T-Mobile G1 Late Review

The aps are free-cheap and very useful.
The screen is huge compared to bb8100.
Sim cards are such a luxury.
Touch screen menus.
Text messages organized by senders.
Youtube actually plays.
Streaming radio apps and a aux connection in car means way more stations than xm radio. For free!
Camera super high quality.
I’m writing this with G1 and a wp-app.
Video recorder up to 30 minute videos.
Barcode scanner. Helps me find things that I already have but no idea where to get more of. That is a huge plus.
Opera mini!!!!!

Battery life is trash .
Cold days kill touch screen make it inaccurate.
Many aps crash.
Costly service.
No close feature for browser. Page back.
# button hard to do while recording voice mails.
Huge learning curve. More like a laptop than a phone.

AdSense Ain’t a Linear Game

Bullet  Points to focus.

Good ol’ Zipf

You can’t predict.

Things change

Traffic has limits

Ad inventory has limits


High velocity means lousy control

Taken from here

Help in understanding why your income from adsense sucks

Really that was a great post about 5-6 years ago when he wrote it. but now you can’t say “Adsense” because, well no one uses adsense any-longer. There is no money in it, google has shut down the income as if they monopolize the internet. So the site designers go elsewhere.

But you can use his tips on other advertising companies, like adbrite

Here is someone who sees what I see

Adsense is tanking

See I see these people talking about $500-$5000 a day in traffic. I think that is nuts. I don’t see that kind of money, that stuff is way way way deep in my adsense crushed dreams.  One guy responds about bidvertiser, really, I never saw a dime from bidvertiser.

Comparing to affiliate companies to Adsense

Yeah, big money

Look at that pay out.

One Month Review of G1 HTC Android.

Well I have had my G1 for one month.

On day one, it crashed about 3 times.

On day two it got an update to something, no clue it happened so fast and I had no idea how to work anything on it, that I may never know. After the update I had crashes the whole day . Finally found the applications and what ones I could install.

I have to have all background processes turned off, otherwise it is super dead slow. Barcode scanners all seem to be just advertisement for national companies. Mostly target and  some drug store. Read More about the Android Barcode scanner here.

While searching the apps online, every single app has some clown saying ” app froze would not run had to uninstall found better one” then they say the name of  the supposed better one. I have come to the conclusion they are smearing  and trying to promote their own app..  If it freezes, turn background processes back on.. you will move slow, but yeah, it will work.

I hate the limitations of this cell phone. I have an 8 gig memory card in the machine, but it seems to only install new apps to the phone, not the memory card. That bugs the hell out of me, because default storage for the phone is like one song. There is no way to change that.

The phone has been out for just over a year, yet they already have the G2 on it’s way to the shelves? if not already released???? why? they knew it sucked?

Screen area is huge and the resolution is remarkable. The camera takes an amazing picture, audio is pretty good through good head set, if you have the right adapter. Internet is super fast if you use the wifi settings and have a fast connection at your house (lol). I have actually seen over 2 megs a second, considering I have a 20meg a second connection, it is possible. Pandora Radio and ars radio are the best features. Other than running around in your skivvies playing with the light-saber app.

yesterday I pulled out one of my old Motorola phones, slapped my sim card in it, and bam, I get a bunch of text messages.. Has that freaking phone been missing my texts? Is that why she dumped me ? is that why i lost that bid for the job? what in the heck ???

Not happy, selling pretty soon.

I will be going back to my Blackberry 8100, just hope I can get used to the double tap simi qwerty keyboard.

Is Internet Pirating Really Theft ?

If you see something that you are not willing to pay for, is that considered theft ?

There is a movie in the theater, and you really have no interest in that particular movie, you do not just jump on your bicycle and head up there to watch this movie. You never bother. One day it comes on cable or regular tv and there is nothing on, so you finally watch the dang thing. That is not pirating. If there is no access to this item other than pay, and you do not want to pay to see the movie, you do not see the movie, if the same person sees the movie for free, there is no actual loss to anyone. If anything, there is one more person on the street to say ” hey man I saw that dang movie and it really was a whole lot better than I expected.” Or the reverse. I can see how bad press from someone who has not completely earned and completely does not deserve the privilege to have an opinion of said film, could be offensive, but if you think about it ” yeah we know our film sucks, but we want people to pay for before they say anything”, is twice as offensive.

Is it bad to buy a $60 video game, install the game with your registration code and then turn around and download the pirated version and use the “no cd crack” that way you can leave the game disk in it’s case so that it will not get scratched? So you are not pulling the disk out every single time you want to play the game you paid for ?

Should purchasing be considered a gamble?

