How to Get Traffic to your website FREE

There is no single post that teaches you to get more traffic. I have multiple pages that explain search engine optimization, Google index and link submissions. The intention is to help you build a better website, gain traffic, and be listed correctly in Google to help you gain traffic, and reduce people who just like to call every page on their website, what ever it is that gets them traffic, while not related to the search terms at all.

We all want to know How to Get Traffic to your website FREE. I know I do. I always look for ways to Get Traffic to my website. be it cheap or free, or anything that doesn’t cost me much.
So over the years I have picked up a few ideas and tips. Most of the Webmaster Search engine optimization knowledge, I got straight from Google. Google’s guidelines are what showed me how to properly index my website in Google and get listed with other websites for specific correct categories.
I have also come up with tricks or shortcuts that cut out all of the webdesign chaos that we normally have to face when we want people to find our websites. All of these tricks, I have posted them on the web so that I can help others get their site seen and yo get traffic to their websites, and to make sure the internet is not so messy anymore.

Here is a list of previous posts on the topic of  getting rank to your website.

Start with a good Website Template to work from. And of course a good website host (this is a sponsored link but I do use them)
Gaining Rank In Google
SEO KeyWord Analyzer
Selecting The Best Online Advertising
Search Engine Indexing
Site Submission Links
Always Check Page Rank
Check Site Owner Whois if you want to quickly see if a domain is available or soon to be.
SEO Tools

Main thing you need to know about getting traffic to your website, is make sure your content is something that a lot of people will want to read about, purchase, search for.  If you are building a website for teaching puppies how to do tricks, you will have more traffic on your website than some guy who is teaching how to properly sort flea shampoos at Wal~mart. obvious which one will be searched more.

This is not all there is to Webdesign. Not by a long shot. It is great to have good graphics on your website.So good knowledge of graphics design is a good thing. Good content and well worded descriptions of your content. You must have pictures for everything you are selling or giving away. People like pictures. They like pictures a lot. If you do not stick to at least the basic rules, you will not make it to the full 12 second attention window that people have, if they can even find you.
Seo is a fun game, when you get into understanding how you can get rank and get your website seen and how to work on indexing your website with Google and other search engines.

On another lower note, for all of the SEO and web-designers who build for other people. This link powweb try it and look at the cost, to show thanks please note that you got that link from me, I will get a discount on my next payment. Look. The first two years are an amazing cost, and each follow up is pretty typical, unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited email accounts. So, thank me with saying you got the link from here.

Domain Storage Half Off May 2011

It seems that Powweb is running a half off sale on their Website domain storage and free domain name sale.
I did not know this until I was at work and getting my boss off of our ten year old dedicated host server that kept crashing and only gave us like 200 mb of storage. My boss was paying $1800 a year for such service. We do not need that kind of server with that little of storage. Sure if they had given us 5 gb of storage, then a dedicated server would have been perfect. Then we could have put customer files on the server and gave them access to the files at break neck speeds. instead we had enough space for a 20 page website with one repeated flash image, and we were maxed out. 200 mb of storage does not go that far. On top of all of that, we had 250 mb limit per month. With no ability to run any scripts because the server was built in 1998 and only updated as far as it’s obsolete operating system is worth.
I called tech support to see if I could get anything done. The fees became unbelievable. That company was bad for the company I work for. Useless for creativity, and far antiquated.
So I mentioned that I use powwebto my boss and that I pay $130 a year, with unlimited emails, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited storage. That’s for domain name renewal and storage renewal. My boss was amazed at how I knocked the bill into less than 1/10th the cost of previous server bills. I requested he clicked the link on my website for the domain host and he just handed me the credit card and put me on it. While I was filling all of the totals out, I saw that I could get him 2 years for $93.12 on his domain storage. This of course I noticed when at the end it asked “did any refer you?” I selected “other” and then typed in my website address ( and it knocked off an extra $5 off of his bill.
When I showed him that he now has unlimited website storage and unlimited bandwidth and unlimited email accounts, he just grinned. didn’t say much after that. Kind of creeped me out but hey, I did good.

If you will notice, loads super fast and is rarely ever down. Then you know with everything unlimited and at half price, you are getting a great deal. Hope you do the wise thing and select more than one year because this sale will not last forever. I don’t even know if it will be on next month. They don’t really say much about that. probably a good idea to select two or more years. Imagine getting 5 years at the cost I pay for two. For five years you wouldn’t have to worry about your website storage, at all.

