What is Traitorware? | Electronic Frontier Foundation


Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the bread stuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.

Andrew Jackson


Cell Phone Wars – Poll

Curiosity is setting in at the TruXterTech camp. as to what Cell phone operating system do you feel gives you the most abilities that you like.
Rim- Research in Motion from Blackberry
Apple – Iphone
Android- Android/Google
ISA – Nokia OS
Windows- Microsoft
[poll id=”2″]
This isn’t a poll of phone manufacturers, it’s more of a poll of phone operating systems. If you could use any operating system on your phone, what operating system would you prefer?
If your cell phone/ Smart phone could run any cellphone operating system, what would be your end choice in phone software?

Personal Budget Software re-Review

A few months ago I found a free budget management software. I was quite pleased with what I found. At the time, the Software developer didn’t have any traffic That i could detect. I was skeptical about downloading the budget software.  I decided to run a few  scans form virscan.org. Clean. Not one issue with the budget software at all. So I installed the free software I got from TZIsoft.

I have written a few things on the net about how I am looking for a bank that has a better online banking interface, simply because I am not very good at keeping up with my records and budget. so I was quite desperate to locate a good safe personal budget software that wouldn’t  break me. Again, I can not keep record worth a darn. TZIsoft personal budget software, has been nothing but pure help. I really do appreciate all of the times I could just pop open this software and see exactly what my current spending range is. I have not had MS office on my laptop on years, but I have had open office on the laptop for quite a while, the personal budget software allows me to export my budget report to an MS Office file that is easily opened with open office. I then put the office file on my Droid phone and leave the house. I can then make adjustments through the day, to take the file back with me when I go home. Sometimes I email the thing to myself throughout the day with updates. Sure there are probably easier way of doing that part, but its cool to just know what could happen.

Free Personal Budget Software download page. Look at all of the acknowledgment  the coder has now received. You have to scroll to the bottom, that part is like an easter egg for you for you to find after the coder briefs you on the capabilities of the budget software.

Remember, this is a free budget keeping software. This software is not the be all end all software and will not prevent you from doing things you should not do. The writer of this budget and record keeping software made it to help you document your transactions and calculate your current spending limits. Anything you do not input into the budget software is on you. So if you mis-spend outside of your limit, the software maker nor I can be held responsible. Nothing is guaranteed by me other than I liked the software, it was free, and the budget software helped me greatly. I have not been paid to link to the free software nor have I been paid to leave my review. I have never met the coder but i did send a big thank you email and a copy of my first review of personal budget.


Look around, there are more downloads and more software to try out from there.

Not So Good Google Adventures

Not attacking Google with this, who knows maybe people will tries and like em. Didn’t seem to be a bunch of hype for these those. So there is a good reason why they flopped

So I will mention these experiments and show you how to get there.

Orkut to compete with myspace when facebook looked like a flop.
Knol was to (in theory) compete with wikipedia. Maybe they should stick to attacking companies that make an income.
Bloggerto compete with wordpress, again, they do better when they attack groups that are profit only.

Sites build your own website with a website builder. Tons of other services that allow better tools and tons of storage and much more code. but some people still use the sites.

And a few great idea by google that you never hear about and that really need more focus.

  • FinanceBusiness info, news and interactive charts
  • NewsSearch thousands of news stories
  • RealtimeNew!Get live updates from popular social sites, news sources, and blogs
  • VoiceNew!One number for all your phones, online voicemail and cheap calling
  • TalkIM and call your friends through your computer
  • CheckoutComplete online purchases more quickly and securely

Google has started many projects and they have taken them quite a distance. Someday all of that is going to come together and make something useful. No telling how long that might be.

Google, their biggest failure is the biggest blessing. Everyone likes Google because the main page is blank. just a search bar. So they can’t clutter it up with “hey look at all of our crap” so… there are billions of potential users who will never know.

Android Apps I Love


Quick punch of applications on my android phone that I love and enjoy. And a couple android apps that frustrate me.

