3.5 mbps down.
I was told a couple months ago that the speeds are supposed to increase to 50mbps near Humble area.
I can only assume that right now they are upgrading the cables or whatever and right now there is a crummier connection.
How is your internet speeds in the Spring and Humble areas? What is your bandwidth in this area?

Facebook Virus FARM

The Real Post about the Face Book Spider Bite scam video

The Virus is called “Koobface”
These are the koobface facebook virus files you need to kill
fbtre6.exe , mstre6.exe
These are the registry entries you have to remove from registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run\”systray” = “c:\windows\mstre6.exe”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run\”systray” = “C:\Windows\fbtre6.exe”

People.. Please. The same stupid virus that has been getting you people since back in the first days of Myspace, is now getting you guys again on Facebook. The virus says ” Wow I can’t believe I can really see who looks at my profile” maybe an exclamation point or two.

How to fix the Facebook virus issue.

Please start with running a virus scan. Any of a good selection of virus scanners will do. If one virus scanner does not find the Facebook virus, try another. There are many listed on that page.
If you can access another computer, please change your Facebook password from another computer while the scanning goes on.
and delete any posts that link to the virus. GO TO YOUR PROFILE TO SEE ALL THE POSTS YOU MADE. You have to delete them to do your part in containing the issue.

I have been fighting the whole facebook hack junk since the end of 2010

Please people, you have to look at the links, look at the Facebook Status posts before you just go wildly clicking.


So in this order: scan your computer for a virus, change your password, delete bad posts. done.

How did you get hacked so fast?
You clicked the link, it used some of the Facebook authentication certificate and fooled your computer into trusting it, it gave up your password that you have saved (to make it easier to log in next time). BAM.
The bad ones are from you downloading something that was titled funny so you just had to see what it was.

Also if you are not into the free software that I link on the next page… Look to the right, there are legit ads from Google. Any of them will do. Google only recommends the good stuff. I can assure you that your virus will be removed using Norton or Macafee or any of the big name paid real virus scanners.

Please hit the share button below for your friends on facebook.

Facebook Places and Grand Theft Auto trick

A few people are getting onto the sport of Grand Theft auto and Facebook Places. How? Well, funny you ask. and when I answer, you will see it funny too.
These people are checking in at locations that remind them of GTA and adding these places by the name that Rockstar games uses in the game. Like Bedford point, Alderny, vice port, Cluckin Bell, 24/7 and Hepburn Hieghts.
How cool would that be, to go to check in at a location and see that someone else has GTA defacedbooked it up, and they are currently there. Would that not be the ultimate awesome ? Greater than a rare chance that a Grand Theft Auto player will be there but hey it would be cool as heck.
If you really want to play the GTA Defacedbook game and add as many locations as you know of without leaving your house and having to drive around Try this : if you want to learn how to use Facebook places with your pc use this .

Get out there and name what you can you find. Make the names look as real as possible. because if Facebook see the Initials GTA or Grand Theft Auto  or San Andreas in the location, they will remove it. So make sure you are on the map.

Is Google Sniper a Scam ?

What Is Google Sniper?

Are you considering buying Google sniper scam? or Google sniper scam2 or Google sniper 2 ? Are you wondering if Google sniper is to scam you or scam Google? Well let’s discuss Google sniper and if it is a scam or not (up front… yeah it is).

Well I checked Mark Thompson’s website because it was the first one that came up in Google that wasn’t trying to sell you the Google sniper product. and it took a bit of looking to find him.

I agree with what he is saying. I hate all of the websites that say “I got rich from a loop hole, you can too!”. He goes on to explain that he makes lots of money from his advertisements on the pages that talk about his product. If this was true, then the guy would not be at a loss by letting people download the content for free.(free brings people wanting to sample) In fact the media on his site being free would be cause enough for even more people to come to his site and double his income from his advertising affiliate.
These sites that try and sell you tricks to get to the front of Google and other search engines, will get you banned from all search engines. And it happens very fast. If you disappear from the search engines, then you may as well be running a koolaid stand inside your closet. No one will find you.

This Google Sniper or Google Sniper 2 , is preying upon your laziness. If you are too lazy to learn how to legally, properly optimize your website and are not willing to pay a search engine optimization company to put you on the right path, then he figures you are getting what you deserve, and he is profiting on your loss. Well that is a theory because if you get banned from search engines, using his system, then um, what else could he be thinking other than you did it wrong? Of course you did it wrong and that’s final.

From what I gather, the maker of Google Sniper and Google sniper 2 is showing you how to use keywords to get high rank in Google for the products you sell. Can’t you do that your self? Like if you are selling locks think of everything related to locks and use that for your keywords and build your site and pages to represent your product? like say “safety,security,intruder” etc etc etc in your meta tags and then make sure you say it a few times on your website ? All he is going to do is tell you the basic knowledge of advertisement and how to add it to the internet. You can find that information all over the internet. Like search for “Search engine optimization tips”. If you do not get bombarded with good useful legit tips, then you just aren’t trying and you are looking for a magic elixir to build your website for you.

