Real Side of Google Adsense

As of right now. What i am seeing this year with Google Adsense in statistics (based entirely on my websites) for page view to click through ratio, is 1/355. This is actually good. Considering that my websites are for people on a budget or people trying to increase their income, those are pretty high, no matter what place advertising affiliate you use. Face it, people on a budget aren’t looking for ways to spend money, and well, most advertisements on the internet are people selling stuff.
These past few months have been very kind to on Google Adsense. I have not seen anything close to this since 2007-2009.

I see other statistics that show 1/200 and some that say even better. That would be some heavy content with lots of talk about a specific product, to make Google match the content that dang close, so that the readers would be that dang interested in the ads..

but for about three years I barely even saw 50 clicks total. This was scary. and now I have to suspect it has to do with the economy. I event created a job site about employment site and motivation to help people stay at their job with a job search specific Google search on that site on the first page. you know what gets the most hits there? People searching for tricks to make unemployment keep paying. if they only knew how detailed that searcher was and how great the results were they would know they could find the amount of job apps in their local area they need to fill out to keep unemployment happy. But what ever. My point is, people are searching for free money. Not to spend it.  This was clearly an economic issue.

Those days are over. Google seems to be doing very well with their latest update to their servers. I am seeing way more readers than before. Almost triple the count I saw in 07 per month. 07 was my best year. FYI.

So if you are thinking of using some other affiliate, I can assure you they do not have near as good of an advertisement systems as Google Adsense. Unless you get a direct advertiser on your website that pays you a set amount for the space you give them, no advertising company out there can compare to Adsense. and yes I have had my rants in the past, but the new Google tweaks are direct and spot on on.

If you are trying to decide whether or not to use Google Adwords to advertise your products, I suggest you try it for a short time and see what kind of traffic you get. I promise they will post you on the correct websites. Their nearest affiliate competitor will just slap you on any old website talking about any old thing. If you sell computers on your website, you do not want to be coming up on websites about coffee tables. Adwords will work wonders for your products. You will get correct traffic.

One thing that gets to me is the way that your ad value goes down as you get more clicks on one specific spot on one specific page. You would actually think that spot would gain value because the spot is marketed well by the page’s content. Seems that is not the case. I mean if the spot talks chili all the time, and people click the ads for the chili recipe, then the cost for that spot should go up. Right? but it does not. You would suspect that multiple companies selling the same product would be climbing over the top of each other to be placed on that spot. Especially if that spot draws traffic for that content. I mean why would you want to have your chilli advertised anywhere other than a spot that gets people saying “oh look at that, they sell chilli!” but,For some reason that spot’s value goes down, the more the clicks it receives. That’s a bit gloomy to learn.

Good luck and happy websiting.


Search Engine Indexing

First get some good SEO Tools and a good webhost  powweb if you haven’t already got unlimited domain storage and low yearly fees.
If you can not find your website in search engines (Google, Bing), then your website is not indexed. Or your search term that you think your website is about, is not what The search engines have you indexed as. You need to optimize your website. Optimization is not just about making your website fast. Optimization is about using all optimal components of your websites design, to bring you traffic, and make return traffic to your website. Return traffic to your website means your site has been designed well, looks good and your content is exactly what the person was looking for. This is proper optimization.
So, how do you get your website listed in search engines like Google and Bing?
It’s not complicated to get your website indexed, and you don’t have to buy some software.
We have all seen Google just did it’s huge update to the way it indexes websites. And we see page rank coming back. This is a great deal. We also see relevance to what you are searching for and it’s closest proximity to the location of your ip address. We also see that Google has given us a real time display of results as you type your search into the search field. This fast work on Google’s part. The results are accurate to the existing text and the results change as you type more and refine your search to a more detailed inquiry.
How do you make this work for you?
You have to know how Search engines see your website.
You have to stay with in the guidelines of all search engines. And yes this can seem like a crazy format for writing content to your website, but you have to do it.
Think of your content. What is your article about? Write that word down on a peice of paper , label that piece of paper “keywords”. Try and think of everything that goes with that first main keyword. Like if you are selling locks, your keyword there is locks. What goes great with locks? Maybe a door??? and so on. till you have 15-30 keywords.
Write good legible logical content using the keywords you selected. It does not hurt to say the keywords a couple times. Especially the main keyword. because well it’s all about locks. but do not over do it. Try and set yourself at about 5 times per keyword. This will keep you from filling your page with that one word, and it makes your written content bearable to read by the customer. If Search engines do not like your content, humans surely will not.
Meta tags. You have to use meta tags to tell the search engines what your keywords are.
They look like this .

