Is Search Engine Optimization Dead?

Latest news buzz in webdesign world “Is Search Engine Optimization Dead?”.
Short answer:

Long Answer:
Still no but a few things have changed and a few things have been stopped. You now get penalized for using tactics like Google Sniper. Google bombing, keyword plugging, etc etc. Truth is, that never was Search engine optimization. that was ghetto style pyramid scheme junk.
The team at Google has removed most scams you can pull on Google and just left the actual optimization part in there.
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Well let’s look at a book store as an example. Imagine if you have a bunch of great books. An entire book store full of books. Now picture yourself opening this new book store. you came up with this cool idea of hiding all of the book in the ceiling tile, and the signs you purchased were inside out, upside down, and behind the building and just say “Dave’s” on them. What is Dave’s? Why is the sign not where everyone expects it to be? Why is it backward? why is it upside down? For that one guy who rolls his car in traffic trying to read the sign in his rear view mirror? It’s not great forethought. Now a person walks in.. Where the heck is everything? Why aren’t these people listed anywhere? they aren’t in a phone book, they aren’t in a news paper… What the heck is this place? When they figure out it’s a book store, where is everything? and why isn’t it in order? Everything is just chunked about in the ceiling area.
Search engine optimization is so you can fix those issues on the internet. Optimize your website for search engines. Pretty simply stated.
Google is leading the way to fixing it so scammers can’t just jump ahead of people with decent content, well organize easily navigated websites. sites with titles that match the content. Page titles that match that page’s content and a small “card catalog” type section built just for search engines so they know what the main items are that you want people to focus on when they hit hat page, the stuff that the page is about. This is called “Keywords”. Some people believe that keywords are dead. They are far from dead. The people that say that “Keywords are useless”, are people who use heavy searched words that are totally unrepresentative of their content. These people just want traffic to their page, they are of no help to society and are scammers.
Meta tags matter.
Meta tags are fairly simple to understand. These are the important ones.
Title: tells people the name of your page
Description : tells people what your page is about.
Keywords: words associated to your content that people will search for that is relative to your page.

Why would you use meta tags?
This is for search engines. Google needs to display the title of the page in the results. So title is important. Description, well all search engines put a small two or three sentence snippet in the search results, it’d be nice if the person doing the search knows what might be there before he/she clicks. Keywords, when they search for a specific item by one word, Search engines will search for sites with that word in it’s keywords and then highlight it in the search results. If it’s not in your keywords and in your actual content, then your site most likely will not show up in the results.
No you do not want to show up in every single search for every single item on the internet. You want to show up for items related to your content. You are most likely to please the reader that way, and your items will move faster.

What Google has done
Google has stopped people from plugging their meta tags with unrelated items and made Search Engine Optimization exactly what it is. Optimizing your website for better search results and they penalize anyone who is scamming the system. This could mean anything from  bumping them down in importance, all the way to kicking them out of search engines.
This will help you in all search engines, and help your content be better found by people who actually want your items. If you are set to bring anyone and everyone to your website, you are less likely to bring the people who actually want your items. If you focus on your items and products, then you will receive traffic from people who are looking for your products or services.

The better your SEO is done, and the better your content is, the higher a priority you will become for your items.