If one friend tells you the media you are interested in is garbage, while another friend tells you it is the best thing since gravity, would it be wrong for you to download the media and try it out so you can decide for yourself ? That is of course if you are in the position to not be able to try your friend’s copy.

As far as software goes, it’s kind of the same situation. How do you know if something is worth having without knowing if it will serve your needs?

I believe it is theft when you know the product that you are obtaining is going to suite a need for you and you still decide to not pay for this product. It is theft when you yourself pirate the item then turn around and sell your copy or sell duplicates of this product. You are then cutting into the profits of the original maker of the product. I believe it is theft when a manufacturer creates a product and tells you it will fullfill your needs in one specific area, and the product turns out to not serve the purpose stated. I believe it is theft when a manufacture creates a music cd and sells you this cd for $20+ and on the whole disk, only one song is worth listening to. I believe it is theft when a manufacturer creates a cd $20+ and it only has two or three songs on it total. I believe it is theft when a musician decides to not create a cd and use a professional label yet turns around and splits up all of their music on a media sell site, like itunes and sells the items at the price greater than what they would have made through a label, I mean really, we don’t even get a hard copy of the media and the quality is far to low. It is wrong to justify any of these earlier mentioned statements, to decide to download a copy of these items and not show your apreciation by giving the money required to obtain such media.

but everyone should be able to sample.

The Ultimate Myspace Games Toolbar

Your Ad Here

Well I seem to have found “The Ultimate Myspace Games Toolbar” .

I found the toolbar that of all toolbars, it has links to help sites and tips sites with Myspace Mobsters Cheats, bots, glitches and tweaks. It has the same for Mafia wars and Street Racer, Vampires, Yoville, Sorority life and a couple more. . Man what used to be me with twenty windows open and mad clicking and typing is now just a series of 5-8 clicks and bam I am done.

The person that put this together seems to know exactly what is needed to make myspace gaming  as easy as possible. It has what started to seem like work and labor (fixing all of my accounts, and updating everything) all rolled into one system of links and mods and glitches. I love this toolbar.

Tons of stuff I knew off but didnt have scattered all over my bookmarks/favorites, and some stuff i never knew of. I really recommend you try it out.

Ultimate Revenge On Spammers

See I have been getting tons of spammers to all of my sites.
I added an I.P. Ban program to my WordPress Scripts and put up an awesome Ban message for the bots that crawl my page.
Bot Redirect
Basically it’s a page that says ” you are banned” and then below it has link that says “sign in/sign up” with a link that takes them to the “stop forum spam” you just type in the spammer’s name on that page and their email addrerss and a couple other items, this of course in theory may lead the bot to accidentally registering it’s self as a spammer. Prevents me from having to do all of the foot work.
I really wish those guys would design a page named “fake forum log in” or “fake blog in page” and set it to request all the exact same information that wordpress asks for, I would link directly to it and let the spammers log themselves in.
If anyone knows the people on that site, let them know.. Because i surely do not see the contact page.

Question, why in the heck do they all use a russian email account, yet the trace routes all show it’s Israel or Virginia.

Tech and Video Game Help Forum Launched

Tech and Video Game Help Forum Launched

If you are in search of a community to help with a tech or video game question, head over to iworkwithtech.com

The first member to give 100 posts will be given administrator position. Second Member to give 100 Posts will be given Moderator Position. You must notify one of the administrators when you achieve 100 non spammy posts. All posts must be relevant to their section and helpful to other users.

The community is created to be helpful for people in search of  answers, so if you are a geek like myself, feel free to join and  creat a few posts answering the questions you are sick of answering, that way when you get the questions again, you can just send the link to that person, and be done with the redundancy of it.

As the owner of http://truxtertech.com I found many questions coming to pages from people who just have a bad problem they need fixed. I do not have all of the answers, So many of the questions had to go unanswered. I decided to create a place for those with questions to go and post their questions with the chance of someone answering them for them. Since I had the domain name iworkwithtech, just laying around looking dead, I made this place.

There is a page to help people locate the latest bots tips tricks and cheats for myspace and facebook games. Game like  Mafia wars, Mobsters, street racer and the such. so it would be very helpful if you could post any links to anything you know of, because I get questions here about that stuff all the time. and well, I just do not know all of that yet. I will check all links for popups and spam and any malware that might be bundled in the downloads. So please use virscan to check all downloads first. I do not want to have to ban someone for being thoughtless.

I hope you join me in this quest to save the world from their hardware/software and stupid video game.. (lol)

Special Note for those interested.

First person to make 500 posts will get Administrator position and will be given space to post advertisements and receive 50%  of the p0rofits of the traffic to the site

Comparing Two Affiliate Programs To Adsense.

