Free Online Virus Scan

Bit Defender. Supposed to be the fastest scanner. I have no idea how accurate this can be. and I think this one only works in internet explorer.

EmsiSoft’s Asquared online Virus scanner.

Free online Virus and Malware scan. Feel free to use this, bookmark the page share with your friends, on what ever Social site you use. This virus scanner is the strongest Virus scanner I know that is totally free. Removes all virus and trojans and worm parts from your computer for complete internet safety and security. Well, at least no current virus will be active on your computer after a scan. This virus scanner group is fast at updating and many virus scan companies contribute to their research, and back the other way.
This will remove all known trojans and malware from your computer even suspicious cookies.
I am happy to have EmsiSoft’s Asquared on my website.

Facebook Virus FARM

The Real Post about the Face Book Spider Bite scam video

The Virus is called “Koobface”
These are the koobface facebook virus files you need to kill
fbtre6.exe , mstre6.exe
These are the registry entries you have to remove from registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run\”systray” = “c:\windows\mstre6.exe”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run\”systray” = “C:\Windows\fbtre6.exe”

People.. Please. The same stupid virus that has been getting you people since back in the first days of Myspace, is now getting you guys again on Facebook. The virus says ” Wow I can’t believe I can really see who looks at my profile” maybe an exclamation point or two.

How to fix the Facebook virus issue.

Please start with running a virus scan. Any of a good selection of virus scanners will do. If one virus scanner does not find the Facebook virus, try another. There are many listed on that page.
If you can access another computer, please change your Facebook password from another computer while the scanning goes on.
and delete any posts that link to the virus. GO TO YOUR PROFILE TO SEE ALL THE POSTS YOU MADE. You have to delete them to do your part in containing the issue.

I have been fighting the whole facebook hack junk since the end of 2010

Please people, you have to look at the links, look at the Facebook Status posts before you just go wildly clicking.


So in this order: scan your computer for a virus, change your password, delete bad posts. done.

How did you get hacked so fast?
You clicked the link, it used some of the Facebook authentication certificate and fooled your computer into trusting it, it gave up your password that you have saved (to make it easier to log in next time). BAM.
The bad ones are from you downloading something that was titled funny so you just had to see what it was.

Also if you are not into the free software that I link on the next page… Look to the right, there are legit ads from Google. Any of them will do. Google only recommends the good stuff. I can assure you that your virus will be removed using Norton or Macafee or any of the big name paid real virus scanners.

Please hit the share button below for your friends on facebook.

Charlie Sheen Facebook Virus

There is a facebook virus going around. You click the link your account gets stolen your computer gets a virus. The link is titled “RIP Charlie Sheen Found Dead at his House!

The link claims to have video footage of Charlie Sheen Dead.

Well Charlie Sheen is not dead. Charlie Sheen seems to have called quits to his Ustream rants in his last post on Ustream two days ago.

So there is no footage of Charlie Sheen dead. It is fake. If you have been clicking the links you may want to run a few virus scanners. I have a list of many good Free Virus Scanners that usually will do the trick for you.

Charlie Sheen is Not Dead!

Good luck happy facebookn.

Mac or Linux Or Windows?

Mac or Linux Or Windows?

Which one do you think is better? Which one do you think is safer?
[poll id=”5″]
The question that comes up more than Star Trek or Star Wars, “Which is better Mac Windows or Linux?”. The question that people really want answered now is which one is less likely to get a virus. Mac would like you to believe they are completely and entirely 100% virus proof. That is not even close to the truth. Mac has less people writing a virus for it simply because there aren’t enough users on that system. it’s like spending 200 hours creating a pill that makes people with smiley face looking freckle patch beneath their left pinky nail, have a bad day. why would you do that? Unless you were attacking that one specific person. o a $1000000 Car modification that lets people with a smiley face patch of freckles below their left pinky nail, get good gas mileage. Why would you? no one to use it. Same thing goes for Linux. but imagine that one of the eyes on the smiley face are winking.
On that same note, if there are less people to infect on an operating system, then there are less people to write software for to market them. So lots of software that is available for windows. might not be available for Linux or mac, (under the same license). Linux of course is full hobbyist programmers working more and more to add more software for Linux and make it more useful. So for just about every single piece of software out there for Windows or Mac, Count on the Linux community creating something that is very similar and just as effective, for free.


Software is written to match the operating system
operating system is written to match the hardware.
hardware is written to match the software need
All software can be downloaded now like aps for a cell phone
Looks really nice.
The available software works very well and crashes less.
Mac specific repair, so you know your mac computer will be fixed right.

