Google Adsense Goes Social

Google adsense will be rolling out new features. They will be adding a +1 for adsense for content Here is a letter from the adsense team.


In the next month, we’ll introduce the +1 button and personal recommendations to display ads. The +1 button will begin to appear on AdSense for Content and AdSense for Mobile Content display ad formats — image, animated gif, and Flash. +1s will be one additional signal to help determine an ad’s relevance and we’ll continue to show the ads that will generate the most revenue for you.

We previously launched the +1 button on Google search and for publisher sites to make it easier for people to share and discover content across the web. Soon, your users will be able to endorse specific ads and make the ads more likely to appear to their social connections. We believe that these recommendations could help your readers notice ads on your site more, leading to higher returns for you over time.

If you prefer not to show the +1 buttons on display ads on your pages, you can opt out in your account. For more information please visit the Inside AdSense blog.


The Google AdSense team

Will this be in the ads? will this be in the menu area? are they incorporating the affiliate network to the adsense? (I kind of hope so) . If not will they be adding the +1 button to the affiliate network so we the site owners have an easier selection of ads?
Will the adsense team knock penalties to content owners who +1 their own products?
Not much to tell from that one email but are great things to consider.
Great idea to a point then it falls short when you realize how people can be.
I hope it goes well.

Google Plus is Open to the public

Google Plus is Open To Public

Google Plus is Open To Public

After 20 Email Invites to Google Plus, it still says i have 150 G+ invites available, so, that pretty well means it’s wide open. Right?
Anyone who has been wondering what Google Plus was about, can go now and log in. Or create an account if you do not already have some sort of Google account.
G+ Seems like Facebook to me but with a a Google skin and Google twist.
Already Google+ has games on it. so….. we can already anticipate the zillion and one game invites and notices and updates for the first year.

Google home page has this annoying arrow on it that shows you the Google plus is active. I hope it stops soon.

google Plus Arrow

google Plus Arrow

Google+ seems to be a lot better than Facebook, Considering Facebook can’t keep your friends timeline straight wit hthe way everyone needs it. Facebook is doing this popularity thing. This means any post on Facebook that would be in your timeline that has lots of people liking or posting to it, then it is at the top of the list. Which leads to a potential for a lot of good posts going by being totally unseen. But then again, Google+ kind of does that also. but at least Google+ isn’t Facebook. I was getting to where I was considering going back to Myspace. I wonder what all of the tv shows and channels are going to do now that they have to add Google+ to their list of websites to talk about so they sound hip. Like Newsfix, they will be jumping on that bandwagon once they see people on their facebook account talk good about Google+. Hopefully Google plus is a bit less snobby.

Again there is very little “Social” to the current networks so just stumbling into someone you can strike up a conversation, is pretty much like we have been seeing . Can we get a chat and a forum added to this???
Sorry but my Google+ buttons on my site still need a bit of development so the links come out raw on Google+ showing an adverts image instead of the site’s image, but that should fix in time.

On a rating I have to give Google+

minus two only because not many people there yest and development is kind of a mimic of what is already existing in other platforms. only less advert focused right now.

Google Buys Motorolla Mobility 12.5B

Google is purchasing Mototolla Mobility for $12.5 b
That’s right. Google is buying a cell phone company.
Now maybe Google can deliver what they hinted we would get with android, to begin with.
Anyone remember the hint that if Google sold you a phone for dirt cheap, they could bundle it with ads?
I mean imagine buying a brand new phone for $5 or something cheap, and paying a monthly fee of $5-$10 as long as you get video ads and text ads and picture ads sent to your phone on a regular basis. GPS always on and you getting local discounts and deals.
Does this mean that Android phone will become a bit more reliable? does this mean that some some Android phone willl have better o/s implementation and optimization? Or is that against the law?
Let’s see if Google delivers.
News Source for the purchase

Bad Ads

Deceptive ads in Google

Deceptive ads in Google

Looks like Google allowed a bad advertisement on their system.
I can’t believe the ads got past Google like that.
I warn you that typically when you see that on a website, you just got bit. It does not mean that you actually have anything on your computer that is mal . it does kind of just pose as an ad. but it does not have a question mark, it has an exclamation mark and that is what I am calling inappropriate.
So I label that ad as deceptive.