WidgetBucks – I gave the company a go to see what they can do for my income. I have to say. Not much. After two months of having them on my site, it showed no traffic, no clicks. Nothing. So I left it alone for a month or so longer. I increased the rate of my content, increased the value of my content. Waited the whole month and did not log in to watch my income there flat-line. after that month had passed I tried to log in, and it refused my email address and my password. Now i don’t want to make the assumption that they finally made a profit from me and banned my account or something, because the ads surely continued to update.

But after that I had to do a search in my self  constructed toolbar and found some scary results for the word “scam” So to be fair I had to do an alternative search in hopes of positive results. Seems there are plenty of results for both, so I am indecisive enough to say, I will not bother signing up again.

Crazy enough, I never got an email telling me I was banned or kicked out.

Google Adsense – for two years straight I made really amazing fantastic money. Adsense was the place for the little guy to go and make money doing online the things he loves doing. Exactly what I do. I was making a really good average. Never once would I game the system because the money was to good. I did them a favor by getting their ads out to the targeted public, and they did me great for making good ads that were relevant to the content I was writing about. Their contextual content is most reliable, and so correct in targetting markets related to site content.

They decide they are going to take over some buggy company that no virus scanner liked (no names sorry, check your history lol) and post some claim about the value of a click, and suddenly on I am seeing 1 cent for every ten dollars I used to see. I am seeing 1 person crawl my page in their tools area, while in my administration area of my website hosting service I am seeing over 200 people. They remind me of another advertising company that was sold a couple years ago, to some obscure brand, just before they got sued for  gaming their customers.

So i used google to see what that is all about . Here are the pros and here are the cons.  Probably not smart that I used google to do that search, maybe I should have used bing.

I think these final days of Google being top, has gone to their heads, they forgot the little guy. I have since removed myself from their services. It seems a tad bit fishy to me.

AdBrite– These people are everything  that adsense used to be. These people are everything that we used to wish Google was. They have page view counts identical to what my webhost shows. I love these guys and I do recommend you use them. They have a fair pay rate and they do what you need them to do.

Of all the companies I have tried through the past 16 years of internet content, adBrite is the number one choice for me today. Down side is it is a manual content set up, it’s not going to magically scan your page and know what ads to display, you have to select the topics. So a ranting website may change topics so often that the ads might not work well. One topic and it’s easy and aces.

but hey if you know something that compares or have an opinion on the subject that I or other readers of this site need to know, let us know, post it to us in the reply section down lower. it’s free and you do not have to create an account. I welcome comments and a difference of opinion.
Example of an Ad (ok it’s a real ad):

A Online Radio ap for For Android

A Online Radio ap for For Android

This aplication is amazing. I love the thing. It shows speed of downloads, and volume of downloads. Hundreds if not Thousands of radio stations. I did not get to try them all. Just found the ones I wanted and I was good. I set my G! to use my Local area Wifi Network here at home ( I get 20mbs) and it streams to me from aol/winamp radio at an amazing rate. Since they use aol, they need to use aol video also.

I really like this application.

ZXing Barcode Scanner for Android

The Zxing barcode Scanner for Android system telephones

The data they have on their website about the ap.

ZXing (pronounced “zebra crossing”) is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java. Our focus is on using the built-in camera on mobile phones to photograph and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server. We currently have production-quality support for:

This library is divided into several components; some are actively supported:

  1. core: The core image decoding library, and test code
  2. javase: J2SE-specific client code
  3. android: Android client, called Barcode Scanner
  4. androidtest: Android test app
  5. android-integration: Supports integration with our Barcode Scanner app via Intent
  6. zxingorg: The source behind zxing.org/w
  7. zxing.appspot.com: The source behind our web-based barcode generator

Some modules are contributed and/or intermittently maintained:

  1. javame: JavaME client
  2. csharp: Partial C# port
  3. cpp: Partial C++ port
  4. rim: RIM/Blackberry-specific client build
  5. iphone: iPhone client + port to Objective C / C++ (QR code only)
  6. bug: Client for BugLabs’s BUG

Works great if you are scanning stuff to find where to get that item online or what the best online price is, but beyond that, meh.. nothing special..

Does not tell you where to get it cheaper locally.

It still is great reassurance when you use it and find that online is about the same price. if you consider shipping and handling and the amount of time shipping takes and all that junk. Shop Savvy seems to do the same thing but it shows local. You get similar results with the two of online deals. but I still keep both because there some times seems to be differences.

I suggest you do the same, use both, you can’t really go wrong.


There have been plenty of really good updates to zxing barcode scanner.

Dang thing is really cool. You just kind of have to drop the understanding you have of the other  bacode scanners.

Zxing is now one of my “must have” aps