Is Google Sniper a Scam ?

What Is Google Sniper?

Are you considering buying Google sniper scam? or Google sniper scam2 or Google sniper 2 ? Are you wondering if Google sniper is to scam you or scam Google? Well let’s discuss Google sniper and if it is a scam or not (up front… yeah it is).

Well I checked Mark Thompson’s website because it was the first one that came up in Google that wasn’t trying to sell you the Google sniper product. and it took a bit of looking to find him.

I agree with what he is saying. I hate all of the websites that say “I got rich from a loop hole, you can too!”. He goes on to explain that he makes lots of money from his advertisements on the pages that talk about his product. If this was true, then the guy would not be at a loss by letting people download the content for free.(free brings people wanting to sample) In fact the media on his site being free would be cause enough for even more people to come to his site and double his income from his advertising affiliate.
These sites that try and sell you tricks to get to the front of Google and other search engines, will get you banned from all search engines. And it happens very fast. If you disappear from the search engines, then you may as well be running a koolaid stand inside your closet. No one will find you.

This Google Sniper or Google Sniper 2 , is preying upon your laziness. If you are too lazy to learn how to legally, properly optimize your website and are not willing to pay a search engine optimization company to put you on the right path, then he figures you are getting what you deserve, and he is profiting on your loss. Well that is a theory because if you get banned from search engines, using his system, then um, what else could he be thinking other than you did it wrong? Of course you did it wrong and that’s final.

From what I gather, the maker of Google Sniper and Google sniper 2 is showing you how to use keywords to get high rank in Google for the products you sell. Can’t you do that your self? Like if you are selling locks think of everything related to locks and use that for your keywords and build your site and pages to represent your product? like say “safety,security,intruder” etc etc etc in your meta tags and then make sure you say it a few times on your website ? All he is going to do is tell you the basic knowledge of advertisement and how to add it to the internet. You can find that information all over the internet. Like search for “Search engine optimization tips”. If you do not get bombarded with good useful legit tips, then you just aren’t trying and you are looking for a magic elixir to build your website for you.

So far, all of the sites I see talking positive of  Google Sniper, are selling Google Sniper. like stated here . Or linking to a website that is built specifically for selling Google sniper. Isn’t Google sniper for people who have a product and need to target customers well for that product? Well… then why is Google full of these sites that are targeting people looking for real reviews? Can’t call it a pyramid scam. because you don’t know if it’s the maker of the program, or a person who bought the program under the contract of selling the program for profit or gaining profit from helping sell the product.

What you can see is the people Saying positive stuff about Google sniper, sell nothing, but show you how to buy Google sniper. Meanwhile the thing that Google sniper is selling you is ways to put your product out there so you can sell it. If they have no products, then, why do they need Google  Sniper? Let alone Google Sniper 2.

My opinion, you did your research, that says you have a brain and know how to find what you are looking for. otherwise you would not have found this post. I am a nobody as far as Google is concerned. Yet you found me. So you know how to search. How about you use a bit more of your brain to make your website easier for people to find. Save yourself a buck and see what happens when you actually try.

So is Google Sniper a rip off? Is Google Sniper a scam? is it worth it for you to buy Google Sniper 2 ? Well if you bought the first one and it didn’t work, Fool me once. I can say, Google Sniper 2 is not for me. You have a better chance with the ads on a website that advertises Google ads, because Google will not advertise scam sites that have crooked methods. Those sites will give your legit tips on how to get seen in Google and how to optimize your website for search engines. Do not trust someone who is a Google bomber.
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So if you are actually trying to get your website some traffic and get your products seen and sold, here are some webmaster tips and tricks. These are all free and legal and okay and recommended by Google. best yet, it’s all free. and when you learn something from there, Google it more and you will see that the world is full of people helping, you just have to learn what it’s all called. because we are talking about it right there under your nose, free. and legit, and a huge abundance of internet webdesign help.
Main thing to remember is seo Search Engine Optimization. Just that alone should get you in the right direction.
If you don’t want to bother with that, there are millions of SEO companies out there that do the work for you.

I hate that this page gets so much traffic. I hate that my fellow man has let me down like this.
Maybe I should just go all out and do a post dismissing the fountain of youth, or magical growth potion for 80 year old and see how many other types of moron are out there.
Hmm, maybe I will break down penny bid auction scams.
looks like people need to hear that also.

Here is what you do instead of using Google sniper.

TL;DR It does not work and it only hurts your website to use Google Sniper.

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Here’s the most you will get from Gooogle Sniper

Youtube Silent Drop of Embed feature for Videos

Youtube videos are no longer being embedded. They are now being iframed in. The button still says “embed” but the text is

This is Chris Pirillo Video

<iframe title=”YouTube video player” type=”text/html” width=”1280″ height=”750″ src=”″ frameborder=”0″ allowFullScreen></iframe>

Even my own Videos on Youtube do this.

Now let’s look at the funny part of this new (lol not new) feature of Youtube.
Youtube is owned by google.
Google does not like iframes . Google has made this known for many years.
Youtube videos are now “embedded” via iframes now.

so this now means we can no longer write about a topic, and search youtube for someone who did a video on the content, and send that guy some traffic to his video and account for being a part of your presentation.