Real Side of Google Adsense

As of right now. What i am seeing this year with Google Adsense in statistics (based entirely on my websites) for page view to click through ratio, is 1/355. This is actually good. Considering that my websites are for people on a budget or people trying to increase their income, those are pretty high, no matter what place advertising affiliate you use. Face it, people on a budget aren’t looking for ways to spend money, and well, most advertisements on the internet are people selling stuff.
These past few months have been very kind to on Google Adsense. I have not seen anything close to this since 2007-2009.

I see other statistics that show 1/200 and some that say even better. That would be some heavy content with lots of talk about a specific product, to make Google match the content that dang close, so that the readers would be that dang interested in the ads..

but for about three years I barely even saw 50 clicks total. This was scary. and now I have to suspect it has to do with the economy. I event created a job site about employment site and motivation to help people stay at their job with a job search specific Google search on that site on the first page. you know what gets the most hits there? People searching for tricks to make unemployment keep paying. if they only knew how detailed that searcher was and how great the results were they would know they could find the amount of job apps in their local area they need to fill out to keep unemployment happy. But what ever. My point is, people are searching for free money. Not to spend it.  This was clearly an economic issue.

Those days are over. Google seems to be doing very well with their latest update to their servers. I am seeing way more readers than before. Almost triple the count I saw in 07 per month. 07 was my best year. FYI.

So if you are thinking of using some other affiliate, I can assure you they do not have near as good of an advertisement systems as Google Adsense. Unless you get a direct advertiser on your website that pays you a set amount for the space you give them, no advertising company out there can compare to Adsense. and yes I have had my rants in the past, but the new Google tweaks are direct and spot on on.

If you are trying to decide whether or not to use Google Adwords to advertise your products, I suggest you try it for a short time and see what kind of traffic you get. I promise they will post you on the correct websites. Their nearest affiliate competitor will just slap you on any old website talking about any old thing. If you sell computers on your website, you do not want to be coming up on websites about coffee tables. Adwords will work wonders for your products. You will get correct traffic.

One thing that gets to me is the way that your ad value goes down as you get more clicks on one specific spot on one specific page. You would actually think that spot would gain value because the spot is marketed well by the page’s content. Seems that is not the case. I mean if the spot talks chili all the time, and people click the ads for the chili recipe, then the cost for that spot should go up. Right? but it does not. You would suspect that multiple companies selling the same product would be climbing over the top of each other to be placed on that spot. Especially if that spot draws traffic for that content. I mean why would you want to have your chilli advertised anywhere other than a spot that gets people saying “oh look at that, they sell chilli!” but,For some reason that spot’s value goes down, the more the clicks it receives. That’s a bit gloomy to learn.

Good luck and happy websiting.


Google Video Finally Shutting Down

Dear Google Video User,


Later this month, hosted video content on Google Video will no longer be available for playback. Google Video stopped taking uploads in May 2009 and now we’re removing the remaining hosted content. We’ve always maintained that the strength of Google Video is its ability to let people search videos from across the web, regardless of where those videos are hosted. And this move will enable us to focus on developing these technologies further to the benefit of searchers worldwide.


On April 29, 2011, videos that have been uploaded to Google Video will no longer be available for playback. We’ve added a Download button to the video status page, so you can download any video content you want to save. If you don’t want to download your content, you don’t need to do anything. (The Download feature will be disabled after May 13, 2011.)


We encourage you to move to your content to YouTube if you haven’t done so already. YouTube offers many video hosting options including the ability to share your videos privately or in an unlisted manner. To learn more go here.


Here’s how to download your videos:

  1. Go to the Video Status page.
  2. To download a video to your computer, click the Download Video link located on the right side of each of your videos in the Actions column.


Once a video has been downloaded, “Already Downloaded” will appear next to the Download Video link.

If you have many videos on Google Video, you may need to use the paging controls located on the bottom right of the page to access them all.


Please note: This download option will be available through May 13, 2011.


Thank you for being a Google Video user.



The Google Video Team


© 2011 Google | 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043


Google is a trademark of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.