<META NAME=”KEYWORDS” CONTENT=”keywords,here,use,commas”>

Put your keywords in there and order them by level of importance. Main keyword up front far left. Or you can do them by order of appearance. I do this and it works great for me.

It takes a week or so for Google to find you by the keywords you chose. Your site will be sorted by these keywords, once it is verified as being relevant to your content.

Once your site gets traffic via searches, and said traffic that hits your site, stays with in your site (because your content is actually interesting, relevant to the search, etc.), before returning to searching for the same topic, or the search stops there, Google will then index your website as being relevant to the searches you created your keywords for. Your website will then have one page indexed for it’s content.

You must optimize every single page of your website. When doing that, you must make every page of your website of a value to your company. You must make the  keywords for each page of your website relevant to each page alone. Once you have multiple pages that Google indexes as relevant to specific topics, and that each topic is associated to the website in a whole, you will then begin to gain page rank. Once you gain Google rank you will then be considered before websites that do not have rank as being informative for searches related to your website.

Do not just create pages on your website, just to have pages. If you are trying to sell a product, you want every page of your website to be an informative ad for one of your products.
Do not make an integrity page. If you want to sell people on how you “stand by your product” or “push forward and make the customer #1 priority”, go start a Facebook page. You are selling a product and if someone lands on that page and no where in that page is anything they are looking for, they will be very upset and will avoid your website next time, because it is a bummer to read everything about how you have honor but never mention how much memory the product holds, dimensions, amount of glow, how many miles per gallon it consumes. It is ok to mention your Honor somewhere in the product description. but not necessary. They are looking for the product.
Do not focus your website in flash. As nifty as you think flash is. Flash is slower to load, Flash is hard to read by Google. Flash is ok as decoration and attention sparkle. But completely useless when getting indexed in Google.
Do not play music on your website. Not everyone likes that song.
Do not over submit your website. if you submit your website more than one time to Google, you will be red flagged as spam. If your website suddenly shows up linked from 1000 websites in less than week, you may draw a bit to much attention to your website. You will get looked at and looked over with a fine comb. If every website that links to you shows the exact same text repeatedly, you will be considered spam and you will have wasted time. Lots of time.
Do not just target your most expensive product. Target your most popular product more than anything. You want to dominate in that product. You know what they are looking for when they find you, now make your site reflect that.

If you feel you must use an SEO company.
To thoroughly get your money worth of your Search Engine Optimization company you chose, Be very descriptive of your company. Make sure the search engine optimization company has deep details of your products. Give them the cut sheets and HOWTO manuals of your products. How the products are used and how they are associated to other products. You can not just call someone and say ” I need my website found in Google and just do not feel like doing all of the work”. Remember, this person works on websites. They know nothing of your product and it will take lots of study for them to build your website as knowledgeable of your product as you are. So it would be in your best interest to have target products, target information and let them know your needs. Otherwise you are just asking a stranger to be your number one sales person. Without training.

Getting your website into search engines such as Google or Bing, is not very complicated. As long as you build your website without stupid cheesy tricks. You know what cheesy is and you know what is a stupid trick. You know that most of the junk you want to put on your website, a 5 year old can see through them. So don’t do it. Just be informative, build clean and be interesting.
PS, Sorry for the typos. I’m sure there are many. I did this with my cell phone.

Sellling My HTC G1 phone with 8GB mem

Selling my Google HTC g1 android cell phone, the first Android.
If you have any questions about the phone, you can ask me here or ask me on ebay. Please enjoy the G1. I did.


I have placed the HTC G1 on EBAY

I am in need of $$ because it’s getting close to time for my house to close SO I am selling off my android phone.

Hope you enjoy the G1.

Please respond below how you enjoy it.



T-Mobile G1 1gb Mem


I have placed the HTC G1 on EBAY

Still has factory Screen Cover. it didn’t have any writing on the factory screen cover so i never removed it when I took the phone from the box.