What is google/youtube thinking???

Something Is Wrong With My Adsense

These Adsense Results do not add up.

Does that not look funny to you?
The average estimate is Every one in every 200 will click. For me it seems it’s one in every 360 users will click an ad.
Out of 93 user who did searches, only 9 of them actually clicked with in the search. I mean really??? how can 93 people do searches and 84 of those people doing the searches say to themselves “oh, my finger is tired, I have clicked to many times, I don’t care what the results gave me, I’m going to bed now” ?????
It seems that not one single person found an interesting advertisement in my feeds. Of 298 readers who’s feed reader could see an ad, none said ” oh heck, that’s what I am looking for”. None.

I have a suspicious feeling that my adsense account is broke. Look at the pay our ratio of the searches. That’s chicken feed actually a Chicken would starve on that.

Do people not know that the Google search on websites are customized to pull better results for related content to the website they are currently on? Do people not know that Google protects their users and will not allow a bad link in their advertising system? A tech site with a Google search on it will have better results for tech related searches than regular Google and Bing put together. Why? because the site owner set their custom search for specific searches.

See Google does not respond to your questions. Google does not have an actual contact. The best you get is a forum full of other people guessing. Typically they  all have the belief that a few people have a more holy guess. usually I ask why my pay is the way it is, 3 days go by and I finally get a response’ you are looking at it wrong” and that becomes the belief amongst everyone. Really how I lookin at it wrong, what part of that, is saying I am getting checks like crazy for some stuff I don’t notice? Haven’t been paid since 2008.

affiliate results

What have I done wrong? If you tilt your head to the left do you see it different than I?

Google Christmas Home Page

I don’t get it.
I have not searched to locate an explanation.
because , well Google’s home page for Christmas time, is stupid.
I can assume it somehow covers a few of the holy day celebrations.
Or something, but if it just strangely spells “Google” I just do not see that.

google home page screenshot

Does anyone have a logical answer as to what the heck the Google home page picture mess means ? the image that is up through the season of 2010, christmas.

Adsense and mobile

Google finally updated the adsense page script. You can now see your adsense account with your android mobile browsers.
This is great news. Considering there have been a handfull of android applications that would steal your credintials for your adsense account.
So far it has been tested by me, on the default browser that comes with my android tmobile G1, and with my opera mini mobile browser. Before the revamp, adsense page would only show left 80% of the page. Just enough to hide totals of pay. And well, that was frustrating.
On another note, clicking the link at top right of your adsense account to see new adsense, is death. The beta adsense page takes forever and will not open. I tested with default android browser, and opera via wifi connection of 28mbs.
If you click it, it takes forever and some fancy footwork to get back to old adsense view.

Have fun all.

Posted via Android. dont mind the typos. I’ll fix em later.

Are Google Ads Safe To Click

Are Google Ads Safe To Click

I have received a few emails lately, (I guess because of the upcoming holidays and all of the online shopping to be expected) and people are asking me if it is ok or safe to click on Google advertisements. Also I have been asked if it is safe to purchase items advertised through Google advertisements. As much I rant about about Google not being what I expected in many ways, I have to say that Google advertisements are safe. 90% of their reports on the Better Business Bureau have been positive. Considering how huge Google is, and knowing that the only people to typically leave a review or a comment would be angry people. This is great news.
There are other advertisement companies that have just the opposite in scoring.
See at this time of the year, and knowing how sales people are, knowing the salesman might jack the price up a bit to sweeten his pocket, would lead you into paying even more for an item that this little snot had no responsibility in the making of, shipping of or even the concept of the product, I can easily see why you would prefer to shop online for your products. Why pay the middleman who works for the middle man? By straight from the source.

So I have been looking online to find angry posts from people who shopped by, like lets say clicking an advertisement on a website somewhere because the advertisement was relevant to their query. I have yet to find someone complaining about a Google advertisement misleading them.

Now there are tons of rants about how people feel they are not being compensated well enough for their efforts. but that is complete not relevant to theis topic. But yes it will come up while you search for complaints about google advertisement results.

In the past, we have been burned by many crooked advertisers and lazy advertisement agents who do not scan/screen/ filter their advertisements. So of course people are curious and cautious about clicking any advertisement. I can whole heartedly assure you that you have less than a 5% chance of getting harmed by an advertisement you click from Google. Even if you are in that five percent, it is still better than what the salespeople do to you. Jacking prices 35% higher because you look like you are able to afford more than the last guy, this is just wrong. Wrong , Wrong, Wrong!

I trust Google advertisements and have yet to be burned by Google when I click an ad.

a way to  be sure it is a google ad, look in the corner of the advertisement, you should see the word “Google”. If you do not see the word “Google” then that is not a google advertisement.

If I am on a website about black Friday sales, or Christmas sales or any kind of Holiday deals or Holiday Sales and I want to understand them and then I see an advertisement that shows the perfect holiday deal I am looking for and I see the Google logo, I feel 95% safe (plenty enough) clicking that advertisement to get the product or sales or deals that I want.  but any other advertisement, I’m not so comfortable with. I may click to look but if it takes me to site that looks funny or not right, I will shut my browser and begin my search in Google again.