You can install the operating system on any computer you build
Every electronics store has multiple times more software in stock that works with windows.
Most hardware you buy, is windows ready when upgrading.
Very Customizable.
Large selection of computer repair specialists that are prepared to help you. So you can price shop for help.

You can install Linux on any computer you build, even outdated ones.
There is a unique version of Linux for every need.
You can even install Linux to a thumb drive and use it on any computer without effecting that computer’s current settings.
More developers for Linux than for any other operating system.
Linux is Free (most distributions) you just download it.
Millions of programs and software available, and different variations
influences all other operating systems while being influenced by other operating systems.


You have less ability to customize.
Upgrading your computer could lead to issues since every piece of software is written specific for the hardware.
Not a whole lot of software
The creator of the phrase “Sad Mac”
Only mac employees can help you fix your computer.

The creator of the phrase “blue screen of death”.
Every time you upgrade, you have to buy new stuff.
Patches like crazy bloat Windows down and makes it slower.
So many different malware written for Windows
They invented the phrase Malware.

Huge learning curve for people who are used to one of the other operating systems.
Nearly no repair companies want to touch your computer, not even your internet provider.
You have to install the operating system and all addons yourself, almost no computers come preset-up.
Maybe to large of a variety of software and programs, can be overwhelming to figure what one is best for you.
Though more and more hardware companies are compatible with Linux these days, just not near enough.

Online Malware Scans

If you are like me and do not like bloating your computer with virus scanners and anti virus programs that run the whole time your computer is on. Then you at least need to scan every now and again to make sure you do not have a computer virus or some sort of spy ware. Most people just call it malware.So for you , the better bet is to use an online scanner to help locate and remove the virus or spyware you may obtain in a regular day’s computer use.
See I have a funny little phrase that describes the usage of a search engine. It’s like playing mine sweeper, Some times you get a nice good run, sometimes you get nailed left and right. BOOM. ” You may be infected” I hate that dang fake virus scanner. So it’s all about CTRL ALT DELETE and pray your web browser does not re-open the same dang page again.
So in my years of computer repair and internet fun I have found a few sites that do not charge you to use their online virus scanner. and they are not a trap or have any special usage clause. Also sometimes your installed virus scanner gets a virus that attaches it’s self to the virus scanner, so now you can’t remove the virus because the virus scanner is not self destructive. (would help if they had a self back up and repaired such issues on reboot).
I now share these with the readers of the TruXtertech.Com Site.
Here is a list of Online Virus scanners that work. For Free
A-Squared online Scanner a very good scanner that seems to be the strongest I know of . I also use the Emergency kit, I keep that malware scanner on a thumb drive.

BitDefender The longest running online malware scanner I know of. This malware scanner has removed a virus from every single computer I have ever used/repaired. Bitdefender also sells a copy of their virus scanner from their site. But it runs like all antivirus programs. Constantly.

Eset Online Virus Scanner. Menu to select the type of scan and actions you would like it to take.

Panda– online scanner

CA– Formerly InnoculateIT formerly Etrust now just CA. I love their virus scanner and performance tools. but again they are constant so I use the online scanner and that’s plenty for me. Their virus scanner is worth a buy though. So if you know someone who needs protection and they aren’t as OCD as me when it comes to keeping the pc fast, do it, get them CA for their birthday or Christmas or just for the heck of it.

Single file Virus Scanners. For scanning something you just downloaded to make sure it doesn’t have a Trojan in it or any other type of malware.

Virus Chief – Uses a few other online single file virus scanners, so you get a large number of virus scanners at one time.
Virus Total – same as above, mostly the same virus scanners.

Jotti– this one is the one that has been around the longest. The guy used to list the “latest in the wild” which would show what cooties have recently been caught, It was fun to watch that page. I guess he got sick of the wasted bandwidth because of people refreshing the page constantly. – online single file virus scanner. Scans with like 30 virus scanners at once like the others. Takes a bit longer but it gets confirmed by 30 scanners that you do or do not have a virus in your hands.

Try the list, go through it and scan for a virus see what you get. you may, you may not have malware.

I did a virus scanner comparison using a well known virus and all of these scanners listed. come see how they scored. My test was just to see what virus scanners couldn’t detect it. From that point on, I consider those virus scanners that did not detect the virus, garbage and useless.

A-Squared Free Is Gone

Many of us knew of Asquared free. The software that got Emsisoft noticed in Google. It was the best malware scanner out there. Well Emsi found it in their best interest to remove their malware scanner and merge it’s code with their virus scanner. I have no idea how long the virus scanner will be free. I do know the virus scanner / Anti virus was trial for as long as I can remember the company site.