Search Engine Indexing

First get some good SEO Tools and a good webhost  powweb if you haven’t already got unlimited domain storage and low yearly fees.
If you can not find your website in search engines (Google, Bing), then your website is not indexed. Or your search term that you think your website is about, is not what The search engines have you indexed as. You need to optimize your website. Optimization is not just about making your website fast. Optimization is about using all optimal components of your websites design, to bring you traffic, and make return traffic to your website. Return traffic to your website means your site has been designed well, looks good and your content is exactly what the person was looking for. This is proper optimization.
So, how do you get your website listed in search engines like Google and Bing?
It’s not complicated to get your website indexed, and you don’t have to buy some software.
We have all seen Google just did it’s huge update to the way it indexes websites. And we see page rank coming back. This is a great deal. We also see relevance to what you are searching for and it’s closest proximity to the location of your ip address. We also see that Google has given us a real time display of results as you type your search into the search field. This fast work on Google’s part. The results are accurate to the existing text and the results change as you type more and refine your search to a more detailed inquiry.
How do you make this work for you?
You have to know how Search engines see your website.
You have to stay with in the guidelines of all search engines. And yes this can seem like a crazy format for writing content to your website, but you have to do it.
Think of your content. What is your article about? Write that word down on a peice of paper , label that piece of paper “keywords”. Try and think of everything that goes with that first main keyword. Like if you are selling locks, your keyword there is locks. What goes great with locks? Maybe a door??? and so on. till you have 15-30 keywords.
Write good legible logical content using the keywords you selected. It does not hurt to say the keywords a couple times. Especially the main keyword. because well it’s all about locks. but do not over do it. Try and set yourself at about 5 times per keyword. This will keep you from filling your page with that one word, and it makes your written content bearable to read by the customer. If Search engines do not like your content, humans surely will not.
Meta tags. You have to use meta tags to tell the search engines what your keywords are.
They look like this .

<META NAME=”KEYWORDS” CONTENT=”keywords,here,use,commas”>

Put your keywords in there and order them by level of importance. Main keyword up front far left. Or you can do them by order of appearance. I do this and it works great for me.

It takes a week or so for Google to find you by the keywords you chose. Your site will be sorted by these keywords, once it is verified as being relevant to your content.

Once your site gets traffic via searches, and said traffic that hits your site, stays with in your site (because your content is actually interesting, relevant to the search, etc.), before returning to searching for the same topic, or the search stops there, Google will then index your website as being relevant to the searches you created your keywords for. Your website will then have one page indexed for it’s content.

You must optimize every single page of your website. When doing that, you must make every page of your website of a value to your company. You must make the  keywords for each page of your website relevant to each page alone. Once you have multiple pages that Google indexes as relevant to specific topics, and that each topic is associated to the website in a whole, you will then begin to gain page rank. Once you gain Google rank you will then be considered before websites that do not have rank as being informative for searches related to your website.

Do not just create pages on your website, just to have pages. If you are trying to sell a product, you want every page of your website to be an informative ad for one of your products.
Do not make an integrity page. If you want to sell people on how you “stand by your product” or “push forward and make the customer #1 priority”, go start a Facebook page. You are selling a product and if someone lands on that page and no where in that page is anything they are looking for, they will be very upset and will avoid your website next time, because it is a bummer to read everything about how you have honor but never mention how much memory the product holds, dimensions, amount of glow, how many miles per gallon it consumes. It is ok to mention your Honor somewhere in the product description. but not necessary. They are looking for the product.
Do not focus your website in flash. As nifty as you think flash is. Flash is slower to load, Flash is hard to read by Google. Flash is ok as decoration and attention sparkle. But completely useless when getting indexed in Google.
Do not play music on your website. Not everyone likes that song.
Do not over submit your website. if you submit your website more than one time to Google, you will be red flagged as spam. If your website suddenly shows up linked from 1000 websites in less than week, you may draw a bit to much attention to your website. You will get looked at and looked over with a fine comb. If every website that links to you shows the exact same text repeatedly, you will be considered spam and you will have wasted time. Lots of time.
Do not just target your most expensive product. Target your most popular product more than anything. You want to dominate in that product. You know what they are looking for when they find you, now make your site reflect that.

If you feel you must use an SEO company.
To thoroughly get your money worth of your Search Engine Optimization company you chose, Be very descriptive of your company. Make sure the search engine optimization company has deep details of your products. Give them the cut sheets and HOWTO manuals of your products. How the products are used and how they are associated to other products. You can not just call someone and say ” I need my website found in Google and just do not feel like doing all of the work”. Remember, this person works on websites. They know nothing of your product and it will take lots of study for them to build your website as knowledgeable of your product as you are. So it would be in your best interest to have target products, target information and let them know your needs. Otherwise you are just asking a stranger to be your number one sales person. Without training.