I can tell you that I have called their tech support and the phone was answered in seconds and the issue was resolved in a matter of minutes. And yes it was my fault for “learning how to do stuff” when I shouldn’t have been messing with stuff. but they restored me for free and got me running again in minutes.

Sprint the website

That has got to be the clunkiest website I have ever tried to navigate. You have to know what catagory everything is in, and I don’t mean simple categorization. I mean to find wireless internet prices you have to know how to find the usb cards they provide and then click it to se ethe price of the card and then click into that a bit to see what plans are available for that card . meanwhile all of their images are ads from a third party advertiser. I use a script that blocks all advertisement companies so half of sprint’s website does not even show.
Sprint, if you want to sell me a phone or wireless intenet please fix your dang site. No wonder no one buys your service anymore.. They can’t.

Real Side of Google Adsense

As of right now. What i am seeing this year with Google Adsense in statistics (based entirely on my websites) for page view to click through ratio, is 1/355. This is actually good. Considering that my websites are for people on a budget or people trying to increase their income, those are pretty high, no matter what place advertising affiliate you use. Face it, people on a budget aren’t looking for ways to spend money, and well, most advertisements on the internet are people selling stuff.
These past few months have been very kind to on Google Adsense. I have not seen anything close to this since 2007-2009.

I see other statistics that show 1/200 and some that say even better. That would be some heavy content with lots of talk about a specific product, to make Google match the content that dang close, so that the readers would be that dang interested in the ads..

but for about three years I barely even saw 50 clicks total. This was scary. and now I have to suspect it has to do with the economy. I event created a job site about employment site and motivation to help people stay at their job with a job search specific Google search on that site on the first page. you know what gets the most hits there? People searching for tricks to make unemployment keep paying. if they only knew how detailed that searcher was and how great the results were they would know they could find the amount of job apps in their local area they need to fill out to keep unemployment happy. But what ever. My point is, people are searching for free money. Not to spend it.  This was clearly an economic issue.

Those days are over. Google seems to be doing very well with their latest update to their servers. I am seeing way more readers than before. Almost triple the count I saw in 07 per month. 07 was my best year. FYI.

So if you are thinking of using some other affiliate, I can assure you they do not have near as good of an advertisement systems as Google Adsense. Unless you get a direct advertiser on your website that pays you a set amount for the space you give them, no advertising company out there can compare to Adsense. and yes I have had my rants in the past, but the new Google tweaks are direct and spot on on.

If you are trying to decide whether or not to use Google Adwords to advertise your products, I suggest you try it for a short time and see what kind of traffic you get. I promise they will post you on the correct websites. Their nearest affiliate competitor will just slap you on any old website talking about any old thing. If you sell computers on your website, you do not want to be coming up on websites about coffee tables. Adwords will work wonders for your products. You will get correct traffic.

One thing that gets to me is the way that your ad value goes down as you get more clicks on one specific spot on one specific page. You would actually think that spot would gain value because the spot is marketed well by the page’s content. Seems that is not the case. I mean if the spot talks chili all the time, and people click the ads for the chili recipe, then the cost for that spot should go up. Right? but it does not. You would suspect that multiple companies selling the same product would be climbing over the top of each other to be placed on that spot. Especially if that spot draws traffic for that content. I mean why would you want to have your chilli advertised anywhere other than a spot that gets people saying “oh look at that, they sell chilli!” but,For some reason that spot’s value goes down, the more the clicks it receives. That’s a bit gloomy to learn.

Good luck and happy websiting.


Match Might be Digging to much Personal Information

A woman got violated while on a date that she set up on So now Match is going to screen users for background checks to weed out sexual offenders. To many people this sounds great. but what if the woman met the man by old school means. like in a bar or at the grocery store or while picking up her grand mother from the old folks home? Would the owner of the facility be responsible for not screening the people that come in to their facility? This leads to lots of innocent people getting violated by an imperfect system. This is people’s private records, identification numbers, driver license numbers and social security number obtained by a piddly website that has lots of spam bots in it’s system, holding information that could lead to your personal identity being stolen.
With the fall of epsilon being hacked by grade school kids, we need to not visit a website that wants this kind of legal right to request such personal information.
Sure safety is great and you can think that if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about. Great, paint your social security number on the side of you car and think that no one reads anything or knows what to do with it any way.
The more you fall into trying to secure things and make it safer, the more vulnerable you make yourself.