You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to Google Video and your Google Video account.

Search Engine Indexing

First get some good SEO Tools and a good webhost  powweb if you haven’t already got unlimited domain storage and low yearly fees.
If you can not find your website in search engines (Google, Bing), then your website is not indexed. Or your search term that you think your website is about, is not what The search engines have you indexed as. You need to optimize your website. Optimization is not just about making your website fast. Optimization is about using all optimal components of your websites design, to bring you traffic, and make return traffic to your website. Return traffic to your website means your site has been designed well, looks good and your content is exactly what the person was looking for. This is proper optimization.
So, how do you get your website listed in search engines like Google and Bing?
It’s not complicated to get your website indexed, and you don’t have to buy some software.
We have all seen Google just did it’s huge update to the way it indexes websites. And we see page rank coming back. This is a great deal. We also see relevance to what you are searching for and it’s closest proximity to the location of your ip address. We also see that Google has given us a real time display of results as you type your search into the search field. This fast work on Google’s part. The results are accurate to the existing text and the results change as you type more and refine your search to a more detailed inquiry.
How do you make this work for you?
You have to know how Search engines see your website.
You have to stay with in the guidelines of all search engines. And yes this can seem like a crazy format for writing content to your website, but you have to do it.
Think of your content. What is your article about? Write that word down on a peice of paper , label that piece of paper “keywords”. Try and think of everything that goes with that first main keyword. Like if you are selling locks, your keyword there is locks. What goes great with locks? Maybe a door??? and so on. till you have 15-30 keywords.
Write good legible logical content using the keywords you selected. It does not hurt to say the keywords a couple times. Especially the main keyword. because well it’s all about locks. but do not over do it. Try and set yourself at about 5 times per keyword. This will keep you from filling your page with that one word, and it makes your written content bearable to read by the customer. If Search engines do not like your content, humans surely will not.
Meta tags. You have to use meta tags to tell the search engines what your keywords are.
They look like this .

<META NAME=”KEYWORDS” CONTENT=”keywords,here,use,commas”>

Put your keywords in there and order them by level of importance. Main keyword up front far left. Or you can do them by order of appearance. I do this and it works great for me.

It takes a week or so for Google to find you by the keywords you chose. Your site will be sorted by these keywords, once it is verified as being relevant to your content.

Once your site gets traffic via searches, and said traffic that hits your site, stays with in your site (because your content is actually interesting, relevant to the search, etc.), before returning to searching for the same topic, or the search stops there, Google will then index your website as being relevant to the searches you created your keywords for. Your website will then have one page indexed for it’s content.

You must optimize every single page of your website. When doing that, you must make every page of your website of a value to your company. You must make the  keywords for each page of your website relevant to each page alone. Once you have multiple pages that Google indexes as relevant to specific topics, and that each topic is associated to the website in a whole, you will then begin to gain page rank. Once you gain Google rank you will then be considered before websites that do not have rank as being informative for searches related to your website.

Do not just create pages on your website, just to have pages. If you are trying to sell a product, you want every page of your website to be an informative ad for one of your products.
Do not make an integrity page. If you want to sell people on how you “stand by your product” or “push forward and make the customer #1 priority”, go start a Facebook page. You are selling a product and if someone lands on that page and no where in that page is anything they are looking for, they will be very upset and will avoid your website next time, because it is a bummer to read everything about how you have honor but never mention how much memory the product holds, dimensions, amount of glow, how many miles per gallon it consumes. It is ok to mention your Honor somewhere in the product description. but not necessary. They are looking for the product.
Do not focus your website in flash. As nifty as you think flash is. Flash is slower to load, Flash is hard to read by Google. Flash is ok as decoration and attention sparkle. But completely useless when getting indexed in Google.
Do not play music on your website. Not everyone likes that song.
Do not over submit your website. if you submit your website more than one time to Google, you will be red flagged as spam. If your website suddenly shows up linked from 1000 websites in less than week, you may draw a bit to much attention to your website. You will get looked at and looked over with a fine comb. If every website that links to you shows the exact same text repeatedly, you will be considered spam and you will have wasted time. Lots of time.
Do not just target your most expensive product. Target your most popular product more than anything. You want to dominate in that product. You know what they are looking for when they find you, now make your site reflect that.