There is another way to still get A-squared free, is by downloading the “emergency kit“. and just run it as a stand alone. The Emergency kit was created for usb use. That I.T. guys can float around the office without having to download and install the software on every single infested computer. Also prevent a virus (during the active infection) from directly attaching it’s self to the malware scanner and crippling it.
I was downloading asquared updates yesterday july 26th 2010 during the day at work. When I got home, it was off the site. I tried to update my home pc but was prompted with a notice of the change and would have to uninstall and that a-squared would no longer scan for me.

By now you understand I got an infection while at work and got spooked by it by the time I got home right? Well I am running the emergency kit. So far found 4 viruses that Norton didn’t find, malware bytes didn’t find and that S&D didn’t find. In fact they all showed I was clean. Even though I got the fake virus scanner prompt on this antiquated operating system (XP).

Best Free Virus Protection

Internet safety is an issue that has been nagging at us users for many years. The cold hard facts is that we all need it. some people rest assured in the thought that Microsoft will be releasing a free virus scanner or virus protection of sort really soon. Cold truth is, you had that with vista and tyou learned how to dissable it and complained about it. That pop up that kept asking you if you are sure you want to install something, well expect it to come back for windows 7 and xp and vista, just a better skin. It will not be perfect, otherwise the operating system would be impenetrable. Simply because um… the software is made by the people who made the operating system. Hackers and scammers will be breaking it within  minutes of it’s release.

So for the time being Microsoft’s protection thingy is released, let’s fix ourselves up for cheap. Better than cheap, let’s do this for free.


Ok start with, DO NOT OPEN EMAIL ATTACHMENTS FROM STRANGERS! Never click a link in your email from your bank. because it’s never your bank, and just to be on the safe side when the email looks serious, close your browser, re-open your browser and type in your banks link manually.

Go to this website mvp’s hosts file Read what is being said there, read it well. Halfway down the page you will see

MVP's Gif

MVP's Gif

There will be a link near it to download a zip file. do it, download the file and copy all of the content onto your desktop. double click the file on your desktop named “mvps” , read what it says, hit your spacebar or any button you wish other than escape (not sure what escape would do) and you are done. you have now blocked your computer from connecting to known  advertisement websites. Many of those advertisement websites  also have foul software called “malware” . Malware includes virus, trojans, worms, adware, spyware and manhy things the like. So if you get a virus and it tries to push a bunch of pop ups on you, you will not get them. you will just get windows that pop up but saying you can not connect to the server. Some times those popups will install more malware on you so it’s great that you limit it.

Ok now that we are in this much of a safe zone, you must know that you are still vulnerable. You can still download a virus and have it install on your computer and compromise your computer. So as a cool little trick; next time you download something from a website go to these three sites and have it scanned for malware. – This scanner allows you to scan with currently 37 different virus scanners. look at the botto n of the screen and see what the latest scan results show, you can see that some virus scanners will find stuff while others will not., refresh that page and see new results.

Virus total .com Same as the one above, some scanners not the same, so more results possibilities.

Jotti’s Malware scanner, I think is the original. this site used to allow you to see real time results from all scanners. not so much anymore.

If you chose not to install a virus scanner, I suggest you  at least run an online virus scanner once every weak or two. at the least, check twice a month, because you never remember the last time you entered credit card information. so start with these 3  free online virus scanners.

CA Internet Security Online virus scanner. The actual Software reminds me of an old virus scanner from the 90s called innoculateIT.

F Secure Online Scanner Online virus scanner

Bit Defender Online Scanner This one is slow on an infected machine, but it sure gets some results. For years i have used this one, even while using a paid virus scanner, it works very well. if you are on vista or windows seven, right click your Internet explorer icon and select “run as administrator”.

I would suggest Symantec/Norton or Macafee, but last time I checked they both find stuff but will not remove it, then when you buy the software and scan again, it finds nothing. Or at least that is the results I got the past five times I fell for it. Maybe it’s a coincidence, yeah, probably is.

if you want to install a free  virus scanner

Here is a list of the ones to try for free that by the majority of tech guys on the net, have been voted best free online scanners

PCWorld Post on free virus scanners i really can’t believe Avast and Avg are in that list….

I myself chose to install A-squared and set it for all protection modes. It does not run but a tiny process, never gives you a notice, but you can scan with it. and well I do that on a regular basis. Twice a week before bed. or just before I type any personal information into a website. To make sure there are no current cooties.