I personally am not giving up the legal right to dig into my legal records.

I am offended by how open the news and media is about this. Just because a woman may have got groped or what ever the case is, you should not violate the rest of the planet. If you feel unsafe being there after reading the end user license agreement, then leave and don’t come back.
I actually tried Match many years ago. It took almost 8 years to get to stop sending me emails saying that someone was wanting to talk to me.I canceled my account and still got notice that someone wanted to talk to me, so I would foolishly log back in every two or three years and re-activate my account, and then find that I had no emails, no person wanting to contact me.
To me, these are foul tactics. And chances are, Match is the trooper to get a new law out that will sweep across all websites. and in doing so Match will get more advertisement for it’s self than it has ever had in it’s 10-15 years active.
funny thing is, I bet I get an email from them telling me to update my information or my account will be deleted. I bet this repeats it’s self twice a week for the next three years.

My two cents.

Search Engine Indexing

First get some good SEO Tools and a good webhost  powweb if you haven’t already got unlimited domain storage and low yearly fees.
If you can not find your website in search engines (Google, Bing), then your website is not indexed. Or your search term that you think your website is about, is not what The search engines have you indexed as. You need to optimize your website. Optimization is not just about making your website fast. Optimization is about using all optimal components of your websites design, to bring you traffic, and make return traffic to your website. Return traffic to your website means your site has been designed well, looks good and your content is exactly what the person was looking for. This is proper optimization.
So, how do you get your website listed in search engines like Google and Bing?
It’s not complicated to get your website indexed, and you don’t have to buy some software.
We have all seen Google just did it’s huge update to the way it indexes websites. And we see page rank coming back. This is a great deal. We also see relevance to what you are searching for and it’s closest proximity to the location of your ip address. We also see that Google has given us a real time display of results as you type your search into the search field. This fast work on Google’s part. The results are accurate to the existing text and the results change as you type more and refine your search to a more detailed inquiry.
How do you make this work for you?
You have to know how Search engines see your website.
You have to stay with in the guidelines of all search engines. And yes this can seem like a crazy format for writing content to your website, but you have to do it.
Think of your content. What is your article about? Write that word down on a peice of paper , label that piece of paper “keywords”. Try and think of everything that goes with that first main keyword. Like if you are selling locks, your keyword there is locks. What goes great with locks? Maybe a door??? and so on. till you have 15-30 keywords.
Write good legible logical content using the keywords you selected. It does not hurt to say the keywords a couple times. Especially the main keyword. because well it’s all about locks. but do not over do it. Try and set yourself at about 5 times per keyword. This will keep you from filling your page with that one word, and it makes your written content bearable to read by the customer. If Search engines do not like your content, humans surely will not.
Meta tags. You have to use meta tags to tell the search engines what your keywords are.
They look like this .

<META NAME=”KEYWORDS” CONTENT=”keywords,here,use,commas”>

Put your keywords in there and order them by level of importance. Main keyword up front far left. Or you can do them by order of appearance. I do this and it works great for me.

It takes a week or so for Google to find you by the keywords you chose. Your site will be sorted by these keywords, once it is verified as being relevant to your content.

Once your site gets traffic via searches, and said traffic that hits your site, stays with in your site (because your content is actually interesting, relevant to the search, etc.), before returning to searching for the same topic, or the search stops there, Google will then index your website as being relevant to the searches you created your keywords for. Your website will then have one page indexed for it’s content.

You must optimize every single page of your website. When doing that, you must make every page of your website of a value to your company. You must make the  keywords for each page of your website relevant to each page alone. Once you have multiple pages that Google indexes as relevant to specific topics, and that each topic is associated to the website in a whole, you will then begin to gain page rank. Once you gain Google rank you will then be considered before websites that do not have rank as being informative for searches related to your website.

