Mc Hammer and Wiredoo

The logo on Wiredoo Site

The logo on Wiredoo's Site

You have to give it up for MC Hammer (man I have no idea what his real name is), for his effort to use his own creativity, to bring in more money for himself.
Mc Hammer has announced that he will be launching his own search engine. The search engine will be called “WireDoo
Hammer’s Search engine is said to be based on relations. He says this will produce better results related to the content you are looking for. This is pretty much the way we all thought search engines worked anyway.
For now, WireDoo is a registration only. I registered and only got a notice that says “Thank you”.
Some of the code on the home page for WireDoo, looks a bit out dated. Hopefully Hammer knows this and did it on purpose. I have the best of hopes that if MC Hammer doesn’t, and this is the best he has, that people are volunteering to help him neat up his code for his final release of the search. That way in the end, when the world finally gets their first feel of the search, they will be blown away, and all of this is the ultimate publicity move for WireDoo.
Or, Mc Hammer gets paid millions from Google to buy out WireDoo.
Because this search engine, has the potential of a fast fiery death.
So far because of the way WireDoo looks right now, all of the posts on Mashable and TechCrunch are saying “Can’t Search This”. So yeah, the people have the guns out and already shooting this site down.

What Killed the Tech Podcasts

Have you noticed that all of the tech podcasts are falling off the web? Have you noticed the consistent demise of all of the top podcasts and low end podcasts? Have you not wondered why it all happened? I have the answer.
Did you not notice 3-4 years ago, all of the tech podcasters changed from disliking Apple products, to not going a full podcast without saying Apple or ipod or iphone at least 20 times?
That’s exactly what killed the podcast.
The podcasts became nothing but media focused on Apple. And well, the techy people are all Linux and Windows users. Why would you listen to some guy talk about how you have this fancy new feature in Apple products, that have been there for ever in Linux, if you are a Linux user?
There you go, you lost listeners. Maybe you shouldn’t have taken the kick back from Apple to promote their product. Sure you may have gotten a few sales, but you killed your whole media. The ones that went away got sick of not relating, while the ones who got the apple, were not that techy, but willing to learn, you showed them this thing you say will not break or get hacked So they have no reason to come back.

You sold out.

360 Degree Camera For Iphone 4S

With your Mouse and pointer, hit play, for the video to start. Once the video loads and begins to stream and you hear Chris start talking, click down with in the video and move your mouse left or right in the viewable area of the video and watch what happens.

Chris Pirillo from has helped fund a great ap and a gadget add on for your Iphone 4s, to record full 360 degree panoramic view. Allows you to record in 360 degrees of the position the Iphone is in. The app is called “GoPano
What can you don with a camera like this? unsuspected surveillance of the old couple behind you while you look like you are recording two birds in a meadow. Security of your house while you take off to some other state.
Or just a zillion and one hacks that can be done to this to bring the GoPano into more uses.

Reliant Energy Website Down

While trying to get a bill paid today, I found that Reliant’s website was down.
I thought “surely this is a mistake” I mean since they claim to be reliable.
I decided to go shopping and hoped to come back and pay my Reliant bill when I would get back home.
Now see. I am a bit behind on my payment so I am hoping the Reliant site comes back up soon.
Nope. Now they have a page that says they are down and will be back shortly.
but I noticed something.
Tell me if you see it.

Reliant Energy

Reliant Energy

do you see it?
Not like rolling around on the ground kicking your feet in the air funny. but enough to go “heh…. good eye dude”

No telling when they will be back up again.

Windows Xp Service pack 4 Please

Microsoft should put out a service pack 4 for windows xp.
A service pack that turns xp into any other operating system.

computer locked up

windows xp locked up

XP is the biggest failure of all Microsoft’s operating systems. I have spent countless hours looking at a computer screen doing exactly what that screen has on it. yep. Matching the win screen of solitaire.
Problem is, they listened to the hackers who griped about the flaws in the operating system. They listened to them so much, Microsoft lost site of the plan. Microsoft started fixing and patching and correcting the noted errors, instead of fix and patch function and appeal.
Truth is, if there is a hacker, there is a flaw. Not the other way around. If the computer tech dude, that is digging around, is techy enough, he will always find a flaw. All I.T. guys know that all I.T. guys think the other guy is an idiot, and they will dig for hours to prove it.
So Windows XP, stayed a hot wet steamy lump of of memory dump for how many years? Way to long.
Yet here I am, in an office that uses nothing but windows XP because some retarded guy who’s mom was best friends with the boss’s wife, has it installed on every single computer here. Can we safely tell the rainman “If you didn’t have such a learning disability, nothing would be backward designed here, please evolve us” ? or do we just keep saying “yes you are so smart, look at you.. You won that conversation. Loo at you… good boy”. Or should we pull out all guns, drop our modesty facade and humble this idiot?
Nope we just sit here and wish things were different.
Microsoft. please for the life of anything sane offer an optional service pack 4 that we can 4 dollars for and let the update turn us into windows vista.
Oh and I want my fricken progman back, If you bring program manager back, I will gladly fall in lust with (code name) windows 8 .
Nothing like turning off all themes and explorer.exe and running on multi cores and using almost no resources.