WordPress – using the latest full install not an update but a full install of the wordpress app, it write now to write this post. Allows you to check statistics now. Excellent application for

MY phone


Facebook – some abilities are limited. Like notifications will minimize fb app and opens browser. Invites crash my fb app.

Twitter – nothing ever seems to work anymore.

Pandora radio – won’t let me sign in anymore via phone. Love the app, can’t use it.

Last.fm – works like a charm, perfect lil music app.

Advanced task killer- let’s you shut off running background programs. Battery saving app.

Opera browser – has very few limitations compared to basic default browser, but many more abilities than default. Looks sharp also.

All barcode scanners with 4+ rating, get em, all usefull.

I hate android alarm clocks. I can never make them go away.

Tiny 7 Users – You need to know

For the few 200-300 searches I see a day looking to fix an install of Tiny7, I have some information that is going to help you. Help you a whole lot. You need to hear (read this) because the answer is right in front of you but you somehow just can not see it.
Windows 7 is an operating system created by Microsoft.
Tiny7 is not.
Tiny 7 is a copy of windows 7 that has had so much stuff stripped out of it, you get a faster running machine because there are a whole lot less resources being used by the typical running software.
Some things you install may not work because the software that it depends on, will not be on the machine. So you have to search for that software on the internet and get it installed so your machine can run the process you are needing. Trust that this software has a potential of making your computer a tad bit slower.
On that note. Windows Tiny 7, is not a full legal version to install and run as a computer. The guy that distributes the software, Makes it clear that he is just trying to see how little of processes he can make it to before the operating system is none functional. His goal is to run the operating system with as few resources and processes as possible. He is uploading the software for you to look at what he did, and then give him ideas as to what to do next. He has no intentions of you making this your primary operating system on your primary computer. I think that is why he stopped working on the project after tiny vista was fully complete.

On that note. DO NOT try and register tiny7. That is not what he intended for you to do. DO NOT try and get updates to Tiny 7. It will check with WGA (windows Genuine Advantage), see it is a pirated copy of windows, and then it will lock you down. You will then be locked out of your own computer, simply because you have not been logical.

You can change the cd key of the install of your copy of tiny 7 by just calling Microsoft’s hot line. Do not bother with doing the voice recognition thing, it is frustrating . I just yell into the phone “blabble zabble deepledorf” repeatedly while crackling plastic wrap next to the mic until a human gets on the phone. Works like magic. Tell them what ever it takes to prove that you are not out to rip anyone off and you just like the version you have and would like to register it with a new key. It will work. be persistent and insistent that it is the best operating system you have ever used and is better than any other operating system Microsoft offers.

There are tons of ways around WGA. But they always get stopped and Microsoft fixes those tricks. Really I have no idea why you would download an operating system from a stranger and then worry about security patches. In 12 years only one single service pack that Microsoft distributed didn’t slow your computer down more than it already was. In fact service pack 3 on Windows xp, made most computers faster. Then patches that came later, slowed them all right back down.

Ignore the fear mongers that tell you some virus is in the wild and without some Service pack, your dog’s fur will fall out. Don’t believe them when they say the latest service pack will make my computer faster. It’s a trap.

The right thing to do is just out right buy windows 7. You can get the OEM version of Windows 7 at less than half cost.

Or quit trying to register something you know is not legal.

Quit trying to patch something you have no rights patching.

and if your  machine has you locked out, lol .. NEWBY.




Patch Tuesday 10 5 10

Thanks for the .net patch xs 2. but you can keep the silverlight.
Why would they even continue to patch and update that thing? who uses it? is it to stop flash? Stop java?
Useless I tell you.. Useless
Well enjoy your patches, while I patch my peice of junk xp machine at work (actually good computer but our “IT guy” is afraid to evolve) and reduce productivity.

Old Dell Hd In a brand New HP

Thanks for the update. No idea what I will be doing with it. Didn’t really seem like any Security fixes.