So far, all of the sites I see talking positive of  Google Sniper, are selling Google Sniper. like stated here . Or linking to a website that is built specifically for selling Google sniper. Isn’t Google sniper for people who have a product and need to target customers well for that product? Well… then why is Google full of these sites that are targeting people looking for real reviews? Can’t call it a pyramid scam. because you don’t know if it’s the maker of the program, or a person who bought the program under the contract of selling the program for profit or gaining profit from helping sell the product.

What you can see is the people Saying positive stuff about Google sniper, sell nothing, but show you how to buy Google sniper. Meanwhile the thing that Google sniper is selling you is ways to put your product out there so you can sell it. If they have no products, then, why do they need Google  Sniper? Let alone Google Sniper 2.

My opinion, you did your research, that says you have a brain and know how to find what you are looking for. otherwise you would not have found this post. I am a nobody as far as Google is concerned. Yet you found me. So you know how to search. How about you use a bit more of your brain to make your website easier for people to find. Save yourself a buck and see what happens when you actually try.

So is Google Sniper a rip off? Is Google Sniper a scam? is it worth it for you to buy Google Sniper 2 ? Well if you bought the first one and it didn’t work, Fool me once. I can say, Google Sniper 2 is not for me. You have a better chance with the ads on a website that advertises Google ads, because Google will not advertise scam sites that have crooked methods. Those sites will give your legit tips on how to get seen in Google and how to optimize your website for search engines. Do not trust someone who is a Google bomber.
[poll id=”10″]
So if you are actually trying to get your website some traffic and get your products seen and sold, here are some webmaster tips and tricks. These are all free and legal and okay and recommended by Google. best yet, it’s all free. and when you learn something from there, Google it more and you will see that the world is full of people helping, you just have to learn what it’s all called. because we are talking about it right there under your nose, free. and legit, and a huge abundance of internet webdesign help.
Main thing to remember is seo Search Engine Optimization. Just that alone should get you in the right direction.
If you don’t want to bother with that, there are millions of SEO companies out there that do the work for you.

I hate that this page gets so much traffic. I hate that my fellow man has let me down like this.
Maybe I should just go all out and do a post dismissing the fountain of youth, or magical growth potion for 80 year old and see how many other types of moron are out there.
Hmm, maybe I will break down penny bid auction scams.
looks like people need to hear that also.

Here is what you do instead of using Google sniper.

TL;DR It does not work and it only hurts your website to use Google Sniper.

Please like or share on your favorite network. By clicking one of the buttons on the left. If you enjoyed reading this.

Here’s the most you will get from Gooogle Sniper

Banned Spammer I.P. List

Ok gang, I got sick of the spam I was getting So I decided to ban the i.p. addresses of the spammers who have been bombarding my websites. I banned each I.P. as they came along. My spam per day has dropped from 500+ off topic weird messages from some auto sentence generating piece of garbage spam bot, down to about 12 spam comments a day.
Now that I have created this list, I decided to make a website dedicated to the i.p. addresses I have banned.

Feel Free to respond below if you have a better list, I will research what I can and add to the list the i.p. addresses you might submit.

I have been banning Ip addresses from my website for three years. Hopefully this list will help you fight the spam on your website. Please contribute.


How To Start an Online Store

Ever want to start your online store but have no idea how to get started or how much everything costs?
Ever just want some suggestion of how to start an online store but have no products to offer?
I have done some looking on How to Start an Online Store. Most I find are websites that charge you to sell stuff from their site, and their sites are barely customizable. Barely.
If you want to know how to start an online store, hopefully I can help motivate you into figuring out how to start an online store for yourself. See the reason why I say “Figure out”, is because we both know that once you get your store up and running, you will want to make changes and adjust your pages here and there to make things work better for you, look better and sell more stuff related to your store. Almost all of those online store providers out there, will charge extra for everything you want to do.
So here is how to start an online store and make it yours, all yours.
This page will get you started and the total cost to you would be less than $150 a year. but first let’s get you started at making money online without the cost of anything, so you can generate money to buy the things you need to make the bigger money.

First lets get you an account at Zazzle.Com. Zazzle allows you to create shirts (or the model shirt image) that people will see as they brows Zazzle’s directory. If someone like’s the shirt you created, they can then purchase the shirt, you will be rewarded a percentage of the cost of the shirt. I say shirts but Zazzle has lots of more products, like bumper stickers, coffee mugs and a few more things. You just have to go there and see for yourself. If you click any of the links I gave above just sign up and see the interface, there is no cost at all to you and they do not request any personal information, you need to take care of the taxes yourself. There is plenty of good money to be made with Zazzle. you just have to come up with something cool that someone will want, like a saying, or a design or the such. (if you have questions further, post below, I will gladly respond in less than a day if I can help, I probably can.)
I advise that you let your account build up money before you take the next step. So go ahead and bookmark this page so you can come back later when you make a bit of cash. That way your money made from nothing, buys what you need next.