Try it for yourself. Most of the sites you find in google advertisements are reputable sites. If you have no idea who they are, check the company name at  ripoff report, search bbb (Better Business Bureau). Try it with other advertisers also. You will be very satisfied with the results you find in Google advertisements.

Is Adwords Dying?

Is Adwords Dying?

Rumor is that Adwords is losing it’s power. and the number of users are diminishing. Also another rumor is that the Adwords team knows this.
To me, this completely nuts. unless it’s just the current Economy. If so, then it’s kind of to late for that to be the cause. If for some reason, another company is offering their advertisement spots at a lower cost, cool. but the ads will not be seen by nearly as many people as they would be seen on Adwords. Google Adsense is the way that Adwords get seen on other websites. more sites are signed to Adsense, than any other 4 affiliate companies, together.
Maybe this is true. Maybe Google has been nipping and skimping here and there over the years on Adwords just as they had done with Adsense over the years. I do not know this. I don’t use Adwords, because I have nothing to sell. but I do use Adsense, and I have seen a huge decrease in payout. Maybe less people are using Adwords because of changes. I do not know.

But I do know what would help Google, or another Affiliate company out there that wants to try it.

A mix of adsense for search and adsense affiliate ads. with selective phrases. What this means is if google would let you have a user code like your typical affiliate code, (ok here’s a fake code for examples) like “x-011-0-11truxter” and say someone asked em to help them locate a specific item and item such as  duck food. So to help that person I would type “”. When a person clicks that link, the user would be directed to a search result page that shows food and feed for ducks and mallards. I then would be helping that user locate their item, I would in turn be helping Google send their ads out to users, and I would be helping the person who is in the most attractive link the user decides to click, and the best part, I would be paid by Google for my efforts. since  normally I would just search Google and send the user a link.. if i knew that much about ducks =-\ .

but as of now, there a bunch of sites stating that Google is not making  any money from Adwords.

Facebook Email Coming soon

Facebook Email Coming soon

Is the latest rumor of Facebook.

Facebook Now owns FB.COM. FB.Com is said now be the server of Facebook email. So soon you can your email delivered to

Some people call this the Gmail Killer. Right now as it stands, redirects you to and if you type your browser will direct you to your account profile on Great work on the Facebook team’s part covering that base.

Right now the whole Facebook email is just speculation and theory. To me it looks like the Facebook team is saying ” Screw you” to Google because they are large enough to not care if Google frowns upon multiple domains pointing to the same website. I really do not see the whole Facebook email thing happening. I would more suspect they will create their own search engine and go after Google that way. I don’t see that being very effect just as I don’t see Bing being very effective, unless they create an affiliate program so people can embed the search into their personal websites, I mean who would be so goofy as to want to put a search on their personal website, for free? Especially when Google pays you for that same act ? Google has it right.

But again, for now, all it looks like is that Facebook is making it even easier for people to use Facebook. And it could reduce the number of people who open a browser, click in the search bar (yes search bar, not the address bar) and type then click the top link in their search. but again, that is only speculation.

We will see what comes of this.

Not So Good Google Adventures

Not attacking Google with this, who knows maybe people will tries and like em. Didn’t seem to be a bunch of hype for these those. So there is a good reason why they flopped

So I will mention these experiments and show you how to get there.

Orkut to compete with myspace when facebook looked like a flop.
Knol was to (in theory) compete with wikipedia. Maybe they should stick to attacking companies that make an income.
Bloggerto compete with wordpress, again, they do better when they attack groups that are profit only.

Sites build your own website with a website builder. Tons of other services that allow better tools and tons of storage and much more code. but some people still use the sites.

And a few great idea by google that you never hear about and that really need more focus.

  • FinanceBusiness info, news and interactive charts
  • NewsSearch thousands of news stories
  • RealtimeNew!Get live updates from popular social sites, news sources, and blogs
  • VoiceNew!One number for all your phones, online voicemail and cheap calling
  • TalkIM and call your friends through your computer
  • CheckoutComplete online purchases more quickly and securely

Google has started many projects and they have taken them quite a distance. Someday all of that is going to come together and make something useful. No telling how long that might be.

Google, their biggest failure is the biggest blessing. Everyone likes Google because the main page is blank. just a search bar. So they can’t clutter it up with “hey look at all of our crap” so… there are billions of potential users who will never know.

SKTOOL Ends Soon

Was double checking a post about site stats and analyzer tools I have batched/patched together when I clicked into google’s keyword search tool and found bummer news.

From the google page for SKTOOL

Search-based keyword tool will be discontinued soon
Please try out the updated keyword tool. You can get keyword suggestions by words, phrases, websites or categories.
Why are we transitioning?

Wont be gone, just part of another project.
Seo nightmare is losing good Seo tools. Just ask Search Engine Optimization Master and book writer Alicia Crowder. So I make sure I will not be left in the dark. By putting stuff together that works for me.