Welcome to Zero day 2.0

Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008 x86 (KB2416447)
Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP x86 (KB2418241)
Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 on Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 x86 (KB2416473)

What killed Tech Evolution

First I have to explain that this is a bit dated. I yanked it from Archive.org. It’s mine and I finally have access to my content. I was kicked from Lockergnome by a rouge mod and his boyfriend. This post was one of mine on lockergnome.

Ok I understand that if someone wants to sell their work.

They want to be the only person making money on it. And they do not want people to be able to get the software for free. I mean why buy the cow…..

But have you noticed, no one does anything anymore.

Everyone is scared of getting arrested for tweaking files and programs. I mean the past ten years have been amazing in software development. Now it’s just down to a trickle. We aren’t moving faster and faster every time we check, anymore. Those days are gone. Kids now are scared to mod psp software because those who do and show others, get silenced fast.

I mean the most I learned was when I was wanting to make my purchased items better. Like over clocking, there are no over clocking forums left but one or two . I mean back when everyone was tweaking and modding their Xbox, we where learning so much from each other. We where passing notes and moving faster and faster. People emulated machines. Sony killed that when they created psp addons and called them “Emulators” . If you did any searches on the net for “emulator tips” you would find stupid junk that showed you how to change your back ground on your psp. I mean they did that very well I have to give them props. But my god, if it wasn’t for people modding the psp… Sony would have no idea what firmware to add to the stupid battery chugger.

So now you just have to sit around and wait on Sony to tell you what’s good.

We are getting dumber by the minute. Don’t bother asking any kids these days how to play a 360 game on a computer. They flip out and tell you you need a decompresser… blah blah blah.. It’s software.

“Encoded” means YOU think it’s unbreakable.

Where is the crowd of people who inspired others to get upset with the useless crap bundled in our gadgets?

What happened to everyone? I feel like it’s becoming a TiVo/Apple world. Where everyone just sits with their mouth open waiting to be given what ever there is to fill it.. And we like it.

Was it laziness? Did the really tech gen just get old and walk away?

Am I a dinosaur? Did everyone stop caring what it is inside their gadget that rattles when you shake it?

Is the new generation the fat gen?

Ps: Don’t share other people’s works. But share the mods you made to make them better.

Conduit Toolbar Follow up

Well . I am done with them.

They stopped me at $49.41 (pay out is $50)

Gave me a story of how they now, only pay per install. Because that is how you show good quality… um no dude. quality is continued usage. you make money off the searches through Google using your toolbar, Share the wealth guy. A couple months ago they killed my other toolbar, the one I was migrating to. The truxter toolbar is no longer supported. They have stopped that one because not enough people downloaded it. Um.. wait.. so you stop the downloads because not enough people download it… You know what.. I am done with you guys all the way.

I know for a fact that ten people are in direct usage of the tool bar I snapped together through your a.d.d. farm.

I couldn’t find the spot to drop my account. You deal with it. There are so many curse words I want to fling right now. but I am not doing that.
So here, it is yours, do what you want.

For those who want to know what a 4 year old account on conduit looks like when you are not a spammer, scammer, or a person with malicious intent, here is what the pay out and respect looks like after 4 years of showing people a safe virus free version of their Garbage looks like. A guy that does not put up buttons on a page about some free software and leave a “download now” button for the tool bar right above the other free software on that page tricking people into installing the toolbar by accident instead. No. I left my toolbar with full explanation on pages about that toolbar, in banners. Not some bundled garbage with with weather bug and cool web search crap. The stuff that gives a toolbar bad names.. And this is the Thank you I get.

They have asked me to email them. Why? what’s there to achieve from an email? An excuse pre-planned or concocted from a mass of group thinkers. Screw that. I’m done.

Here all, have fun with the below..

Conduit Stats after 4 years

Latest Email from Daniel at Conduit.


This is Daniel from Conduit. I noticed you have followed up on your post in Truxtertech and I understand you are still unclear about how the toolbar revenue model works. First of all please let me assure you we do not deal with fraud or scams. Everything we do is perfectly legal and according to industry standards. Our purpose is to provide a free and safe environment for publishers to create toolbars which will then engage their users and increase traffic to their site.