Getting your website into search engines such as Google or Bing, is not very complicated. As long as you build your website without stupid cheesy tricks. You know what cheesy is and you know what is a stupid trick. You know that most of the junk you want to put on your website, a 5 year old can see through them. So don’t do it. Just be informative, build clean and be interesting.
PS, Sorry for the typos. I’m sure there are many. I did this with my cell phone.

Something that Adsense needs

I have been wishing and wishing that Adsense would tell us a few things so we know how to better target our readers. If a reader of one of my websites clicks an advertisement I would like to know what page they were on and what their search was when they found my page. I could find that information myself but it would end up taking a very long time of sifting through the list of site readers who have been to my site to see one that matches the click of an adsense link. If I had this information I would better know how to bring more readers to my site because I would know what ad they clicked and what their search was. Why would this information from adsense do me some good? because well, they where looking for something and they found something, it just was not in my content. If there is a repeated search that leads people to my site and the repeated click of a link, and the item is not on my site but similar, I could then better target that search so more people could find what they are looking for and the ads themself would be better suited for the search.
I could better optimize my post to give th reader what they need and better optimize my SEO for the content I am trying to pass out.

Something Is Wrong With My Adsense

These Adsense Results do not add up.

Does that not look funny to you?
The average estimate is Every one in every 200 will click. For me it seems it’s one in every 360 users will click an ad.
Out of 93 user who did searches, only 9 of them actually clicked with in the search. I mean really??? how can 93 people do searches and 84 of those people doing the searches say to themselves “oh, my finger is tired, I have clicked to many times, I don’t care what the results gave me, I’m going to bed now” ?????
It seems that not one single person found an interesting advertisement in my feeds. Of 298 readers who’s feed reader could see an ad, none said ” oh heck, that’s what I am looking for”. None.

I have a suspicious feeling that my adsense account is broke. Look at the pay our ratio of the searches. That’s chicken feed actually a Chicken would starve on that.

Do people not know that the Google search on websites are customized to pull better results for related content to the website they are currently on? Do people not know that Google protects their users and will not allow a bad link in their advertising system? A tech site with a Google search on it will have better results for tech related searches than regular Google and Bing put together. Why? because the site owner set their custom search for specific searches.

See Google does not respond to your questions. Google does not have an actual contact. The best you get is a forum full of other people guessing. Typically they  all have the belief that a few people have a more holy guess. usually I ask why my pay is the way it is, 3 days go by and I finally get a response’ you are looking at it wrong” and that becomes the belief amongst everyone. Really how I lookin at it wrong, what part of that, is saying I am getting checks like crazy for some stuff I don’t notice? Haven’t been paid since 2008.

affiliate results

What have I done wrong? If you tilt your head to the left do you see it different than I?

Is Adwords Dying?

Is Adwords Dying?

Rumor is that Adwords is losing it’s power. and the number of users are diminishing. Also another rumor is that the Adwords team knows this.
To me, this completely nuts. unless it’s just the current Economy. If so, then it’s kind of to late for that to be the cause. If for some reason, another company is offering their advertisement spots at a lower cost, cool. but the ads will not be seen by nearly as many people as they would be seen on Adwords. Google Adsense is the way that Adwords get seen on other websites. more sites are signed to Adsense, than any other 4 affiliate companies, together.
Maybe this is true. Maybe Google has been nipping and skimping here and there over the years on Adwords just as they had done with Adsense over the years. I do not know this. I don’t use Adwords, because I have nothing to sell. but I do use Adsense, and I have seen a huge decrease in payout. Maybe less people are using Adwords because of changes. I do not know.

But I do know what would help Google, or another Affiliate company out there that wants to try it.