Phone is reset back to factory. All games and applications I tested on the phone worked perfect. Many useful applications. Tip calculators, grocery lists.

Do a search in google for “android g1 truxter” and see all of the reviews I have done about this phone and it’s software.

This is a very lovable phone. It’s like a small laptop.

Battery Is good compared to most people’s experience with the G1


Included with your purchase is:

  • HTC G1
  • Battery
  • Home Charger
  • USB Cord
  • 1 GB Memory card
  • Car Charger
  • 2 carry cases ( 1 factory pouch 1 leather Reiko flap )


This phone sold for $90 +$9 shipping.
I am going to miss my G1.
The first Android phone type.
I hope the purchaser enjoys this Cell Phone.

Selecting The Best Online Advertising

If you own your own company and have yourself a website that needs more traffic from more customers, then you might want to look into online advertising. With that you may also want to consider being on as many websites as possible, to draw traffic to your website to possibly look at your items for sell.
To best figure out what advertising affiliate to select, do a search using Google and another search using Bing, do three searches of three totally different topics, click the top three results in each search engine and pay close attention to what company is used to supply advertisements to the pages you landed on.
In the end you have looked at 27 pages of the 27 pages one advertising company should show up more than the rest. Usually you can tell what advertising company they use by looking around the border of the images, Some of Google’s ads you may have to wave your mouse over them to see who it is that is used for the affiliate program.
What ever Affiliate program you see the most of, use them.
I prefer to use Google Adwords for the people and companies I build websites for, simply because Adwords is owned and ran by Google. If you do a search in Google, typically the top three links in search results, will be paid results through Adwords. This gets the resulting website more attention than a site that is not listed in the top three.
You would not believe how many people do not know that.
Bing does the same thing, with the search results. but so far I have not found a way to advertise bing ads on my website. This of course reduces the number of websites available to display your ads. Just the opposite with other affiliate companies, most other affiliate companies do not have their own search engine. If they do, I have never heard of it.
If you have no idea how to find the sites related to the ads, typically you can click on the “Advertise here” link and that will take you into the account creation, and just select to not just advertise on that page. Customize your whole ad display yourself and you should be fine. With Google ads you can just go to that will take you to the account set up.
Now you can try the low budget advertising affiliates if you just do not have enough to spend. it would probably be in your best interest.. Kinda. Google’s fees are more than competitive and their system is pretty well worked out to prevent people from scamming the advertisers. Some of the other sites have pretty loose protection plans for the customers. Ever get a million pop ups? They have never been Google pop ups.
Facebook ads work great if you are selling nice looking sun glasses, or shoes or rims. After that, Facebook ads are worthless and cost way to much for very little results. People on Facebook are not looking for anything other than chatting with their friends. People in search engines, are looking for something. Although Facebook Contextual advertising, is a pretty close second to Google Contextual advertising. Now that is the best creation that Google ever had. Want to target customers? Make sure your ads are in relation to the content on the website they are at. So use your tags well.
There is a horrible downside to Facebook ads, is that there are far too many click farms that frequent Facebook who are there just to click ads of any product that is not the product their company is promoting. What this means is that every click on Facebook ads that you have displayed, costs you money. When enough clicks happen you run out of money and another ad takes it’s place. Eventually the product that the click bank is advertising becomes a more dominant ad. Facebook used to be a great place to market your product, but those days are long gone unless you have the money to buy the services of a click farm. Which most of us do not.
Here’s a video that somewhat covers how Facebook ads are worthless
Here is a definition of a click farm.
Here is an idea how the advertisers work.
Good luck.

T-Mobile Ripping me off again

As anyone who follows anything I write on the web knows, I am buying a house. So I am cutting my costs. One of the cuts is me dropping Unlimited text messaging and internet from my phone. I use T-Mobile. Here is the first bill I received that shows the changes. My bill used to be $95 a month. I am dropping my T-Mobile bill to $39 a month.