The PPI program acts as an incentive for publishers to promote a useful and appealing toolbar. According to the program you will receive payment per each installation of the toolbar. This way we hope to encourage web publishers to get as many of their users to install the toolbar. The rate per each install is based on the performance of the toolbar. So a toolbar which has good components and generates usage by their users would get additional revenue. The purpose is not to only generate installs (which you mentioned as very simple), it’s also to engage your users with a successful toolbar. If I look at your example then; installing the toolbar on every computer you work on will generate you revenue, but it will lower your PPI rate so the revenue you will generate per toolbar might be very low. On the other hand, if many people install the toolbar and use if often, the revenue you will generate per toolbar will be much higher.

I hope this clarifies your concerns. As I mentioned in my previous email, I will be happy to work with you to get the most out of your toolbar. Please let me know.



This is his response to my post Conduit Toolbar Review – Affiliate

Wow. Hmm. I hope it didn’t take a whole crew to put that together and it’s okay to say that just one person wrote that email.

Seems I have to make my own toolbar so I can focus on my adsense account search. I spent so much time working on theirs.

and yes I know exactly how many computers I personally installed that stupid toolbar on.

Thanks conduit. Well the time wasted is equivalent to playing solitaire for  4 years. Hope you made plenty of money.

My son sent one out to a bunch of kids who installed his for a week then they all got tired of the game and uninstalled it. He made $75 in a week. I have been making users who keep the thing for years and they have not paid me yet. Oddly enough, I see these computers I work on, they still have the toolbar. but conduit shows that I only have 5 active users. hmm.

I repair computers, and any and every time I see one with some B/S toolbar on it, I install mine to assure that person will not have a virus. I know exactly how many installs I have made, and I know exactly how many users of my toolbar are out there (unless a few people downloaded themselves).

So if you are wondering if Conduit affiliate sucks, or if Conduit pays. I myself can’t answer that question for you. It is for you to decide.


I found on the conduit website people complaining about the conduit pay out. here. I don’t count on them leaving anything like this up much longer “we archived it”

I don’t agree with all or even most of the statements being made about payout being a scam. I surely do not agree with the clowns saying ” you are getting a website enhancement for free”. That’s just stupid. Who likes to see a button on a website that says ” click here to install” ? Who likes to see a big banner asking you to install a toolbar? That is not an enhancement. You are not being done a favor because you link people to software that has a search in it that leads to a greater income to Conduit. You are doing conduit a favor.

The least we can ask for is that conduit breaks us off a bit of the income we bring them by distributing their software. They don’t advertise in google because it would cost them money. So if they want to advertise their software on my site, then they darn sure better pay me. You want that space? rent it buddy. I want by default at least $50 a month for keeping your stupid link up. and for the people  that stay using my version of that toolbar, Conduit should pay me atleast 10% of the income that toolbar creats, for my efforts at trying to make a good toolbar that will not get uninstalled at any time. And that toolbar will continually get used for searches and what ever embedded items they draw revenue from.

They are not a group that just makes software for the fun of it.

So if you are wondering if Conduit toolbar actually pays, That decision is up to you

My two cents.

Paypal Android Bump App

Just by being at the correct menu and fulfilling the proper credentials, you can now bump your android phone to another android phone and make a payment of a specified amount.
Android application that allows paypal payment via a bump? lol now the pick pockets just have to bump into your phone? If you are a moron walking around looking for some who is ready to receive while you have a specified drop amount in hand.
What will this do for smuggling or laundering. Probably not much. Except when you see the Knux bump, It could in fact be an exchange of money. An accidental hand bump in a a crowded bus, airport, mall or what ever. You can then pretend to be someone that witnessed a spy transaction. Or you could be someone that really did witness one and just not wake up in the morning.
Well you can get your android bump ap and see who all out there is willing to test it out with you.
Go to Paypal’s site when you get the free time or look in the android market for it.

paypal android