A mix of adsense for search and adsense affiliate ads. with selective phrases. What this means is if google would let you have a user code like your typical affiliate code, (ok here’s a fake code for examples) like “x-011-0-11truxter” and say someone asked em to help them locate a specific item and item such as  duck food. So to help that person I would type “”. When a person clicks that link, the user would be directed to a search result page that shows food and feed for ducks and mallards. I then would be helping that user locate their item, I would in turn be helping Google send their ads out to users, and I would be helping the person who is in the most attractive link the user decides to click, and the best part, I would be paid by Google for my efforts. since  normally I would just search Google and send the user a link.. if i knew that much about ducks =-\ .

but as of now, there a bunch of sites stating that Google is not making  any money from Adwords.

Facebook Email Coming soon

Facebook Email Coming soon

Is the latest rumor of Facebook.

Facebook Now owns FB.COM. FB.Com is said now be the server of Facebook email. So soon you can your email delivered to

Some people call this the Gmail Killer. Right now as it stands, redirects you to and if you type your browser will direct you to your account profile on Great work on the Facebook team’s part covering that base.

Right now the whole Facebook email is just speculation and theory. To me it looks like the Facebook team is saying ” Screw you” to Google because they are large enough to not care if Google frowns upon multiple domains pointing to the same website. I really do not see the whole Facebook email thing happening. I would more suspect they will create their own search engine and go after Google that way. I don’t see that being very effect just as I don’t see Bing being very effective, unless they create an affiliate program so people can embed the search into their personal websites, I mean who would be so goofy as to want to put a search on their personal website, for free? Especially when Google pays you for that same act ? Google has it right.

But again, for now, all it looks like is that Facebook is making it even easier for people to use Facebook. And it could reduce the number of people who open a browser, click in the search bar (yes search bar, not the address bar) and type then click the top link in their search. but again, that is only speculation.

We will see what comes of this.

SKTOOL Ends Soon

Was double checking a post about site stats and analyzer tools I have batched/patched together when I clicked into google’s keyword search tool and found bummer news.

From the google page for SKTOOL

Search-based keyword tool will be discontinued soon
Please try out the updated keyword tool. You can get keyword suggestions by words, phrases, websites or categories.
Why are we transitioning?

Wont be gone, just part of another project.
Seo nightmare is losing good Seo tools. Just ask Search Engine Optimization Master and book writer Alicia Crowder. So I make sure I will not be left in the dark. By putting stuff together that works for me.

Google Wont Scroll

Both at home on my windows 7 machine and at work on my windows xp machine. I try and use google and I can not scroll down the page . (fireFox 3.5.8 at work).

Google Scroll bar not showing on Fire Fox

I don’t seem to have this issue when I use Chrome Browser.
Didn’t Microsoft get in trouble for doing this? Making it so that only their stuff works on their stuff? but odd enough, Apple can do it. and now Google can do it? I mean make a page that most people use, and make it so that it exploits a flaw in FireFox? by “utilizing one of the better features of Chrome” ?
Or did google forget to include Firefox in their latest page code?

My fix for this issue is to just do a second search for a totally different object and then re-search the original object and the problem is fixed.

Conduit Toolbar Follow up

Well . I am done with them.

They stopped me at $49.41 (pay out is $50)

Gave me a story of how they now, only pay per install. Because that is how you show good quality… um no dude. quality is continued usage. you make money off the searches through Google using your toolbar, Share the wealth guy. A couple months ago they killed my other toolbar, the one I was migrating to. The truxter toolbar is no longer supported. They have stopped that one because not enough people downloaded it. Um.. wait.. so you stop the downloads because not enough people download it… You know what.. I am done with you guys all the way.

I know for a fact that ten people are in direct usage of the tool bar I snapped together through your a.d.d. farm.

I couldn’t find the spot to drop my account. You deal with it. There are so many curse words I want to fling right now. but I am not doing that.
So here, it is yours, do what you want.

For those who want to know what a 4 year old account on conduit looks like when you are not a spammer, scammer, or a person with malicious intent, here is what the pay out and respect looks like after 4 years of showing people a safe virus free version of their Garbage looks like. A guy that does not put up buttons on a page about some free software and leave a “download now” button for the tool bar right above the other free software on that page tricking people into installing the toolbar by accident instead. No. I left my toolbar with full explanation on pages about that toolbar, in banners. Not some bundled garbage with with weather bug and cool web search crap. The stuff that gives a toolbar bad names.. And this is the Thank you I get.