After I reduced my phone bill from $95 a month to $39 a month

This is now three times that T-mobile has ripped me off.
T-Mobile Cell Phone Billing These people sure do some shady business. They are worse than the banks and constant over draft fees and shady billing procedures
T-mobile and Me

It would be in my best interest to just drop Tmobile completely. They seem to be out to not just collect the money they bill me for, but what ever in the heck else they can tack on . It almost feels like they are saying ” oh it was an error, but it is saved so we can’t fix it” at least if they said that, I would know the guy on the other end of the phone line isn’t a jerk.

T-Mobile, you are in every sense of the phrase, Killing me. I have been simi Homeless for a while with just a phone and a car. I am about to move into a house and you are billing me with crazy mysterious fees.

Something has to be done about this billing method that T-mobile is doing to me. There has got to bbe other people out there getting the same weird charges to their T-mobile account.

So I called T-mobile. The lady explained to me that I was being charged for the days I used the actual add ons that I used. So I asked ” so my bill got even higher?” She stumbled and mumbled. Then she put me on hold. Now understand that last month I went over by 5 minutes. I have a time limit of 300 minutes, I never use but about 30-60 minutes. So I’m bothered by the 5 minutes over = 305 minutes. When I never use my phone at all. I tried to explain that both of those answers were unacceptable. and the lady responded with ” Well it makes sense if you don’t think about it” I instantly barbled in my head. My words tangled between frustration and laughter at the fact that she just did what they say AT&T does. She said it word for word.

So I asked to speak to someone else who can help me. she said ” Ok I will put you on hold”. Yeah after five minutes of silence I realized she hung up on me. Central time for the call 12:30 noon. march 04 2011. Well my lunch time was wasted.
The second phone call was another lady, I could hear the first lady in teh background coaching her as to what she thought was going on. I am fine with that. So I let that go. In fact it couldn’t hurt for the next lady to be informed somewhat, even if it was a bit off. So I explained my case as taht I am a person who uses less than 100 minutes a month, less than 1000 a year. So for her to say that I tacked up 402 minutes in one month, is clearly an error on their part. I explained that a girl I hadn’t talked to in a year was suddenly in my fave fives again, and that I had to remove her once again last month was a clear sign of an error on their part. The lady sounded like she was frustrated by this statement but trying to keep her cool. Very good. I just do not think she was grasping what I was saying because her comment was “I can assure you that (ex’s name) is not in your fave fives” The lady said ” Assure” like 20 times in less than a minute, about many items. So I had to Assure her that I understand that she is seeing this because I changed it, so the lady repeated it back to me as if she was slightly listening but working on a new response. So I requested she focus on the conversation, and that geeked her out. because I started saying ” I can assure you” after everything I said. She offered me 100 extra minutes to prevent it from happening next month, I told her that will not do, she can give 10000000 extra minutes a month, I am still only going to use 60.
Before the phone call ended I was told that the $45 extra will be taken off the bill. It’s been about 45 minutes and nothing has happened yet. Account still shows 139+ tax.

Rip Off websites say pretty much the same thing as I say. I don’t agree with all of the posts, but some of them are dead on with what I am seeing. Look here
So does T-mobile Suck? Well no, their signal is great and the phones real nice. does T-mobile packages suck? Yes and no. If you land a package that meets all of your needs it’s great, but don’t ever change your service, or that package will be gone for ever. They change the packages all of the time. It’s like a magic cup game they have or something.
Is T-mobile scam? Holding your credit for ransom? I kind of think so. It’s fishy how all three times I tried to reduce my bill, I got nailed with some huge fricken bill of mystery charges.

10 hours later, still nothing on my bill reflecting change still shows a high bill.

Calling customer service is billable call.
That whole automated answering taking forever to get to the next menu, yeah that is billable. So when you call just say “English” wait two seconds say “speak to a representative” and just say “billing”. It knocks off about 7 minutes of menu.

Now 24 hours later I see no reflection of change so I call T-Mobile
Man says he sees nothing that says there was an agreement to knock the $45 off my bill
after some investigating he sees that I shouldn’t be charged and tells me that I am being forwarded to Customer loyalty Department. I was on hold 31 minutes before I hang up to write this.
T-mobile clearly does not care about the customers . and the employees in the answering service, really act like they are some higher power. they are not customer service, they are the ones who just tell you ” pay your bill and shut up, we are never wrong!”.
Tmobile is ripping me off and they do not care.

Now I am calling back.