What to do if you feel you are infected.

shut your computer off and disconnect it from the internet. go to another computer if available. If none are available, or you have no portable thumb drive/ jump drive so you can sneaker mail software to your machine, then you have to do this from the infected machine, just disconect the internet each time you start one of these processes I tell you.

Here is the Download  list (include all of the downloadable software listed above)

Malwarebytes a free scanner that works well. Kind of specific needs though.. it really works.

A-Squared Hijack Free not a scanner but a process killer. kinda like HJT

If your scans show Vitumund or smitfraud or vundu use these two carefully smitfraudfix Also follow these instructions for smitfraudfix usage. Now get VunduFix. safe mode for best results on either program.

To get to safe mode: reboot computer and repeatedly tap the F8 button before the windows  logo and splash screen. Make boot selection and log in. Now run the programs.

If your computer only takes you to Google English try this post by…. well yours truly :-)

Keep them from hunting you out

firewall, best firewall is an internet router, go to the electronics store and get one. or go to amazone or or go to  just do something wise.

Hopefully I helped protect your computer or atleast increased your internet security and savvy.

Working On “Her” Computer

Well it seems the lady has come into a few cooties.

She has an xps m1210 laptop.

Since neither of us know just how long the stuff has been on her machine or where or how they all got there, I believe it would be in her best interest if we just back up everything that is important and whip out the reinstall discs. Easy? lol. Newp. No chance. Seems back when she got the computer she lived elsewhere with someone else and obtaining the drivers discs and o/s and all teh bundled software discs had to include a spy. Her little sister had to sneak the border and play friendlies… Now she snuck out with the baggy thing that all the discs are in which of course no one there claims to have seen. We have done some searches and find that one disc on the bag, is not for this laptop that we are about to work on. Ok. Now we have all the discs.

The hard part is deciding what to do after we install everything and well, does the sister go back and act like nothing happened? ( I mean this is a close as family issue, I am not in the family so I have to step back) I am thinking of burning the discs as a back up and bundling some jacked up progs with it.. but will they hate me for it?

well whatever

Ok So now the back up is not going so well. I have been to virustotal , and jotti’s a million times and man, I keep finding malware in everything she wants to backup. I am half tempted to just format and cross my fingers and lie like a dog. I am getting sick of each time they find stuff in the files I end up having to delete them anyway because they are beyond repair. Meanwhile I have a million more files to scan…one by one….. It’s hardly worth it. Then again she is fricken hot and I know what I am doing.
Well I also looked around and saw that ubuntu installs pretty good on this particular model. If I can assure her that open office is just as good as microsoft office/works then I got it made! I wouldn’t have to delete anything!
Tell you what, I will do something with this pretty machine and post it here later ;)

to be continued…….

How Can I Use A Hosts File To My Advantage?

[tags]ip adress,malware,virus,trojan,security,computer,hack,intrusion,backdoor,safety,privacy,protection,prevention[/tags]

A hosts file is a file located in the ETC folder of almost every operating system (with some exceptions). The hosts file is a file that is scanned at the first accesses of a network. Be it a program that you expect to go to the internet or not. Your computer will first try and resolve the dns with the host. It does this by checking the hosts file.

In your hosts file, you can tell your computer what IP address to assign web addresses. By doing this, you bypass all network look ups on the internet for specific addresses. It is impossible to knock out every single website there is. You can how ever knock out all sites submitted, reported, and confirmed as malware sites.

You can also stop your kid from hitting sites you do not want her/him going to. The way it works is you move to the lowest section in the hosts file and type in the IP address you would like that website to go to. Like this:

This blocks that site from ever loading on your computer.

If you have a program that goes to “” by default, the program will not be able to update. This can be used to your advantage if the site that the program is trying to connect to is a virus site, and the program is a virus, trojan or a malware notification type program (like a spider). We call them adware and spyware these days, the program will not be able to contact it’s owner, this hides you from the owner and increases your security. Some malware updates itself by connecting to its owner’s location, unless it is specificly assigned an IP address to connect to. That, of course, would be a mistake on the writer’s part. Much easier to locate that way, and you could actually block that IP address if you took the time.

I use mvps host because he has a much larger list than I do. I just add my stuff to his when i download it and set up my hosts file. If you have a list of bad sites, do what I and a few others do, email it to mvps site. I do suggest that you read everything on the wiki and mvps site before you do anything to change your hosts. Really, if you block yourself from the interenet (god only knows how that could ever happen) you just clear out all IP addresses and domain names in the list and you are back to the way it was.

If you have any questions related to this topic feel free to ask them.


Owner and writer of : and