Do not just create pages on your website, just to have pages. If you are trying to sell a product, you want every page of your website to be an informative ad for one of your products.
Do not make an integrity page. If you want to sell people on how you “stand by your product” or “push forward and make the customer #1 priority”, go start a Facebook page. You are selling a product and if someone lands on that page and no where in that page is anything they are looking for, they will be very upset and will avoid your website next time, because it is a bummer to read everything about how you have honor but never mention how much memory the product holds, dimensions, amount of glow, how many miles per gallon it consumes. It is ok to mention your Honor somewhere in the product description. but not necessary. They are looking for the product.
Do not focus your website in flash. As nifty as you think flash is. Flash is slower to load, Flash is hard to read by Google. Flash is ok as decoration and attention sparkle. But completely useless when getting indexed in Google.
Do not play music on your website. Not everyone likes that song.
Do not over submit your website. if you submit your website more than one time to Google, you will be red flagged as spam. If your website suddenly shows up linked from 1000 websites in less than week, you may draw a bit to much attention to your website. You will get looked at and looked over with a fine comb. If every website that links to you shows the exact same text repeatedly, you will be considered spam and you will have wasted time. Lots of time.
Do not just target your most expensive product. Target your most popular product more than anything. You want to dominate in that product. You know what they are looking for when they find you, now make your site reflect that.

If you feel you must use an SEO company.
To thoroughly get your money worth of your Search Engine Optimization company you chose, Be very descriptive of your company. Make sure the search engine optimization company has deep details of your products. Give them the cut sheets and HOWTO manuals of your products. How the products are used and how they are associated to other products. You can not just call someone and say ” I need my website found in Google and just do not feel like doing all of the work”. Remember, this person works on websites. They know nothing of your product and it will take lots of study for them to build your website as knowledgeable of your product as you are. So it would be in your best interest to have target products, target information and let them know your needs. Otherwise you are just asking a stranger to be your number one sales person. Without training.

Getting your website into search engines such as Google or Bing, is not very complicated. As long as you build your website without stupid cheesy tricks. You know what cheesy is and you know what is a stupid trick. You know that most of the junk you want to put on your website, a 5 year old can see through them. So don’t do it. Just be informative, build clean and be interesting.
PS, Sorry for the typos. I’m sure there are many. I did this with my cell phone.

Twittoaster Calls it Quits

The owner of Twittoaster has called it quits.

He has begun the shutting down of his service. Your WordPress ap that automatically posts to twitter, will work no more.

Here is his farewell.

It seems the work was to much.

The ap writer was hired on with twitter last year and made an announcement that twittoaster would likely shut down. So today you get a notice in your WordPress script saying to update your twittoaster, after you update your twittoaster you get another notice it says

Twitoaster Plugin is deprecated! Please read this announcement for more information

When you visit the site and read the farewell and all of the responses, you sink into your chair. because you know, that things will soon be different, and you now know that you just lost a great ap for getting traffic to your website. You seo skills will have to be honed a bit better to the old ways.

Yet another great ap is dead. kind of like jaiku.


Facebook Virus FARM

The Real Post about the Face Book Spider Bite scam video

The Virus is called “Koobface”
These are the koobface facebook virus files you need to kill
fbtre6.exe , mstre6.exe
These are the registry entries you have to remove from registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run\”systray” = “c:\windows\mstre6.exe”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run\”systray” = “C:\Windows\fbtre6.exe”

People.. Please. The same stupid virus that has been getting you people since back in the first days of Myspace, is now getting you guys again on Facebook. The virus says ” Wow I can’t believe I can really see who looks at my profile” maybe an exclamation point or two.

How to fix the Facebook virus issue.

Please start with running a virus scan. Any of a good selection of virus scanners will do. If one virus scanner does not find the Facebook virus, try another. There are many listed on that page.
If you can access another computer, please change your Facebook password from another computer while the scanning goes on.
and delete any posts that link to the virus. GO TO YOUR PROFILE TO SEE ALL THE POSTS YOU MADE. You have to delete them to do your part in containing the issue.

I have been fighting the whole facebook hack junk since the end of 2010

Please people, you have to look at the links, look at the Facebook Status posts before you just go wildly clicking.


So in this order: scan your computer for a virus, change your password, delete bad posts. done.

How did you get hacked so fast?
You clicked the link, it used some of the Facebook authentication certificate and fooled your computer into trusting it, it gave up your password that you have saved (to make it easier to log in next time). BAM.
The bad ones are from you downloading something that was titled funny so you just had to see what it was.

Also if you are not into the free software that I link on the next page… Look to the right, there are legit ads from Google. Any of them will do. Google only recommends the good stuff. I can assure you that your virus will be removed using Norton or Macafee or any of the big name paid real virus scanners.

Please hit the share button below for your friends on facebook.

Selling off Some sites

I have a few site domain names I am selling off.


banned user Banned user was to be a website for the craziest of the internet users to go to. No advertisements nothing. To just let people go nuts in the forum. but instead it turn into a place I list i.p. addresses I ban from all of my wordpress websites.