To take things up a notch, you would be good if you found a website that has lots of storage and many options, I mean MANY options and unlimited bandwidth ok, if you are not too techy, let’s just say , a website host that allows you to be completely unlimited. For cheap and is a really good quality website host. If you are techy, unlimited email accounts, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage, 75 mysql accounts and unlimited php scripts as long as they work ok with your 75 mysl db limit (addon scripts and so fourth if needed) plus tons of up to date php scripts ready to install by just a click, but you are not limited to auto install, they are good for the new and those of us who like tech support. Here is a recommended web hosts: Host your Web site with PowWeb!
Now once you get your site  Web site with PowWeb! It comes with a domain of your choice, less than $5 a month, so, less than $60 a year. You can not lose. (if you have questions further, post below, I will gladly respond in less than a day if I can help, I probably can.)

Once you get your site up and built, log back into your Zazzle account and get the “HTML” codes from all of your products and find a place on your website that you want them. Like here Funny Shirts. Or build an entire website for your products like Tech Gear.
Next sign up for and advertisement affiliate company. Like the Google ads I have on the right, or Link Share ads


LinkShare Allows you to get ads from specific dealers, and select specific products. If the ads are from a large company with a large selection of items, then you can make personal choices or related choices of products that work well with your website content or theme.
Google seems to pay a bit more, but you can run both types of ads, just keep your ads clean and not a bombardment or you will chase potential customers and readers away.

Or find an independent advertiser who is going to be a limited advertiser but will be more specific to you, like BUY SHEET MUSIC ONLINE which of course is what I run on my music website.

Now your site is up and running and so far, nothing has cost you a single red cent. Your products this far are paying for your website and your advertisements are giving you extra money, How do you get even more money? Easy, create more stuff on your Zazzle account, you can put as many of your product ideas as you can come up with, on your site. It’s your fricken site. Zazzle does not mind, as long as they get their cut. You don’t get your cut until they do. So all is good there.

In the meantime (while you wait for the money to roll in) you can also try doing surveys online. You sign up, give them your email address they send you invites and you pick the surveys you feel like doing. Who knows maybe you will get ideas for your site. With all survey sites listed below, you should get maybe10 surveys a day, count on three of them being either too low pay for the time span required or just not interesting. I usually spend 2 hours a day doing the surveys and make roughly $50 for that time. Some days I make way more. You can also sign up for their affiliate programs and link people to them if you feel it fits your content.

Survey Savvy Pays very well, but not a bunch of surveys.

Inbox Dollars They send you Surveys and they send you emails to look at. Money builds up good. Just look at the emails, the surveys pay to little. You will get the hang of it after a while.

Opinion Outpost Has many fair to good surveys, occasional super high pay out surveys.

A.C.O.P Surveys Pays very good has many surveys.

Buxto Not much pay but is easy. Takes a while to build up $$

If you select to use any, I really do recommend you use them all, or you just wont have enough surveys for it to be worth it. I selected these after years of searching and years of getting tons of spam from other sites. These are the ones that really pay and they are willing to invite me to lots of surveys. They are all free. Disclose whatever you feel like.

This is how I make money online at no cost to me. I still have a day job and my day job income is about twice the amount of my online income. Not bragging just letting you know that there is a lot of money in this, enough that I have been doing the totals and it’s paying for my car, fuel and insurance and buys my lunch every day. My original investment, three hours designing 7 shirts and two bumper stickers. Took three months before the first item sold, and then it took off. Meanwhile steadily doing my surveys every single day before I go to bed. When I get a new idea, I create a new product on Zazzle and post it on one of my sites when I figure what site the product goes best with. I am now running 8 websites. Well they run themselves but I had to set them up and I update them when needed. and yeah I would crumble if I lost my job. It’s not making me rich yet, but it sure does seem to be getting better all the time. I just need a product that is 100% mine to sell and make 100% profit from.
Now here is the piece of the puzzle you needed most. There is a software you can use to build your own website using wordpress and Amazon affiliates, to run basically your own store on your own website using Amazon They are called WPAssociate. You are now up and running with your own store online, and your actual start of your company cost you no money and very little effort. If you look at the wpassociate website you will see how it all works and how very inexpensive it is. If you used the steps I mentioned before this, you would have bought all of this from profits made, with no and I do mean NO investment at all but your time. Just use the money you make with the free stuff, to purchase the stuff that has a cost. In little time you will be running your online store making money without investing money at all.

WPAssociate transforms your WordPress site into an attractive Amazon affiliate store in an easy way; no programming experience necessary. Choose looks, products and placement and you’re ready to go.

( I had a link to a company called Wp-Associate, I think you can find it in addons now)

How to get traffic to your website for free. you will need this later.

Yes most if not all of the links I posted, pay me. That is what this whole post is about. How I make money online. This is my disclosure letting you know that I make money from all of those sites and links I posted. I do profit from every link in this post. Which is what I am showing you how to do. Sometimes I go weeks without messing with this stuff at all. Sometimes I get crazy ideas and am buried in work. I think it’s great.

Hope this helped you figure out how to make money online.

Have fun and Good Luck
and if you found this post helpful, please click like or share on your social network of choice.