I was on hold all of about 3 minutes when Melissa picked up the phone. and she said ‘ Hey I see what’s wrong with your account, You guys never go over, I am going to credit your account, this should show within 24-48 hours,sorry for the inconvenience, enjoy your weekend”

Hands on Verizon Iphone

The Verizon Iphone has been released. and seeing that I am the only Android user in the office I am in, I am surround in Iphones and blackberries. Today I get my chance to have my hands on the Verizon Iphone. Signal looks very strong. The feel is no different from the AT&T Iphone 4. There used to be one person in the office that used Android phones other than myself, but she got hold of an Iphone (3rd or what ever…older than iphone 4) and Jailbroke it and hacked the crud out of it to use on the Tmobile network. I feel betrayed, wish she made a droid of it.

Verizon Iphone Picture

Signal is strong, feel is very new and kinda heavy, feels like money’s worth

Verizon Import Contacts APp

Outer casing $20 extra, probably worth way more than that, the phone looks easy to scratch, but I didn’t try and scratch my friend’s new toy.

Verizon Iphone

To start, it’s 3g.
to back up your contacts, get the app VZ contacts, it’s much easier than anything teh salesman tries to give you.

My friend was a month from upgrade but wanted the Iphone. Had been using same phone for 4 years, (some samsung or what ever ). asked to get upgrade was told he couldn’t at a discount. He told them that would be fine he will just go to AT&T across the street get the 4g Iphone and pay off his last month at Verizon and that he was not attached to that phone number.
After a bit of discussion “with the manager” the salesman “found a loop hole”. He got his Verizon Iphone for $199.
Verizon’s  Insurance from a regular phone to an Iphone changed from $4.99 to $10.99, Other fees are still the same. To his knowledge. Here is the at&T 4g

AT&T IPhone

The AT&T Iphone In the same building and this is the Iphone 4

Should be 4g but some reason says 3g, signal might be low? Can they jump networks like that? I know my blackberry on Tmobile would go edge and then go 3g,Depending on my location, nearest tower, and interference conditions. So I assume that’s is what’s going on here.

Jailbrok T-Mobile Iphone

The Tmobile Jailbroke Iphone while in the same building. All apps work Signal is fine

FYI, This Post created on my (outdated) G1 using The wordpress app fr Android.

Zinga barcode scanner 4.0.0

Wow. That is the first thought you get once you understand how to work the latest verson of zinga barcode scanner.
You can upload images of products, post prices (most people are type stupid fake low prices). Do reviews of products, read other reviews of products before you spend $$$ on it.
This android barcode scanner is dead on super fast. While other barcode scanners repeatedly try to read barcodes, this one reads them ultra fast.
You get to see in real time, current scans,updates and data entry. Their data base because of this latest update, has got to be the highest informed data base ever of all barcode scanners.
This is a must have android application for anyone who is shopping. Especially for those who are uncertain about a product they have to buy.

Seems a lot of people are scanning lotion…..
Uses very little battery.
Posted via Android. Dont mind the typos. I’ll fix them later.

Why I Hate Youtube

Everyone wants to be “Ask a Ninja”

This man did it before anyone. and still does it.

But what brought me to this “Why I Hate YouTube” post.
Stupid Video
YouTube is full of idiots just like that. What do I mean by that? He is some clown who sees what is popular on YouTube, so he uses what ever program he has to download someone else’s video from YouTube, cut the crap out of the video and turn a 5 minute video into a small 3 second segment of the actual footage. But he “talks” okay, he actually screams into the camera giving some stupid description of the video, then he plugs some other “viral video” from YouTube, maybe one that was popular last month or what ever just so “you know that he can relate”. Then the clown turns around and uses the same tags from the original video and adds more to the tags field to insure top rank, and then he titles the video similar to the original but tweaked a bit to ensure more clicks.
Another Stupid Video
Same with this guy.
Sorry dude but your video starts out saying “Viral Video” right away, I don’t like you and I hate your scream thing you have going on in your video.
I don’t actually hate YouTube, I hate the fact they allow this to happen. They are doing it for the google ads. More power to you on collecting for your original work.. oh wait.. it’s not original. and it’s totally gaming Adsense and gaming Google’s search algorithm.
It’s the funding of these dill holes that is killing the income of the writers and news collectors and site owners and site designers who have original content that use the adsense market. It seems ever since they added the adsense feature to YouTube, the quality of YouTube videos has turned into regurgitated current news, while the pay and share of adsense has diminished.