plan service pack 4 in request.

Truckster the Video Game

Here is a video game called Truckster. This is a car game that involves Delivering items from location to location in set times or better.

Play Truckster 2

The objective of Truckster is to deliver items from one location to the next.
press up to accelerate, press left to do wheely press right to make front dive down and rear raise up.
Excellent game for killing time at work.

Google Page Rank Not Working

Is your

Google Page Rank Not Working?

There is a fix to this issue for some tool barsĀ  Google PageRank Update Fix [Tips & Tricks]
Also linked for the TLDR people here Google PR is Not Dead
Everyone is seeing “not ranked” or “Unranked” or “page rank 0” when they check the page rank of their website. This has many SEO in a twist.
Some say it is good that we don’t have authority or organization, some say it’s a scary idea.. I believe it would be a scary idea.
Here you go.
The Google Page rank for tool bars query is not working properly today.
It seems the query site has been relocated to a different directory.
From what I am reading on the web, you will find the Page rank location somewhere near{gchecksum}&features=Rank&q=info:';

but, how to get it to work, you got me.
I have been at it but really am bothered by quite a bit right now.
So. since I got you this far, please come back when you get your page rank checker working and send me a message on how to get my page rank checker working.
Would have been polite if Google would have warned us this would happen.

I have now obtained a method of checking your page rank for multiple websites all at one time and you get to see the yahoo back link count and if the site is submitted to dmoz and alexa
Multiple page rank Checker

Quirk has fixed their page rank. here

What becomes of Apple now

Now that we have lost Steve Jobs, we have to question what will come of Apple. What will come of computers and cell phones from here?

My worry is that no one will fill Steve job’s spot and be creative and wise as he was all in one, and still run a company as he did.

If that will be the case, then we stand a chance of very little competition. with little competition, comes little growth through competitive progress processes. The desire to make your product better than the competition is what makes innovation. With less innovation by competitive motivation, we will become stale like a gaming console that floats 5-10 years without expansion or growth. We settle into acceptance and learn to just “deal with it “. Sometimes change is good for us. Options are even better for us.
So what becomes of Apple? what ever happens to apple, will reflect on what happens to Microsoft and what happens to Linux and what happens to Android, and to RIM and Symbian.

Will Apple consider this, Will it be easier and cheaper on Apple to just go for the lazy guy who doesn’t care? if so. It will be a fast sweep by Microsoft to take in Apple, and well… Linux would be a flash and soon forgotten.

Not to be a fear monger just trying to think ahead. Hopefully Apple is thinking ahead.


What comes of Apple and do they have an announcement coming soon? They very well should, if they want to keep their stock steady.

Ok you didn’t get your Iphone 5

Ok, so the Iphone 5 never happened and you got the Iphone4 with expansion pack. Do you really care?
Did you really think they would pop out a new Iphone only one year after the release of the Iphone4?
Iphone 4s sounds about right.
Sure you are upset and next week you will buy one like an apple zombie. They do this to you every single year.
You apple freaks give me a head ache.
First disappointment, then redemption with a hokus pokis act of a long winded story as to why the new phone is cool and you need one because it allows you to do something you could do already. And now it’s the “must have” phone. Every single year you do this.
In the end. The Iphone is just a phone. In the end the Iphone has a crappy battery life. If you use all of the cool features you added to your Iphone, you will drain the battery and not be able to make a phone call. yet every year, knowing it’s like this, march like a good little mac zombie and buy one.
Get over it, quit griping and start buying your new Iphone 4s already so you can be one of the first people say “yeah I bought one, they are awesome you should get one” and then when everyone gets one you can say “yeah I’ve had mine, I know it all, big deal” in the most smug manor. Like all mac tards.
Oh don’t forget when you are bragging about it, line for line, quote the article you read that hypnotized you so you sound like you know tech.