If you feel you must use an SEO company.
To thoroughly get your money worth of your Search Engine Optimization company you chose, Be very descriptive of your company. Make sure the search engine optimization company has deep details of your products. Give them the cut sheets and HOWTO manuals of your products. How the products are used and how they are associated to other products. You can not just call someone and say ” I need my website found in Google and just do not feel like doing all of the work”. Remember, this person works on websites. They know nothing of your product and it will take lots of study for them to build your website as knowledgeable of your product as you are. So it would be in your best interest to have target products, target information and let them know your needs. Otherwise you are just asking a stranger to be your number one sales person. Without training.

Getting your website into search engines such as Google or Bing, is not very complicated. As long as you build your website without stupid cheesy tricks. You know what cheesy is and you know what is a stupid trick. You know that most of the junk you want to put on your website, a 5 year old can see through them. So don’t do it. Just be informative, build clean and be interesting.
PS, Sorry for the typos. I’m sure there are many. I did this with my cell phone.

Probably the best Web Browser Ever for Windows

For years I used Netscape 7.2 Suite and then seamonkey, meanwhile using Mozilla and then firefox. I tried later to use Google Chrome. It’s ok. Just not quite what I am looking for, though Google Chrome does have a great intelligence behind it. I just can’t get attached to using Google chrome. It’s good though.

But the one web browser I can not let go of, is called K-Meleon . K-Meleon used to be Linux only. but the new K-meleon for Windows is now built on the Mozilla Code. When you try and set up your email button, you are in for a cool simplified email set up. It’s fun. and easy.

Sorry I will not use explorer.

What is Google Sniper

First Clue to being on a fake review site, they won’t say Google Sniper without saying the name of the clown who concocted the garbage soon after. Second clue is the pop up when you leave.
What is Google Sniper? Is Google Sniper a Scam?
[poll id=”10″]
Google Sniper is what the owner of Google Sniper is trying to call the method of Google Bombing. Google Bombing is frowned upon, heavily upon by Google. So what Google Sniper is trying to teach you, will get you banned from Google.
All of the Websites you see talking good about Google Sniper, are selling you the Google Sniper product.Every website that talks positive about Google Sniper, Sells Google Sniper and has a pop up when you try and get out. If you do a search for Google Sniper Scam” all you find are the exact same pages as if you searched for Google sniper from it’s name. This guy actually buys websites so he can do fake reviews of his product and floods Google with fake search results. Google is not a brand new company. I mean you can’t even search for real opinions of Google sniper, good or bad, you just get the same results from the guy who created it. Most of the reviews are generated from a program. This program is what spammers use to make content. They write one review and hit the scramble button and it uses some weird thesaurus to create similar words and then reorganize the sentence. So you seeing 200 reviews, is actually 20 reviews scrambled and then repeatedly used.(maybe maybe not sure looks like it). I do see that he flooded Google results with “Google Sniper Scam’ Google Sniper Exposed Google Sniper review” to prevent people from seeing real posts about his stuff. How can you tell it’s him? That stupid pop up when you try and leave.. No one but adult websites and crooks use pop ups anymore. And no one uses that specific pop up except his team. Google knows very well how to handle this type of deception.
I would not recommend buying Google Sniper. George’s method will get you banned. He is constantly buying websites in the “pump and dump” method of using then to promote his “Teachings” so you buy his junk. The sites he is doing these reviews on, only cost him $7 and he doesn’t care what happens to them. You have your website that you have high hopes for. If your website gets done to it what his does, you will be devastated. Google Sniper will get you blacklisted from all search engines in less than two months of use.
Learn Real SEO. True Search Engine optimization is what Google wants you to do. It’s what works best with Google’s system.  If you will notice to the right, there are ads from Google. Those sites are what Google thinks is more relative to what you are looking for. Nowhere in that list do you see Google Sniper.Because Google Adsense would not accept such deceptive methods. So please do not get ripped off.
Nowhere do you see a legit website from the owner of Google sniper found in Google. You only find websites selling the product, but no actual product website is listed in Google.
If you type it redirects you to another website that isn’t even listed in Google at all. Yet that site has the exact same stupid annoying popup that all the other sites have. This further proves that Google Sniper uses foul tactics frowned upon by Google and other. If you just type in Google to see what’s results are, you see no link to the home page at all. You only see sub pages. Though deep linking is good. It does nothing good for you if you do not have your home page listed.
Search Engine optimization is all about making a clean website, with descriptive tagging , proper titles and no deceptive or no misleading measures. No annoying pop ups and no cheesy scams.