Do we have enough Justin Beiber on YouTube?
hate,like,bash Justin bieber just to get a thumbs up? bug off with that.

Do a high pitched voice and act like your gender is unidentifiable? bug off with that.
Every single video on YouTube seems like some guy or girl commenting on a popular topic, they say one sentence with the camera back a bit, then they comment on their comment while making a wise crack about the comment, with the camera zoomed in, then they go back to camera one and say one sentence, one fricking sentence and then bam….. back to the zoomed in commenting on the last sentence.. What the heck ? !!!!! Do they all have to be like that? I mean, video after video after video, each one is the exact same format. STOP THAT, JUST STOP THAT!
Could you imagine if Friends used the same dull theme that Seinfeld used, or if Casper was like Popeye. Imagine if the whole world had no variety.

Please, if you are going to do something original, please use original content, and please try and add a taste of originality to your format.

Here is another dude regurgitating news.

Dating Sites Review

There have seen many dating sites come and then go. Lots of these dating sites use some dirty methods to keep you interested. Like fake messages of someone is looking for you, or that there are great matches in your email. Don’t even try and remove yourself from the email, list.

But I found one good dating site. A real dating site that lets you actually meet people.

After the millions of Dating sites I have stopped in and got confused by (okay maybe like ten and they all seemed the same….spammy).
Being single again, I find it a great time to wander over and get me a good review out of the top two dating sites. That’s right, Plenty of Fish and Tagged.
After 1 week of Learning the systems of tagged and p.o.f., I feel I can make a fair judgment of the two sites.
Plenty of Fish
Is 100% free for everything you need to meet someone. There are added features when you pay.
Plenty of Fish loads very fast.
There is a “Meet Me” section, much like “hot or not’. You get to hit yes, no, maybe on the meet me page. Really a great option to add the maybe. because I do not know if maybe when you hit no, does that person never show up again? Hit maybe just in case you have to lower your standards or it turns out that’s the best this place has to offer, or just one picture of 20 that is bad.
if you click on yes for “meet me” That person gets a notice that you want to meet them.They then get to respond and tell you “okay” or “um sorry but I met someone already”.

With in 4 days, my Message email was full. Full of messages from real women in my area. Educated women from my area. To me this is very promising.

Very similar to Plenty of Fish, you get the “meet me” option, but you don’t get the “maybe” button. it’s a yes or no options only, kind of thing. I am not certain about other cities, but here in Houston, there are tons of No. Like 8-12 no, to 1 yes. Lots of spam. Lots of really trashy women on Tagged (Houston).
Tagged forces you to get pay a monthly fee to see who appreciates that you like them and want to know you back.
There have been a few accounts where I got messages saying that someone responded to me wanting to meet them, but i was directed to sign up for VIP. So I went back through the people I wanted to meet. They were no where in the list. So tagged has set a bad impression to me.
I have been propositioned by what I think is a prostitute on Tagged. Um… no thanks.

All of the matches I recieved from tagged where in other states.

With in 4 days, my messages were full, of spam and messages that made Zero sense. Look people, do not add anything from that site to your yahoo messenger. It would be in your best interest to not even start that problem.

I found nothing interesting in The site isn’t even a dating site much. Tagged is more of a video game farm and bombardment of fake love matching spam.

Of the two sites. I have to give the high score to plenty of fish.
It won’t hurt you to try both and your results may come out different from mine. but don’t get your hopes up on that.
Plenty of Fish seems to be a better class of people. People who can actually type a legible message to you. I have yet to get spam from P.O.F.
So in the End. Plenty of Fish is winner, hands down.

Google Christmas Home Page

I don’t get it.
I have not searched to locate an explanation.
because , well Google’s home page for Christmas time, is stupid.
I can assume it somehow covers a few of the holy day celebrations.
Or something, but if it just strangely spells “Google” I just do not see that.

google home page screenshot

Does anyone have a logical answer as to what the heck the Google home page picture mess means ? the image that is up through the season of 2010, christmas.