On My Front Lawn On my Front Lawn, was to be a competitor to craig’s list, but for now it’s just a place I use to try and get rid of my working but used electronics.

I Work With People was to be a fun site ranting about working in retail. . But now it’s just a blog to help people do better in their career. With a job search for those who need to just find a better job and get a better life.

I Work With Music. Was to be a place for musicians to post their link to their site and leave a bio. all for free. After a year of very few bands showing up. Turned it into a wordpress built site with with news and updates about musicians, local music dates and reviews and music news. It gets old.

I Work With Tech Place to sell my technical services. Computer repair and other technical services I have to offer.

Starcraft II Clans For a video game community.

Grand Theft Auto Clans Another video game community.

Hate Filled Soul was a myspace mobsters website.

These are all websites that are for sell. Yeah I gave a description of what they currently are in Google for  so you have an idea of what you are working with when you buy these websites. These sites are for sell. The prices you see on the sites are showing what I want. I did set a total of what I will settle for to sell these sites quicker. I can’t take less for them because I have way to much time invested in SEO for these sites.

So if you are looking to buy a website that is already in Google These domain names are for sell. That is all that is for sell, just the domain names. If you like the content on any of the websites for sell, and if the website is built in wordpress, I can export the content and you can work out importing the content to your location. Any of the users that frequent the forums at gaming sites, I will not be giving up their information, but  you can join the sites before the domain is transferred, and you can message the users about the new change and your plans and tell them how long before the site is back up. I will work with you on that.

So if you want to buy a website look at the list here.

Selecting The Best Online Advertising

If you own your own company and have yourself a website that needs more traffic from more customers, then you might want to look into online advertising. With that you may also want to consider being on as many websites as possible, to draw traffic to your website to possibly look at your items for sell.
To best figure out what advertising affiliate to select, do a search using Google and another search using Bing, do three searches of three totally different topics, click the top three results in each search engine and pay close attention to what company is used to supply advertisements to the pages you landed on.
In the end you have looked at 27 pages of the 27 pages one advertising company should show up more than the rest. Usually you can tell what advertising company they use by looking around the border of the images, Some of Google’s ads you may have to wave your mouse over them to see who it is that is used for the affiliate program.
What ever Affiliate program you see the most of, use them.
I prefer to use Google Adwords for the people and companies I build websites for, simply because Adwords is owned and ran by Google. If you do a search in Google, typically the top three links in search results, will be paid results through Adwords. This gets the resulting website more attention than a site that is not listed in the top three.
You would not believe how many people do not know that.
Bing does the same thing, with the search results. but so far I have not found a way to advertise bing ads on my website. This of course reduces the number of websites available to display your ads. Just the opposite with other affiliate companies, most other affiliate companies do not have their own search engine. If they do, I have never heard of it.
If you have no idea how to find the sites related to the ads, typically you can click on the “Advertise here” link and that will take you into the account creation, and just select to not just advertise on that page. Customize your whole ad display yourself and you should be fine. With Google ads you can just go to that will take you to the account set up.
Now you can try the low budget advertising affiliates if you just do not have enough to spend. it would probably be in your best interest.. Kinda. Google’s fees are more than competitive and their system is pretty well worked out to prevent people from scamming the advertisers. Some of the other sites have pretty loose protection plans for the customers. Ever get a million pop ups? They have never been Google pop ups.
Facebook ads work great if you are selling nice looking sun glasses, or shoes or rims. After that, Facebook ads are worthless and cost way to much for very little results. People on Facebook are not looking for anything other than chatting with their friends. People in search engines, are looking for something. Although Facebook Contextual advertising, is a pretty close second to Google Contextual advertising. Now that is the best creation that Google ever had. Want to target customers? Make sure your ads are in relation to the content on the website they are at. So use your tags well.
There is a horrible downside to Facebook ads, is that there are far too many click farms that frequent Facebook who are there just to click ads of any product that is not the product their company is promoting. What this means is that every click on Facebook ads that you have displayed, costs you money. When enough clicks happen you run out of money and another ad takes it’s place. Eventually the product that the click bank is advertising becomes a more dominant ad. Facebook used to be a great place to market your product, but those days are long gone unless you have the money to buy the services of a click farm. Which most of us do not.
Here’s a video that somewhat covers how Facebook ads are worthless
Here is a definition of a click farm.
Here is an idea how the advertisers work.
Good luck.