Stay away.

Use real Search Engine Optimization, Do not use the Google Sniper Garbage, there is no SEO involved in that at all.


I’m sorry if this seems punched out. I posted this with my G1 phone by taking notes. Came back to edit this and realized this scammer who makes Google sniper does not deserve so much attention form me. but if you get what I posted above, please respond below so the other readers can comprehend what the heck I was writing.
Here are two articles I created to to be an alternative to spending money on Google Sniper.
How to get Traffic to your website.
How to start an online store.

Google Sniper Review scores:
creativity – 3/10
function – 3/10
long run use – 1/10

end score 2/10

and spell-check keeps making me say “guttersnipe” instead of GoogleSniper. a bit fitting.

Selecting The Best Online Advertising

If you own your own company and have yourself a website that needs more traffic from more customers, then you might want to look into online advertising. With that you may also want to consider being on as many websites as possible, to draw traffic to your website to possibly look at your items for sell.
To best figure out what advertising affiliate to select, do a search using Google and another search using Bing, do three searches of three totally different topics, click the top three results in each search engine and pay close attention to what company is used to supply advertisements to the pages you landed on.
In the end you have looked at 27 pages of the 27 pages one advertising company should show up more than the rest. Usually you can tell what advertising company they use by looking around the border of the images, Some of Google’s ads you may have to wave your mouse over them to see who it is that is used for the affiliate program.
What ever Affiliate program you see the most of, use them.
I prefer to use Google Adwords for the people and companies I build websites for, simply because Adwords is owned and ran by Google. If you do a search in Google, typically the top three links in search results, will be paid results through Adwords. This gets the resulting website more attention than a site that is not listed in the top three.
You would not believe how many people do not know that.
Bing does the same thing, with the search results. but so far I have not found a way to advertise bing ads on my website. This of course reduces the number of websites available to display your ads. Just the opposite with other affiliate companies, most other affiliate companies do not have their own search engine. If they do, I have never heard of it.
If you have no idea how to find the sites related to the ads, typically you can click on the “Advertise here” link and that will take you into the account creation, and just select to not just advertise on that page. Customize your whole ad display yourself and you should be fine. With Google ads you can just go to that will take you to the account set up.
Now you can try the low budget advertising affiliates if you just do not have enough to spend. it would probably be in your best interest.. Kinda. Google’s fees are more than competitive and their system is pretty well worked out to prevent people from scamming the advertisers. Some of the other sites have pretty loose protection plans for the customers. Ever get a million pop ups? They have never been Google pop ups.
Facebook ads work great if you are selling nice looking sun glasses, or shoes or rims. After that, Facebook ads are worthless and cost way to much for very little results. People on Facebook are not looking for anything other than chatting with their friends. People in search engines, are looking for something. Although Facebook Contextual advertising, is a pretty close second to Google Contextual advertising. Now that is the best creation that Google ever had. Want to target customers? Make sure your ads are in relation to the content on the website they are at. So use your tags well.
There is a horrible downside to Facebook ads, is that there are far too many click farms that frequent Facebook who are there just to click ads of any product that is not the product their company is promoting. What this means is that every click on Facebook ads that you have displayed, costs you money. When enough clicks happen you run out of money and another ad takes it’s place. Eventually the product that the click bank is advertising becomes a more dominant ad. Facebook used to be a great place to market your product, but those days are long gone unless you have the money to buy the services of a click farm. Which most of us do not.
Here’s a video that somewhat covers how Facebook ads are worthless
Here is a definition of a click farm.
Here is an idea how the advertisers work.
Good luck.