They have asked me to email them. Why? what’s there to achieve from an email? An excuse pre-planned or concocted from a mass of group thinkers. Screw that. I’m done.

Here all, have fun with the below..

Conduit Stats after 4 years

Latest Email from Daniel at Conduit.


This is Daniel from Conduit. I noticed you have followed up on your post in Truxtertech and I understand you are still unclear about how the toolbar revenue model works. First of all please let me assure you we do not deal with fraud or scams. Everything we do is perfectly legal and according to industry standards. Our purpose is to provide a free and safe environment for publishers to create toolbars which will then engage their users and increase traffic to their site.

The PPI program acts as an incentive for publishers to promote a useful and appealing toolbar. According to the program you will receive payment per each installation of the toolbar. This way we hope to encourage web publishers to get as many of their users to install the toolbar. The rate per each install is based on the performance of the toolbar. So a toolbar which has good components and generates usage by their users would get additional revenue. The purpose is not to only generate installs (which you mentioned as very simple), it’s also to engage your users with a successful toolbar. If I look at your example then; installing the toolbar on every computer you work on will generate you revenue, but it will lower your PPI rate so the revenue you will generate per toolbar might be very low. On the other hand, if many people install the toolbar and use if often, the revenue you will generate per toolbar will be much higher.

I hope this clarifies your concerns. As I mentioned in my previous email, I will be happy to work with you to get the most out of your toolbar. Please let me know.



This is his response to my post Conduit Toolbar Review – Affiliate

Wow. Hmm. I hope it didn’t take a whole crew to put that together and it’s okay to say that just one person wrote that email.

Seems I have to make my own toolbar so I can focus on my adsense account search. I spent so much time working on theirs.

and yes I know exactly how many computers I personally installed that stupid toolbar on.

Thanks conduit. Well the time wasted is equivalent to playing solitaire for  4 years. Hope you made plenty of money.

My son sent one out to a bunch of kids who installed his for a week then they all got tired of the game and uninstalled it. He made $75 in a week. I have been making users who keep the thing for years and they have not paid me yet. Oddly enough, I see these computers I work on, they still have the toolbar. but conduit shows that I only have 5 active users. hmm.

I repair computers, and any and every time I see one with some B/S toolbar on it, I install mine to assure that person will not have a virus. I know exactly how many installs I have made, and I know exactly how many users of my toolbar are out there (unless a few people downloaded themselves).

So if you are wondering if Conduit affiliate sucks, or if Conduit pays. I myself can’t answer that question for you. It is for you to decide.


I found on the conduit website people complaining about the conduit pay out. here. I don’t count on them leaving anything like this up much longer “we archived it”

I don’t agree with all or even most of the statements being made about payout being a scam. I surely do not agree with the clowns saying ” you are getting a website enhancement for free”. That’s just stupid. Who likes to see a button on a website that says ” click here to install” ? Who likes to see a big banner asking you to install a toolbar? That is not an enhancement. You are not being done a favor because you link people to software that has a search in it that leads to a greater income to Conduit. You are doing conduit a favor.

The least we can ask for is that conduit breaks us off a bit of the income we bring them by distributing their software. They don’t advertise in google because it would cost them money. So if they want to advertise their software on my site, then they darn sure better pay me. You want that space? rent it buddy. I want by default at least $50 a month for keeping your stupid link up. and for the people  that stay using my version of that toolbar, Conduit should pay me atleast 10% of the income that toolbar creats, for my efforts at trying to make a good toolbar that will not get uninstalled at any time. And that toolbar will continually get used for searches and what ever embedded items they draw revenue from.

They are not a group that just makes software for the fun of it.

So if you are wondering if Conduit toolbar actually pays, That decision is up to you

My two cents.